154 research outputs found
Peningkatan Pelayanan Service Advisor Dengan Menerapkan Metode Quality Function Deployment Di Auto 2000 Hr. Muhammad Surabaya
Industri yang bergerak dibidang jasa mengalami peningkatan, demikian juga dengan industri jasa bengkel. Kenaikan tersebut sangat berdampak pada persaingan bisnis antar badan USAha sejenis. Oleh karena itu bagi jasa bengkel Auto 2000 juga ingin tetap eksis dan berkembang, dan mengedepankan kualitas pelayanan, karena kualitas pelayanan sudah menjadi tolak ukur bagi setiap konsumen pengguna jasa tersebut. Dalam pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah Cluster Random Sampling, variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fasilitas service, penerimaan service, pelaksanaan service serta penyerahan dan tindak lanjut service, dan masing-masing variabel terdiri atas beberapa sub variabel. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kecermatan petugas service dalam menanggapi keluhan pelanggan adalah kebutuhan yang paling dipentingkan oleh para pelanggan dengan nilai tertinggi 4,49. Kemudian perlu diketahui juga berapa kesenjangan/gap antara kepuasan dengan harapan pelanggan. Dari hasil analisa diperoleh bahwa kebutuhan pelanggan dalam kemudahan membuat perjanjian service menepati urutan pertama dengan nilai gap sebesar -0,20. Sedangkan untuk nilai gap kualitas pelayanan secara keseluruhan adalah sebesar –0,0553 yang artinya kualitas belum memenuhi harapan pelanggan
UKM Industri Tempe Sumber Makmur yang dimiliki Ibu Umar ini berlokasi di Dusun Kauman RT. 03, RW. 01 Gang Sakura 2 No. 57 Desa Sepande Kabupaten Sidoarjo, merupakan salah satu usaha tempe yang masih produktif hingga kini di antara berbagai masalah yang dihadapi. Berdasarkan identifikasi, masalah pada UKM ini meliputi 2 bidang yaitu 1) Bidang Produksi yang terkait dengan ketidakstabilan harga dan stok bahan baku, menurunnya produktivitas, ketatnya persaingan, kurangnya dukungan infrastruktur dan pemerintah, serta minimnya peran koperasi dan 2) Bidang Manajemen terkait dengan kesulitan pemasaran, tidak adanya regenerasi, kurangnya kemampuan manajerial, kreativitas dan inovasi, minimnya modal, dan cepatnya perubahan selera masyarakat. Beberapa solusi dalam memecahkan masalah tersebut adalah: 1). Pada bidang produksi, solusinya dengan menggunakan bahan baku pengganti dengan tetap mempertimbangkan kualitas, meningkatkan produktivitas, dan daya saing dengan mengimplementasikan inovasi mesin pengupas kulit ari kedelai yang efisien. 2). Pada bidang manajemen melalui workshop dan pelatihan tentang penggunaan inovasi mesin yang efisien, perencanaan dan pengendalian produksi, manajemen administrasi, dan optimalisasi pengawasan hasil produksi. Setelah kegiatan, diharapkan semua pihak mendapat manfaat berupa peningkatan hasil produksi dan produktivitas dengan diterapkannya inovasi mesin pengupas kulit ari kedelai, agar tercapai kemandirian mitra dan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar
Peningkatan Pelayanan Service Advisor dengan Menerapkan Metode Quality Function Deployment di Auto 2000 Hr. Muhammad Surabaya
Abstrak  Industri yang bergerak dibidang jasa mengalami peningkatan, demikian juga dengan industri jasa bengkel. Kenaikan tersebut sangat berdampak pada persaingan bisnis antar badan usaha sejenis. Oleh karena itu bagi jasa bengkel Auto 2000 juga ingin tetap eksis dan berkembang, dan mengedepankan kualitas pelayanan, karena kualitas pelayanan sudah menjadi tolak ukur bagi setiap konsumen pengguna jasa tersebut. Dalam pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah Cluster Random Sampling, variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fasilitas service, penerimaan service, pelaksanaan service serta penyerahan dan tindak lanjut service, dan masing-masing variabel terdiri atas beberapa sub variabel. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kecermatan petugas service dalam menanggapi keluhan pelanggan adalah kebutuhan yang paling dipentingkan oleh para pelanggan dengan nilai tertinggi 4,49. Kemudian perlu diketahui juga berapa kesenjangan/gap antara kepuasan dengan harapan pelanggan. Dari hasil analisa diperoleh bahwa kebutuhan pelanggan dalam kemudahan membuat perjanjian service menepati urutan pertama dengan nilai gap sebesar -0,20. Sedangkan untuk nilai gap kualitas pelayanan secara keseluruhan adalah sebesar –0,0553 yang artinya kualitas belum memenuhi harapan pelanggan. Kata Kunci : Keputusan, Pelayanan dan Kualita
Analisis Secara Bakteriologik, Imunoserologik dan Polymerase Chain Reaction terhadap Sampel Pasien Suspek Limfadenitis tuberkulosis
Latar Belakang: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kemampuan tes imunoserologi, bakteriologi dan sitologi untuk mendeteksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis berdasarkan tes Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) pada penderita suspek limfadenitis tuberkulosa. Penelitian dilakukan secara cross sectional pada 35 sampel di RS Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, RSD Labuang Baji, Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi Swasta dan Laboratorium Biologi Molekuler Fakultas Kedokteran Unhas. Ditemukan hasil positif paling banyak berturut-turut pada tes sitologi (80%), tes ICT (68,5%), tes PCR (62,8%), tes apusan basil tahan asam (BTA) (31,5%). Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas tes sitologi (72,3% dan 7,69%), tes ICT (63,64% dan 23,08%), dan tes apusan BTA (22,73% dan 58,85%) terhadap PCR. Sedangkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas kombinasi tes Mycotec TB dengan BTA (22,73% dan 84,62%), kombinasi tes ICT dengan sitologi (50% dan 30,77%) dan kombinasi tes BTA dengan sitologi (22,73% dan 61,54%). Tes sitologi mempunyai sensitivitas yang paling tinggi terhadap PCR lalu diikuti oleh tes ICT, tes apusan BTA, sedangkan spesifisitasnya paling tinggi pada tes apusan BTA, lalu tes ICT dan tes sitologi. Nilai sensitivitas kombinasi tes ICT dengan sitologi lebih tinggi daripada kombinasi tes ICT dengan BTA dan kombinasi tes BTA dengan tes sitologi BTA yang mempunyai nilai yang sama.
This book chapter for medical students and researcherTuberculosis is still one of the leading causes of death by infectious diseases with 2 million\ud
deaths per year and 9.2 million new cases of tuberculosis disease annually [1-3]. Besides, more\ud
than 2 milliard people are infected with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) [1-3]. Despite\ud
continuous effort in the prevention, monitoring and treatment of tuberculosis, the disease\ud
remains a major health problem in many countries [4-6], particularly in developing countries\ud
like Indonesia [7]. National tuberculosis programs and other programs conducted by foreign\ud
organizations still fail to eliminate the transmission and incidence of tuberculosis. Transmis???\ud
sion is even on the rise in developing countries despite the availability of effective therapies\ud
for tuberculosis, whereas the spread and the incidence of tuberculosis in Europe and North\ud
America are under control. Several reasons may be responsible for this failure, such us the\ud
difficulty of providing adequate anti-tuberculosis medication in many developing countries\ud
due to cost issues, the emergence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains of M. tuberculosis, and\ud
the dramatically high co-incidence of tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients [2, 7]. Another\ud
important issue is delay of diagnosis due to the lack of a proper method to identify tuberculosis\ud
agents [1, 8].\ud
Smear is the cheapest and most widely available detection method for M. tuberculosis. In this\ud
technique, the diagnosis of tuberculosis is based on identification of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in\ud
a patient`s sputum [9, 10]. Many staining techniques are available for AFB smear, the most\ud
common one of which is the modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Unfortunately, the sensitivity and\ud
the specificity of those techniques are low due to difficulty in the identification and differen???\ud
tiation of the various species of M. tuberculosis [10]. Two studies found that the AFB smear was\ud
positive in only half of patients with subsequent culture positive for M. tuberculosis [9, 10].\ud
Another worldwide available detection method is the conventional culture method onLowenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium. This method is the gold standard in the identification of M.\ud
tuberculosis and still serves as the reference method due to its high sensitivity (89%) and\ud
specificity (98%) [4, 7, 9, 10]. However, this technique requires equipments or materials that\ud
are often unavailable in resource-poor settings. In addition, this technique is time consuming;\ud
the results only can be obtained after 6???12 weeks. In addition, the incidence of other bacterial\ud
contamination on culture tends to be high [7, 11]. Even a modern culture method such as the\ud
BACTEC MGIT 960 culture system, which uses the modified Middlebrook 7H9 broth and a\ud
fluorescent signaling system, allows for earlier detection of growth, but still takes at least 10\ud
days to give any result [9].\ud
The goal of tuberculosis control programs is to identify and to cure as many cases as\ud
possible; therefore the critical role of early diagnosis is obvious [11]. Under-diagnosis may\ud
lead to further spread of the disease because undiagnosed patients can spread the disease\ud
unnoticeably [11]. Accurate and early diagnosis is the first important step to effective\ud
management. Several new methods for the identification of tuberculosis are available,\ud
which including serologic tests and also various molecular methods developed as a result\ud
of major advances in understanding the genetic aspects of tuberculosis [8, 9, 11]. Those\ud
detection methods can be grouped into two types First, by detection of mycobacteria or\ud
its components directly; second by measurement of immunologic responses to mycobacte???\ud
rium infection [9]. In this chapter we present a short review of some these promising\ud
detection methods used in the laboratory to identify tuberculosis
Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Kariadi is a hospital in the city of Semarang. A significant increase in population is a concern in the hospital’s service quality. One of may ways is to improve the quality of service to match the expectations of consumers. This study discusses the application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) with the aim of determining customer requirements so that every level and functional area of the hospital would be able to take action on the existing functional services.
The Samples of this research are 100 consumers of Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Kariadi. The data used were obtained through questionnaires and direct interviews. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis. Based on House of Quality (HOQ), QFD analysis is made to improve the quality.
The plan of service quality improvement in RSUP Dr. Kariadi goes pretty well. However, the number of respondents with low satisfaction level is the highest among the other categories. The findings of this research are the availability of adequate and safe parking is an important requirement for the consumers of RSUP Dr. Kariadi. Other findings mentions consumers in RSUP Dr. Kariadi needs the comfort and tranquility of the hospital environment
Deteksi Mutasi Gen Gyrase a Porphyromonas Gingivalis Resisten Terhadap Ciprofloxacin Berdasarkan Teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction
One of resistance mechanisms to ciprofloxacin shown by bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis isolated from periodontitis patients is mutations of genes through changes in DNA topoisomerase. Ciprofloxacin is an effective antimicrobial for Gram-negative bacteria effectively used for clinical infections treatment. The purpose of this research was to determine the gene mutation of P. gingivalis on periodontitis patients in relation to the resistance to ciprofloxacin by using disc diffusion and, followed by RFLP-PCR on P.gingivalis samples. Based on sensitivity tests by diffusion method, it was shown that the sensitive samples (n =13) had the highest inhibition zone diameter (mean= 25 mm), while the intermediate samples (n=1) was 19 mm. Examination using RFLP-PCR for 14 samples did not reveal any mutation of gyrase A gene
Analysis of the Level of Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Convenience of Using a Pedal Powered Water Pump for Irrigation Activities
Purpose: Analyze the level of efficiency, effectiveness, and convenience of using a pedal-powered water pump for irrigation activities.
Design/methodology/approach: This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting interviews, observations, and documentation on farmers in Carat Village, Pasuruan Regency and conducting descriptive analysis of the data that has been collected.
Findings: The results show that the use of a pedal-powered water pump has various benefits, including efficiency, effectiveness, convenience for farmers, and other benefits.
Research limitation/implications: This research is limited to land that has the same geographical conditions
Practical implications: This research is limited to land that has the same geographical conditions.
Originality/value: This research is original
Paper type: Research pape
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