5,614 research outputs found

    Central galaxy growth and feedback in the most massive nearby cool core cluster

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    We present multi-wavelength observations of the centre of RXCJ1504.1-0248 - the galaxy cluster with the most luminous and relatively nearby cool core at z~0.2. Although there are several galaxies within 100 kpc of the cluster core, only the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), which lies at the peak of the X-ray emission, has blue colours and strong line-emission. Approximately 80 Msun/yr of intracluster gas is cooling below X-ray emitting temperatures, similar to the observed UV star formation rate of ~140 Msun/yr. Most star formation occurs in the core of the BCG and in a 42 kpc long filament of blue continuum, line emission, and X-ray emission, that extends southwest of the galaxy. The surrounding filamentary nebula is the most luminous around any observed BCG. The number of ionizing stars in the BCG is barely sufficient to ionize and heat the nebula, and the line ratios indicate an additional heat source is needed. This heat source can contribute to the H\alpha-deduced star formation rates (SFRs) in BCGs and therefore the derived SFRs should only be considered upper limits. AGN feedback can slow down the cooling flow to the observed mass deposition rate if the black hole accretion rate is of the order of 0.5 Msun/yr at 10% energy output efficiency. The average turbulent velocity of the nebula is vturb ~325 km/s which, if shared by the hot gas, limits the ratio of turbulent to thermal energy of the intracluster medium to less than 6%.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS in press. Corrected typo in abstract

    The host galaxy of the z=2.4 radio-loud AGN MRC 0406-244 as seen by HST

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    We present multicolour Hubble Space Telescope images of the powerful z=2.4 radio galaxy MRC 0406-244 and model its complex morphology with several components including a host galaxy, a point source, and extended nebular and continuum emission. We suggest that the main progenitor of this radio galaxy was a normal, albeit massive (M ~10^{11} solar masses), star-forming galaxy. The optical stellar disc of the host galaxy is smooth and well described by a S\'ersic profile, which argues against a recent major merger, however there is also a point-source component which may be the remnant of a minor merger. The half-light radius of the optical disc is constrained to lie in the range 3.5 to 8.2kpc, which is of similar size to coeval star forming galaxies. Biconical shells of nebular emission and UV-bright continuum extend out from the host galaxy along the radio jet axis, which is also the minor axis of the host galaxy. The origin of the continuum emission is uncertain, but it is most likely to be young stars or dust-scattered light from the AGN, and it is possible that stars are forming from this material at a rate of 200^{+1420}_{-110} solar masses per year.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Engineering Test Facility (ETF) 200 MWe power plant. Design Requirements Document (DRD)

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    A description and the design requirements for the 200 MWe (nominal) net output MHD Engineering Test Facility (ETF) Conceptual Design, are presented. Performance requirements for the plant are identified and process conditions are indicated at interface stations between the major systems comprising the plant. Also included are the description, functions, interfaces and requirements for each of these major systems. The lastest information (1980-1981) from the MHD technology program are integrated with elements of a conventional steam electric power generating plant

    Serological evidence of cross infection in a dialysis unit hepatitis-B epidemic

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    Serological evidence of cross infection in a dialysis unit hepatitis-B epidemic. This study provides serological as well as epidemiological evidence that a dialysis unit hepatitis-B epidemic was spread by cross contamination. There were 74 patients and staff who developed HB-Ag-positive hepatitis during a 28-month hospital surveillance period. Twenty-six of these cases were intimately related to the dialysis unit (21 dialysis/transplant patients and five hospital staff) and 58 were not. Representative sera from each group of cases were further tested for HB-Ag subtype specificity. Thirteen of 14 dialysis/transplant patients had subtype ay whereas ten of 15 general hospital patients had the alternate phenotype ad. All four staff who had probably acquired their infection from dialysis/transplant patients were ay subtype. Eight of the dialysis/transplant patients had never received blood. Transfusion rate in the infected dialysis patients was one-third that of leukemic patients but the hepatitis rate was higher.Preuve sérologique d'une contamination croisée dans une unité de dialyse par le virus B de l'hépatite. Ce travail apporte les preuves sérologiques et épidémiologiques de la contamination croisée d'une unité d'hémodialyse par le virus B de l'hépatite. Soixante-quatorze malades et membres de l'équipe ont développé une hépatite HB-Ag positive dans les 28 mois de la surveillance de l'hôpital. Vingt-six de ces cas ont été liés étroitement à la dialyse (21 malades de dialyse ou transplantation et 5 membres de l'équipe) et 58 ne l'étaient pas. Dans chaque groupe de cas le sérum a été étudié pour identifier les phénotypes de HB-Ag. Treize des 14 malades de dialyse ou transplantation avaient le phénotype ay alors que 10 parmi 15 des malades de l'hôpital général avaient l'autre phénotype ad. Les quatre membres de l'équipe qui avaient probablement contracté leur infection à partir de malades de transplantation ou de dialyse avaient le phénotype ay. Huit des malades de dialyse ou de transplantation n'avaient jamais reçu de sang. Le débit transfusions chez les malades en dialyse atteints par l'hépatite était le tiers de celui des malades leucémiques mais l'incidence de l'hépatite a été plus grande chez les premiers

    Galaxy protocluster candidates around z ~ 2.4 radio galaxies

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    We study the environments of 6 radio galaxies at 2.2 < z < 2.6 using wide-field near-infrared images. We use colour cuts to identify galaxies in this redshift range, and find that three of the radio galaxies are surrounded by significant surface overdensities of such galaxies. The excess galaxies that comprise these overdensities are strongly clustered, suggesting they are physically associated. The colour distribution of the galaxies responsible for the overdensity are consistent with those of galaxies that lie within a narrow redshift range at z ~ 2.4. Thus the excess galaxies are consistent with being companions of the radio galaxies. The overdensities have estimated masses in excess of 10^14 solar masses, and are dense enough to collapse into virizalised structures by the present day: these structures may evolve into groups or clusters of galaxies. A flux-limited sample of protocluster galaxies with K < 20.6 mag is derived by statistically subtracting the fore- and background galaxies. The colour distribution of the protocluster galaxies is bimodal, consisting of a dominant blue sequence, comprising 77 +/- 10% of the galaxies, and a poorly populated red sequence. The blue protocluster galaxies have similar colours to local star-forming irregular galaxies (U -V ~ 0.6), suggesting most protocluster galaxies are still forming stars at the observed epoch. The blue colours and lack of a dominant protocluster red sequence implies that these cluster galaxies form the bulk of their stars at z < 3.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Enhanced heterogeneity of rpoB in Mycobacterium tuberculosis found at low pH.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to gain an insight into the molecular mechanisms of the evolution of rifampicin resistance in response to controlled changes in the environment. METHODS: We determined the proportion of rpoB mutants in the chemostat culture and characterized the sequence of mutations found in the rifampicin resistance-determining region of rpoB in a steady-state chemostat at pH 7.0 and 6.2. RESULTS: The overall proportion of rpoB mutants of strain H37Rv remained constant for 37 days at pH 7.0, ranging between 3.6 x 10(-8) and 8.9 x 10(-8); however, the spectrum of mutations varied. The most commonly detected mutation, serine to leucine mutation at codon 531 (S531L), increased from 40% to 89%, while other mutations (S531W, H526Y, H526D, H526R, S522L and D516V) decreased over the 37 day sampling period. Changing the pH from 7.0 to 6.2 did not significantly alter the overall proportion of mutants, but resulted in a decrease in the percentage of strains harbouring S531L (from 89% to 50%) accompanied by an increase in the range of different mutations from 4 to 12. CONCLUSIONS: The data confirm that the fitness of strains with the S531L mutation is greater than that of strains containing other mutations. We also conclude that at low pH the environment is permissive for a wider spectrum of mutations, which may provide opportunities for a successful mutant to survive

    Thyroid hormones correlate with resting metabolic rate, not daily energy expenditure, in two charadriiform seabirds

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    K. Woo, M. Le Vaillant, T. van Nus, and especially A. Wesphal, J. Schultner and I. Dorresteijn, assisted with field work, often under unpleasant conditions. K. Wauthier was instrumental in wrestling the gamma counter into submission. P. Redman and C. Hambly conducted the isotopic analyses. K. Scott and K. Campbell provided the FoxBox. K.H.E. benefited from a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Vanier Scholarship, Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies Garfield Weston Northern Studies Award and the Arctic Institute of North America Jennifer Robinson Scholarship. Research support came from Bird Studies Canada/Society of Canadian Ornithologists James Baillie Award, Animal Behavior Society Research Grant, American Ornithologists’ Union Research Grant, Frank Chapman Research Grant, the Waterbird Society Nisbet Grant and NSERC Discovery Grants to J.F.H. and W.G.A. Any use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Conceptual design of the MHD Engineering Test Facility

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    The reference conceptual design of the MHD engineering test facility, a prototype 200 MWe coal-fired electric generating plant designed to demonstrate the commerical feasibility of open cycle MHD is summarized. Main elements of the design are identified and explained, and the rationale behind them is reviewed. Major systems and plant facilities are listed and discussed. Construction cost and schedule estimates are included and the engineering issues that should be reexamined are identified

    A SINFONI view of flies in the Spiderweb: a galaxy cluster in the making

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    The environment of the high-z radio galaxy PKS 1138-262 at z~2.2 is a prime example of a forming galaxy cluster. We use deep SINFONI data to perform a detailed study of the kinematics of the galaxies within 60 kpc of the radio core and we link this to the kinematics of the protocluster on the megaparsec scale. Identification of optical emission lines shows that 11 galaxies are at the redshift of the protocluster. The density of line emitters is more than an order of magnitude higher in the core of the protocluster than the larger scale environment. This implies a matter overdensity in the core of delta_m~70 which is similar to the outskirts of local galaxy clusters. The velocity distribution of the confirmed satellite galaxies shows a broad, double-peaked velocity structure with sigma=1360+/-206 km/s. A similar broad, double-peaked distribution was found in a previous study targeting the large scale protocluster structure, indicating that a common process is acting on both small and large scales. Including all spectroscopically confirmed protocluster galaxies, a velocity dispersion of 1013+/-87 km/s is found. We show that the protocluster has likely decoupled from the Hubble flow and is a dynamically evolved structure. Comparison to the Millenium simulation indicates that the protocluster velocity distribution is consistent with that of the most massive haloes at z~2, but we rule out that the protocluster is a fully virialized structure based on dynamical arguments and its X-ray luminosity. Comparison to merging haloes in the Millennium simulation shows that the structure as observed in and around the Spiderweb galaxy is best interpreted as being the result of a merger between two massive haloes. We propose that this merger can result in an increase in star formation and AGN activity in the protocluster core and is possibly an important stage in the evolution of massive cD galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA