84 research outputs found

    Prediction of water table in an alluvial aquifer using modflow

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    Groundwater is the main source of water in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A larger part of groundwater is founded in alluvial (unconfined) aquifers. Prediction of water table elevations in unconfined aquifers is very useful in water resources planning and management. During the last two decades, many aquifers in different regions of the KSA experienced significant groundwater decline. The declines in these aquifers raised concerns over the quantity and quality of groundwater, as well as concerns over the planning and management policies used in KSA. The main objective of this study was to predict water table fluctuations and to estimate the annual change in water table at an alluvial aquifer at wadi Hada Al Sham near Makkah, KSA. The methodology was achieved using numerical groundwater model (MODFLOW). The model was calibrated and then used to predict water table elevations due to pumping for a period of 5 years. The output of the model was found to be in agreement with the previous records. Moreover, the simulation results also show reasonable declination of water table elevations in the study area during the study period

    Microvascular and macrovascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus: Exome wide association analyses

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic, metabolic disorder in which concomitant insulin resistance and β-cell impairment lead to hyperglycemia, influenced by genetic and environmental factors. T2DM is associated with long-term complications that have contributed to the burden of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The objective of this manuscript is to conduct an Exome-Wide Association Study (EWAS) on T2DM Emirati individuals to improve our understanding on diabetes-related complications to improve early diagnostic methods and treatment strategies. Methods: This cross-sectional study recruited 310 Emirati participants that were stratified according to their medically diagnosed diabetes-related complications: diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, and cardiovascular complications. The Illumina’s Infinium Exome-24 array was used and 39,840 SNPs remained for analysis after quality control. Findings: The analysis revealed the associations of various genes with each complication category: 1) diabetic retinopathy was associated to SHANK3 gene in locus 22q13.33 (SNP rs9616915; p=5.18 x10-4), ZSCAN5A gene in locus 19q13.43 (SNP rs7252603; p=7.55 x10-4), and DCP1B gene in locus 12p13.33 (SNPs rs715146, rs1044950, rs113147414, rs34730825; p=7.62 x10-4); 2) diabetic neuropathy was associated to ADH4 gene in locus 4q23 (SNP rs4148883; p=1.23 x10-4), SLC11A1 gene in locus 2q35 (SNP rs17235409; p=1.85 x10-4), and MATN4 gene in locus 20q13.12 (SNP rs2072788; p=2.68 x10-4); 3) diabetic nephropathy was associated to PPP1R3A gene in locus 7q31.1 (SNP rs1799999; p=1.91 x10-4), ZNF136 gene in locus 19p13.2 (SNP rs140861589; p=2.80 x10-4), and HSPA12B gene in locus 20p13 (SNP rs6076550; p=2.86 x10-4); and 4) cardiovascular complications was associated to PCNT gene in locus 21q22.3 (SNPs rs7279204, rs6518289, rs2839227, rs2839223; p=2.18 x10-4,3.04 x10-4,4.51 x10-4,5.22 x10-4 respectively), SEPT14 gene in locus 7p11.2 (SNP rs146350220; p=2.77 x10-4), and WDR73 gene in locus 15q25.2 (SNP rs72750868; p=4.47 x10-4). Interpretation: We have identified susceptibility loci associated with each category of T2DM-related complications in the Emirati population. Given that only 16% of the markers from the Illumina’s Infinium Exome chip passed quality control assessment, this demonstrates that multiple variants were, either, monomorphic in the Arab population or were not genotyped due to the use of a Euro-centric EWAS array that limits the possibility of including targeted ethnic-specific SNPs. Our results suggest the alarming possibility that lack of representation in reference panels could inhibit discovery of functionally important loci associated to T2DM complications. Further effort must be conducted to improve the representation of diverse populations in genotyping and sequencing studies

    The Pragmatics of Sarcasm in Selected American Political TV Shows

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    تعدّ هذه الدراسة محاولة لدراسة السخرية في ثلاث برامج تلفزيونية سياسية امريكية وهي: البرنامج اليومي مع تريفور نوه والاسبوع الماضي الليلة مع جون اوليفر و الموقف الوطني مع حسن منهاج. هذه الدراسة هي محاولة لتطوير نموذج لتحليل السخرية بشكل تداولي. تحاول هذه الدراسة بلوغ الأهداف الآتية: (1) تقصي أنواع أفعال الكلام التي تحدث من خلالها السخرية (2) تحديد الصيغ التداولية للسخرية (3) تتبع الكيفية التداولية التي يستخدمها مقدمو البرامج السياسية الامريكية عبر مبدأي التأدب والتعاون و(4) تقصي الوظائف التداولية للسخرية. وتفترض الدراسة: (1) أن هناك أفعال كلام محددة يجرى عبرها استخدام السخرية في البرامج السياسية الأمريكية وعلى رأسها الانتقاد للآخر والادعاء, (2) أن هناك مجموعة محدودة من الصيغ التداولية التي يجرى عبرها استخدام السخرية، وعلى رأسها السخرية الافتراضية والخداعية, (3) أن من المرجح أن يتم انتهاك مبدأي التأدب والتعاون في معظم الحالات التي تستخدم فيها السخرية و(4) أن السخرية   تستخدم في الغالب لغرض تقديم الفكاهة وتقييم المواقف السياسية. ولإثبات مصداقية هذه الفرضيات وتحقيق الأهداف الرئيسية، فقد اتبعت الدراسة الإجراءات الآتية (1) تقديم مراجعة أدبية حول السخرية والمصطلحات الأخرى ذات الصلة مثل السخرية في ضوء توظيفها (2) استعمال النموذج الذي طورته الدراسة لتحليل بيانات العمل (3) تحليل مواقف يجرى فيها استخدام السخرية الثلاثة التي تمثل بيانات الدراسة الحالية و(4) استخدام طريقة حسابية إحصائية، متمثلة بمعادلة النسبة. وتوصل البحث إلى إثبات الفرضية الأولى و الثالثة و الرابعة, أما الفرضية الثالثة فتم رفضها بصورة نسبية.This study is an attempt to study sarcasm in three US political television programs, namely: The Daily Show with Trevor Noh, Last Week, Tonight with John Oliver, and The National Stance with Hassan Minhaj. This study is an attempt to develop a paradigm for the deliberative analysis of sarcasm. This study attempts to achieve the following objectives: (1) To investigate the types of speech acts through which sarcasm occurs (2) to determine the deliberative formulas of sarcasm (3) to trace the deliberative method used by the presenters of American political programs through the principles of politeness and cooperation and (4) to investigate the deliberative functions of ridicule. The study assumes: (1) that there are specific verbs through which sarcasm is used in American political programs, on top of which is criticism of the other and the claim, (2) that there is a limited set of deliberative formulas through which sarcasm is used, on top of which is hypothetical and deceitful  sarcasm, (3) The principles of politeness and cooperation are likely to be violated in most cases where sarcasm is used and (4) that sarcasm is often used for the purpose of providing humor and assessing political situations. In order to prove the reliability of these hypotheses and to achieve the main objectives, the study followed the following procedures: (1) Presenting a literature review on sarcasm and other related terms such as sarcasm in light of its use (2) Using the model developed by the study to analyze work data (3) Analyzing situations in which sarcasm is used The three that represent the current study data and (4) the use of a statistical calculation method, represented by the ratio equation. And the research reached to prove the first, third and fourth hypothesis, while the third hypothesis was relatively rejected

    Fermentation for Designing Innovative Plant-Based Meat and Dairy Alternatives

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    Fermentation was traditionally used all over the world, having the preservation of plant and animal foods as a primary role. Owing to the rise of dairy and meat alternatives, fermentation is booming as an effective technology to improve the sensory, nutritional, and functional profiles of the new generation of plant-based products. This article intends to review the market landscape of fermented plant-based products with a focus on dairy and meat alternatives. Fermentation contributes to improving the organoleptic properties and nutritional profile of dairy and meat alternatives. Precision fermentation provides more opportunities for plant-based meat and dairy manufacturers to deliver a meat/dairy-like experience. Seizing the opportunities that the progress of digitalization is offering would boost the production of high-value ingredients such as enzymes, fats, proteins, and vitamins. Innovative technologies such as 3D printing could be an effective post-processing solution following fermentation in order to mimic the structure and texture of conventional products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prediabetes management in the Middle East, Africa and Russia: Current status and call for action:

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    Most data on the burden of diabetes and prediabetes are from countries where local infrastructure can support reliable estimates of the burden of non-communicable diseases. Countries in the Middle ..

    Barriers to the delivery of diabetes care in the Middle East and South Africa: a survey of 1,082 practising physicians in five countries

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    SUMMARY Aims: Developing countries face a high and growing burden of type 2 diabetes. We surveyed physicians in a diverse range of countries in the Middle East and Africa (Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa and Lebanon) with regard to their perceptions of barriers to type 2 diabetes care identified as potentially important in the literature and by the authors. Methods: One thousand and eighty-two physicians completed a questionnaire developed by the authors. Results: Most physicians enroled in the study employed guideline-driven care; 80–100% of physicians prescribed metformin (with lifestyle intervention, where there are no contraindications) for newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, with lifestyle intervention alone used where metformin was not prescribed. Sulfonylureas were prescribed widely, consistent with the poor economic status of many patients. About one quarter of physicians were not undertaking any form of continuing medical education, and relatively low proportions of practices had their own diabetes educators, dieticians or diabetic foot specialists. Physicians identified the deficiencies of their patients (unhealthy lifestyles, lack of education and poor diet) as the most important barriers to optimal diabetes care. Low-treatment compliance was not ranked highly. Access to physicians did not appear to be a problem, as most patients were seen multiple times per year. Conclusions: Physicians in the Middle East and South Africa identified limitations relating to their patients as the main barrier to delivering care for diabetes, without giving high priority to issues relating to processes of care delivery. Further study would be needed to ascertain whether these findings reflect an unduly physician-centred view of their practice. More effective provision of services relating to the prevention of complications and improved lifestyles may be needed. What's known It is known that the success of care for diabetes depends critically on the delivery of optimised care for diabetic patients. Many barriers to the delivery of such care have been identified. Relatively little is known regarding how these barriers influence the delivery of diabetes care in the Middle East and South Africa. What's new Physicians generally followed management guidelines in type 2 diabetes care. Perceived barriers to optimal diabetes care mainly focussed on attributes of patients, rather than process issues in care or aspects of the physicians' practice

    Diabesity in the Arabian Gulf: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Diabesity (diabetes associated with obesity) is a major global and local public health concern, which has almost reached an epidemic order of magnitude in the countries of the Arabian Gulf and worldwide. We sought to review the lifestyle trends in this region and to highlight the challenges and opportunities that health care professionals face and attempt to address and correct them. In this regard, we aimed to review the regional data and widely held expert opinions in the Arabian Gulf and provide a thematic review of the size of the problem of diabesity and its risk factors, challenges, and opportunities. We also wished to delineate the barriers to health promotion, disease prevention, and identify social customs contributing to these challenges. Lastly, we wished to address specific problems with particular relevance to the region such as minimal exercise and unhealthy nutrition, concerns during pregnancy, the subject of childhood obesity, the impact of Ramadan fasting, and the expanding role of bariatric surgery. Finally, general recommendations for prevention, evidence-based, and culturally competent management strategies are presented to be considered at the levels of the individual, community, and policymakers

    Prediction of flood levels along a stretch of the Langat River with insufficient hydrological data

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    Malaysia is a tropical country and it is subjected to flooding in both the urban and rural areas. Flood modelling can help to reduce the impacts of flood hazard by taking extra precautions. HEC-RAS model was used to predict the flood levels at selected reach of the Langat River with a total length of 34.4 km. The Langat River is located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia and it is subjected to regular flooding. The selected reach of the Langat River has insufficient data and a methodology was proposed to overcome this particular problem. Since complete floodplain data for the area are not available, the modelling therefore assumed vertical walls at the left and right banks of the Langat River and all the predicted flood levels above the banks were based on this assumption. The HEC-RAS model was calibrated and the values of Manning's coefficients of roughness for the Langat River were found to range from 0.04 to 0.10. The discharge values were calculated for 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 year return periods and the maximum predicted flood depth ranged from 2.1m to 7.8m. Meanwhile, the model output was verified using the historical record and the error between the recorded and predicted water levels was found to range from 3% to 15%