4 research outputs found

    International dialysis aid in earthquakes and other disasters11This manuscript represents the result of one of the major initiatives of the ISN Commission on Acute Renal Failure. As in the report describing the Banff schema for renal allograft pathology also published recently in this journal (44:411–422, 1993), the authors represent a combination of Commission members and collaborators, all of whom played a significant role in the project. The members of the ISN Commission on Acute Renal Failure are: K. Solez (Chairman), Edmonton, Canada; R. Balaban, Bethesda, USA; E. Carafoli, Zurich, Switzerland; H. Eliahou, Tel-Hashomer, Israel; F. Epstein, Boston, USA; R. Hakim, Nashville, USA; N. Honda, Tokyo, Japan; D. Humes, Ann Arbor, USA; N. Lameire, Gent, Belgium; L. Mandei, Durham, USA; and M. Mihatsch, Basel, Switzerland. The purpose of the ISN Commission on Acute Renal Failure is “to represent the highest possible level of scientific investigation in acute renal failure and to bring together nephrologists and physicians, and scientists of other relevant disciplines”. (Kidney Int 38:1244, 1990).

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