1,279 research outputs found

    World-Volume Interactions on D-Branes

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    We examine in detail various string scattering amplitudes in order to extract the world-volume interactions of massless fields on a Dirichlet brane. We find that the leading low-energy interactions are consistent with the Born-Infeld and Chern-Simons actions. In particular, our results confirm that the background closed string fields appearing in these actions must be treated as functionals of the non-abelian scalar fields describing transverse fluctuations of the D-brane.Comment: 14 page

    Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows as Analogues of High Frequency-Peaked BL Lac Objects

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    The spectral properties from radio to optical bands are compared between the 18 optically bright Gamma-ray burst afterglows and well established power-spectrum sequence in Blazars. The comparison shows that the afterglows are well agreement with the well known Blazar sequence (i.e., the νLν(5GHz)\nu L_{\nu}(\mathrm{5GHz})-αRO\alpha_{\mathrm{RO}} correlation, where αRO\alpha_{\mathrm{RO}} is the broad-band spectral slope from radio to optical bands). The afterglows are, however, clustered at the low luminosity end of the sequence, which is typically occupied by high frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. The correlation suggests that Gamma-ray burst afterglows share the similar emission process with high frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. We further identify a deviation at a significance level larger than 2σ\sigma from the sequence for three typical optically "dark" bursts. The deviation favors a heavy extinction in optical bands for the "dark" bursts. The extinction AVA_V is estimated to be larger than 0.5-0.6 magnitude from the νLν(5GHz)\nu L_{\nu}(\mathrm{5GHz})-αRO\alpha_{\mathrm{RO}} sequence.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures and 2 tables, to be published in ApJ

    The Nematic Energy Scale and the Missing Electron Pocket in FeSe

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    Superconductivity emerges in proximity to a nematic phase in most iron-based superconductors. It is therefore important to understand the impact of nematicity on the electronic structure. Orbital assignment and tracking across the nematic phase transition prove to be challenging due to the multiband nature of iron-based superconductors and twinning effects. Here, we report a detailed study of the electronic structure of fully detwinned FeSe across the nematic phase transition using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We clearly observe a nematicity-driven band reconstruction involving dxz, dyz, and dxy orbitals. The nematic energy scale between dxz and dyz bands reaches a maximum of 50 meV at the Brillouin zone corner. We are also able to track the dxz electron pocket across the nematic transition and explain its absence in the nematic state. Our comprehensive data of the electronic structure provide an accurate basis for theoretical models of the superconducting pairing in FeSe

    Observability of Quantum State of Black Hole

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    We analyze terms subleading to Rutherford in the SS-matrix between black hole and probes of successively high energies. We show that by an appropriate choice of the probe one can read off the quantum state of the black hole from the S-matrix, staying asymptotically far from the BH all the time. We interpret the scattering experiment as scattering off classical stringy backgrounds which explicitly depend on the internal quantum numbers of the black hole.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figure

    Three Point Tree Level Amplitude in Superstring Theory

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    In order to check the definite amplitude and the exact zero result of the amplitude of three massless points (CAA)(CAA) in both string theory and field theory side for p=np=n case and to find all gauge field couplings to R-R closed string, we investigate the disk level S-matrix element of one Ramond-Ramond field and two gauge field vertex operators in the world volume of BPS branes.Comment: 5 pages,prepared for Cargese Summer School on String Theory: Formal Developments and Applications, Cargese, France, June 21-July 3 2010,to appear in the proceeding

    Monopoles in non-Abelian Einstein-Born-Infeld Theory

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    We study static spherically symmetric monopole solutions in non-Abelian Einstein-Born-Infeld-Higgs model with normal trace structure. These monopoles are similar to the corresponding solution with symmetrised trace structure and are existing only up to some critical value of the strength of the gravitational interaction. In addition, similar to their flat space counterpart, they also admit a critical value of the Born-Infeld parameter \b.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Path-Integral Formulation of Dirichlet String in General Backgrounds

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    We investigate the dynamics of an arbitrary Dirichlet (D-) string in presence of general curved backgrounds following a path-integral formalism. In particular, we consider the interaction of D-string with the massless excitations of closed string in open bosonic string theory. The background fields induce invariant curvatures on the D-string manifold and the extrinsic curvature can be seen to contain a divergence at the disk boundary. The re-normalization of D-string coordinates, next to the leading order in its derivative expansion, is performed to handle the divergence. Then we obtain the generalized Dirac-Born-Infeld action representing the effective dynamics of D-string in presence of the non-trivial backgrounds. On the other hand, D-string acts as a source for the Ramond-Ramond two-form which induces an additional (lower) form due to its coupling to the U(1) gauge invariant fields on the D-string. These forms are reviewed in this formalism for an arbitrary D-string and is encoded in the Wess-Zumino action. Quantization of the D-string collective coordinates, in the U(1) gauge sector, is performed by taking into account the coupling to the lower form and the relevant features of D-string are analyzed in presence of the background fields.Comment: 23 pages, LaTex, corrected typos, added reference, version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    On gravitational couplings in D-brane action

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    We compute the two closed string graviton - two open string scalar scattering amplitude on the disc to show that there is no second-derivative curvature - scalar coupling term R X^2 in the low-energy effective action of a D-brane in curved space in type II superstring theory.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, LaTex JHEP style; v2: reference added, typos corrected; v3: section 2 rewritten due to an error in gauge fixing, appendix added, conclusions unchange

    Gravitational lensing by p-branes

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    The scattering of R-R gauge bosons off of Dirichlet p-branes is computed to leading order in the string coupling. The results are qualitatively similar to those found in the scattering of massless NS-NS bosons: all p-branes with p >= 0 exhibit stringy properties, in particular the Regge behavior. Both the R-R and NS-NS scattering amplitudes agree in the limit of small momentum transfer with scattering off the extremal R-R charged p-brane solutions found in the low-energy supergravities. We interpret this as evidence that Dirichlet-branes are an exact world-sheet description of the extremal p-branes. The -1-brane (D-instanton) is a special object which, unlike all other Dirichlet-branes, exhibits point-like behavior. We find the R-R charged instanton solution to type IIB supergravity and confirm that the field theoretic scattering off of this solution miraculously reproduces the full stringy calculation. As an aside, we include a discussion of the entropy of non-extremal black holes in ten dimensions, produced by exciting the 0-brane. We show that, for large black holes, the entropy grows linearly with the black hole mass.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 1 figure, uses psfig.sty, available from http://xxx.lanl.gov/ftp/hep-th/papers/macros/psfig.sty Final version to appear in Nuclear Physics