13 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Waqif’s Decision in Selecting Productive Waqf (Case Study at Dompet Dhuafa Republika)

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    Indonesia as a country with largest Muslim population in the world has potentials in utilizing its Islamic philanthropy source of funds to alleviate social and economic problems in society, one is through waqf. Waqf that is managed productively has proven its positive contribution to the advancement of a country. However, the collecting of waqf fund is still dominated by direct waqf (non-productive) based on the instruction a waqif gave. This shows that the majority of waqif prefers direct waqf (non-productive) to productive one. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect waqif’s decision in selecting productive waqf. Data collection is done by the questionnaires given to the respondents. The respondents are 65 waqif at Dompet Dhuafa Republika. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis and logit regression. The result shows that waqif’s decision in selecting productive waqf is affected by their comprehension on productive waqf, age, subjective norm, and marital status

    Development strategy of halal tourism village in Gedepangrango tourism village, Sukabumi district

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    Tourism is an industry that significantly contributes to the country's economy. Halal tourism is a type of tourism with promising potential. The number of tourism villages with halal concepts in Indonesia is still limited. However, Gedepangrango Tourism Village shows potential for development as a halal tourism village. This study analyses the strategy for developing a halal tourism village in Gedepangrango Tourism Village, Sukabumi Regency, utilizing the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) approaches. The study's findings indicate that strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities significantly impact the development of a halal tourism village in Gedepangrango Tourism Village. The analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats reveals the tourism potential in agriculture, nature, and culture within Gedepangrango Tourism Village. However, governance in the village has not been optimal. Notably, the development plans for the halal tourism village correspond to the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan of Sukabumi Regency. Additionally, several other tourist village objects present competition. The primary focus lies in raising human resources' capacity to develop halal tourism villages

    Analysis of the Application of Universal Design Standards to Interior-Architecture Design

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    A lot of research shows the findings of cases of public facilities that are not accessible to people with disabilities and see the importance of a design especially in the field of architecture-interior that is able to produce a user-friendly and barrier-free built environment ) Accessibility rights for persons with disabilities are regulated in various regulations starting from the regulations in the central government in the form of laws, government regulations, to ministerial regulations on public works and regional regulations. There is one regulation of the minister of public works and Republic of Indonesia's public housing No.14 2017 which regulates the provision of facilities in buildings and the environment that meet the needs of all age groups and conditions of physical, mental, and intellectual, or sensory limitations based on the function of buildings users and visitors on activities in public buildings, but this guideline has not been discussed in detail. This study is intended to review the analysis of universal design standards in the Interior-Architecture design process specifically in public buildings. Keywords Universal Design, Evaluation, Architecture, Interior, Design

    Pengaruh Jenis Pelarut terhadap Hasil Ekstraksi Senyawa Skopoletin Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.)

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    Skopoletin merupakan golongan kumarin yang memiliki efek fisiologi dan farmakologis pada manusia. Skopoletin memiliki aktivitas sebagai antijamur, antibakteri, antiperadangan, melancarkan peredaran darah dan menurunkan tekanan darah. Skopoletin pada jenis umbi-umbian telah diteliti, namun pada ubi jalar ungu masih terbatas pada identifikasi dan belum ada penelitian yang membandingkan jenis-jenis pelarut terhadap ekstraksi skopoletin dengan metode maserasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan jenis pelarut yang menghasilkan rendemen ekstrak kental dan kandungan skopoletin tertinggi pada ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.). Ekstraksi senyawa skopoletin dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol, etanol dan etil asetat.  Metode analisis skopoletin yang digunakan adalah metode kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi-fluoresensi (KCKT-FL) dan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen ekstrak skopoletin tertinggi diperoleh dari ekstrak dengan pelarut etanol yaitu sebesar 4,49±0,11 %, kemudian etil asetat sebesar 4,43±0,03 % dan terendah metanol sebesar 4,36±0,04 %. Nilai kandungan skopoletin tertinggi diperoleh dari pelarut etanol sebesar 118,092±1,57 ppm, lalu metanol sebesar 111,86±1,58 ppm dan terendah etil asetat sebesar 18,760±2,74 ppm

    Pengaruh Guncangan Makroekonomi dan Kebijakan Pelonggaran Financing to Value terhadap Penyaluran KPR Syariah di Indonesia

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    Mortgages are consumer financing products which aimed at home ownership. In Indonesia, mortgages are provided both by conventional and Islamic banking. However, Islamic mortgages have lower market share of distribution than its counterpart. Using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), this study aims to examine the impact of macroeconomic indicators and FTV policy on the distribution of Islamic mortgages in Indonesia during the period from October 2014 to September 2019. This study found that the distribution of mortgages is closely determined by macroeconomic conditions and government policies. Based on VECM outcomes, the FTV policy has different short-term effects on the distribution of Islamic mortgages before and after its relaxation. The distribution of Islamic mortgages responded positively to the shocks of GDP. While it is responded negatively to the shocks of inflation, credit interest rates, exchange rates, and JII. GDP has the highest contribution in explaining the variation of the distribution of Islamic mortgages in Indonesia

    Pengaruh Persepsi Label Halal terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Makanan Olahan Impor pada Muslim Generasi Z

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    Nowadays, imported processed food products are increasingly distributed in Indonesia, however not all of them have been halal labelled. Due to this condition, Muslim consumers need to increase selectivity in buying imported processed food products which guaranteed the  halal status and suitable for consumption. This study aims to analyze the effect of religiosity, reference group, income, lifestyle, and perceptions of halal labels on purchasing decision of imported processed food products in 100 respondents of Generation Z Muslim who lived at Bogor Regency. This study used descriptive analysis method and data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results of this study indicate that the reference group, income, lifestyle, and perception of the halal label had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decision of imported processed foods

    Penerapan Lean Manufacturing dengan Metode Takt Time dan FMEA untuk Mengidentifikasi Waste pada Proses Produksi Steril PT.XYZ

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    PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang farmasi di Indonesia, sebagai perusahaan farmasi terkemuka di Indonesia dan dipercaya oleh banyak masyarakat maka PT XYZ selalu berusaha memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik dalam segi hal pemenuhan permintaan pasar (customer) dikirimkan dengan tepat waktu (lead time). Permintaan yang diterima selalu beragam setiap bulan, peningkatan jumlah demand yang drastis akan berpengaruh kepada waktu proses yang dibutuhkan untuk pemenuhan permintaan dengan waktu proses produksi suatu produk. Masalah ini dapat diatasi dengan melakukan analisa Takt Time dan Cycle Time yang dibutuhkan untuk pemenuhan permintaan bulan Oktober 2020, dimana jumlah permintaan produk A pada bulan Oktober 2020 sebanyak 10.560 pcs. Hasil analisa Takt Time dan Cycle Time dianalisa waste menggunakan metode FMEA. Didapat 3 jenis waste yaitu waste waiting time, unnecessary inventory, dan penjadwalan.PT XYZ is one of the companies engaged in the pharmaceutical sector in Indonesia, as a leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia and trusted by many people, PT XYZ always strives to provide the best service in terms of meeting market demand (customer), delivered on time (lead time). The requests received always vary every month, a drastic increase in the number of demands will affect the processing time needed to fulfill the demand with the production processing time of a product. This problem can be overcome by analyzing the Takt Time and Cycle Time needed to fulfill requests for October 2020, where the number of requests for product A in October 2020 is 10,560 pcs. The results of the analysis of Fast Time and Cycle Time waste using the FMEA method. There are 3 types of waste, namely waste of waiting time, unnecessary supplies, and scheduling. &nbsp

    Relationship quality of nursing work life and burnout among nurses: A systematic review

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    Introduction: Nurses are professionals who are significantly at risk of experiencing burnout due to their high workload and work stress, most of which are caused by long-term patient interactions. One of the causes of burnout is the occurrence of work-family conflicts, which will cause a decreased quality of nursing work life. Moreover, this study intends to identify the relationship between the Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) and burnout among nurses

    Optimizing shift scheduling and work-life balance to improve job satisfaction among female nurses

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    Introduction: Among the numerous factors that can improve job satisfaction are challenging work, rewards that meet employees’ expectations, a comfortable working environment, and a balance between personal life and work (work-life balance). This study analyzed the relationship between shift schedule arrangement and work-life balance among female nurses and its impact on job satisfaction