123 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis Lingkungan melalui Model ASSURE

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    This paper presents the development of instructional media techniques based Islamic Religious Education in order to streamline the learning environment by ASSURE Model. The development of media-based learning environment is done in order to create learning conditions that attract Islamic education, not monotonous, not boring, and fosters the enthusiasm students to study harder. Learning based on the environment as part of contextual learning, giving students direct experience in interacting with the environment, such as; social environment, the natural environment and the built environment, so as to create more meaningful learning conditions for them and made possible the formation of personality and character of students, such as love of the environment.حاولت هذه المقالة عرض بعض الأساليب لتطوير الوسائل التعليمية لمادة التربية الإسلامية على أساس البيئة ليكون التدريس فعّالا على نموذج ASSURE. والتعليم أساسا هو عملية الاتصال بين المعلّم والمتعلّم للوصول إلى الأهداف المقرّرة. ولتكوين عملية الاتصال فعّالة يُحتاج إلى تطوير الوسائل التعليمية – وغيرها كذلك – على أساس البيئة في نموذج ASSURE. والهدف من هذا تكوين ظروف تعليم مادة التربية الإسلامية متمركزة في الطلاب، وتفعيل الطلاب وتمكينهم، وإزالة الرتيب والسآمة منهم، وغرس الحماسة وتقويتها في التعلّم. والتعليم على أساس البيئة نوع من التعليم السياقي، يعطى الطلاب الواقع العملي في التعامل مع عدة البيئات المحيطة بهم؛ البيئة الاجتماعية، والبيئة الطبيعية، والبيئة الاصطناعية حتى يقدروا على تكوين ظروف التعليم ذات معنى لهم حتّى تكوّنت في نفوس الطلاب شخصية قوية مثل حبّ البيئة.This paper presents the technique of instructional media development of Islamic Education using environment based with ASSURE models in order to make the instruction more efficient. Learning activity is basically a process of communication and interaction between learners and educators organized to achieve the objectives that have been planned. To create effective communication, it requires the development of instructional media - in addition to the other aspects - based environment through ASSURE models. This is conducted to set up learning conditions of Islamic education which lead classroom activities centered on students, empower their activeness, provide interests, avoid monotonous tasks and boredoms, as well as foster students’ enthusiasm to study harder. Environment based learning as part of contextual learning provides students direct experiences in interacting with the surrounding environment, such as social, natural and constructed environment, so as to create conditions that are more meaningful and enable them to build better personalities and characters, such as love of the environment.حاولت هذه المقالة عرض بعض الأساليب لتطوير الوسائل التعليمية لمادة التربية الإسلامية على أساس البيئة ليكون التدريس فعّالا على نموذج ASSURE. والتعليم أساسا هو عملية الاتصال بين المعلّم والمتعلّم للوصول إلى الأهداف المقرّرة. ولتكوين عملية الاتصال فعّالة يُحتاج إلى تطوير الوسائل التعليمية – وغيرها كذلك – على أساس البيئة في نموذج ASSURE. والهدف من هذا تكوين ظروف تعليم مادة التربية الإسلامية متمركزة في الطلاب، وتفعيل الطلاب وتمكينهم، وإزالة الرتيب والسآمة منهم، وغرس الحماسة وتقويتها في التعلّم. والتعليم على أساس البيئة نوع من التعليم السياقي، يعطى الطلاب الواقع العملي في التعامل مع عدة البيئات المحيطة بهم؛ البيئة الاجتماعية، والبيئة الطبيعية، والبيئة الاصطناعية حتى يقدروا على تكوين ظروف التعليم ذات معنى لهم حتّى تكوّنت في نفوس الطلاب شخصية قوية مثل حبّ البيئة


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    Education is the largest field of investment in building and shaping men(insanul kamil). Education touches are believed capable of forming a hu-man resources civilized and qualified. The family as an educational insti-tution first and foremost for children, has a considerable role in realizingthese ideals. The family as an institution has a function that is important inshaping personalities, social, religious attitudes of children. Error interac-tions within families due to less optimal family members in carrying outtheir roles and functions of each can give rise to various problems in thefamily. Kids are the most important asset in a family, religion and nation ofIndonesia. Therefore, Islam as a religion that rahmatan lil Alamin payingattention and signs in the implementation of education within the family.The role of parents and families have a tremendous impact on the growthand development of children


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    Intellegence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) are not considered as dominant factors in determining a person's success. Another factor that determines a person's success or failure is strong ability to the difficulty of life, this ability is called Adversity Quotient (AQ). Pesantren becomes an institution that strives to build the mental endurance of students with Adversity Quotient (AQ).. The research method used is qualitative research by using a case study approach. This research was conducted at Islamic boarding school of Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo. The results of the study shows that there are efforts to build the mental endurance of santri such as of 1) zone transformation 2) time management 3) systemic organization 4) resolving multicultural conflict 5) unlimited creativity

    Quality Improvement in Increasing Public Trust Using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Method

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    This article discusses quality improvement in increasing public trust in MI Ihyauddiniyah. This study used a qualitative case study approach, with the research subjects consisting of the school principal and several deputy heads. Data collection techniques using interviews, documentation, and observation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. This research focuses on describing quality improvement in increasing public trust using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method of researchers at MI Ihyauddiniyah. The research data was obtained through interviews and observation, and documentation. In the next stage, the researcher checked the validity of the data, which was carried out by extending participation, persistence in observation, triangulation, and questionnaires to parents of students. To get more accurate and accountable results, the researchers interviewed the deputy head of student affairs, deputy head of infrastructure, and teachers at MI Ihyauddiniyah. The results showed that quality improvement using the FMEA method increased public trust. The FMEA measurement process is focused on three main things, which are the main components in the management process of educational institutions. The three components are a quality assurance system for teaching staff, a quality assurance system for learning facilities and infrastructure, and increasing support from the community, through this process

    Building Character Education Using Three Matra of Hasan Al-Banna’s Perspective in Pesantren

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    This study aimed to describe the efforts of Pesantren Nurul Jadid to implement of Hasan al-Banna's thought about Three Matra of education, namely the education of mind, body, and heart (qalb), in constructing students’ characters at Pesantren Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo East Java. This research used a qualitative method of case study type. The results showed that; pesantren has implemented Three Matra by delivering education for mind, body, and heart for its santri. It has set the moto which is in line with Hasan al Banna's thought in building the character of students. It is supported by its vision and mission which was described in the trilogy of students and five/panca awareness of students, education and learning activity, habituation, making of regulation as the norm of binding and organizing activity students

    Strengthening Students’ Character in Akhlaq Subject Through Problem Based Learning Model

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    This study examines the development of Akhlaq learning based on character strengthening through Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo. Character learning is the value engraved within a person that determines his attitude and behavior; this character can usually be shaped by education, experience, habituation, and environmental influences. Akhlaq education is an education that prioritizes the aspect of manners that always involves aspects of knowledge, feelings, and actions. Through this moral education, it is hoped to achieve a better character and can help to foster the emotional intelligence of learners in Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo. The method used in this study is literary study located at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo. The results showed that Akhlaq learning through PBL approach can shape the students' thinking activities naturally and can solve the learning problem concerned with the learners’ morality. So that learners can learn about how to think critically and can be skilled in solving problems


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate how nature leadership can boost attraction and suggestion. Interviews, observations made in the field, and written documentation are the three primary methods used for data collecting. After that, the data were evaluated by reducing and displaying the data based on the sources and methodologies used in this research. Using descriptive qualitative methods will allow in-depth study and understanding of social situations to find the best examples, generate hypotheses and lead to emerging theories. It can be concluded that Natural Leadership in Increasing Attraction and Success in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Abror Asembakor is in line with the way the Madrasa Principal leads himself and others in a way that can be done efficiently. This ability allows the principal to delegate tasks appropriately, avoid unnecessary chaos, and determine efforts to achieve school goals that have been set

    Melejitkan Ghiroh Belajar Santri Melalui Budaya Literasi di Pesantren

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    This paper aims at analyzing and understanding the efforts of pesantren in increasing the students’ ghiroh to learn through literacy culture in pesantren. With ghiroh of learning, it is expected that students can carry out learning well. Ghiroh learning is a measurement for learning success. By forming good Ghiroh on students, it is able to form good behaviors especially forming and applying literacy culture in pesantren, in the form of reading and writing. Literacy culture in pesantren is a habitual activity that is practiced by students by reading, writing and producing an art work. This research uses a qualitative approach with case study type. The research site is Pondok Pesantren Lubbul Labib, Maron, Probolinggo. The results showed that the efforts to increase the student’s motivation through literacy culture in pesantren were carried out through: 1) INTISHOB program (Inti'as Fi Shobah) or giving encouragement in the morning, 2) study groups, 3) cultural orientation, 4) providing library and e-library facilities, and 5) learning evaluation. Through these efforts, the literacy culture of santri has developed well in Pondok Pesantren Lubbul Labib, Maron, Probolingg

    Empowerment of Women Farmers Groups in Improving Family Economic Standards through Production and Marketing of Products Based on Local Excellence in Prasi Gading Probolinggo

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    Prasi is a rural village where most of the population is farmers. This village is indeed classified as fertile with abundant water, so it is not surprising that rice is the primary commodity that the Prasi village community relies. In addition to rice, local advantages in this village are from the plantation sector, namely areca nut plantations and catfish cultivation. The people of Prasi village grow rice and sell it in rice, plant betel nut and sell it in the form of areca nut, cultivate catfish and sell it in the form of catfish. There is no innovation to make their crops more valuable. Even if they want to innovate a little, their results will be excellent. The problem lies in the lack of knowledge about alternative management of existing resources and the lack of interest in entrepreneurship. With the empowerment program with KWT (Group Women Farmers) based on local advantages, it is hoped that the gap in economic problems can be overcome by making the community business actors. KWT itself is a group of women who are members of theformer groups. The program emphasizes the importance of innovation in harvest management and creating a creative entrepreneurial community in managing crop yields to improve the welfare of residents. The program was carried out through several essential steps, such as increasing the interest of citizens in entrepreneurship through seminars, product manufacturing training, and marketing strategies carried out with KWT (Group of Women Farmers