186 research outputs found

    My Shadow Self

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    Undergraduate Performing Arts- Theatr

    Sustained Engagement with K-12 Teachers: Exploring the Year-long Fellowship Model

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    Presentation slides from the December 1st, 2016 Area Studies & Outreach Conference in Washington, D.C.. This presentation from Panel 3: Teacher Engagement (Pre- and In-Service) discusses UNC-Chapel Hill's Arts Teacher Fellows program.Ope

    Effects of Symptom Perception Interventions on Trigger Identification and Quality of Life in Children with Asthma

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    Background. Management of individual triggers is suboptimal in practice. In this project, we investigated the impact of symptom perception interventions on asthma trigger identification and self-reported asthma quality of life. Methods. Children with asthma ( = 227) participated in three asthma education sessions and then were randomized first to one of three home monitoring conditions (symptom monitoring and peak flow training with feedback, peak flow training without feedback, or no peak flow training) and then subsequently to one of three resistive load discrimination training conditions (signal detection training with feedback, signal detection training without feedback, or no training). Triggers were reported at enrollment, following home monitoring, and following discrimination training; quality of life was measured after home monitoring and after resistive load testing. Results. Symptom perception interventions resulted in increases in reported triggers, which increased reliably as a function of home monitoring, and increased further in participants who completed discrimination training with feedback. Increases in the number of reported asthma triggers were associated with decreases in quality of life. Discussion. Patients may benefit from strategies that make trigger-symptom contingencies clear. Complementary strategies are needed to address changes in the perceived burden of asthma which comes from awareness of new asthma triggers

    Strategic plan for the management and incorporation of information and communication technologies in the distance modality of the University of Tolima

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    Actualmente, la universidad del Tolima de carácter estatal, tiene cobertura nacional a través del Instituto de Educación a Distancia IDEAD de manera semipresencial en 56 Centros Regionales de Educación a Distancia (CREAD), con una población estudiantil cercana a los 38000 estudiantes, siendo el 80% estudiantes de estratos socioeconómico 1, 2 y 3. Para atender esta población estudiantil, el IDEAD no cuenta con un plan estratégico que le permita incorporar las TIC en sus procesos académicos y administrativos, lo que le ayudaría a mejorar los procesos de autoformación de los estudiantes y su calidad educativa. En el presente trabajo se elaboró un DOFA (Debilidades, oportunidades, fortalezas y amenazas) que se desarrolló mediante la realización de talleres en grupos focales de seis Centros Regionales de Educación a Distancia CREAD, que se complementó con el ejercicio de ajuste del modelo pedagógico del IDEAD en el cual se construyó mediante la metodología investigación, acción, participación y el diagnóstico (DOFA) del componente tecnológico, construído a través del taller realizado en la Oficina de Gestión Tecnológica. Este diagnóstico, permitió elaborar el Plan Estratégico Para la Incorporación de las TIC en el Instituto de Educación a Distancia – IDEAD – en el que se plantean estrategias en los componentes organizacional, pedagógico y tecnológico y se formula el plan estratégico a seguir en un período determinado de tiempo en los tres componentes.Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOCINTRODUCCIÓN .................................................................. 1 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA ..................... 12 2. OBJETIVO GENERAL ............................................... 14 2.1 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS ........................ 14 3. DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA EXPERIENCIA .............................................................. 15 3.1 METODOLOGÍA .............................................................................................. 15 4. MARCO REFERENCIAL.................................................................................... 18 4.1 TRAYECTORIA DE LA EDUCACION A DISTANCIA ..................................... 18 4.1.1 Educación por correspondencia .................................................................... 18 4.1.2 Educación mediada por las TIC .................................................................... 19 4.1.3Modelo de formación b-learning ..................................................................... 19 4.1.4Modelo de formación e-learning ..................................................................... 20 4.2 CONTEXTO INTERNACIONAL ....................................................................... 21 4.3CONTEXTO NACIONAL ................................................................................... 23 4.3.1 Plan Nacional de TIC .................................................................................... 26 4.3.2 Plan Decenal de Educación: 2006-2016 ....................................................... 28 4.3.3 Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación .......... 28 4.4CONTEXTO REGIONAL ................................................................................... 28 4.4.1Plan“Vive Digital Colombia”,en el Tolima ....................................................... 29 4.4.2.Agenda de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación del Tolima............................ 29 4.4.3 Agenda Prospectiva de Educación Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación para el Tolima .................................................................................................................... 30 4.4.4Plan de Desarrollo TIC del Tolima ................................................................. 30 4.4.5 Tolima Vive Digital ........................................................................................ 31 5. ESTADO DEL ARTE .......................................................................................... 32 5.1 LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y LAS COMUNICACIONES TIC ............................................................................................................................... 32 5.2 MODELOS PEDAGÓGICOS ........................................................................... 33 5.2.1 Modelo constructivista................................................................................... 35 5.2.2 Modelo complejo ........................................................................................... 36 5.2.3 Modelo social ................................................................................................ 38 5.2.4 Modelos pedagógicos en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje......................... 39 5.2.5 Incorporación de las TIC en la práctica docente ........................................... 40 5.2.6 Planeación Estratégica ................................................................................. 42 5.2.7 Etapas del proceso del plan estratégico ....................................................... 42 5.2.8 Fases para la elaboración de la planeación estratégica (Chiavenato, 1995) 43 5.2.9 Etapas del proceso de planeación estratégica (Clake y Goldsmith, 1995)44 6. MARCO LEGAL ................................................................................................ 48 6.1 LEY DE TIC ..................................................................................................... 48 6.2 LA LEY 1286 DE 2009 DE CIENCIA, TECNOLOGÍA E INNOVACIÓN ........... 50 6.3 DECRETO 1295 DE 2010, MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN NACIONAL ......... 50 7. MODELO PEDAGÓGICO EN EL INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL TOLIMA ..................................................................... 51 7.1 EL MODELO PEDAGÓGICO ........................................................................... 51 7.1.1Formación integral. ........................................................................................ 51 7.1.2 Aprendizaje. .................................................................................................. 51 7.1.3 Enseñanza .................................................................................................... 52 7.1.4 El trabajo colectivo ........................................................................................ 52 7.2 ELEMENTOS DE LA ESTRUCTURA CURRICULAR ...................................... 54 7.2.1 Estructura Curricular Básica de los Programas del IDEAD ........................... 54 7.3 INVESTIGACIÓN FORMATIVA EN EL IDEAD ................................................ 58 7.3.1 Estructura organizativa de la investigación formativa. .................................. 59 7.3.2 El Nodo problematizador o proyecto de investigación formativa ................... 59 7.3.3 El Núcleo problémico y los cursos articuladores ........................................... 60 7.3.4 Microforo. ..................................................... 60 7.3.5 Foro............................................................................................................... 60 8. INFRAESTRUCTURA TECNOLÓGICA. ............................................................ 62 8.1 HARDWARE ................................................................................................. 62 8.2 SOFTWARE .................................................................................................... 67 8.3 CONEXIÓN RADAR ........................................................................................ 68 8.4SERVICIOS BÁSICOS...................................................................................... 68 9. DIAGNÓSTICO ESTRATÉGICO EN LA INCORPORACIÓN DEL USO DE LAS TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMACION Y COMUNICACIÓN. ................................... 70 9.1 DIAGNÓSTICO CON RESPECTO A LA EDUCACIÓN Y EL USO DE LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y LA COMUNICACIÓN EN LA DOCENCIA ............................................................................................................ 70 9.1.1 Debilidades .................................................................................................. 71 9.1.2 Fortalezas ..................................................................................................... 75 9.1.3 Oportunidades .............................................................................................. 75 9.1.4 Amenazas ..................................................................................................... 76 9.2 DIAGNÓSTICO CON RELACIÓN AL COMPONENTE TECNOLÓGICO ........ 76 9.2.1 Proveedores en poblaciones donde funcionan los Centros Regionales ...... 79 9.2.2 Participación en el mercado de los proveedores en las poblaciones y ciudades donde funcionan los Centros Regionales .............................................. 80 9.2.3 Cobertura de Fibra óptica en las poblaciones y ciudades donde funciona los Centros Regionales ............................................................................................... 81 9.2.4 Disponibilidad de equipos en las salas de las poblaciones y ciudades donde operan Centros Regionales ................................................................... 81 9.2.5 Sedes de educación Media donde funcionan los Centros Regionales que cuentan y no cuentan con salas propias y conectividad ....................................... 82 9.2.6 Disponibilidad de computadores en las instituciones educativas donde funcionan los Centros Regionales y que cuentan con servicio de Internet ........... 83 9.2.7 Disponibilidad de computadores en las instituciones educativas donde funcionan los Centros Regionales y que no cuentan con servicio de Internet ...... 85 9.2.8 Instituciones educativas donde funcionan los Centros Regionales que no cuentan con salas de sistemas .............................................................................. 86 9.2.9 Capacidad de memoria RAM y velocidad del procesador de las salas de las sedes educativas donde funcionan los Centros Regionales .................................. 86 9.3 FACTORES IDENTIFICADOS PARA EL DISEÑO DE ESTRATEGIAS .......... 88 9.4 CONSTRUCCIÓN DE VISIÓN ESTRATÉGICA PARA INCORPORACIÓN DE LAS TIC ................................................................................................................. 90 9.5 CONSTRUCCIÓN DE OBJETIVOS ESTRATÉGICOS .................................... 90 9.6PRINCIPIOS ..................................................................................................... 91 9.6.1 Integralidad. .................................................................................................. 91 9.6.2 Autonomía ..................................................................................................... 91 9.6.3 Autorregulación ............................................................................................. 91 9.6.4Creatividad e innovación ................................................................................ 92 9.6.5Comunicación y diálogo. ................................................................................ 92 10. FORMULACION DE ESTRATEGIAS SEGÚN CATEGORÍAS DEL DIAGNÓSTICO ...................................................................................................... 94 10.1 CATEGORÍA: ACADÉMICA ........................................................................... 94 10.2 CATEGORÍA: TECNOLÓGICO ..................................................................... 94 10.3 CATEGORÍA: ADMINISTRATIVO.................................................................. 95 10.4 CATEGORÍA: CULTURA ............................................................................... 95 11 PLAN DE ACCION INTEGRAL ......................................................................... 95 11.1 ESTRATEGIA 1. ............................................................................................ 96 11.1.1 Subestrategias ............................................................................................ 96 11.1.2 Plan de acción ............................................................................................ 98 11.2 ESTRATEGIA 2. IDENTIFICACIÓN, SELECCIÓN YDISEÑO DE CONTENIDOS DIGITALES Y MEDIOS TECNOLÓGICOS ................................. 110 11.2.1 Subestrategias .......................................................................................... 111 11.2.2 Plan de acción .......................................................................................... 112 11.3 ESTRATEGIA 3. .......................................................................................... 115 11.3.1 Subestrategias .......................................................................................... 116 11.3.2 Plan de acción .......................................................................................... 116 11.4 ESTRATEGIA 4. .......................................................................................... 118 11.4.1 Subestrategias .......................................................................................... 119 11.4.2 Plan de acción .......................................................................................... 120 9.5 ESTRATEGIA 5. ............................................................................................ 125 11.5.1 Subestrategias .......................................................................................... 125 11.5.2 Plan de acción .......................................................................................... 126 11.6 ESTRATEGIA 6.CREACIÓN DE LA CULTURA DE TIC.............................. 127 11.6.1 Subestrategias .......................................................................................... 127 11.6.2 Plan de acción .......................................................................................... 128 12. VIABILIDAD FINANCIERA, OPERATIVA Y TECNICA .................................. 131 12.1 VIABILIDAD FINANCIERA Y PRESUPUESTAL .......................................... 131 12.1.1 Alcance del aspecto presupuestal y financiero ........................................ 131 12.1.2 Presupuesto de Inversiones ...................................................................... 132 12.1.3 Presupuestos de cada ítem ...................................................................... 133 12.2 VIABILIDAD TÉCNICA................................................................................. 134 12.2.1 Tamaño del plan ....................................................................................... 134 12.2.2 Localización para la operación del plan. ................................................... 135 12.2.3 Descripción de actividades ....................................................................... 136 12.3 VIABILIDAD OPERATIVA ............................................................................ 139 13. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES ................................................. 141 14. BIBLIOGRAFIA .............................................................................................. 143 ANEXOS .............................................................................................................. 148MaestríaCurrently, the State University of Tolima has national coverage through the IDEAD Distance Education Institute in a blended manner in 56 Regional Distance Education Centers (CREAD), with a student population close to 38,000 students, with 80 being % students from socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3. To serve this student population, IDEAD does not have a strategic plan that allows it to incorporate ICT into its academic and administrative processes, which would help it improve the self-training processes of students. students and their educational quality. In the present work, a SWOT (Weaknesses, Opportunities, Strengths and Threats) was developed that was developed by conducting workshops in focus groups of six Regional Centers for Distance Education CREAD, which was complemented with the exercise of adjusting the pedagogical model of the IDEAD in which it was built through the research, action, participation and diagnosis (DOFA) methodology of the technological component, built through the workshop held in the Office of Technological Management. This diagnosis made it possible to elaborate the Strategic Plan for the Incorporation of ICT in the Distance Education Institute - IDEAD - in which strategies are proposed in the organizational, pedagogical and technological components and the strategic plan to be followed in a given period is formulated of time in the three components

    The Capstone ePortfolio in an Undergraduate Public Health Program: Accreditation, Assessment, and Audience

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    The Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) degree program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) was launched in 2007, and was initially accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health in 2009. We admit approximately 40–45 students each fall to the upper division major, through a competitive admissions process. During the junior and senior years, BSPH majors complete a core set of required courses including internship; 18 credit hours of restricted electives; and any minor offered by the university (except public health). During 2014–2015, the Department of Public Health Sciences was one of five campus units supported by UNC General Administration to pilot the use of ePortfolios as a tool to help students integrate learning across the courses that make up the major. The pilot program continued for 2 additional years, to promote enduring faculty efforts. We subsequently outline the development and implementation of ePortfolio pedagogy in the BSPH program at UNC Charlotte, including preliminary assessment of outcomes the past 3 years. The adoption of ePortfolios has been instrumental in students' educational experiences for over 2 decades. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has advocated that “ePortfolios allow faculty and other educational professionals to help students organize their learning; preserve the variety of forms in which their learning occurs; and reflect upon their learning.” We have learned that effective student ePortfolios do not arise in a vacuum. In collaboration with like-minded campus colleagues including those associated with the university's Communication Across the Curriculum program, we have encountered contributing forces related to the process of “collection, selection, and reflection” including intentional assignments that yield effective student artifacts; and authentic feedback to students through adoption and modification of the AAC&U VALUE rubrics. We conclude that internal and external forces drive the development of ePortfolio content; students embrace opportunities to document learning when those opportunities are structured; the development of the ePortfolio is relational—consistent with student attributes; and ePortfolios enable evidence-based approaches to meet accreditation demands, assessment needs, and workforce expectations

    La industria de las flores en Colombia

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    En la actualidad el nivel de exportaciones que tiene Colombia en el sector floricultor maneja un trascendental paso competitivo a nivel logístico. En el cual como sabemos tenemos serios competidores a nivel internacional, lo cual obliga a la industria a manejar unas mejoras en las condiciones para llegarle radicalmente a la satisfacción de los clientes finales. Esto es lo que influencia todo el sector el cliente final, en donde otros países manejan mejores tiempos y ya la calidad de la industria colombiana se está viendo perjudicada por la parte logística, ya que como se sabe las flores manejan tiempos perecederos lo que obliga a que su entrega o comercialización se haga en el menor tiempo posibles. Partiendo de los tiempos y la calidad enfocándose en satisfacer a un cliente se tendrá en cuenta un análisis de todos los factores de mejora en la parte logística siendo el punto principal de afectación en la industria de las flores colombianas, lo que ha ido disminuyendo el nivel competitivo internacional.Currently the level of exports that Colombia has in the floriculture sector handles a transcendental competitive step at logistic level. In which we already know we have serious international competitors, which forces the industry to handle the improvements in the conditions to radically reach the satisfaction of the final customers. This is what influences in the sector the final client where other countries handle better times and the quality of the Colombian industry, this is affected by the logistic part, it is known how the flowers handle perishable times which obliges that their delivery or marketing is done in the shortest possible time. Part of the times and quality are focused on satisfying a customer is handled in the account is analyzed all factors are improved in the logistics is the main point of involvement in the Colombian flower industry, which has been decreasing international competitive level

    Efficacy of a Novel Method for Inspiratory Muscle Training in People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

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    Most inspiratory muscle training (IMT) interventions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have been implemented as fully supervised daily training for 30 minutes with controlled training loads using mechanical threshold loading (MTL) devices. Recently, an electronic tapered flow resistive loading (TFRL) device was introduced that has a different loading profile and stores training data during IMT sessions