1,055 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the best combination of cow manure and mulch on the growth and yield of melon plants (Cucumis melo L.). This study was conducted using a Randomized Group Design ( RAK) with 10 combinations of 3 repeats, the first factor of cow manure (P) consisting of cow manure 0 tons / ha (p1), 10 tons / ha (P2), 20 tons / ha (p3), 30 tons / ha (p4), 40 tons / ha (p5). for the second factor, namely mulch (M) which consists of silver color mulch ( M1) and without mulch ( M2). There is a noticeable influence on the combination of 30 tons/ha of cow manure and silver mulch (P4M1). The combined treatment of cow manure 30 – 40 tons /ha and silver mulch gives the best results against the growth and yield of melon plants (Cucumis melo L.)

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual Berbasis Kompetensi Untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pembelajaran

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    The aim of this study was to improve the learning effectiveness of both learning process quality and standard competency achievement in the application of the competency-based contextual learning model in the Cooling Technique and Air Management class. The study was conducted in Elekctrical Department of Engineering Faculty of Yogyakarta State University. The study was classroom action research involving several cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 13 D3 students who took the subject of the Cooling Technique and Air Management during the odd semester in the academic year of 2008/2009. Data were gathered using questionnaires, observation, tests, and tasks or quizzes. Data analysis was descriptive using percentages. The results showed that the use of the competency-based contextual learning model on the subject of Cooling Technique and Air Management was able to improve learning effectiveness of both the process and output of learning

    Tekanan Struktural, Peluang Politik, dan Sukses Gerakan Petani di Lampung

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    This study was aimed at explaining one of the conflicts in Lampung Province who developed into a peasant movement. Interestingly, this peasant movement overran the land and agrarian policy influence to form a new village. Data were obtained from depth interviews and documentary studies. The results found that the structural pressures led to the accumulation of land conflicts crystallize into "sub-culture of peasant opposition." Its social and cultural capital were a base to accelerate the strengthening of peasants' resource mobilization. The momentum of the political opportunities at the beginning of reform responded quickly to the socio-political movements in the form of protests, negotiations and land occupation. Through this movement, the farmers has managed to occupy agricultural land, the agrarian policy changes that benefit farmers and obtained the legality of the formation of a new village Karang Rejo. However, behind this success, the substantive isues of peasants to land ownership was still neglected, so that the struggle of peasants were still not finished

    Rancang Bangun Prototype Smart Traffic Light Menggunakan Metode Background Subtraction dan Find Contour

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    Kemacetan di Indonesia sering terjadi dikota-kota besar. Hal tersebut terjadi dikarenakan banyaknya volume kendaraan yang terus bertambah dan bertambahnya volume kendaaran tersebut tidak sebanding dengan kondisi ruas jalan yang tentunya cepat atau lambat akan terjadi penumpukan sejumlah kendaraan sehingga terjadi kemacetan. Sistem pengaturan lampu lalu lintas (traffict light) dengan menggunakan pengaturan berbasis waktu tetap seperti sekarang ini maka banyak atau sedikit-nya jumlah kendaraan yang berada pada jalur-jalur persimpangan tidak mempengaruhi kinerja lampu lalulintas. Disamping itu kemacetan juga dapat mempengaruhi berbagai macam kegiatan masyarakat karena disamping berdampak pada kelancaran kegiatan masyarakat dan tak kalah pentingnya pada dampak pendapatan masyarakat. Maka pada penelitian ini akan dibuat sebuah perancangan Prototype Smart traffic light untuk mendeteksi tingkat kepadatan kendaraan yang berada pada persimpangan ruas jalan, sehingga dapat memperkirakan ruas jalan mana yang membutuhkan waktu hijau lebih banyak (kondisi ruas jalan padat) dan memperkirakan ruas jalan yang tidak membutuhkan waktu lampu hijau lebih ( kondisi jalan kosong / Sedikit kendaraan ). Dalam pendeteksian tingkat kepadatan kendaraan di traffic light, didapatkan sebuah hasil persentase kepadatan anatar lain 100%, 90%, 70%, 50%, dan 30%. Pada persentase 100% sistem mendeteksi kepadatan jalur sehingga dilakukan penambahan waktu, Persentase 90% sistem mendeteksi kepadatan jalur sehingga dilakukan penambahan waktu. Persentase 70% sistem mendeteksi kepadatan jalur sehingga dilakukan penambahan waktu. Persentase 50% sistem tidak mendeteksi kepadatan jalur sehingga tidak dilakukan penambahan waktu. Persentase 30% sistem tidak mendeteksi kepadatan jalur sehingga tidak dilakukan penambahan waktu

    Woman Economic Contribution, Livelihood Strategies, and Family Well-being of Farmer Families in Cimanuk Watershed

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    The objective of this study were to analyze woman economic contribution, livelihood strategies, and well-being of farmer families in Cimanuk Watershed. This study used a cross-sectional study design. This research involved 65 samples farmer families. This study was conducted in Garut and Indramayu District. The results showed that most of woman economic contribution belong to low category. Livelihood diversification is a strategy that most farmer families do in the Cimanuk Watershed on the dry season, rainy season, disaster season, and highly economic pressure season. The family well-being of families belong to moderate category, and ecomonic well-being aspect occupied in lowly level than physic aspect, psychology aspect, and social aspect. The result showed that the well being of farmer families affected by woman economic contribution. The result also showed that livelihood strategies not affected to family well being. Many or less of livelihood strategies not affected to family well being

    Woman Economic Contribution, Livelihood Strategies, and Family Well-being of Farmer Families in Cimanuk Watershed

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    The objective of this study were to analyze woman economic contribution, livelihood strategies, and well-being of farmer families in Cimanuk Watershed. This study used a cross-sectional study design. This research involved 65 samples farmer families. This study was conducted in Garut and Indramayu District. The results showed that most of woman economic contribution belong to low category. Livelihood diversification is a strategy that most farmer families do in the Cimanuk Watershed on the dry season, rainy season, disaster season, and highly economic pressure season. The family well-being of families belong to moderate category, and ecomonic well-being aspect occupied in lowly level than physic aspect, psychology aspect, and social aspect. The result showed that the well being of farmer families affected by woman economic contribution. The result also showed that livelihood strategies not affected to family well being. Many or less of livelihood strategies not affected to family well being

    Economic Pressure, Livelihood Strategy, and Family Well-being in Cimanuk Watershed, Garut and Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia

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    The objective of this study is to analyze economic pressure, livelihood strategy, and well-being of families in Cimanuk Watershed. This study used a cross-sectional study design. As many as 72 samples of lower middle class families (determined by Poverty Line of BPS 2013) who have toddler and school age children were chosen puposively. This study was conducted in Garut District and Indramayu District. The results showed that inspite of being in poverty, only one out of three families felt highly economic pressure, and one out of ten families perceived poorly well-being. Family economic pressure was affected by the region difference, education level of father, and ownership of financial capital. Meanwhile, family well-being was affected by the education level of the father, financial capital, social capital, access to the environment, economic pressure, and livelihood diversification. Livelihood diversification is the strategy that most poor families did in Cimanuk Watershed. Livelihood diversification of families was affected by the age of the wife, expenditure per capita, social capital, and access to the environment

    Evaluasi Program Paket C di Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar

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    This study aims to get an overview and at the same time evaluate the implementation of the Musi Rawas SKB Foster Package C Program. This type of research is an evaluation research that uses a quantitative approach supported by a qualitative approach. The evaluation model used is the CIPP model (context, input, process, product). Data collection was carried out through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documentation with informants from learning residents, organizers, and tutors. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results of the study show that: (1) the level of community need for the Package C Program in SKB is high and most of the learning residents state that it is relevant to the learning needs of the community; (2) learning residents in terms of educational background and age have met the criteria, tutors and administrators in terms of educational background and experience have met the criteria; (3) the activities of learning residents in class and at home are quite good, although not optimal, the activities of tutors in learning in class are in the good category. Most of the learning residents state that they do not get skills education; and (4) the academic achievement of the learning residents in the form of an average odd semester score in 2022 is in the sufficient category, and almost all learning residents state that the Package C Program provides benefits. The conclusions based on the results of the study are that the needs of the learning community for Package C are classified as high, the characteristics of the tutor have met the criteria seen from their educational background and teaching experience, the infrastructure used is quite good. The majority of learning residents stated that the Package C Program at the Musi Rawas SKB was quite useful, namely being able to increase knowledge, skills, change the attitude/mental of learning residents, and open up opportunities to be able to continue higher education.   Keywords: Learning Evaluation, Package C, Learning Activitie


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    This paper aims at finding out a model or a concrete picture of the role of local culture in intercultural communication teaching embedded in English speaking classes. Specifically, this paper studied the first-year-students studying speaking in English Department of Universitas Negeri Semarang and lecturers lecturing speaking lesson in the same university. The study design, method, and approach implemented in this study, respectively, were case study, qualitative, and interdisciplinary. In addition, data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation study, and were validated by using triangulation technique. The collected data were analyzed using interactive model, comprising data reduction, data presentation, and verification. Results showed that the knowledge of culture, both native and foreign one, was embedded in teaching speaking classes of first-year-students in Universitas Negeri Semarang. The local culture itself served as benchmark and departing point of teaching intercultural communication to students. By acting as a benchmark, local culture gave students a standard of what considered acceptable and not acceptable both in native and foreign culture. While as a departing point, local culture served as the initial knowledge of students before getting to understand the concept of international communication further. For teaching speaking in general, local culture which was used as a ground to introduce intercultural communication would be beneficial for teachers to teach polite oral English communication which was acceptable for speakers coming from various nations.DOI: doi.org/10.24071/llt.2018.21020

    Respon Tingkah Laku Lobster Pasir (Panulirus homarus, Linnaeus, 1758) Terhadap Kontaminasi Bahan Baku Minyak Bumi (Crude Oil)

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    Tumpahan minyak sering terjadi di perairan dan memiliki dampak negatif terhadap kelangsungan hidup organisme laut, salah satunya Lobster Pasir (Panulirus homarus). Keadaan perairan yang terkontaminasi akan mengakibatkan perubahan tingkah laku hingga terjadinya kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pergerakan dan jumlah pergerakan Panulirus homarus terhadap kontaminasi minyak bumi (crude oil). Pengamatan dilakukan dengan perlakuan penambahan crude oil sebesar 0 ppm, 1 ppm, 5 ppm, ppm, dan 100 ppm yang dilakukan secara kontinyu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode observasi skala laboratorium menggunakan kamera Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) sebagai instrument utama dalam pengamatan tingkah laku lobster. Lobster yang digunakan adalah lobster jantan dengan ukuran panjang 10-12 cm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pergerakan lobster meningkat dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi crude oil, namun tidak memiliki pola pergerakan tertentu. Berdasarkan respon tingkah laku yang teramati. Lobster Pasir mulai terganggu pada konsentrasi 5 ppm. Konsentrasi crude oil memiliki hubungan yang cukup erat dengan jumlah pergerakan lobster. Parameter kualitas air yang diduga berperan dalam serangkaian penyebab perubahan pergerakan lobster adalah kandungan oksigen terlarut (DO) yang menurun dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi crude oil
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