411 research outputs found

    Downscaling regional climate model outputs for the Caribbean using a weather generator

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    Locally relevant scenarios of daily weather variables that represent the best knowledge of the present climate and projections of future climate change are needed by planners and managers to inform management and adaptation to climate change decisions. Information of this kind for the future is only readily available for a few developed country regions of the world. For many less-developed regions, it is often difficult to find series of observed daily weather data to assist in planning decisions. This study applies a previously developed single-site weather generator (WG) to the Caribbean, using examples from Belize in the west to Barbados in the east. The purpose of this development is to provide users in the region with generated sequences of possible future daily weather that they can use in a number of impact sectors. The WG is first calibrated for a number of sites across the region and the goodness of fit of the WG against the daily station observations assessed. Particular attention is focussed on the ability of the precipitation component of the WG to generate realistic extreme values for the calibration or control period. The WG is then modified using change factors (CFs) derived from regional climate model projections (control and future) to simulate future 30-year scenarios centred on the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. Changes between the control period and the three futures are illustrated not just by changes in average temperatures and precipitation amounts but also by a number of well-used measures of extremes (very warm days/nights, the heaviest 5-day precipitation total in a month, counts of the number of precipitation events above specific thresholds and the number of consecutive dry days)

    Past and projected weather pattern persistence with associated multi-hazards in the British Isles

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    Hazards such as heatwaves, droughts and floods are often associated with persistent weather patterns. Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) are important tools for evaluating projected changes in extreme weather. Here, we demonstrate that 2-day weather pattern persistence, derived from the Lamb Weather Types (LWTs) objective scheme, is a useful concept for both investigating climate risks from multi-hazard events as well as for assessing AOGCM realism. This study evaluates the ability of a Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) multi-model sub-ensemble of 10 AOGCMs at reproducing seasonal LWTs persistence and frequencies over the British Isles (BI). Changes in persistence are investigated under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP8.5 and RCP4.5) up to 2100. The ensemble broadly replicates historical LWTs persistence observed in reanalyses (1971-2000). Future persistence and frequency of summer anticyclonic LWT are found to increase, implying heightened risk of drought and heatwaves. On the other hand, the cyclonic LWT decreases in autumn suggesting reduced likelihood of flooding and severe gales. During winter, AOGCMs point to increased risk of concurrent fluvial flooding-wind hazards by 2100, however, they also tend to over-estimate such risks when compared to reanalyses. In summer, the strength of the nocturnal Urban Heat Island (UHI) of London could intensify, enhancing the likelihood of combined heatwave-poor air quality events. Further research is needed to explore other multi-hazards in relation to changing weather pattern persistence and how best to communicate such threats to vulnerable communities

    Using ERA-Interim reanalysis for creating datasets of energy-relevant climate variables

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    The construction of a bias-adjusted dataset of climate variables at the near surface using ERA-Interim reanalysis is presented. A number of different, variable-dependent, bias-adjustment approaches have been proposed. Here we modify the parameters of different distributions (depending on the variable), adjusting ERA-Interim based on gridded station or direct station observations. The variables are air temperature, dewpoint temperature, precipitation (daily only), solar radiation, wind speed, and relative humidity. These are available on either 3 or 6 h timescales over the period 1979–2016. The resulting bias-adjusted dataset is available through the Climate Data Store (CDS) of the Copernicus Climate Change Data Store (C3S) and can be accessed at present from ftp://ecem.climate.copernicus.eu. The benefit of performing bias adjustment is demonstrated by comparinginitial and bias-adjusted ERA-Interim data against gridded observational fields

    Open data from physical model tests: Lessons learned from related initiatives

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    The HYDRALAB network of European physical model laboratories (www.hydralab.eu) has a range of facilities that includes flumes, basins, ice facilities, rotating tanks and environmental facilities. Each institution had its own data collection system, there are many proprietorial data formats, a shortage of meta-data and no central effort to curate or preserve this data in a findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) way. HYDRALAB+ (2015-2019) is a European Commission Horizon 2020 project to support this network, which requires FAIR data management. HYDRALAB is reviewing the steps taken to make data openly accessible in related disciplines, so that lessons learned can be applied to HDRALAB+. The chosen communities were: (i) the University of Hull’s digital repository, (ii) EMODnet Baltic Checkpoint, (iii) OpenEarth and (iv) the FP7 projects PEGASO and MEDINA and the EU MED project COASTGAP. It is clear that no one solution can deal with all situations: different data types and requirements can best be dealt with by different approaches. Standards for meta-data should be applied, but no existing standard covers the range of situations faced by HYDRALAB. All can be extended in a bespoke manner (which can potentially be included in an update of the standard) but it is highly likely that more than one standard (and none) will be used in such a diverse community. This is perfectly acceptable, so long as the standard is published. There is also a clear need for guidance on the development of repositories where large volumes of data are collected and an understanding of how much needs to be made available on-line. Although there can be conflicts of interest between institutions that are developing policies for data management and projects that want a uniform approach to data management across all partners, systems today can generally accommodate this

    Application of a stochastic weather generator to assess climate change impacts in a semi-arid climate: The Upper Indus Basin

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    Assessing local climate change impacts requires downscaling from Global Climate Model simulations. Here, a stochastic rainfall model (RainSim) combined with a rainfall conditioned weather generator (CRU WG) have been successfully applied in a semi-arid mountain climate, for part of the Upper Indus Basin (UIB), for point stations at a daily time-step to explore climate change impacts. Validation of the simulated time-series against observations (1961–1990) demonstrated the models’ skill in reproducing climatological means of core variables with monthly RMSE of <2.0 mm for precipitation and ⩽0.4 °C for mean temperature and daily temperature range. This level of performance is impressive given complexity of climate processes operating in this mountainous context at the boundary between monsoonal and mid-latitude (westerly) weather systems. Of equal importance the model captures well the observed interannual variability as quantified by the first and last decile of 30-year climatic periods. Differences between a control (1961–1990) and future (2071–2100) regional climate model (RCM) time-slice experiment were then used to provide change factors which could be applied within the rainfall and weather models to produce perturbed ‘future’ weather time-series. These project year-round increases in precipitation (maximum seasonal mean change:+27%, annual mean change: +18%) with increased intensity in the wettest months (February, March, April) and year-round increases in mean temperature (annual mean +4.8 °C). Climatic constraints on the productivity of natural resource-dependent systems were also assessed using relevant indices from the European Climate Assessment (ECA) and indicate potential future risk to water resources and local agriculture. However, the uniformity of projected temperature increases is in stark contrast to recent seasonally asymmetrical trends in observations, so an alternative scenario of extrapolated trends was also explored. We conclude that interannual variability in climate will continue to have the dominant impact on water resources management whichever trajectory is followed. This demonstrates the need for sophisticated downscaling methods which can evaluate changes in variability and sequencing of events to explore climate change impacts in this region
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