143 research outputs found

    Fatores que influenciam a decisão de usar anestesia peridural para mulheres

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    Justificación: La inmigración en España es un fenómeno de gran importancia que repercute en el área de la salud. Objetivo: Investigar la relación entre la elección de la anestesia epidural y la nacionalidad de la mujer, y a su vez, observar si influyen además otros factores en esta decisión. Diseño y Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, transversal y descriptivo con una muestra de 634 mujeres que han dado a luz en el Hospital del Noroeste de la Región de Murcia. Las variables seleccionadas fueron: antecedentes obstétricos, edad, tipo de anestesia, nacionalidad de la mujer y motivo por el rechazo de la anestesia epidural. Resultados: El 8,51% de las mujeres que dieron a luz en el hospital del Noroeste de la Región de Murcia durante el año 2010 fueron inmigrantes. En cuanto a la nacionalidad, el 20,37% de las mujeres inmigrantes no han utilizado ningún tipo de anestesia. Se ha encontrado una significante diferencia con las mujeres no inmigrantes españolas en las que sólo el 4,31% la rechazó (P<0,001). En relación a los abortos, las mujeres que no prefieren ningún tipo de anestesia son aquellas que sí han tenido abortos (P<0.05). Las edades más jóvenes de las mujeres, de 16 a 25 años, se relaciona con el no uso de la anestesia epidural (P<0,05). Conclusión: Las mujeres inmigrantes hacen menos uso de la anestesia epidural. Es un reto para la enfermera aprender las diferentes culturas ya que realiza su trabajo en una sociedad cada vez más multicultural.Justification: Immigration in Spain is a very important phenomenon which reverberates in the field of the health. Objective: To investigate the relation between the choice of epidural anesthesia and the nationality of the women, and in turn, to observe if other factors also influence this decision. Design and Methodology: Quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study of 634 women who have given birth at the Northwestern Hospital in the Region of Murcia. The variables selected were: obstetric history, age, type of anesthesia, the nationality of women and reasons of rejection of epidural anesthesia. Results: The 8, 51% of women who have given birth in the Northwestern Hospital in the Region of Murcia in 2010 were immigrants. As for nationality, 20, 37% of women immigrants have not used any type of anesthesia. We found a significant difference with the Spanish immigrant women in which only 4, 31% rejected (P< 0,001). In relation to abortions, women who do not prefer any anesthesia are those who do have abortions (P<0, 05). Younger ages for women, 16 to 25 years, is associated with no use of epidural anesthesia (P<0, 05). Conclusion: Immigrant women make less use of epidural anesthesia. It is a challenge for nurses to learn the different cultures and to carry out work in an increasingly multicultural society.Justificação: Imigração na Espanha é um fenômeno muito importante que afeta a área da saúde. Objetivo: Investigar a relação entre a escolha de anestesia peridural ea nacionalidade da mulher, e por sua vez, para ver se outros fatores também influenciam esta decisão. Projeto e Metodologia: quantitativa, o estudo descritivo transversal de uma amostra de 634 mulheres que deram à luz no Hospital da Região Noroeste de Múrcia. As variáveis selecionadas foram: história obstétrica, idade, tipo de anestesia, as mulheres nacionais e motivos da recusa da anestesia epidural. Resultados: 8,51 % das mulheres que deram à luz no hospital da Região Noroeste de Murcia em 2010 eram imigrantes. Em relação a nacionalidade, 20,37% das mulheres imigrantes não usei nenhuma anestesia. Encontramos uma diferença significativa com nenhuma mulher imigrante espanhol em que apenas 4,31% rejeitados (P < 0,001). No que diz respeito ao aborto, as mulheres que não preferem qualquer anestesia são aqueles que têm abortos (P < 0,05). Jovens mulheres com idades entre 16 a 25, não estava relacionado com o uso de anestesia epidural (P < 0,05). Conclusão: As mulheres imigrantes fazem menos uso de anestesia epidural. É um desafio para a enfermeira aprender diferentes culturas e obter o seu trabalho em uma sociedade cada vez mais multicultural

    El Centenillo. Proceso de musealización de un paisaje minero en la provincia de Jaén

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    This report shows the results obtained to date of the project carried out with fun-ding granted by the Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía in 1999. The prin­cipal objective of this project was to preparate the necessary documentation to study the possibilities of opening the archaeological remains at El Centenillo to the public. El Centenillo was an important mining centre in the first half of the 20th century, and also in the time of the Roman occupation.Se presentan en este artículo los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento en el proyecto realizado gracias a una subvención concedida por la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía en la campaña de 1999. Esta actividad se había marcado como principal objetivo la elaboración técnica de la documentación necesaria que per­mitiera establecer las posibilidades reales de hacer visitables los restos arqueológicos que aún se conservan en El Centenillo, un centro minero de primer orden durante la primera mitad del siglo XX y también en época romana

    Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of Algerian propolis against fish pathogenic bacteria

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    Five different varieties of propolis from four sites from Sétif region (East of Algeria) (Babor, Setif; Ain-Abbassa and El-Hamma), and one site from the center of Algeria (Tizi-Ouzou) were chemically analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. One hundred and two compounds were identified including aromatic acids, linear hydrocarbons and their acids, terpenes and alcaloïdes. Furthermore, the in vitro bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities of the aqueous extracts were evaluated against one Gram positive (Bacillus subtilis, used as probiotics in aquaculture) and two Gram negative (Vibrio anguillarum and Vibrio harveyi, pathogenic for fish) bacteria. The obtained results showed that all aqueous extracts of propolis inhibit the growth of B. Subtilis while the growth inhibition of fish pathogens was achieved when using higher propolis concentrations. These antibacterial properties would warrant further studies on the clinical applications of propolis in aquaculture field. Keywords: Bactericidal activity; Chemical characterization; Propolis; Vibrio

    Number sense and statistical graphs in teacher education

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    En este trabajo analizamos la importancia de la adquisición de competencias de elaboración de gráficos estadísticos para los futuros profesores de Educación Primaria. Resumimos los resultados de nuestra investigación donde se muestran ejemplos de errores en gráficos producidos por futuros profesores y se sugiere que son originados por un insuficiente sentido numérico. Como consecuencia, sugerimos la conveniencia de conectar en la formación de profesores los temas de Tratamiento de la Información y Sentido Numérico a los cuales se da atención preferente en los Reales Decretos de Enseñanzas Mínimas para la Educación Primaria.In this paper we analyze the relevance of acquiring competence in building statistical graphs for pre-service primary school teachers. We summarize results from our own research that show examples of errors in graphs produced by pre-service teachers and suggest that these errors are consequence of scarce numerical sense in these teachers. Consequently, we suggest the interest of connecting the topics of Dealing with Data and Number Sense in the training of teachers, since these topics receive much attention in the curricular guidelines for Primary Education.Facultad de Educación y Humanidades - Campus de Melilla (Universidad de Granada)Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos SEJ2007-601100110 (MEC- Feder), EDU2010-14947 (MCIN), beca FPU AP2007-03222 y beca FPI BES- 2008-009562

    Epidemiological, Clinical and Genetic Study of Hypophosphatasia in A Spanish Population: Identification of Two Novel Mutations in The Alpl Gene

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    Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a genetic disease caused by one or several mutations in ALPL gene encoding the tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase affecting the mineralization process. Due to its low prevalence and lack of recognition, this metabolic disorder is generally confused with other more frequent bone disorders. An assessment of serum total alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels was performed in 78,590 subjects. Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP) concentrations were determined and ALPL gene was sequenced in patients potentially affected by HPP. Functional validation of the novel mutations found was performed using a cell-based assay. Our results showed persistently low serum ALP levels in 0.12% of subjects. Among the studied subjects, 40% presented with HPP-related symptoms. Nine of them (~28%) had a history of fractures, 5 (~16%) subjects showed chondrocalcinosis and 4 (~13%) subjects presented with dental abnormalities. Eleven subjects showed increased PLP concentrations. Seven of them showed ALPL gene mutations (2 of the mutations corresponded to novel genetic variants). In summary, we identified two novel ALPL gene mutations associated with adult HPP. Using this protocol, almost half of the studied patients were diagnosed with HPP. Based on these results, the estimated prevalence of mild HPP in Spain could be up to double than previously reported.Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics at the University of California, San Francisco (with support from NIH P41-GM103311)grants from Alexion and FEIOMM, by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grants PI18-00803 and PI18-01235)co-funding from FEDER and by Junta de Andalucía (grant PI-0207-2016)GM-N is supported by the predoctoral program from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FI17/00178) and by the Research Initiation Grants for Official Master Students program from the University of Granada (2017)PJR is a Ramon y Cajal Researcher from the MINECO (RYC-2015-18383) at GENyO and University of Granada

    Estudio y planificación de contenidos, materiales y metodologías docentes según el EEES: 1er curso de ingeniería multimedia

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    Convencidos de la idoneidad de realizar un seguimiento y revisión anual de la titulación de Ingeniería Multimedia se propuso para el curso académico 2013/14 el presente proyecto de red, que tiene por objetivo revisar y analizar los contenidos, materiales y metodologías docentes de las distintas asignaturas con el propósito de subsanar las posibles insuficiencias detectadas, y consecuentemente, mejorar la calidad de la docencia y el rendimiento del alumnado en el aprendizaje. En esta memoria se presentan los resultados de la evaluación de las asignaturas del primer curso y el análisis comparativo con cursos anteriores, obteniendo datos muy positivos, lo que muestra, un año más, la preparación y motivación de los actuales alumnos y futuros Ingenieros/as Multimedia

    Skipper-CCD Sensors for the Oscura Experiment: Requirements and Preliminary Tests

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    Oscura is a proposed multi-kg skipper-CCD experiment designed for a dark matter (DM) direct detection search that will reach unprecedented sensitivity to sub-GeV DM-electron interactions with its 10 kg detector array. Oscura is planning to operate at SNOLAB with 2070 m overburden, and aims to reach a background goal of less than one event in each electron bin in the 2-10 electron ionization-signal region for the full 30 kg-year exposure, with a radiation background rate of 0.01 dru. In order to achieve this goal, Oscura must address each potential source of background events, including instrumental backgrounds. In this work, we discuss the main instrumental background sources and the strategy to control them, establishing a set of constraints on the sensors' performance parameters. We present results from the tests of the first fabricated Oscura prototype sensors, evaluate their performance in the context of the established constraints and estimate the Oscura instrumental background based on these results

    ADGRL3 (LPHN3) variants predict substance use disorder

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    Genetic factors are strongly implicated in the susceptibility to develop externalizing syndromes such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and substance use disorder (SUD). Variants in the ADGRL3 (LPHN3) gene predispose to ADHD and predict ADHD severity, disruptive behaviors comorbidity, long-term outcome, and response to treatment. In this study, we investigated whether variants within ADGRL3 are associated with SUD, a disorder that is frequently co-morbid with ADHD. Using family-based, case-control, and longitudinal samples from disparate regions of the world (n = 2698), recruited either for clinical, genetic epidemiological or pharmacogenomic studies of ADHD, we assembled recursive-partitioning frameworks (classification tree analyses) with clinical, demographic, and ADGRL3 genetic information to predict SUD susceptibility. Our results indicate that SUD can be efficiently and robustly predicted in ADHD participants. The genetic models used remained highly efficient in predicting SUD in a large sample of individuals with severe SUD from a psychiatric institution that were not ascertained on the basis of ADHD diagnosis, thus identifying ADGRL3 as a risk gene for SUD. Recursive-partitioning analyses revealed that rs4860437 was the predominant predictive variant. This new methodological approach offers novel insights into higher order predictive interactions and offers a unique opportunity for translational application in the clinical assessment of patients at high risk for SUD

    Early Science with the Oscura Integration Test

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    Oscura is a planned light-dark matter search experiment using Skipper-CCDs with a total active mass of 10 kg. As part of the detector development, the collaboration plans to build the Oscura Integration Test (OIT), an engineering test experiment with 10% of the Oscura's total mass. Here we discuss the early science opportunities with the OIT to search for millicharged particles (mCPs) using the NuMI beam at Fermilab. mCPs would be produced at low energies through photon-mediated processes from decays of scalar, pseudoscalar, and vector mesons, or direct Drell-Yan productions. Estimates show that the OIT would be a world-leading probe for low-mass mCPs.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure