14 research outputs found

    Pembentukan Nodul dari Biji Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L.) Asal Bengkalis pada Media Wpm dengan Penambahan Bap dan Madu

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    Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) asal Bengkalis merupakan salah satu buah tropis yang menjadi komoditas ekspor Provinsi Riau dengan keunggulan dapat hidup di tanah gambut, tanah rawa, dan tanah masam. Pembentukan nodul tanaman manggis merupakan tahapan awal perbanyakan tunas pada kultur in vitro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi Benzilaminopurine (BAP) dan madu, baik tunggal maupun kombinasi, pada Woody Plant Medium (WPM) dalam pembentukan nodul dari eksplan biji manggis yang dibelah tiga secara membujur. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan menggunakan konsentrasi BAP 0, 5, dan 7 mg/L dan madu 0, 3, 6, dan 9 mL/L, baik tunggal maupun kombinasi. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa persentase pembentukan nodul paling tinggi (100%) diperoleh dari perlakuan 5 mg/L BAP. Perlakuan pemberian konsentrasi BAP dan madu, baik tunggal maupun kombinasi, pada media WPM, tidak mampu mempercepat waktu muncul nodul. Jumlah nodul terbanyak di 40 hari setelah tanam pada perlakuan 7 mg/L BAP yang disertai 3 mL/L madu adalah 25,0 nodul/biji

    Popularizing the Existance of Malang and Batu with Kirana Tour and Travel

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    The globalization era and the next decades are a crucial time for the relationship between tour and travel and sustainable development. The need to preserve the world's inherent assets for future generations is becoming an imperative goal not only for tour and travel, but also for all other industries that use the earth's natural resources. The scale of tour and travel's contribution to the global economy and its potential for enabling sustainable development are becoming more real for governments, entrepreneurs, and others who involved in tour and travel industry. Nowadays, Tour and travel's are tourism industries that become one of the largest industries in the world. Economically, it creates jobs and contributes to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as well as brings in capital investment and exports. Socially and culturally, tour and traveloffers the opportunity of providing jobs for minority and disadvantaged groups, creating adequate training in management skills, education and technology to local people and increasing incomes in rural and local economies, thereby contributing to the alleviation of poverty in developing countries. Environmentally, it is essential for tour and travel to maintain an optimal balance of its natural resources to ensure the ongoing arrival of tourists to destinations. In Kirana Tour and Travels, marketing strategy will be based mainly on make sure customers know about the existence of Kirana and the services that Kirana's give. Because the purpose is to make the right information available to the right target customers. This will be done through implementing a market penetration strategy that will make sure that Kirana's tour and travel is well known and respected in the tourism industry. Kirana make sure that the prices take into consideration customers budgets, know that it exists, and how to contact Kirana. The marketing always communicate the sense of quality in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. Kirana's promotional strategy will involve integrating advertising, events, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing and the Internet (specially in media social), details of which are provided in the marketing section of this plan

    Potential new H1N1 neuraminidase inhibitors from ferulic acid and vanillin:Molecular modelling, synthesis and in vitro assay

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    We report the computational and experimental efforts in the design and synthesis of novel neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors from ferulic acid and vanillin. Two proposed ferulic acid analogues, MY7 and MY8 were predicted to inhibit H1N1 NA using molecular docking. From these two analogues, we designed, synthesised and evaluated the biological activities of a series of ferulic acid and vanillin derivatives. The enzymatic H1N1 NA inhibition assay showed MY21 (a vanillin derivative) has the lowest IC(50) of 50 μM. In contrast, the virus inhibition assay showed MY15, a ferulic acid derivative has the best activity with the EC(50) of ~0.95 μM. Modelling studies further suggest that these predicted activities might be due to the interactions with conserved and essential residues of NA with ΔG(bind) values comparable to those of oseltamivir and zanamivir, the two commercial NA inhibitors