287 research outputs found

    Marketing of non-timber forest products as products from the Protected Forest Management Unit Batutegi, Lampung, Indonesia

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    Batutegi PFMU has much potential for NTFPs, which have been developed in coffee, palm sugar, and honey. The marketing of NTFPs needs attention because what often happens is inefficient marketing, so it doesn’t provide additional income for the community. This study aimed to identify marketing channels, functions, and efficiency based on marketing margins, farmers’ share, and profit-to-cost ratio. There are three marketing channels for coffee, two for palm sugar, and three for honey. The marketing functions performed by farmers, collectors, wholesalers, exporters, KUPS, cooperatives, and resellers are exchange, physical, and facilitation functions. Channel 1 palm sugar is an efficient marketing channel with a marketing margin of IDR 13,724.19 per kilogram, a farmer’s share of 100%, a profit ratio of 15.03, and marketing channel 1 honey with a marketing margin of IDR 224,112.70 per kilogram (Trigona honey), and IDR 124,494.35 per kilogram (Cerana and Dorsata honey), a farmer’s share of 100%, and profit ratio of 10.21 (Trigona honey) and 6.47 (Cerana and Dorsata honey).Abstrak: KPHL Batutegi memiliki banyak potensi HHBK dan yang banyak dikembangkan yaitu kopi, gula aren dan madu. Pemasaran HHBK perlu mendapat perhatian karena yang banyak terjadi adalah pemasaran yang tidak efisien sehingga tidak memberikan tambahan pendapatan bagi masyarakat. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi saluran pemasaran, fungsi pemasaran dan efisiensi pemasaran berdasarkan margin pemasaran, farmer’s share dan ratio keuntungan terhadap biaya. Terdapat 3 saluran pemasaran kopi, 2 saluran pemasaran gula aren dan 2 saluran pemasaran madu. Fungsi pemasaran yang dilakukan petani, pedagang pengumpul, pedagang besar, eksportir, KUPS, Koperasi dan pengecer yaitu fungsi pertukaran, fungsi fisik dan fungsi fasilitasi. Saluran pemasaran yang efisien yaitu saluran pemasaran 1 kopi dengan margin pemasaran sebesar Rp. 18.294,78 per kilogram , farmer’s share sebesar 70,11% dan ratio keuntungan sebesar 2,46; saluran pemasaran 1 gula aren dengan margin pemasaran sebesar Rp.13.724,19 per kilogram, farmer’s share sebesar 100 % dan ratio keuntungan sebesar 15,03 serta saluran pemasaran 1 madu dengan margin pemasaran sebesar Rp. 224.112,70 per kilogram (madu Trigona) dan Rp. 124.494,35 per kilogram (madu Cerana dan Dorsata), farmers’s share sebesar 100 % dan ratio keuntungan sebesar 10,21 (madu Trigona) dan 6,47 (madu Cerana dan Dorsata)

    Strategies of Community Empowerment to Manage Protection Forest Sustainably

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    The Indonesian Government has empowered communities that are living adjacent to forests, but at the same time, protection forests are highly encroached by the local community. In response, our study aims at formulating strategies of community empowerment in protection forest management. Data collection through participatory observation, questionnaire surveys, interviews, and focused group discussions were conducted in the surrounding communities of protected forest areas in Sumbawa District, Indonesia. A combination of descriptive, participatory, and explorative approaches were used for data analysis. The knowledge of local communities on protection forest conservation was found to be on an average level, while their attitudes towards conservation were assessed as being on a higher level. Community empowerment programs implemented by the government were shown to have no significant effect on knowledge improvement, but they were more effective in changing the community's attitudes regarding protection forest management. Local communities were shown to be willing to conduct conservation activities as well as looking for cash income. Therefore, our study suggested that community empowerment programs should link forest conservation with income opportunities for local people, such as implementing conservation agriculture (e.g. agroforestry), partnerships in the production and sale of non-timber forest products, and be conducting clearly reward and punishment for communities


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    Sektor pertanian memiliki peran penting dalam penyediaan pangan nasional dan berkontribusi dalam memperkuat program ketahanan pangan. Ketahanan pangan sendiri telah diangkat sebagai isu global dalam permasalahan pangan dunia. Ketersediaan lahan untuk pertanian dan perikanan di perkotaan cenderung mengalami penurunan setiap tahunnya, termasuk di Kota Magelang. Ditambah pula kebutuhan bahan pokok pangan seperti beras sebagai sumber karbohidrat dan ikan sebagai sumber protein terus meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk. Usaha budidaya ikan dan padi (mina padi) telah diterapkan oleh beberapa petani di Kota Magelang, tetapi belum dilakukan secara berkesinambungan dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis usaha mina padi yang telah dilakukan beserta strategi untuk pengembangan usaha mina di Kota Magelang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budidaya mina padi yang dilakukan terdiri dari beberapa proses, yaitu pemilihan benih padi dan ikan, persemaian benih padi, persiapan lahan, penanaman padi, penebaran benih ikan, pemupukan, penyiangan gulma, pemeliharaan ikan, pengendalian hama dan penyakit serta pemanenan hasil. Nilai R/C ratio sebesar 2.58 dan B/C ratio 1.58 yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa budidaya mina padi layak untuk dikembangkan di Kota Magelang. Strategi pengembangan usaha mina padi di Kota Magelang diantaranya dengan penguatan kelembagaan pelaku pertanian, pengendalian hama dan predator pengganggu secara berkala serta peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan sumber daya manusia

    Application of the Brandis Method for Yield Regulation of Pine Private Forest in Tana Toraja

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    The utilization of private forests in Indonesia that is not managed properly based on the principle of sustainable yield will result in the depletion of private forests in the not too distant future. Therefore the sustainability of private forest is a necessity that cannot be delayed anymore. The general objective of this research is to find out whether the yield regulation method (Brandis Method) can be applied in private forests. The specific objectives of this study are: (a) to analyze the characteristics of pine private forests and their suitability for the Brandis Method practice, and (b) to know the sustainability of pine forest products in Tana Toraja using the Brandis Method and its institutions. The data collected in this study consist of primary and secondary data. The analytical method used was descriptive analysis and yield regulation method was analyzed based on Brandis Method. The result of this study shows that the yield regulation of the private pine forests in Tana Toraja can be done based on the number of trees using the Brandis Method. The regulation of private forest products based on the number of trees can be carried out if there is support from private forest institutions

    Strategies of Community Empowerment to Manage Protection Forest Sustainably

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    The Indonesian Government has empowered communities that are living adjacent to forests, but at the same time, protection forests are highly encroached by the local community. In response, our study aims at formulating strategies of community empowerment in protection forest management. Data collection through participatory observation, questionnaire surveys, interviews, and focused group discussions were conducted in the surrounding communities of protected forest areas in Sumbawa District, Indonesia. A combination of descriptive, participatory, and explorative approaches were used for data analysis. The knowledge of local communities on protection forest conservation was found to be on an average level, while their attitudes towards conservation were assessed as being on a higher level. Community empowerment programs implemented by the government were shown to have no significant effect on knowledge improvement, but they were more effective in changing the community's attitudes regarding protection forest management. Local communities were shown to be willing to conduct conservation activities as well as looking for cash income. Therefore, our study suggested that community empowerment programs should link forest conservation with income opportunities for local people, such as implementing conservation agriculture (e.g. agroforestry), partnerships in the production and sale of non-timber forest products, and be conducting clearly reward and punishment for communities


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    The livelihood system is an effort to make a living carried out by an individual or household to live by utilizing the resources they have. From the change in the status of the area, namely from a protected forest to a national park, the community experienced a decline in the livelihood system so the government issued a program for community empowerment as well as forest area conservation through a conservation partnership permit. The purpose of this study is to analyze sustainable livelihood strategies based on available assets or capital. This research method uses qualitative and quantitative analysis through 3 stages, namely the input stage, the matching stage, and the decision stage. The results showed that from the conservation partnership villages, namely Labuaja, Rompegading, Barugae, Patanyamang, Mattampawalie, Patanyamang and Wanua Waru, had the highest assets and capital. From the analysis of internal and external factors, the most influential on this livelihood system is the external factor with a score of 4.26. After analyzing these factors, the SWOT analysis shows that the community's livelihood system is in the Growth-Oriented Strategy (Quadrant I). QSPM analysis shows that the four emerging strategies are survival strategy, consolidation, and accumulation and shows that the highest strategy with a score of 0.72 is the running strategy. The conclusion is that the sustainable livelihood strategy that is considered the most capable of improving the community's livelihood system in this conservation partnership permit is a strategy

    Stakeholder Analysis on Community Forest Management Partnership and Independent

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    Timber of community forest in one of the alternative supply that is needed by the wood processing industries. Partnership and independent of community forest can be realized in the relationship between farmers and industry. However, parts of the community forest system is represented by different stakeholders, which are interrelated in a system. This study analyzed stakeholder interest, influences and relationships between partnership and independent of community forest management. The study was conducted in Probolinggo District and respondents were selected using snowball sampling. There were 15 stakeholders identified as being involved in the partnership of community forest management of which were classified 4 as key players, 2 as context setters, 5 as subjects and 5 as crowds. There were 12 stakeholders identified as being involved in the independent of community forest management of which were classified 3 as key players, 1 as context setters, 5 as subjects and 3 as crowd. The performances of each stakeholder can be controlled if the integration of relationships and rules has been established

    Penyusunan Indeks Kinerja Polisi Kehutanan Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam

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    Forest ranger is one of Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) human resources that is assigned the job to protect and secure forests. They played very important role within The Ministry of Forestry. As civil servant, forest ranger is evaluated using Performance Appraisal and Credit Unit. On average, they achieved higher job rank in more than four year, which is thought to be too long. A method to enhance their performance is thus necessary. The research objective was to formulate performance index for four levels of forest ranger's namely: junior forest ranger, forest ranger, senior forest ranger, and supervisor of forest ranger. The research was conducted in two BKSDA, in the Provinces of Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta. The performance was determined using (i) criteria and indicators, (ii) weighted indicators and (iii) performance index's limit as requirement for promotion. The criteria and indicators were set fixed from forest ranger's duty, then indicator's values were defined by using Analytical Hierarchy Process's (AHP) assessed by experts. Performance index has five performance criteria: educational background; conducting forest protection and security operation; conducting oversight of forest products, floras and faunas circulation; professional capacity building; and carrying out complementary activities. Each of these criteria had indicators which the amount depended on the rank of forest ranger. Results of the Performance Index for each forest ranger's level were 111 for junior forest ranger, 213 for forest ranger, 125 for senior forest ranger, and 72 for supervisor of forest ranger


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    SMA Negeri 5 Semarang is a national standard school indicated by National Education Department to represent Central Java province. This designation is based on the quality acquired so far. In the management the principal invites the entire society components to develop this school together; therefore a good cooperation between school and society is established. Based on the fact above, researcher aims to describe the management of basic education institution at SMA Negeri 5 Semarang, the purpose in details are 1) to describe the physical characteristics of SMA Negeri 5 Semarang, 2) to describe the school organization characteristics of SMA Negeri 5 Semarang, and 3) to describe the principal characteristics of working relationship with a teacher at SMA Negeri 5 Semarang. This is a qualitative research and ethnography strategy. The research location is SMA Negeri 5 Semarang. The data collection techniques are deep- interview, observation, and documentation study. The data analysis used is inductive analysis by applying three stages; data reduction, display data, and data verification. The data validity is done by triangulation technique. Research findings 1) the physical structure of SMA Negeri 5 Semarang consists of school building that is used for class rooms, office, library, laboratory, art workshop, and others, all functioned optimally, 2) the organization structure of the school consists of a) a headmaster as the school manager, educator, negotiator, and motivator for both teachers and students, b) a school committee as the liaison between society and school, the controller of finance expense, school consideration, and school programs supporter, c) school treasurer who manage school finance, there are two treasurers, one treasurer takes care of SPP fund and the other one takes care of government fund excluding SPP, and d) homeroom teacher has a responsible to the headmaster on the execution of assistance and monitoring, and has the authority to carry out any activity related with class assistance and monitoring; and 3) relationship the headmaster with teachers: a) the employment relationship, b) personal relationships

    Patterns and Trends of Crocodile Trade from Tanah Papua, Indonesia

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    Crocodylus porosus and C. novaeguineae are two protected and tradable crocodile species in Indonesia. Therefore, precautionary principles are needed in their utilization to ensure sustainability. Although the commodity from these species is traded domestically and internationally, the broader picture of its use in Indonesia is less known. The objectives of the study were to: (1) analyze the domestic trade of crocodiles, and (2) analyze the international trade of crocodiles. The analysis was conducted using data of direct utilization sourced from the wild in the form of skin and hatchlings, data on domestic transport permits, CITES export permits, and the CITES trade database. The study suggested that the harvest of crocodile hatchlings and skin do not represent the actual condition since the skin recorded were only those sent outside of the province. Determining zero harvest quotas of C. porosus did not stop species harvest for domestic trade. The dominant source of C. porosus skin export was captive breeding, while C. novaeguineaewas sourced from the wild. Ranch-sourced skin of both species for export were very low
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