478 research outputs found

    Neurodynamic evaluation of hearing aid features using EEG correlates of listening effort

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    In this study, we propose a novel estimate of listening effort using electroencephalographic data. This method is a translation of our past findings, gained from the evoked electroencephalographic activity, to the oscillatory EEG activity. To test this technique, electroencephalographic data from experienced hearing aid users with moderate hearing loss were recorded, wearing hearing aids. The investigated hearing aid settings were: a directional microphone combined with a noise reduction algorithm in a medium and a strong setting, the noise reduction setting turned off, and a setting using omnidirectional microphones without any noise reduction. The results suggest that the electroencephalographic estimate of listening effort seems to be a useful tool to map the exerted effort of the participants. In addition, the results indicate that a directional processing mode can reduce the listening effort in multitalker listening situations

    "Патриотические граффити" к проблеме использования диалогической и монологической форм коммуникации в рамках государственной пропаганды в работе с молодежью (социально-философский аспект)

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    Научно-квалификационная работа посвящена исследованию социально-культурного явления, возникшего в конце 2000-х годов и получившего называние "патриотические граффити". Данное явление исследуется в аспекте деятельности российского государства по пропаганде патриотизма.Scientific qualification work is devoted to the study of social and cultural phenomena that arose in the late 2000s and was called "Patriotic graffiti". This phenomenon is studied in the aspect of the Russian state's activities topropagandize patriotism

    Contribution a la topographie historique des iles de Zadar

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    Sustavnije se toponomastičku građu zadarskog otočja počelo istraživati tek prije četrdesetak godina. Prednost je do sada bila dana popisivanju građe na terenu. Zato se ukazala potreba i za istraživanjem povijesne građe, kako bi se analizom i usporedbom jedne i druge moglo vjerodostojnije tumačiti jezične likove i preciznije ustvdriti ubikaciju pojedinih toponima. S obzirom na bogatsvo arhivskih fondova u Zadru, može se očekivati da će upravo za sjevernodalmatinsko otočje biti moguće znatnije dopuniti dosadašnja istraživanja s mnoštvom podataka o povijesnim topografskim situacijama, do sada uglavnom nepoznatih. Autor u svom prilogu donosi ispise iz jednog od najbogatijih arhivskih fondova — Spisa zadarskih bilježnika, i to iz najstarijeg njegovog dijela, dokumenata iz druge polovine XIV. i prve polovine XV. stoljeća. U spisima dvadesetdevetorice bilježnika nalaze se povijesne potvrde za oko pet stotina toponima na zadarskim otocima, uglavnom na većim: Ugljanu, Pašmanu, Dugom Otoku, Ižu i Ravi. S obzirom na teškoće oko prenošenja hrvatskih fonema u ortografski sustav bilježnika, mahom stranaca, neki su zapisi i problematični. No, unatoč tome, sačuvani spomeni pružaju važno uporište za domišljanje o razvojnom putu toponimskih likova koji su se održali do danas. No isto tako, ovi su zapisi jedini trag toponima koji su nestali iz jezične uporabe.Des recherches plus systématiques de la toponymie des îles de Zadar ont commencé depuis une quarantaine d\u27années. La priorité a été accordée jusqu\u27à présent à la notification et à la systématisation du matériel linguistique, attesté sur le terrain. Il est entendu que la nécessité d\u27une recherche historique de la toponymie s\u27est avérée évidente: elle permettra de parvenir , à la suite d\u27analyses et de comparaisons, à une interprétation étymologique plus exacte et à une identification géographique plus précise. Vu la richesse des fonds des archives de Zadar, on peut s\u27attendre à ce que les informations y conservées contribuent et complètent sensiblement la recherche toponymique par une série de données nouvelles concernant les situations topographiques jusqu\u27à présent ignorées. L\u27auteur nous présente les notes topographiques tirées d\u27un des plus riches fonds des Archives de Zadar, à savoir: Les Registres des notaires de Zadar, depuis ses débuts, c\u27est-à-dire de la fin du XlVe et du début du XVe siècle. Dans ces registres, rédigés par vingt-neuf notaires on trouve des attestations écrites d\u27environs 500 formes toponymiques des îles de Zadar, dont: Ugljan, Pasman, Dugi Otok, Iž et Rava. Puisque la transcription des phonèmes croates dans le système orthographique du notaire — en principe d\u27origine étrangère — présentait souvent d\u27insurmontables obstacles, un certain nombre d\u27attestations devrait être soumis à une recherche ultérieure. Mais, en dépit de ce fait, les noms de lieux attestés dans les Registres représentent une base sûre pour les analyses futures et les comparaisons avec les formes toponymiques existantes, ainsi qu\u27 un témoignage de première importance pour les formes linguistiques que la pratique contemporaine a abandonées

    Intense biogeochemical iron cycling revealed in Neoarchean micropyrites from stromatolites

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    International audienceIron isotope compositions of sedimentary pyrites (FeS2) are used to constrain the redox evolution of the Precambrian ocean and early Fe-based metabolisms such as Dissimilatory Iron Reduction (DIR). Sedimentary pyrites can record biotic and abiotic iron reduction, which have similar ranges of Fe isotopic fractionation, as well as post-depositional histories and metamorphic overprints that can modify Fe isotope compositions. However, some exceptionally well-preserved sedimentary records, such as the stromatolite-bearing Tumbiana Formation (ca. 2.7 Ga, Western Australia) have been proven to retain primary information on Early Neoarchean microbial ecosystems and associated metabolic pathways. Here, we present in situ Fe isotope measurements of micropyrites included in four stromatolites from the Tumbiana Formation in order to assess iron respiration metabolism using Fe isotope signatures. A set of 142 micropyrites has been analyzed in three lamina types, i.e. micritic, organic-rich and fenestral laminae, by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), using a Hyperion radio-frequency plasma source. The diversity of laminae is attributed to specific depositional environments, leading to the formation of Type 1 (micritic laminae) and Type 2 (organic-rich laminae) and early diagenetic effects (Type 3, fenestral laminae). Type 1 and 2 laminae preserved comparable δ56Fe ranges, respectively from −1.76‰ to +4.15‰ and from −1.54‰ to +4.44‰. Type 3 laminae recorded a similar range, although slightly more negative δ56Fe values between −2.20‰ and +2.65‰. Globally, our data show a large range of δ56Fe values, from −2.20‰ to +4.44‰, with a unimodal distribution that differs from the bimodal distribution previously reported in the Tumbiana stromatolites. Such a large range and unimodal distribution cannot be explained by a unique process (e.g., biotic/abiotic Fe reduction or pyrite formation only controlled by the precipitation rate). It rather could reflect a two-step iron cycling process in the sediment pore water including i) partial Fe oxidation forming Fe(OH)3 with positive δ56Fe values followed by ii) partial, possibly microbially induced, Fe reduction leading to Fe2+ availability for pyrite formation by sulfate reducers carrying both negative δ56Fe and δ34S signatures. In this model, the buildup and subsequent reduction through time of a residual Fe(OH)3 reservoir arising from the activity of methanotrophs, can explain the strongly positive δ56FeFe(OH)3 values up to 4‰. These results indicate that Archean microbial mats have been the site of the interaction of several closely linked biogeochemical cycles involving Fe, S and C

    Alterations in Event Related Potentials (ERP) Associated with Tinnitus Distress and Attention

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    Tinnitus related distress corresponds to different degrees of attention paid to the tinnitus. Shifting attention to a signal other than the tinnitus is therefore particularly difficult for patients with high tinnitus related distress. As attention effects on Event Related Potentials (ERP) have been shown this should be reflected in ERP measurements (N100, phase locking). In order to prove this hypothesis single sweep ERP recordings were obtained in 41 tinnitus patients as well as 10 control subjects during a period of time when attention was shifted to a tone (attended) and during a second phase (unattended) when they did not focus attention to the tone. Whereas tinnitus patients with low distress showed a significant reduction in both N100 amplitude and phase locking when comparing the attended and unattended measurement condition a group of patients with high tinnitus related distress did not show such ERP alterations. Using single sweep ERP measurements the results of our study show, that attention in high tinnitus related distress patients is captured by their tinnitus significantly more than in low distress patients. Furthermore our results provide the basis for future neurofeedback based tinnitus therapies aiming at maximizing the ability to shift attention away from the tinnitus. © 2008 The Author(s)