10 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kebijakan Pemerintah melalui Media Massa terhadap Keputusan Melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19 di Kalangan Mahasiswa

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of government policies through the mass media on students' decisions in West Java to vaccinate against Covid-19. The method used by researchers is simple linear regression analysis. The sample used in this study was 100 students in West Java. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant influence between government policies in the mass media on students' decisions to vaccinate Covid-19. The R Square results found that the effect of government policy on the mass media on the decision to vaccinate Covid-19 was 49.8%. While the remaining 50.2% is explained by other variables not included in this research model. The conclusion of this study is that government policies in the mass media have a significant effect on students' decisions to vaccinate Covid-19. Keywords: Covid-19, Government policy, Vaccinat

    Pengaruh Word Of Mouth terhadap Keinginan Melakukan Vaksinasi Covid-19 pada Usia Produktif 15-65 Tahun

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     The purpose of this study was to measure and answer the question whether Word of Mouth influences the desire to vaccinate against COVID-19 at a productive age. This research method uses a variety of test variables in order to get accurate results. The results of this study are based on the results of the determination test (R square), the results of the R square test found that Word of Mouth has an effect of 0.546. It can be stated that Word of Mouth affects the desire to vaccinate by 54.6% influenced by other variables that are not present in this study. And the results of the t test found that tcount > ttable (4.971 > 1.98) then H0 was rejected statistically. From the results of the t test, the significant value is less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), which can be interpreted as having a fairly close influence between Word of Mouth on the desire to vaccinate. The conclusion of the study is that Word of Mouth affects a person's desire to vaccinate against Covid-19.   Keywords: Covid-19, Vaccination, Word of Mout

    Representasi Terorisme dalam Dua Adegan Film Dilan 1990 dengan Analisis Semiotika John Fiske

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    Dilan 1990 merupakan film yang diangkat dari novel bertajuk Dilan: Dia adalah Dilanku 1990. Film tersebut bergenre romantis yang menjadi salah satu film fenomenal tahun 2018. Di balik kepopuleran film Dilan 1990, ternyata hal ini memunculkan polemik pada warga terkait adegan kekerasan dalam film. Salah satu wujud kekerasan yang ditampilkan adalah dalam bentuk aksi teror yang dilakukan oleh geng motor. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengenali bagaimana bentuk-bentuk aksi teror yang ada dalam film Dilan 1990 dan hubungannya dengan definisi terorisme yang ada. Guna menggapai tujuan riset ini, penulis memakai pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis semiotika John Fiske bersumber pada tiga tingkatan, yakni tingkatan realitas, tingkatan representasi, dan tingkatan ideologi. Hasil riset menampilkan bahwa ada dua adegan dalam film Dilan 1990 yang dikategorikan sebagai adegan teror. Ciri pada tataran realitas ditunjukkan lewat kode penampilan, kostum, lingkungan, perilaku, cara berbicara, dan ekspresi. Pada tataran representasi ditunjukkan melalui kode kamera, musik, revisi, suara, narasi, kepribadian, aksi, dan konflik. Sementara itu, pada tataran ideologis, adegan teror dalam film Dilan 1990 merepresentasikan terorisme. Dilan 1990 is a film based on a novel titled Dilan: Dia adalah Dilanku 1990.  The genre of the film is romantic and it became one of the phenomenal films in 2018. Behind the popularity of Dilan 1990 film, there was a polemic in the community regarding the violence scenes in the film.  One of violence scenes is an act of terror by a motorcycle gang.  This research aims to identify how the forms of the terror act in the film Dilan 1990 are related to the existing definition of terrorism. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative approach was used along with John Fiske's semiotic analysis based on three levels, namely the level of reality, the level of representation, and the level of ideology. The results of the research showed that there are two scenes in the Dilan 1990 film which are categorized as terror scenes. Characteristics at the level of reality are shown through the code of appearance, costume, environment, behavior, way of speaking, and expression. At the representation level, it is shown through camera code, music, revision, sound, narration, personality, action, and conflict. While at  the ideological level, the terror scene in the 1990 film Dilan represents terrorism

    Era Baru Televisi dalam Pandangan Konvergensi Media

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    New Era of Television in the Perspective of Media Convergence. The development of internet technology has led to changes and developments in the world of mass communication. Because of the internet, new media emerges. The emergence of new media is changing the way people get information through the media. Initially, people got information and news through conventional media, such as newspapers, radio, or television. To be able to continue competing as a source of information demanded by the public, television media also innovates by converging. Convergence is a combination of several types of media and is present in the form of a digital platform. This research is a library research that aims to find out media convergence conducted by television media, especially in changing platforms from conventional television to digital media. Media convergence enables professionals in the mass media field to deliver news and present information and entertainment using a variety of media. The government as the regulator is fully responsible for creating regulations that can protect all elements of society from the bad influence of the media. Regulation becomes a logical consequence of the game of cultural symbols displayed by convergent media. The goal is clear, which is to avoid a conflict of interests that makes one party harmed, especially the users or the public, for they usually become the victim of the implementation of a convergence. ABSTRAKPerkembangan teknologi internet telah menimbulkan perubahan dan perkembangan dalam dunia komunikasi massa. Karena internet, muncullah media baru atau new media. Kemunculan media baru tersebut mengubah cara masyarakat mendapatkan informasi melalui media. Awalnya, masyarakat mendapatkan informasi dan berita melalui media konvensional, seperti surat kabar, radio, atau televisi. Untuk dapat terus berkompetisi sebagai sumber informasi yang diminati masyarakat, media televisi pun melakukan inovasi dengan cara berkonvergensi. Konvergensi adalah penggabungan dari beberapa jenis media dan hadir dalam bentuk platform digital. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian library research yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui konvergensi media yang dilakukan oleh media televisi khususnya dalam mengubah platform dari konvensional ke media digital. Konvergensi media memungkinkan para profesional di bidang media massa untuk menyampaikan berita dan menghadirkan informasi dan hiburan, dengan menggunakan berbagai macam media. Pemerintah selaku regulator bertanggung jawab penuh menciptakan regulasi yang dapat melindungi segenap elemen masyarakat dari pengaruh buruk media. Regulasi menjadi konsekuensi logis dari permainan simbol budaya yang ditampilkan oleh media konvergen. Tujuannya jelas, yakni agar tidak terjadi tabrakan kepentingan yang menjadikan salah satu pihak menjadi dirugikan. Terutama bagi kalangan pengguna atau publik, pihak ini biasanya menjadi pihak yang paling sering menjadi korban dari implementasi konvergensi


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    Media televisi merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat terpisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia. Hampir semua rumah mempunyai televisi terutama dipulau Jawa. Hasil dari beberapa lembaga riset ternama menjelaskan bahwa penggunaan media televisi masih sangat diminati dikalangan masyarakat. Akan tetapi seiring perkembangan jaman, hadirnya media baru dengan platfom digital serupa tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat dan mendominasi. Terutama dikalangan anak muda, karakter media baru yang lebih felksibel membuat keberadaan media baru tersebut semakin digandrungi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya perubahan pola penggunaan media konvensional ditunjukan oleh hasil rendahnya tinggkat menggunaan media televisi dengan indikasi khalayak mulai beralih menonton program televisi melalui platfom digital lain seperti youtube. Dibutuhkan sinergisitas, kreatifitas, dan kualitas program yang baik agar media televisi masih dapat terus eksis menghadapi pesatnya perkembangan teknologi di era digita

    Representasi Pesan Mimpi Amerika (American Dream) Dalam Film Fatherhood

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    Stereotip mengenai ras kulit hitam sering dikaitkan dengan kemiskinan. Sekumpulan orang Amerika menganggap ras dan kemiskinan dengan berlebihan sehingga orang Afrika-Amerika lama dikenal sebagai orang yang miskin dan malas. Hingga kini isu mengenai kesetaraan yang selalu dibahas dalam american dream masih belum tercapai. Film Fatherhood yang disutradarai oleh Paul Weitz dan dibintangi oleh Kevin Hart adalah sebuah film yang merupakan representasi Mimpi Amerika (American Dream) mengenai kesetaraan atau tidak adanya rasisme, padahal pada kenyataannya masyarakat masih sering mengalami situasi yang berkaitan dengan rasisme terutama pada ras kulit hitam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pesan Mimpi Amerika tergambarkan dalam film Fatherhood. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma kritis menggunakan metode interpretasi. Melalui analisis semiotika John Fiske yang terbagi menjadi 3 level yaitu: level realitas yang terdiri dari kode tampilan, kostum, ekspresi serta gerakan; level representasi yang terdiri dari kode kamera, setting dan juga kode dialog; level ideologi yaitu stereotip rasisme terhadap ras kulit hitam, penulis menemukan adanya upaya untuk mematahkan stereotip yang tertanam dalam benak masyarakat mengenai rasisme terhadap ras kulit hitam, terutama bagi sosok ayah ras kulit hitam. Hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya pesan representasi Mimpi Amerika dibalik film fatherhood

    Uji Uses and Gratifications dalam Intensitas Menonton Program Talk Show Melalui Televisi

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    A survey of media consumption in several cities throughout Indonesia shows that television use still dominates. The results of a survey conducted by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission explained that television programs considered to have quality with a high standard value of 3.04 were talk show  programs. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of media and its underlying relationships based on the standpoint of the uses and gratification theory. This research uses theories of uses and gratification. The theory of uses and gratification considers that mass media do not have the power to influence the audience, but the audience using mass media is certainly based on different needs. An explanatory quantitative approach is used in this study to explain a social phenomenon that can be measured. Correlation test results in this study explained that the entertainment satisfaction obtained by respondents did not come from the intensity of the respondents when watching talk show s through television media, but the high level of entertainment satisfaction obtained by respondents came from the magnitude of the desired information motive


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    Crime is an activity that violates specific rules and norms and is detrimental to other people which is still often found amid social life from the past until now. The Light Copyist is used as a research object because of his fame until now. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a constructivist paradigm and uses Stuart Hall's reception analysis theory as well as Soesilo's theory of crime and WA Bonger. This study aims to discuss the phenomenon of criminality in the film Copying Light based on Stuart Hall's 3 interpretive positions. There are 7 scenes analyzed and all of these scenes have elements of crime in them. Based on the answers from the informants, the majority of them are in a dominant-hegemonic position. In this study, there are new findings in the forms of crime that are not included in Bonger's classification and the emergence of crime levels, namely treason, felony, and misdemeanor. The researcher's suggestion is to continue this research regarding these new findings so that people become more aware of existing forms of crime

    Teenagers’ Entertainment Satisfaction in Watching Talk Show Program through Youtube

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    This study was conducted based on the results of research from several survey institutions which explained that there was an indication of shifting patterns from old media to the new media. The researchers wanted to know the level of satisfaction of the youth in using the new media among the community with the students of Universitas Sebelas Maret, generation 2015 to 2017. In this study, the researchers used the Uses and Gratification approaches. The researchers also use quantitative analysis and the Slovin formula to calculate samples of respondents from each generation. The frequency distribution analysis technique was used to calculate the frequency of data and then procentaged. The result of this study is that there is a high level of satisfaction where the majority of the respondents feel that they get the satisfaction they want or look for when watching talk show program through Youtube

    Learning Readiness as a Predictor of Academic Resilience in Online Learning during School from Home

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    Learning readiness is considered as a supporting factor in academic resilience. Since the situation of school closure and learning from home due to the COVID-19 pandemics, there have been changes in learning methods that require students to readily use online learning. Unfortunately, students\u27 readiness in online learning has not been widely discussed in terms of its effect on the student’s academic resilience. The purpose of this study was to provide information on whether there was a significant relationship between online learning readiness and students\u27 academic resilience during the school-from-home period. Participants in this study consisted of 1.681 students from five high schools in Bandung, Indonesia. The research used questionnaires that were based on the online learning readiness scale and the academic resilience scale. The questionnaires were distributed online. The data in this study were then analyzed using correlational and regression methods. The results showed that there was a moderately significant relationship between student readiness in online learning and student academic resilience during the school-from-home period. Also, online learning readiness significantly predicted student academic resilience through the dimensions of motivation for learning and self-directed learning. This study emphasized the importance of student readiness in online learning as a new learning strategy during school from home in increasing academic resilience and success