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    1668 research outputs found

    The role of shoope's live streaming feature as digital marketing for online shop

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    Digital marketing also makes it easier for business people to monitor and provide all the needs and desires of potential consumers, and on the other hand potential consumers can search for and obtain product information just by browsing cyberspace, thus making the search process easier (Dedi, Rahmi, & Shandy, 2018). Of course, this existence cannot be avoided due to the rapid development of technology, especially in this era. Shopee LIVE is a feature that allows you to create live streaming sessions and promote shops & products directly to buyers. In the context of the research explained previously, the researcher focused his research on the role of the Shopee Live Streaming Feature as Digital Marketing for the Kalukalu.Id Online Shop, the role of the live streaming feature in Shopee E-Commerce as a form of new adaptation of marketing communications during the pandemic for the brand) . As a medium for disseminating information and education, distribution media and media that influences audiences by segmenting permanent and potential consumers of The aim of this research is how to process information from to consumers, the selection of features in live streaming chosen by, and the role of live features in maintaining the flow of communication on Instagram social media as a medium for buying and selling transactions

    Analysis of the influence of trust, risk perception On online purchase decisions (study on shopee consumers in Durikulon village)

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    Along with the development of e-commerce in Indonesia, customers are increasingly favored by shopping online to fulfill their needs. This study aims to understand the effect of trust, perceived risk on online purchasing decisions on shopee consumers in Durikulon village. This type of research is quantitative with random sampling technique. Data collection was obtained from 80 respondents with a questionnaire consisting of questions with a Likert scale. The data analysis method used to determine the effect of trust (X1) and risk perception (X2) on purchasing decisions is multiple linear regression and coefficient of determination, while to find out there is whether or not the influence is partially or individually significant, namely the t test and simultaneously together, namely the F test. The results of multiple linear regression obtained are Y = 0.898 + 0.667X1 + 0.316X2, the most dominant variable is Trust (X1) with a beta of 0.898. The results of the calculation of the partial confidence t test (X1) obtained a tcount value of 6,000 > ttable 1,991. So Ho rejected Ha accepted. Risk perception variable (X2) obtained tcount value of 5.189 > ttable 1.91. So Ho rejected Ha accepted. F test results can be obtained Fcount 60,044 > Ftable 3,12 which indicates that Ho is rejected Ha is accepted. Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that overall the independent variables have a significant value in a positive direction. The trust variable has the most dominant value compared to the risk perception variable. The trust and risk perception variables also have a significant influence either partially or simultaneously on the dependent variable. namely the purchase decision

    The role of family as a means of moral value formation: a review of moral values education in the family environment

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the family as a means of formation in instilling moral value education for children or adolescents. The family has an important role in moral value education for children. This role is increasingly important in the era of globalization and modernization which continues to have an impact on children's behavior, where in the current era, children or adolescents experience moral degradation. The method used in examining this topic is to use a literature study by collecting various literature related to the family and the study of moral value education. The results and discussion are that families need to create an environment that supports children's moral development in the long run. The cultivation of moral values to children must start early. Parents need to be good role models for children and provide open communication. Parents also need to involve children in family activities so that moral values can be integrated into children's daily lives. By implementing these strategies, families can play a more active role in educating children to become moral, responsible and ethical people

    Collaboration Strategies For Obtaining Regional Financial Report Opinions In The North Sulawesi Provincial Government

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    The preparation and examination of government financial reports are crucial tasks to be carried out and scrutinized by authorized state institutions to prevent financial mismanagement. After the examination, an opinion on the financial report will be issued. The research method employed by the researcher is qualitative, involving 12 informants. Data collection techniques, as proposed by Creswell, include observation, interviews, documentation, and audio-visual materials. Data analysis is conducted using SWOT analysis. The results of the analysis and discussion conducted by the researcher during the study reveal several factors contributing to the suboptimal collaboration, which poses a hindrance to maintaining an unqualified opinion without any reservations. These factors include recurring notes from external parties, uneven task distribution, insufficient budget, and an inadequate number of employees

    Sufism Asmaran Think

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    This Research is motivated by a negative impression of Sufism in society. The practice of Sufism as a manifestation of ihsan is often assumed and is practiced as an individual worship activity that prioritizes piety private and insensitive to the reality that is happening around him. While on the other hand, Sufism In Asmaran’s view, there are two things studied in this thesis, namely : (1) How does Sufism Asmaran think? (2) What is the Role of Asmaran, in Development of Sufism? To disclose deep field research in this study, the data collected is primary data about Sufism according to Asmaran’s views, as well as secondary data in the form of past writings discusses Sufism according to Asmaran, and relevant literature with this research. From the results of this study it was found that: Asmaran, born in Juai, Balangan, North Hulu Sungai Regency (now included in the area Balangan Regency), South Kalimantan. He is someone who educated in Islamic boarding schools and also practicing tasawuf, however Asmaran’s thoughts, themselves lean towards neo-sufism. During Asmaran’s lifetime, studied at various levels of education, both Islamic education as well as general ones. The substance of the teachings of Sufism according to Asmaran is a blend of faith, worship, good deeds, and noble character. Whole these elements must unite, faith must be reflected in the form of worship, and True worship is one that has a positive impact in the form of charitary pious and noble character. The results of this study are expected to be useful in the framework development of the reassures of Islamic education, especially in the environment Ushuluddin Faculty an Hmanities UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. And result This research is also expected to encourage the world of Islamic education to open up and provide opportunities for Sufism to take part together in order to shape humans as individual beings as well as social beings

    Implementation Of Pancasila Ideology Development And Pancasila Ideology Development Policy Regulation And Training Policies

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    The true essence of Pancasila is not only knowing and memorizing the precepts in Pancasila, but Pancasila needs to be actualized in the moral attitudes and behavior of all Indonesian citizens. Every citizen needs to realize that in society, nation and state, every citizen has human nature, that every human being is both an individual creature and a social creature. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this research is divided into two types, namely primary data and secondary data. The informants in this study were 11 people. Data analysis that has been developed by Miles and Huberman uses an interactive model with three procedures, namely: Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Conclusion Drawing. research results and discussion: The implementation of educational regulations and training for Pancasila ideology development seen from the productivity dimension is currently not optimal because the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) does not have office representatives in the regions and seems to work alone and is unable to reach the needs of the target group. Meanwhile, within the internal scope, BPIP has not yet fully realized the mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 7 of 201

    Personal branding analysis Jenda Munthe on social media

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    Everyone can become a content creator, but not everyone can make content creation a profession. Content creator can be defined as someone who makes money by creating content, whether in the form of writing, images, videos, sounds or a combination of this content to be created on online platforms, can be posted on social media, blogs, websites and other online or digital media (Kurniawan & Gabriella, 2020). The name Jenda Munthe or also known as Jenda McLover is a content creator and also a celebrity who actively uses the Tiktok and Instagram applications. Jenda Munthe uses Tiktok & Instagram apart from sharing information and communicating, but also to form Personal Branding. The purpose of this writing is to find out how Jenda Munthe forms Personal Branding and what Jenda Munthe's Personal Branding looks like in the eyes of followers on Instagram.The paradigm in this research is a constructivist paradigm. This writing uses qualitative research methods, with case study research and qualitative descriptive research. Next, use data analysis techniques, literature study and data validity techniques. The theory used in this research is the theory of The Eight Laws of Personal Branding, namely specialization, leadership, personality, difference, visibility, unity, constancy and good name. From the results of the analysis carried out using the eight personal branding concepts from Montoya & Vendehey (2002), this research proves that Jenda Munthe succeeded in building her personal branding well in fulfilling these eight concepts. Jenda Munthe is seen by followers on Instagram as someone who is friendly, kind, easy to get along with, educational and loves her family. Jenda Munthe's personal branding through her Tiktok & Instagram content finally opened up new career opportunities for Jenda Munthe as a content creator who previously worked as a Criminology Journalist. The phenomenon that occurred at Jenda Munthe provides a reality finding that to become a content creator you need the concept of personal branding through content on a media, one of which is the social media Instagram

    Integrated marketing communication kopilimana cafe in heightning brand awareness

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    Brand awareness is very important for coffee. Because it can increase the interest of business customers. This is similar to what Kopilimana Cafe is doing, which is currently trying to increase brand awareness by using integrated marketing communications, even though sales are decreasing during the pandemic. The purpose of this research is to determine the type of integrated marketing communications that Kopilimana Cafe uses to increase brand awareness. In this research, integrated marketing communication theory is used. This theory includes advertising, sales promotions, events and experiences, public relations and promotions, direct marketing, interactive marketing, and personal selling. This research is qualitative in nature. The research results show that Kopilimana Cafe uses a combination of different marketing strategies: advertising in general media, sales promotion through incongruent variants, events and experiences by collaborating with outside parties, public relations and promotion by collecting information through social media, direct marketing with conveying information about products, individual sales through positive relationships, and interactive marketing through social media

    The Effect Of Applying Artificial Intelligence In Brand Marketing Strategies To Improve Company Effectiveness And Efficiency (Case Study: J.Co Coffee & Donuts Indonesia)

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    This article aims to explain and analyze the basic concepts of artificial intelligence or AI and identify areas of AI that can be applied digitally in the marketing field. At this time, AI has an important role in marketing in the digital world. AI has changed the way companies J.CO Coffee & Donuts create programs and interact with customers. AI is also used to manage advertising. Using literature reviews and examples that have been conducted J.CO Coffe & Donuts, this study explores several important aspects such as AI's ability to analyze customer data and market trends, provide targeted content recommendations, personalize customer experience, improve interaction with chatbots, and apply social media sentiment analysis to understand customer reactions to marketing. The result of this research is that the presence of AI and social media currently provides an opportunity for a product to be able to develop more and reach its market. This research confirms that AI is a powerful and effective tool to improve the effectiveness and success of marketing campaigns

    The influence of experiential marketing on repurchasing interest (survey on customers of woven bag products at Biboki art shop Kefamenanu)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Experiential Marketing on repurchase intention of woven bag customers at the Biboki Art Shop. The population of this study are customers who buy woven bags at the Biboki Art Shop. The sampling technique uses the Accidental Sampling method. The sample in this study amounted to 60 customers with data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques.The results of this study indicate that the elements of Experiential Marketing which include sense, feel think, act, and relate have a positive effect on repurchase intention. This is strengthened and supported by the sig. smaller than the alpha value, namely 0.000 <0.05, meaning that sense, feel, think, act, and relate have a significant effect on repurchase intention, and then it can be seen from the results of the t-count for the variables sense, feel, think, act, and relate greater than t-table (1.98552), meaning that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted


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