15 research outputs found

    Growth Response of Calopogonium Caeruleum and Centrosema Pubescens Ground Cover Crops Toward Inoculation of Bradyrhizobium, Aeromonas Punctata, and Acaulospora Tuberculata

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    Planting of leguminous cover crops is a standard practise in preparing land for oil palm and rubber plantations. The synergism capability of Bradyrhizobium, Aeromonas punctata (phosphate solubilizing bacteria) and Acaulospora tuberculata (AM fungi) to increase growth of leguminous cover crops (Calopogonium caeruleum and Centrosema pubescens) was studied in a glass house experiment using polybag (10 x 10 cm) containing acid soil with low level nutrition of Ciomas, Bogor. Research results showed that Bradyrhizobium, A. punctata and A. tuberculata inoculation on C. caeruleum signifycantly enhanced plant height, and number of leaves. However, the treatment did not increase biomass and N, P, and K uptake of plant. Number of nodule were increase when the plant was inoculated with A. tuberculata alone or in combination with Bradyrhizobium and A. punctata. Centrosema pubescens gave good response when inoculated with A. tuberculata. However, dual inoculation of the two bacteria Bradyrhizobium and A. punctata with A. tuberculata signifycantly enhance plant height, plant biomass, N, P, and K plant uptake

    Potensi bakteri pelarut P dan Penambat N rhizosper kelapa sawit gambut saprik

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    Pemanfaatan pupuk hayati sangat berpotensi untuk menurunkan input produksi pada budidaya kelapa sawit khususnya pupuk. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan Bakteri Pelarut P dan Penambat N yang berpotensi sebagai bahan pupuk hayati dari rizosfer tanaman kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan di lahan gambut saprik Kabupaten Pelalawan, Provinsi Riau dari bulan Juni sampai November 2014. Pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan menggunakan bor gambut pada bagian rizosfer dengan kedalaman sampai 20 cm. Isolasi dan karakterisasi dengan metode pure plate menggunakan media selektif N Ashby untuk penambatan N dan Pikovskaya untuk pelarutan P, sedangkan analisis fiksasi N dan pelarutan P dilakukan menggunakan HPLC dan spektrofotometer di Laboratorium mikrobiologi PT. RPN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanah gambut saprik berpotensi sebagai sumber isolat bakteri pelarut P dan penambat N potensial. Jumlah isolat bakteri pelarut P yang berhasil diperoleh adalah 11 isolat sedangkan jumlah bakteri penambat N non-simbiotik adalah 6 isolat. Isolat bakteri pelarut P potensial asal Sungai Ara dengan kemampuan melarutkan P 329,94 ppm; sedangkan bakteri penambat N non-simbiotik potensial adalah asal Kuala Panduk dengan kemampuan fiksasi N 0,0293 mmol l-1jam-1. ABSTRACTUtilization of biofertilizer is potential to decrease production inputs on oil palm cultivation, especially fertilizer expense. The research aimed to obtain Solubilizing P-Bacteria and Non-Symbiotic Fixing N bacteria which potential as biological fertilizer from oil palm rhyzosphere. The research was conducted at Pelalawan sapric peat soil from June to November 2014. Soil samples were taken by using peat drill into 20 cm soil depth, while isolation and characterization used pure plate method by using the selective media N Ashby for N fixation and Pikovskaya for P solubility. N fixation and P dissolution analyzed by using HPLC and spectrophotometer at PT. RPN microbiology laboratory. The results showed that sapric peat soil potentially utilize as microbial resource. The number of phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolates were 11 isolates, while the number of non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation bacteria inhibiting N Azotobacter sp. were 6 isolates. The potential isolate of P-solubilizing bacteria was Sungai Ara origin with the ability to dissolve P about 329.94 ppm; while the potential of non-symbiotic N-fixing bacteria was Kuala Panduk origin with N fixation ability 0.0293 mmoll-1h-1


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    Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) is one of the large solid wastes produced in oil palm industries. In this study, a technique of fast composting of oil palm EFB was carried out. This research aims to assess the effect of aeration on water content, the dynamics of temperature, fungal growth, and the carbon-nitrogen ratio of the EFB. Treatments tested in this study were three types of ligninolytic fungal isolates as decomposers (Omphalina sp, Pholyota sp, and Omphalina sp + Pholyota sp.) and two types of aeration, i.e., with or without aeration in the composting pile. The study was done for seven weeks on open land. The water content of composting piles on aeration treatments (48.7-53.7%) was slightly higher than treatments without aeration (37.2-45.56%). Based on the parameters of increasing temperature, the EFB decomposition process increased and reached a maximum in the second week and then decreased in the period incubation of 7 weeks. Giving aeration to the EFB pile inoculated with decomposer seems to produce slightly better mycelium growth by about 20% than those without aeration. In general, the values of the C/N ratio were lower in the aerated EFB piles compared to those without aeration. Management of aeration, such as controlling the period of aeration, is needed to maintain EFB moisture in the presence of aeration or add material that keeps the aeration will maintain the optimum water content in a pile. Keywords: decomposers, ligninolytic, Omphalina sp., Pholyota s

    Activity of Ligninolytic Enzymes during Growth and Fruiting Body Development of White Rot Fungi Omphalina sp. and Pleurotus ostreatus

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    The activity of ligninolytic enzymes of white rot fungi (WRF) Omphalina sp. and Pleurotus ostreatus was observed during somatic and fruiting body development in solid substrate fermentation using empty fruit bunches of oil palm (EFB). The enzyme activity was dominated by laccase both of Omphalina sp. and P. ostreatus. The laccase activity on somatic phase (mycelium growth) was higher compared to that of fruiting body formation phase. The laccase activity of Omphalina sp. was slightly higher compared to that of P. ostreatus. The peak activity of manganese peroxidase (MnP) for Omphalina sp. was observed two weeks after inoculation, while P. ostreatus had two peaks i.e. two and four weeks after inoculation period. The MnP activity of P. ostreatus was higher compared to that of Omphalina sp. Omphalina sp. growth in EFB did not secrete lignin peroxidase (LiP) in contrast to P. ostreatus. The peak of LiP activity of P. ostreatus was reached two and four weeks after inoculation. The MnP and LiP activities declined during the development of fruiting bodies while laccase increased both in Omphalina sp. and P. ostreatus. It seems that the activities of ligninolytic enzyme profile were regulated in line with developmental phase of growth both in Omphalina sp. and P. ostreatus. Key words: ligninolytic enzyme activity, Omphalina sp., Pleurotus ostreatus, empty fruit bunches of oil pal

    Soil organic carbon fractions in oil palm management systems

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    Conversion of deforested areas into oil palm plantation has been suggested as a means to improve soil quality and carbon sequestration capacity in forest margin areas. Soil organic carbon fractions, such as particulate organic carbon is the most sensitive indicator in improving soil organic matter and soil quality. We determined particulate organic matter - carbon (POM-C) and mineral associated carbon (MAC) in Bengkulu and West Java Provinces Indonesia. The study areas were grain crop fields, secondary forest, 5 yr-oil palm plantation, 10 yr-oil palm plantation, 15 yr-oil palm plantation and 25 yr-oil palm plantation. Soil organic carbon fraction magnitudes varied in the surface of 0 to 30 cm of grain crop fields, secondary forest and oil palm plantations. Twenty five year- oil palm plantation provided the largest total organic carbon, while 5 yr-oil palm plantation and grain crop fields contained similar amount of total organic C. Both POM-C and MAC fractions were increased in the plantation sites with oil palm trees and secondary forest compared to the grain crop fields. The plantation sites had a larger POM-C content than grain crop fields, but the increase of POM-C was limited to the surface of 0 to 10 cm of soil. Carbon stock in 0-30 cm under oil palm plantations were reduced up to 20% compared to secondary forests and 28% compared to rubber plantations in Bengkulu and West Java Provinces. On average, converting forest to plantations led to a loss of 10 Mg C/ha after about 10 years of conversion. However, the C stock in the subsoil was similar under the forest and the plantations in Bengkulu. Further, limited C input from litter would eventually cause more losses of SOC in oil palm plantations compared to rubber plantations. In conclusion, investigating the deeper profiles and soil erosion may be an important tool to unfold the trends of soil organic carbon fraction dynamics and magnitudes after the conversion of natural ecosystems to intensive plantations


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    The textile industry is one of the industries that produces liquid waste in the form of dyes such as blue Bordeaux which can be treated biologically, physically or chemically. Biological waste treatment has the advantage since it is safe, environmentally friendly, does not require large costs, and does not cause additional waste pollution. Biological waste treatment can be carried out using white rot fungi (Omphalina sp and Pleurotus ostreatus) and ligninolytic-methylene-blue degrading bacteria as the decolorizing agents in doses of 15, 30, 45% (w/w). The decolorization test was carried out using two methods, namely the Rotary Biological Contactor (RBC) and Batch Biological Contactor (BBC). This study aimed to determine the optimum concentration of biological agent and to compare the best method among the two in terms of blue Bordeaux decolorization. A factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used and the data was analyzed using ANOVA (analysis of variance) with a 95% confidence level followed by Tukey’s Honest Significance Difference Test. The results showed that not only the type of agent but also decolorization method had a significant effect on the level of decolorization of the blue Bordeaux textile colour. The highest percentage reduction of blue Bordeaux was found in Omphalina sp. as biosorbent with a concentration of 30% using the RBC method for 24 hours. Keywords: dye decolorization, ligninolytic microorganism, Omphalina sp., Pleurotus ostreatu

    Optimalisasi Produksi dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jahe pada Beberapa Naungan

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    Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family. The rhizome of the ginger plant contains two classes of constituents: essential oils and oleoresins, which are useful for treating various diseases such as; diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and many other diseases. This study aims to see the effect of shading on plant growth, biomass, and gingerol content. The research was conducted at the Cikabayan Education Garden in July 2021-April 2022. This experiment used a one-factor Randomized Group Design, namely shade consisting of four levels, namely N0 0% (full light), and paranet with a density of N1 = 25%, N2 = 50%, and N3 = 75%. Each treatment was repeated three times, so there were 12 experimental units, each experimental unit had 6 sample plants. The results showed that shading with 50% and 75% density produced the highest plant height and number of ginger leaves compared to no shading and 25% density shading. Plant biomass components were influenced by shading. Shade treatment was not significantly different in leaf thickness, number of stomata, and stomatal density. The treatment of shading on gingerol compound levels in ginger plants gave a significant difference in 75% shading treatment, the highest value was in the 50% density shading treatment with a value of 12.10. Ginger plants can be grown and adapt well to low light intensity. Keywords: biomass, gingerol, intensity, rhizomeJahe (Zingiber officinale) merupakan tumbuhan herba tahunan termasuk famili Zingiberaceae. Rimpang tanaman jahe mengandung dua kelas konstituen: minyak atsiri dan oleoresin, yang bermanfaat untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit seperti; diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, kanker dan banyak penyakit lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh naungan terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman, biomassa dan kandungan gingerol. Percobaan dilakukan di Kebun Pendidikan Cikabayan bulan Juli 2021-April 2022. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok satu faktor yaitu naungan yang terdiri dari empat taraf yaitu N0 0% (cahaya penuh), dan paranet dengan kerapatan N1 = 25%, N2 = 50% dan N3 = 75%. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali, sehingga terdapat 12 unit percobaan, masing-masing unit percobaan memiliki 6 tanaman contoh. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pemberian naungan dengan kerapatan 50% dan 75% menghasilkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun jahe tertinggi dibandingkan tanpa naungan dan naungan kerapatan 25%. Komponen biomassa tanaman dipengaruhi oleh pemberian naungan. Pemberian perlakuan naungan tidak berbeda nyata terhadap tebal daun, jumlah stomata dan kerapatan stomata. Perlakuan pemberian naungan terhadap kadar senyawa gingerol pada tanaman jahe memberikan perbedaan yang nyata pada perlakuan naungan 75%, nilai tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan naungan dengan kerapatan 50% dengan nilai 12.10. Tanaman jahe dapat ditanam dan beradaptasi baik pada intensitas cahaya yang rendah.Kata kunci: biomass, gingerol, intensitas, rimpan

    Uji Aktivitas Lakase dan Selulase pada Lignoselulosa Gambut dengan Berbagai Kadar Air

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    The degradation of lignocellulose as the main constituents of peat is catalyzed by enzymes such as laccase or cellulase. The purpose of this research was to study the pattern of laccase and cellulase activities on sterile and non-sterile peat materials at three different water contents (125-175, 225-275, and 325-375%). The peat soil used was collected from oil palm rhizosphere in Riau Province. This research used the descriptive method by comparing the mean values between treatments. The results showed that enzymes activities on sterile and non-sterile peat added with laccase or cellulase were higher compared to those without enzyme addition. The highest laccase activity was at the first day of incubation, while that for selulase was at the 10th days of incubation. The activity of enzyme then decreased with the increase in the respected incubation time. The difference in decreasing of lignin and cellulose content at 125-175% water content was higher than at the other water contents. The decreases in lignin and cellulose contents were higher by addition of respected enzymes both in sterile and non-sterile peat. It could be concluded that at higher water content, laccase and cellulase activities were depressed both on sterile and non sterile peat, especially after the addition of enzyme

    Activity of Ligninolytic Enzymes during Growth and Fruiting Body Development of White Rot Fungi Omphalina sp. and Pleurotus ostreatus

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    The activity of ligninolytic enzymes of white rot fungi (WRF) Omphalina sp. and Pleurotus ostreatus was observed during somatic and fruiting body development in solid substrate fermentation using empty fruit bunches of oil palm (EFB). The enzyme activity was dominated by laccase both of Omphalina sp. and P. ostreatus. The laccase activity on somatic phase (mycelium growth) was higher compared to that of fruiting body formation phase. The laccase activity of Omphalina sp. was slightly higher compared to that of P. ostreatus. The peak activity of manganese peroxidase (MnP) for Omphalina sp. was observed two weeks after inoculation, while P. ostreatus had two peaks i.e. two and four weeks after inoculation period. The MnP activity of P. ostreatus was higher compared to that of Omphalina sp. Omphalina sp. growth in EFB did not secrete lignin peroxidase (LiP) in contrast to P. ostreatus. The peak of LiP activity of P. ostreatus was reached two and four weeks after inoculation. The MnP and LiP activities declined during the development of fruiting bodies while laccase increased both in Omphalina sp. and P. ostreatus. It seems that the activities of ligninolytic enzyme profile were regulated in line with developmental phase of growth both in Omphalina sp. and P. ostreatus


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    ABSTRACTKulilawang (Cinnamomum culilawan) is one of tree produce essential oil from the distillation of the bark. Up topresent, the cultivation of this species is still carried out conventionally. Therefore the aim of this study was tostudy the effectiveness of bioorganic fertilizer of sludge on the growth of kulilawang seedlings. The experimentwas carried out by completely randomized design with 5 (five) treatment i.e. Bl = control; K100 = 100% NPK;K50S20 = 50% sludge + 20 g NPK; K50S50 = 50% sludge + 50% NPK (V/ V); K50Svm = 1/3 of media volumeof sludge + 50% NPK. Each treatment was repeated four (4) times and each replication consisted of four (4)individual plants. Analysis was performed by descriptive responses on height and trunk diameter increment every2 (two) months and seedling biomass kulilawang age of 8 (eight) months after planting. The results showed thatin 8 (eight) months after planting, height and stem diameter increment was seen in the treatment of K50S50than other treatments. Effective use of bioorganic fertilizer sludge at treatment K50S50 new looks at five monthsafter the sludge fertilizer, while chemical fertilizer treatment (K100) has been seen since two months after theapplication of fertilizer, however height and diameter increment treatment K50S50 higher than K100 successivetreatment helped the 294% and 157% for K50S50, 204% and 135% for K100. This increase is reinforced by highbiomass plants at K50S50 treatment compared to the treatment of K100.ABSTRAKKulilawang (Cinnamomum culilawan) adalah salah satu jenis pohon penghasil minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan dari penyulingan kulit batangnya. Sampai saat ini budidaya jenis ini masih dilakukan secara konvensional.Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji keefektifan pupuk bioorganik sludge terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kulilawang. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 (lima) perlakuanyaitu Bl=Blanko; K100= Pupuk NPK 100%; K50S20=Pupuk NPK 50% + Pupuk sludge 20 g; K50S50= PupukNPK 50% + Pupuk sludge 50% (V/V); K50Svm= Pupuk NPK 50% + pupuk sludge 1/3 volume media. Setiapperlakuan diulang 4 (empat) kali dan masing masing ulangan terdiri dari 4 (empat) individu tanaman. Analisisdilakukan secara deskriptif terhadap respon pertambahan tinggi dan diameter batang setiap 2 (dua) bulanserta biomassa bibit kulilawang umur 8 (delapan) bulan setelah tanam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwapada 8 (delapan) bulan setelah tanam, pertambahan tinggi dan diameter batang tertinggi terlihat padaperlakuan K50S50 dibandingkan perlakuan yang lain. Efektifitas penggunaan pupuk bioorganik sludge pada perlakuan K50S50 baru terlihat pada lima bulan setelah pemberian pupuk sludge, sementara perlakuanpemberian pupuk kimia (K100) sudah terlihat sejak dua bulan setelah pemberian pupuk, Namun demikianpertambahan tinggi dan diameter perlakuan K50S50 lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan K100 berturutturutyaitu 294% dan 157% untuk K50S50, 204% dan 135% untuk K100. Peningkatan tersebut diperkuatoleh tingginya biomasa bibit pada perlakuan K50S50 dibandingkan dengan dengan perlakuan K100