201 research outputs found

    Sunflower Bird Pests

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    Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is annually planted on approximately 26 million hectares in Australia, China, Europe, India, North America, Paldstan, Russia, South America, and Ukraine (National Sunflower Association, 2014). Flocks of granivorous birds, ranging in size from a few to millions, can be found in every sunflower growing region and have been documented to cause serious economic losses (Linz et al., 2011) (Figure 7.1). Avian species that damage sunflower generally belong to the parakeet (Psittacldae), dove (Columbidae), cockatoo (Cacatuidae), sparrow (Passeridae), crow (Corvidae), and blackbird (Icterinae) families (De Grazio, 1989; Linz and Hanzel, 1997; Linz et al., 2011; Rodriquez et al., 1995; van Niekerk, 2009)

    Hablar de “Dios” es hablar de “pluralidad”: Diálogo interreligioso como ejercicio práctico

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    El artículo debate las dimensiones del diálogo en el lenguaje cotidiano y propone la categoría de des-centralización desde el cristianismo para propugnar una mayor apertura en la práctica del diálogo interreligioso. Asimismo, analiza las posibles confusiones que se dan en la práctica de este ejercicio y explora algunas alternativas a los distintos fundamentalismos religiosos desde la experiencia de un grupo presente y actuante: el Foro Interreligioso de Costa Rica

    Momentum-resolved resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering (qRIXS) endstation at the ALS

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    A momentum resolved resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (qRIXS) experimental station with continuously rotatable spectrometers and parallel detection is designed to operate at different beamlines at synchrotron and free electron laser (FEL) facilities. This endstation, currently located at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), has five emission ports on the experimental chamber for mounting the high-throughput modular soft X-ray spectrometers (MXS) [24]. Coupled to the rotation from the supporting hexapod, the scattered X-rays from 27.5° (forward scattering) to 152.5° (backward scattering) relative to the incident photon beam can be recorded, enabling the momentum-resolved RIXS spectroscopy. The components of this endstation are described in details, and the preliminary RIXS measurements on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) reveal the low energy vibronic excitations from the strong electron-phonon coupling at C K edge around σ* band. The grating upgrade option to enhance the performance at low photon energies is presented and the potential of this spectroscopy is discussed in summary

    Minimizing radiographic contrast administration during coronary angiography using a novel contrast reduction system: A multicenter observational study of the DyeVert™ plus contrast reduction system

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate contrast media (CM) volume (CMV) saved using the DyeVert™ Plus Contrast Reduction System (DyeVert Plus System, Osprey Medical) in patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiogram (CAG) and/or percutaneous coronary interventional (PCI) procedures performed with manual injections.BackgroundCurrent guidelines advocate for monitoring and minimization of the total volume of CM in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergoing invasive cardiac procedures. The DyeVert Plus System is an FDA cleared device designed to reduce CMV delivered during angiography and permit real‐time CMV monitoring.MethodsWe performed a multicenter, single‐arm, observational study. Eligible subjects were ≥ 18 years old with baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 20–60 mL/min/1.73 m2. The primary endpoint was % CMV saved over the total procedure. A secondary objective was to evaluate adverse events (AEs) related to DyeVert Plus System or to CM use.ResultsA total of 114 subjects were enrolled at eight centers. Mean age was 72 ± 9 years, 72% were male, and mean body mass index was 29 ± 5. Baseline eGFR was 43 ± 11 mL/min/1.73 m2. CAG‐only was performed in 65% of cases. One hundred and five subjects were evaluable for the primary endpoint. Mean CMV attempted was 112 ± 85 mL (range 22–681) and mean CMV delivered was 67 ± 51 mL (range 12–403), resulting in an overall CMV savings of 40.1 ± 8.8% (95% CI 38.4, 41.8; P 0.3 mg/dL from baseline) was reported in 11 cases with seven occurring in subjects with baseline eGFR < 30 and three AKI events were attributed to CM. AKI rates increased as CMV/eGFR ratios increased.ConclusionsThese data suggest DyeVert Plus System use in CKD patients undergoing CAG and/or PCI results in clinically meaningful CMV savings while maintaining image quality.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149537/1/ccd27935_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149537/2/ccd27935.pd

    Genome-wide diversity and gene expression profiling of Babesia microti isolates identify polymorphic genes that mediate host-pathogen interactions

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    Babesia microti, a tick-transmitted, intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite circulating mainly among small mammals, is the primary cause of human babesiosis. While most cases are transmitted by Ixodes ticks, the disease may also be transmitted through blood transfusion and perinatally. A comprehensive analysis of genome composition, genetic diversity, and gene expression profiling of seven B. microti isolates revealed that genetic variation in isolates from the Northeast United States is almost exclusively associated with genes encoding the surface proteome and secretome of the parasite. Furthermore, we found that polymorphism is restricted to a small number of genes, which are highly expressed during infection. In order to identify pathogen-encoded factors involved in host-parasite interactions, we screened a proteome array comprised of 174 B. microti proteins, including several predicted members of the parasite secretome. Using this immuno-proteomic approach we identified several novel antigens that trigger strong host immune responses during the onset of infection. The genomic and immunological data presented herein provide the first insights into the determinants of B. microti interaction with its mammalian hosts and their relevance for understanding the selective pressures acting on parasite evolution

    Effectiveness of ustekinumab dose escalation in Crohn's disease patients with insufficient response to standard-dose subcutaneous maintenance therapy

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    Background Ustekinumab is effective in Crohn's disease. However, a substantial proportion of patients will not respond or lose response to ustekinumab. The current evidence to support the effectiveness of dose-optimisation for ustekinumab nonresponse is limited.Aim To assess the effectiveness of dose escalation of ustekinumab.Methods This was a multicentre retrospective cohort study. We included active Crohn's disease patients who received a standard-dose intravenous induction and at least one subcutaneous ustekinumab 90 mg dose. All enrolled patients received dose escalation by either shortening the interval between the doses to every 4 or 6 weeks, intravenous reinduction or a combination of strategies. The primary outcome of the study was clinical response at week 16 after dose escalation.Results A total of 142 patients (22 centres/14 countries) were included. The patients were dose-escalated after a median treatment duration of 30 weeks. At week 16 from escalation, 73/142 (51.4%) responded to treatment, including 55/142 (38.7%) in clinical remission. Corticosteroid-free remission was achieved in 6/34 (17.6%) patients on corticosteroids at the time of escalation; 118/142 (83%) continued treatment beyond week 16. Follow-up data beyond week 16 were available for 74/118 (62.7%) patients. On the last follow-up, 51/98 (52%) patients with available data responded to treatment, including 41/98 (42%) in clinical remission.Conclusions Intensification of ustekinumab maintenance dosage was effective in over 50% of the patients. This strategy should be considered in patients who are nonresponsive to every 8 weeks ustekinumab maintenance dosing

    LAGUNA in Polkowice-Sieroszowice mine in Poland

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    The Polkowice–Sieroszowice mine in one of the seven candidates for the future pan-European underground laboratory studied in the framework of the LAGUNA project. We review the evidence that from the point of view of geology, long-term plans for the mine and existing infrastructure, and support of the authorities this is a perfect place to host the 100 kton liquid argon detector GLACIER

    Toksičnost talija u humanoj populaciji

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    Thallium is a naturally occurring trace element, widely distributed in the earth’s crust, but at very low concentrations. It does not have a known biological use and does not appear to be an essential element for life. It has been considered one of the most toxic heavy metals. Occasionally, there are reports on thallium poisoning as results of suicide or murder attempt or accident. The main threat to humans is through occupational exposure, environmental contamination, and accumulation in food, mainly in vegetables grown on contaminated soil. Increasing use in emerging new technologies and demanding high-tech industry constantly raise concern about exposure risk to all living organisms. Thallium is considered a cumulative poison that can cause adverse health effects and degenerative changes in many organs. The effects are the most severe in the nervous system. The exact mechanism of thallium toxicity still remains unknown, although impaired glutathione metabolism, oxidative stress, and disruption of potassium-regulated homeostasis may play a role. The lack of data about mutagenic, carcinogenic, or teratogenic effects of thallium compounds in humans calls for further research.Talij je u prirodi široko rasprostranjen teški metal, prisutan u vrlo niskim koncentracijama pa ga stoga ubrajamo u elemente u tragovima. Budući da organizmima nije potreban ni u jednoj razvojnoj fazi, ne ubrajamo ga u grupu esencijalnih elemenata. Talij zbog njegovih svojstava ubrajamo među najtoksičnije teške metale. Povremeno se još uvijek pojavljuju slučajevi u kojima je talij upotrijebljen kao sredstvo za pokušaj ubojstva, odnosno samoubojstva, ali i slučajevi nenamjernog, slučajnog trovanja talijem. U današnje vrijeme potencijalna o asnost od trovanja talijem postoji zbog profesionalne izloženosti, izbijanja ekološke katastrofe ili zbog akumulacije u hranidbenim lancima, uglavnom zbog uzgoja hrane na onečišćenom tlu. Sve češća uporaba talija u visokotehnološkoj industriji kao odgovor na zahtjeve moderne tehnologije neprestano povećava rizik od izloženosti svih živih organizama štetnim utjecajima talija u okolišu. Talij ima izuzetno negativan učinak na različite organske sustave, a osobito na živčani sustav. Mehanizmi toksičnosti talija još uvijek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni, premda važnu ulogu imaju poremećaji metabolizma glutationa, oksidativni stres i narušavanje homeostaze posredovane ionima kalija. Nedostatak podataka o mutagenim, kancerogenim ili teratogenim učincima talija i njegovih spojeva u ljudi opravdava buduća istraživanja ovog vrlo toksičnog metala

    Toksičnost talija u humanoj populaciji

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    Thallium is a naturally occurring trace element, widely distributed in the earth’s crust, but at very low concentrations. It does not have a known biological use and does not appear to be an essential element for life. It has been considered one of the most toxic heavy metals. Occasionally, there are reports on thallium poisoning as results of suicide or murder attempt or accident. The main threat to humans is through occupational exposure, environmental contamination, and accumulation in food, mainly in vegetables grown on contaminated soil. Increasing use in emerging new technologies and demanding high-tech industry constantly raise concern about exposure risk to all living organisms. Thallium is considered a cumulative poison that can cause adverse health effects and degenerative changes in many organs. The effects are the most severe in the nervous system. The exact mechanism of thallium toxicity still remains unknown, although impaired glutathione metabolism, oxidative stress, and disruption of potassium-regulated homeostasis may play a role. The lack of data about mutagenic, carcinogenic, or teratogenic effects of thallium compounds in humans calls for further research.Talij je u prirodi široko rasprostranjen teški metal, prisutan u vrlo niskim koncentracijama pa ga stoga ubrajamo u elemente u tragovima. Budući da organizmima nije potreban ni u jednoj razvojnoj fazi, ne ubrajamo ga u grupu esencijalnih elemenata. Talij zbog njegovih svojstava ubrajamo među najtoksičnije teške metale. Povremeno se još uvijek pojavljuju slučajevi u kojima je talij upotrijebljen kao sredstvo za pokušaj ubojstva, odnosno samoubojstva, ali i slučajevi nenamjernog, slučajnog trovanja talijem. U današnje vrijeme potencijalna o asnost od trovanja talijem postoji zbog profesionalne izloženosti, izbijanja ekološke katastrofe ili zbog akumulacije u hranidbenim lancima, uglavnom zbog uzgoja hrane na onečišćenom tlu. Sve češća uporaba talija u visokotehnološkoj industriji kao odgovor na zahtjeve moderne tehnologije neprestano povećava rizik od izloženosti svih živih organizama štetnim utjecajima talija u okolišu. Talij ima izuzetno negativan učinak na različite organske sustave, a osobito na živčani sustav. Mehanizmi toksičnosti talija još uvijek nisu u potpunosti razjašnjeni, premda važnu ulogu imaju poremećaji metabolizma glutationa, oksidativni stres i narušavanje homeostaze posredovane ionima kalija. Nedostatak podataka o mutagenim, kancerogenim ili teratogenim učincima talija i njegovih spojeva u ljudi opravdava buduća istraživanja ovog vrlo toksičnog metala