2,381 research outputs found

    Mechanochemical Synthesis and Magnetic Characterization of Nanosized Cubic Spinel FeCrâ‚‚Sâ‚„ Particles

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    Nanosized samples of the cubic thiospinel FeCr2S4 were synthesized by ball milling of FeS and Cr2S3 precursors followed by a distinct temperature treatment between 500 and 800 °C. Depending on the applied temperature, volume weighted mean (Lvol) particle sizes of 56 nm (500 °C), 86 nm (600 °C), and 123 nm (800 °C) were obtained. All samples show a transition into the ferrimagnetic state at a Curie temperature TC of ∼ 167 K only slightly depending on the annealing temperature. Above TC, ferromagnetic spin clusters survive and Curie–Weiss behavior is observed only at T ≫ TC, with T depending on the heat treatments and the external magnetic field applied. Zero-field-cooled and field-cooled magnetic susceptibilities diverge significantly below TC in contrast to what is observed for conventionally solid-state-prepared polycrystalline samples. In the low-temperature region, all samples show a transition into the orbital ordered state at about 9 K, which is more pronounced for the samples heated to higher temperatures. This observation is a clear indication that the cation disorder is very low because a pronounced disorder would suppress this magnetic transition. The unusual magnetic properties of the samples at low temperatures and different external magnetic fields can be clearly related to different factors like structural microstrain and magnetocrystalline anisotropy

    Livskvalitet til veis ende

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    Studentarbeid i sykepleie (bachelorgrad) - Universitetet i Nordland, Bodø, 201

    Classroom ventilation type and pupil learning

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    Food and earth systems: Priorities for climate change adaptation and mitigation for agriculture and food systems

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    Human activities and their relation with land, through agriculture and forestry, are significantly impacting Earth system functioning. Specifically, agriculture has increasingly become a key sector for adaptation and mitigation initiatives that address climate change and help ensure food security for a growing global population. Climate change and agricultural outcomes influence our ability to reach targets for at least seven of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. By 2015, 103 nations had committed themselves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, while 102 countries had prioritized agriculture in their adaptation agenda. Adaptation and mitigation actions within agriculture still receive insufficient support across scales, from local to international level. This paper reviews a series of climate change adaptation and mitigation options that can support increased production, production efficiency and greater food security for 9 billion people by 2050. Climate-smart agriculture can help foster synergies between productivity, adaptation, and mitigation, although trade-offs may be equally apparent. This study highlights the importance of identifying and exploiting those synergies in the context of Nationally Determined Contributions. Finally, the paper points out that keeping global warming to 2 °C above pre-industrial levels by 2100 requires going beyond the agriculture sector and exploring possibilities with respect to reduced emissions from deforestation, food loss, and waste, as well as from rethinking human diets

    Pigment signatures of algal communities and their implications for glacier surface darkening

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    Blooms of pigmented algae darken the surface of glaciers and ice sheets, thereby enhancing solar energy absorption and amplifying ice and snow melt. The impacts of algal pigment and community composition on surface darkening are still poorly understood. Here, we characterise glacier ice and snow algal pigment signatures on snow and bare ice surfaces and study their role in photophysiology and energy absorption on three glaciers in Southeast Greenland. Purpurogallin and astaxanthin esters dominated the glacier ice and snow algal pigment pools (mass ratios to chlorophyll a of 32 and 56, respectively). Algal biomass and pigments impacted chromophoric dissolved organic matter concentrations. Despite the effective absorption of astaxanthin esters at wavelengths where incoming irradiance peaks, the cellular energy absorption of snow algae was 95% lower than anticipated from their pigmentation, due to pigment packaging. The energy absorption of glacier ice algae was consequently ~ 5 × higher. On bare ice, snow algae may have locally contributed up to 13% to total biological radiative forcing, despite contributing 44% to total biomass. Our results give new insights into the impact of algal community composition on bare ice energy absorption and biomass accumulation during snow melt

    The exometabolome of microbial communities inhabiting bare ice surfaces on the southern Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Microbial blooms colonize the Greenland Ice Sheet bare ice surface during the ablation season and significantly reduce its albedo. On the ice surface, microbes are exposed to high levels of irradiance, freeze–thaw cycles, and low nutrient concentrations. It is well known that microorganisms secrete metabolites to maintain homeostasis, communicate with other microorganisms, and defend themselves. Yet, the exometabolome of supraglacial microbial blooms, dominated by the pigmented glacier ice algae Ancylonema alaskanum and Ancylonema nordenskiöldii, remains thus far unstudied. Here, we use a high-resolution mass spectrometry-based untargeted metabolomics workflow to identify metabolites in the exometabolome of microbial blooms on the surface of the southern tip of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Samples were collected every 6 h across two diurnal cycles at 5 replicate sampling sites with high similarity in community composition, in terms of orders and phyla present. Time of sampling explained 46% (permutational multivariate analysis of variance [PERMANOVA], pseudo-F = 3.7771, p = 0.001) and 27% (PERMANOVA, pseudo-F = 1.8705, p = 0.001) of variance in the exometabolome across the two diurnal cycles. Annotated metabolites included riboflavin, lumichrome, tryptophan, and azelaic acid, all of which have demonstrated roles in microbe–microbe interactions in other ecosystems and should be tested for potential roles in the development of microbial blooms on bare ice surfaces

    Low Birth Weight Is a Risk Factor for Severe Retinopathy of Prematurity Depending on Gestational Age

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of low birth weight as a risk factor for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) that will require treatment in correlation with gestational age at birth (GA). Study design In total, 2941 infants born <32 weeks GA were eligible from five cohorts of preterm infants previously collected for analysis in WINROP (Weight IGF-I Neonatal ROP) from the following locations: Sweden (EXPRESS) (n = 426), North America (n = 1772), Boston (n = 338), Lund (n = 52), and Gothenburg (n = 353). Data regarding GA at birth, birth weight (BW), gender, and need for ROP treatment were retrieved. Birth weight standard deviation scores (BWSDS) were calculated with Swedish as well as Canadian reference models. Small for gestational age (SGA) was defined as BWSDS less than −2.0 SDS using the Swedish reference and as BW below the 10th percentile using the Canadian reference charts. Results: Univariate analysis showed that low GA (p<0.001), low BW (p<0.001), male gender (p<0.05), low BWSDSCanada (p<0.001), and SGACanada (p<0.01) were risk factors for ROP that will require treatment. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, low GA (p<0.0001), male gender (p<0.01 and p<0.05), and an interaction term of BWSDS*GA group (p<0.001), regardless of reference chart, were risk factors. Low BWSDS was less important as a risk factor in infants born at GA <26 weeks compared with infants born at GA ≥26 weeks calculated with both reference charts (BWSDSSweden, OR = 0.80 vs 0.56; and BWSDSCanada, OR = 0.72 vs 0.41). Conclusions: Low BWSDS as a risk factor for vision-threatening ROP is dependent on the infant's degree of immaturity. In more mature infants (GA ≥26 weeks), low BWSDS becomes a major risk factor for developing ROP that will require treatment. These results persist even when calculating BW deficit with different well-established approaches
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