1,673 research outputs found

    Clover seed production - in organic and conventional cropping systems

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    White clover (Trifolium repens L.) is an important component in grassland mixtures and as a green manure crop. Since Denmark has excellent conditions for white clover seed production and holds the position of the largest producer within the EU emphasis has been placed on developing an organic production of white clover seeds

    Økologisk hvidkløver - hvordan kan det lade sig gøre?

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    Økologisk hvidkløver - hvordan kan det lade sig gøre

    Aktuelt nyt fra Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, 2001

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    Kvælstof er et værdifuldt næringsstof for opnåelse af et højt frøudbytte, men også i relation til justering af væksten i udlægsmarken. Desværre har mange frøavlere begrænset adgang til kvælstof – dels på grund af en kvælstofnorm, som er fastsat under den økonomisk optimale værdi og dels på grund af begrænset adgang til husdyrgødning på økologiske planteavlsbedrifter. I Forskningsprogram frøavl arbejdes med udvikling af en behovsbestemt gødningsstrategi for at opnå en bedre udnyttelse af den til rådighed værende kvælstofmængde. Imidlertid tyder igangværende forsøg på, at kvælstof findes i ’alternative kilder’ såsom frøgræshalm og grøngødningsafgrøder, men kan de udnyttes i frøavlen? En anden supplerende kvælstofkilde er en øget anvendelse af hvidkløver specielt i økologiske sædskifter – men kan der skaffes økologisk udsæd? I de følgende tre artikler præsenteres igangværende aktiviteter inden for disse områder ved Danmarks JordbrugsForskning (DJF)

    Biological activity of glucosinolate derived compounds isolated from seed meal of Brassica crops and evaluated as plant and food protection agents

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    Glucosinolates are amino acid derived allelochemicals characteristic of plants of the order Capparales. These compounds are present in seeds of agriculturally common Brassica crops in varying quantities depending on the species (ref). The use of the remaining seed cake after oil extraction has traditionally been limited by the concentration of these compounds. However, the extraction of glucosinolates from seed meal is nowadays possible and it further contributes to an increased quality of the seed meal for feed (Sørensen et al., this conference). Glucosinolates are hydrolysed by endogenous enzymes (myrosinases; EC and a number of compounds are produced depending on the parent glucosinolate and the environmental conditions.1 Among these compounds, oxazolidine-2-thiones are known for their antinutritional effects on monogastric animals, whereas isothiocyanates are fungicidal, nematocidal and herbicidal.2,3 The possibility for using glucosinolates as precursors for environmental friendly biocides therefore exists, which could contribute to increase the value of the Brassica seed meal

    Snudebiller i hvidkløver til frø

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    Kløversnudebiller og kløvergnavere kan forårsage udbyttetab i hvidkløver til frø. Ved Danmarks JordbrugsForskning er der de sidste fem år lavet et forsøg, der har til formål at bestemme snudebillernes skadevirkning. Der blev i gennemsnit af de fem års forsøg målt et merudbytte på ca. 40 pct. ved at bekæmpe snudebiller. Forsøgene kan ikke bruges til at belyse, hvor mange sprøjtninger det er nødvendigt at udføre mod snudebiller

    Cardiovascular risk estimation and eligibility for statins in primary prevention comparing different strategies.

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    Recommendations for statin use for primary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) are based on estimation of the 10-year CHD risk. It is unclear which risk algorithm and guidelines should be used in European populations. Using data from a population-based study in Switzerland, we first assessed 10-year CHD risk and eligibility for statins in 5,683 women and men 35 to 75 years of age without cardiovascular disease by comparing recommendations by the European Society of Cardiology without and with extrapolation of risk to age 60 years, the International Atherosclerosis Society, and the US Adult Treatment Panel III. The proportions of participants classified as high-risk for CHD were 12.5% (15.4% with extrapolation), 3.0%, and 5.8%, respectively. Proportions of participants eligible for statins were 9.2% (11.6% with extrapolation), 13.7%, and 16.7%, respectively. Assuming full compliance to each guideline, expected relative decreases in CHD deaths in Switzerland over a 10-year period would be 16.4% (17.5% with extrapolation), 18.7%, and 19.3%, respectively; the corresponding numbers needed to treat to prevent 1 CHD death would be 285 (340 with extrapolation), 380, and 440, respectively. In conclusion, the proportion of subjects classified as high risk for CHD varied over a fivefold range across recommendations. Following the International Atherosclerosis Society and the Adult Treatment Panel III recommendations might prevent more CHD deaths at the cost of higher numbers needed to treat compared with European Society of Cardiology guidelines

    Perception And Attitudes Towards Epilepsy: Point Of View Of Professionals Allied To Medicine From Mobile Emergency Service In Campinas

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    Introduction: Epilepsy is very prevalent in our society, but unfortunately lack of knowledge is still very common, contributing to psycho-social difficulties to people with epilepsy. Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the epilepsy' perception and attitudes by professionals of emergency medical service in Campinas, Brazil. Material and methods: This study was carried out with professionals of SAMU-192, who participated on the VII Stroke Workshop of Campinas in November 2007. Results: One hundred-forty nine (149) professionals answered the questionnaire (49% women, average age of 37 years, range from 21 to 59 year). Ninety (60%) were professionals allied to medicine (nurses, health auxiliary, dentists), six (4%) were physicians and 53 (36%) were other professions (secretary, driver). In overall, a great majority of the subjects had an appropriate knowledge regarding epilepsy. But, some beliefs are still present. In relation to epilepsy' perception, some wrong ideas appeared, as epilepsy is a contagious disease, people with epilepsy can not practice physical exercise or to work. Also, the doubts regarding pregnancy and treatment of epilepsy were observed. Regarding attitudes during an epileptic seizure, some inadequate attitudes appeared: to put something in patient's mouth, to restrict the patients' movements or give something strong to smell (alcohol or vinegar) in order to stop the seizure. Conclusion: In this context, it is necessary a continuous education programs to the allied health professionals to improve the perception and attitudes, bringing epilepsy out of the shadows.153119122Fernandes, P.T., Li, L.M., (2005) Estigma na Epilepsia Departamento de Neurologia, , FCM/UNICAMP;Fernandes, P.T., Salgado, P.C., Noronha, A.L.A., de Boer, H.M., Prilipko, L., Sander, J.W., Epilepsy stigma perception in an urban area of a limited resource country (2007) Epilepsy Behav, 11 (1), pp. 25-32Guerreiro, C.A., Guerreiro, M.M., Cendes, F., Lopes-Cendes, I., (2000) Considerações gerais, pp. 1-10. , Lemos Editorial. Epilepsia. 3rd edLi, L.M., Sander, J.W., National demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil] (2003) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 61 (1), pp. 153-156. , Mar;Marchetti, R.L., de Castro, A.P., Daltio, C.S., Cremonese, E., Ramos, J.M., Neto, J.G., Attitudes of Brazilian psychiatrists toward people with epilepsy (2004) Epilepsy Behav, 5 (6), pp. 999-1004. , Dec;Marchetti, R.L., Epilepsy in the shadow of Brazilian psychiatry] (2004) Rev Bras Psiquiatr, 26 (1), pp. 67-68. , Mar;Jacoby, A., Chadwick, D., Psychosocial problems in epilepsy (1992) BMJ, 305 (6845), p. 117. , July;Jacoby, A., Gorry, J., Gamble, C., Baker, G.A., Public knowledge, private grief: A study of public attitudes to epilepsy in the United Kingdom and implications for stigma (2004) Epilepsia, 45 (11), pp. 1405-1415. , Nov;Baker, G., The Psychosocial Burden of Epilepsy (2002) Epilepsia, 43 (SUPPL. 6), pp. 26-30Austin, J.K., Shafer, P.O., Deering, J.B., Epilepsy familiarity, know-ledge, and perceptions of stigma: Report from a survey of adolescents in the general population (2002) Epilepsy Behav, 3 (4), pp. 368-375. , Aug;Suurmeijer, T.P., Reuvekamp, M.F., Aldenkamp, B.P., Social functioning, psychological functioning, and quality of life in epilepsy (2001) Epilepsia, 42 (9), pp. 1160-1168. , Sept;Fernandes, P.T., Li, L.M., Percepção de estigma na epilepsia. (2006) Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 12 (4), pp. 207-218Jacoby, A., Impact of epilepsy on employment status: Findings from a UK study of people with well-controlled epilepsy (1995) Epilepsy Res, 21 (2), pp. 125-132. , June;Fernandes, P.T., Noronha, A.L., Sander, J.W., Bell, G.S., Li, L.M., Training the trainers and disseminating information: A strategy to educate health professionals on epilepsy (2007) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 65 (SUPL 1), pp. 14-22Noronha, A.L., Fernandes, P.T., Andrade, M.G.G., Santiago, S.M., Sander, J.W., Li, L.M., Training medical students to improve the management of people with epilepsy (2007) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 65 (SUPL 1), pp. 23-27Fernandes, P.T., Salgado, P.C., Noronha, A.L.A., Barbosa, F.D., Souza, E.A., Li, L.M., Stigma Scale of Epilepsy: Conceptual issues (2004) Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 10 (4), pp. 213-218Reno, B.A., Fernandes, P.T., Bell, G.S., Sander, J.W., Li, L.M., Stigma and attitudes on epilepsy: A study with secondary school students (2007) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 65 (SUPL 1), pp. 49-5

    Nuclear structure of Ac-231

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    The low-energy structure of 231Ac has been investigated by means of gamma ray spectroscopy following the beta-decay of 231Ra. Multipolarities of 28 transitions have been established by measuring conversion electrons with a mini-orange electron spectrometer. The decay scheme of 231Ra --> 231Ac has been constructed for the first time. The Advanced Time Delayed beta-gamma-gamma(t) method has been used to measure the half-lives of five levels. The moderately fast B(E1) transition rates derived suggest that the octupole effects, albeit weak, are still present in this exotic nucleus

    Five Dimensional Cosmological Models in General Relativity

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    A Five dimensional Kaluza-Klein space-time is considered in the presence of a perfect fluid source with variable G and Λ\Lambda. An expanding universe is found by using a relation between the metric potential and an equation of state. The gravitational constant is found to decrease with time as Gt(1ω)G \sim t^{-(1-\omega)} whereas the variation for the cosmological constant follows as Λt2\Lambda \sim t^{-2}, Λ(R˙/R)2\Lambda \sim (\dot R/R)^2 and ΛR¨/R\Lambda \sim \ddot R/R where ω\omega is the equation of state parameter and RR is the scale factor.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted in Int. J. Theor. Phy