11 research outputs found

    Digitale Aktionsraumforschung: Neue Methoden zur Analyse von Bewegungsprofilen im stÀdtischen Raum

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    Der in diesem Beitrag vorgestellte Forschungsansatz soll als Vorschlag fĂŒr eine Neuauflage der stadtsoziologischen und stadtgeographischen Aktionsraumforschung verstanden werden. Der methodische Ansatz wird dabei anhand einer explorativen Studie mit Koblenzer Studierenden veranschaulicht. Entsprechend dem Mixed-Methods-Ansatz "Explanatory Sequential Design" kombinieren wir quantitative und qualitative Erhebungs- und Auswertungsverfahren. So erheben wir studentische Bewegungsdaten mithilfe einer Smartphone-App, um studentische Hotspots zu lokalisieren. Zudem verknĂŒpfen wir diese Daten mit Angaben zu den individuellen Lebensstilen der Studenten, um dadurch eine Differenzierung der BewegungsablĂ€ufe zu erreichen (Bewegungsmuster). Schließlich ergĂ€nzen wir die erhobenen Daten mit qualitativen Beobachtungen der lokalisierten Hotspots, um ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die GrĂŒnde der Bewegungsmuster zu entwickeln. Ohne Anspruch auf ReprĂ€sentativitĂ€t zu erheben, zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass sich die Bewegungsprofile bzw. die identifizierten LokalitĂ€ten entlang der lebensstilspezifischen Differenzierungskriterien beschreiben lassen. Werden die jeweiligen Orte mittels qualitativer Beobachtungen nĂ€her betrachtet, dann lassen sich Anzeichen einer engen Passung von theoretisch implizierten Annahmen zu den LebensfĂŒhrungstypen und den RaumbezĂŒgen einerseits und den aufgesuchten LokalitĂ€ten andererseits feststellen.In this paper, we introduce a research approach which wants to be understood as a proposal for a new version of urban sociological and geographical activity-space research. The methodological approach is illustrated by an explorative study with students from Koblenz (Germany). According to the mixed-methods approach "Explanatory Sequential Design", we combine quantitative and qualitative survey and evaluation procedures. Thereby, we collect student movement data with the help of a smartphone app in order to localise student "hotspots". Additionally, we link them to information about the students' individual lifestyles so as to achieve a differentiation of their movement sequences (movement patterns). Finally, we complement the collected data with qualitative observations of the localised "hotspots" in order to develop a closer understanding of the "Why?" of the movement patterns. Without raising a claim for representativeness, our results show that the movement patterns and identified localities can be described along lifestyle-specific differentiation criteria. When the respective locations are regarded more closely, indications for a close fit between the theoretically implicated assumptions regarding lifestyle types and spatial relationships on the one hand and the sought out localities on the other hand can be identified

    Eine Hand gibt der anderen. Über Festschriften als akademische Gepflogenheit

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    Betrachtet man die UniversitĂ€t als kulturell besonderen Ort, fallen bestimmte Eigenarten auf, die sich an ihm regelmĂ€ĂŸig zutragen. Dazu gehören die Organisation und Verleihung von akademischen Festschriften. FĂŒr Hochschulen sind derartige Ereignisse bisher wenig interessant gewesen. Der Beitrag geht dem PhĂ€nomen der akademischen Festschrift auf den Grund. Dabei fragt er auch nach ihrer Beziehung zur UniversitĂ€t. (DIPF/Verlag

    Mikrosimulationen zur AbschĂ€tzung von Entwicklungen von BildungsabschlĂŒssen. Der Versuch eines PlĂ€doyers.

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    Die Soziologie ist nicht nur eine multiparadigmatisch angelegte Wissenschaft, sie hat in ihrer Genese auch zahlreiche methodische AnsĂ€tze hervorgebracht. Nicht nur die Unterscheidung zwischen qualitativer und quantitativer Methode ist hierbei entscheidend. Innerhalb des jeweiligen Forschungsparadigmas haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten wiederum die methodischen Herangehensweisen derart ausdifferenziert, dass ein umfassendes Lehrbuch, welches beiden empirischen Methoden halbwegs gerecht werden will, weit mehr als tausend Seiten umfassen muss. Hinzu kommt, dass durch den technischen Fortschritt immer grĂ¶ĂŸere Daten erfasst und ausgewertet werden können. FĂŒr den Bereich der quantitativen Methode gilt, dass noch nie so viele DatensĂ€tze, mit einer zum grĂ¶ĂŸten Teil hohen DatenqualitĂ€t, zur VerfĂŒgung standen, die mit den verschiedensten und noch so komplexen (auch mehrstufigen) Auswertungsverfahren bearbeitet werden können. Die Zeit fĂŒr den Einsatz von Mikrosimulationen könnte folglich besser kaum sein. Interessanterweise findet eine Anwendung von Mikrosimulationen, zumindest in der deutschsprachigen Soziologie, mit wenigen Ausnahmen nicht statt. Mikrosimulationen werden zwar tatsĂ€chlich immer hĂ€ufiger angewendet, allerdings geschieht dies fast ausschließlich innerhalb großer Forschungsinstitute im Rahmen der Politikberatung als FolgeabschĂ€tzung politischer Reformen.Im Beitrag wird genau das thematisiert. Neben einer methodologischen Einordnung der Mikrosimulation, der Skizze der wichtigsten Prinzipien und der PrĂ€sentation ausgewĂ€hlter Ergebnisse ĂŒber die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Bildungsexpansion und demographischem Wandel aus einem abgeschlossenen Dissertationsvorhaben, soll auch das Fehlen dieser Methode im Köcher der soziologischen Forschungsmethoden diskutiert werden.

    UV-Induced Skin Cancer Knowledge, Sun Exposure, and Tanning Behavior among University Students: Investigation of an Opportunity Sample of German University Students

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    Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is the most important risk factor for developing skin cancer. University students can be considered as a particularly high-risk group for long- and short-term adverse effects of UVR due to intensive solar UVR exposure and high rates of sunburn. While validated questionnaires for assessing solar UVR exposure and sun protection behavior are available in German, a questionnaire for assessing the level of knowledge about this topic is still missing. We conducted a literature search for cross-sectional studies assessing skin cancer and sun protection knowledge among university students in Medline (via PubMed) and analyzed existing questionnaires and topics contained therein. We chose to translate the “Skin Cancer and Sun Knowledge Scale” referring to the TRAPD method into the German language and pilot-tested the translation with an opportunity sample of German students. The literature search revealed 36 eligible studies. Four major topics were identified within the studies: knowledge on skin cancer, risk factors, UVR, and sun protection measures. One hundred and seven German university students (86.0% female) with a mean age of 26.25 years (SD ± 4.58; range: 19–46) participated in our pilot study. The internal reliability of the scale was KR-20 = 0.624. We discovered an improvable level of knowledge in terms of skin cancer among the study population. Statistical analyses revealed no significant associations between the level of knowledge and UVR exposure or tanning behavior, respectively. The skin cancer and sun protection knowledge of German university students should be examined thoroughly. While the psychometric properties of the SCSK require further thorough investigation, first empirical experiences indicate the suitability of the tool to assess the level of knowledge regarding skin cancer and sun protection

    Challenges and technological approaches for tackling emerging contaminants in drinking and wastewater

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    In recent decades, emerging contaminants (ECs) have surfaced as one of the key environmental problems threatening ecosystems and public health. Most emerging contaminants are present in low concentrations, and therefore often remain undetected and are also referred to as ‘micropollutants’. Despite this, many ECs raise considerable concerns regarding their impacts on human and environmental health. DEMEAU (Demonstration of promising technologies to address emerging contaminants in water and wastewater), a European Seventh Framework Programme (EU-FP7, 2013-2015) project, aimed to tackle ECs in drinking and wastewater by advancing the uptake of knowledge, prototypes, practices and removal technologies. The project followed a solutions-oriented approach using applied research and demonstration sites, and explored four promising technologies for EC removal and/or degradation: Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR), Hybrid Ceramic Membrane Filtration (HCMF), Automatic Neural Net Control Systems (ANCS) and Advanced Oxidation Techniques (AOT). Furthermore, Bioassays (BA) were investigated as an effect-based monitoring tool. This article shares new findings for each approach and their potential for widespread integration in the drinking- and wastewater sector. Research results from DEMEAU demonstration sites show that opportunities for synergies among these developments offer the most promising and effective methods for tackling ECs in the water sector

    The 2022 solar fuels roadmap

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    Renewable fuel generation is essential for a low carbon footprint economy. Thus, over the last five decades, a significant effort has been dedicated towards increasing the performance of solar fuels generating devices. Specifically, the solar to hydrogen efficiency of photoelectrochemical cells has progressed steadily towards its fundamental limit, and the faradaic efficiency towards valuable products in CO2 reduction systems has increased dramatically. However, there are still numerous scientific and engineering challenges that must be overcame in order to turn solar fuels into a viable technology. At the electrode and device level, the conversion efficiency, stability and products selectivity must be increased significantly. Meanwhile, these performance metrics must be maintained when scaling up devices and systems while maintaining an acceptable cost and carbon footprint. This roadmap surveys different aspects of this endeavor: system benchmarking, device scaling, various approaches for photoelectrodes design, materials discovery, and catalysis. Each of the sections in the roadmap focuses on a single topic, discussing the state of the art, the key challenges and advancements required to meet them. The roadmap can be used as a guide for researchers and funding agencies highlighting the most pressing needs of the field

    The 2022 solar fuels roadmap

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    Funder: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100000879Funder: Thistledown FoundationFunder: Research Corporation for Science Advancement; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100001309Funder: TomKat Foundation; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100018042Funder: Taiwan Ministry of Education and Taiwan and Ministry of ScienceFunder: the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate PolicyFunder: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003246Abstract: Renewable fuel generation is essential for a low carbon footprint economy. Thus, over the last five decades, a significant effort has been dedicated towards increasing the performance of solar fuels generating devices. Specifically, the solar to hydrogen efficiency of photoelectrochemical cells has progressed steadily towards its fundamental limit, and the faradaic efficiency towards valuable products in CO2 reduction systems has increased dramatically. However, there are still numerous scientific and engineering challenges that must be overcame in order to turn solar fuels into a viable technology. At the electrode and device level, the conversion efficiency, stability and products selectivity must be increased significantly. Meanwhile, these performance metrics must be maintained when scaling up devices and systems while maintaining an acceptable cost and carbon footprint. This roadmap surveys different aspects of this endeavor: system benchmarking, device scaling, various approaches for photoelectrodes design, materials discovery, and catalysis. Each of the sections in the roadmap focuses on a single topic, discussing the state of the art, the key challenges and advancements required to meet them. The roadmap can be used as a guide for researchers and funding agencies highlighting the most pressing needs of the field