449 research outputs found

    Acute pain management in children

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    The greatest advance in pediatric pain medicine is the recognition that untreated pain is a significant cause of morbidity and even mortality after surgical trauma. Accurate assessment of pain in different age groups and the effective treatment of postoperative pain is constantly being refined; with newer drugs being used alone or in combination with other drugs continues to be explored. Several advances in developmental neurobiology and pharmacology, knowledge of new analgesics and newer applications of old analgesics in the last two decades have helped the pediatric anesthesiologist in managing pain in children more efficiently. The latter include administering opioids via the skin and nasal mucosa and their addition into the neuraxial local anesthetics. Systemic opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and regional analgesics alone or combined with additives are currently used to provide effective postoperative analgesia. These modalities are best utilized when combined as a multimodal approach to treat acute pain in the perioperative setting. The development of receptor specific drugs that can produce pain relief without the untoward side effects of respiratory depression will hasten the recovery and discharge of children after surgery. This review focuses on the overview of acute pain management in children, with an emphasis on pharmacological and regional anesthesia in achieving this goal

    Heterotopic ossification after patellar tendon repair in a man with trisomy 8 mosaicism: a case report and literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Heterotopic ossification is the abnormal formation of lamellar bone in soft tissue. Its presence jeopardizes functional outcome, impairs rehabilitation and increases costs due to subsequent surgical interventions.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present a case of a 32-year-old African-American man with trisomy 8 mosaicism who developed severe heterotopic ossification of his right extensor mechanism subsequent to repair of a patellar tendon rupture.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge there are no prior reports of heterotopic ossification as a complication of patellar tendon repair. This case may suggest an association between trisomy 8 mosaicism and increased risk of heterotopic ossification.</p

    Partial tetraplegic syndrome as a complication of a mobilizing/manipulating procedure of the cervical spine in a man with Forestier's disease: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Even if performed by qualified physical therapists, spinal manipulation and mobilization can cause adverse events. This holds true particularly for the cervical spine. In light of the substantial risks, the benefits of cervical spine manipulation may be outweighed by the possibility of further injury.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 56-year-old Caucasian man with Forestier's disease who went to see a physiotherapist to relieve his aching neck while on a holiday trip. Following the procedure, he was transferred to a local hospital with a partial tetraplegic syndrome due to a cervical 6/7 luxation fracture. Reportedly, the physiotherapist took neither a detailed history, nor adequate diagnostic measures.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This case highlights the potentially dangerous complications associated with cervical spine mobilization/manipulation. If guidelines concerning cervical spine mobilization and manipulation practices had been followed, this adverse event could have been avoided.</p