36 research outputs found

    Muted by a crisis? COVID-19 and the long-term evolution of climate change newspaper coverage

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    The reasons for the emergence of environmental issues in public debate have been widely studied, while the reasons for the disappearance of environmental issues from the public agenda are researched to a far lesser extent. This article presents how the newspaper coverage of climate change has evolved in Finland. The study is based on long-term (1990–2020) data from the leading national-level newspaper. The climate coverage has been characterized by an increasing overall trend and remarkable fluctuations in the intensity of debate. The monthly coverage of climate change had four distinctive peak periods. The drops from peak levels are explained by several factors, such as the end of a specific news event or policy process (e.g., international climate policy meetings), lack of weather anomalies (e.g., normal winter weather and snow coverage), silence of key influencers (policy-makers, business elite), and news competition together with reporting fatigue following abundant climate coverage. The first months of the intense phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 showed a deep, but not unprecedented drop in climate coverage from the preceding peak level. The persistence of anthropogenic climate change, gradual mainstreaming of climate concerns across different societal sectors, and recent policy debates around so-called green or sustainable recovery suggest that climate coverage is not likely to be muted in the near future

    Kaaoksesta kohti elämänhallintaa : Ensikoti Pinjan asiakkaiden kokemuksia elämänhallinnasta

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    Nuorten naisten päihteiden käyttö on lisääntynyt Suomessa ja ongelmat näkyvät sekä pikkulapsiperheissä, että odottavissa äideissä. Pienten lasten yleisin huostaanoton syy on äitien päihteidenkäyttö. Usein kyseessä on ylisukupolvien ilmiö, jossa vanhemmat toistavat omasta lapsuudestaan tuttua kuviota. Suomessa päihteiden ongelmakäyttäjille ja heidän lapsilleen kuntoutusta tarjoavia ensikoteja on vain muutama. Yksi niistä on Turussa sijaitseva viisipaikkainen Ensikoti Pinja, joka on toiminut vuodesta 1999. Tarkoituksenamme oli tutkia Pinjan asiakkaiden kokemuksia elämänhallinnan lisääntymisestä kuntoutuksen aikana. Tavoitteenamme oli tuottaa tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää Ensikoti Pinjan toimintaa kehitettäessä sekä käyttää perusteluna perheiden yhteiselle päihdekuntoutuksen tarpeelle. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisena viitekehyksenä työssämme oli elämänhallinta teoria. Haastattelimme syksyn 2014 aikana kuutta ensikoti Pinjassa kuntoutuksessa olevaa ja yhtä kuntoutuksen päättänyttä vanhempaa. Haastattelut toteutettiin yksilöhaastatteluina. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli teemahaastattelu ja aineisto analysoitiin sisällön analyysi menetelmän mukaisesti. Haastatteluissa ilmeni, että asiakkaiden itsetuntemus ja itseluottamus oli lisääntynyt Pinjassa tapahtuneen työskentelyn myötä. Lisääntynyt ymmärrys koskien omia tunteita ja niiden alkuperää sekä omien reagointitapojen tunnistaminen auttoi asiakkaita suhtautumaan haasteisiin rakentavammin. Haastateltavat halusivat vaikuttaa omaan elämäänsä ja heillä oli tavoitteita. Sosiaalisissa suhteissa oli tapahtunut muutoksia ja avun hakemisen kynnys oli madaltunut. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että asiakkaiden kokemuksien mukaan heidän elämänhallintansa on lisääntynyt Pinjassa tapahtuneen työskentelyn myötä näkyen kasvaneena itsetuntemuksena, itseluottamuksena, lisääntyneenä kykynä ratkaista ongelmia, asettaa tavoitteita ja riippuvuudesta vapautumisena.The abuse of drugs and alcohol has increased among young women in Finland and the problems caused by the abuse are abundant both among pregnant mothers and in families with young children. The most common reason for taking small children into custody is the mothers substance abuse. Often the problems are passed from one generation to another, parents repeating the patterns familiar to them from their own childhood. There are only few mother and baby homes in Finland that provide rehabilitation to mothers abusing drugs and alcohol and their children. One of them is located in Turku and is called Pinja. It provides a place for five families and has been in operation since 1999. Our goal is to study the experiences of the clients of Pinja on the increase of their life management. Our goal was to produce information that can be used to develop the operations of Pinja and motivate and advance the rehabilitation of the whole family. The theoretical ground for our work has been the theory of life management. We have interviewed six persons in rehabilitation and one who has been in rehabilitation in Pinja during autumn 2014. The interviews were conducted individually. The research method was a thematic interview and the material was analyzed using the method of content analysis. In the interviews, the clients expressed that their self-knowledge and self-esteem had im-proved during the rehabilitation in Pinja. The increased understanding of one’s own feel-ings and the origin of the feelings as well as recognition of their own habits of reaction, did help them to face challenges in a more constructive manner. The interviewees had a will to have an influence on their own life and they had goals. There had been changes in social relations and the threshold to seek for help had become lower. In conclusion, it was evident that according to the experience of the clients, their life man-agement had improved during the time spent in Pinja. This appears also as improved self-knowledge, self-esteem, as increased ability to solve problems, set goals and disengage the addiction

    Rare Metals: Energy Security and Supply

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    Lithium and neodymium are two critical materials in our modern society, many technological solutions depend on them. Lithium is used in batteries, which are used in cars and portable electronics. Neodymium, which is a rare earth element, is mainly used in permanent magnets which are used in smartphones, hard disc drives and turbines. There are many reports regarding the availability of the metals, with different results. The available data on the reserves varies considerably, from the few sources there are. In this report, based on geological availability, forecasts are done to investigate how much the production can increase and when it will peak. The prognoses are based on historic production to which different functions, the logistic, gompertz and richards, are fitted with the least square method. The production will peak in the end of this century and in the beginning of the next century for both metals. The production of lithium does not seem to be sufficient for both producing electric and hybrid cars with only li-ion batteries along with fusion. The neodymium production will be sufficient for producing a lower percentage of direct driven wind turbines and electric cars with NiMH batteries. Lithium in seawater is sometimes considered a future source. Since the lithium concentration is low, large volumes have to be processed in order to extract a reasonable amount of lithium. Currently it is not economic to extract lithium from seawater.

    The Specter of Scarcity : Experiencing and Coping with Metal Shortages, 1870-2015

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    In spite of an ever-growing supply of metals, actors have long feared metal shortages. This thesis – departing from an understanding that metals scarcity is not an objective geological fact, but an experience, a fear of a shortage – explores why business and state actors have experienced metals as scarce and how they coped with scarcity from 1870 to 2015. The underlying reasons for scarcity experiences originated in high prices, a lack of substitutes, domestic unavailability, limited infrastructure and increased demand. In the view of businesses and the state, a shortage of metals could hinder successful industrialization. Defining metals as scarce was a first step in their attempts to ensure access through exploration, recycling, substitution, and trade agreements. This dissertation presents five case studies which provide insights into three selected aspects of metals scarcity that have been overlooked in previous studies. First, while small countries experienced and coped with metals scarcity in a similar way to large nations, they were more vulnerable because of their dependence on transnational flows controlled by larger countries. Yet if they remained neutral in international conflicts, they could enjoy other opportunities to import resources than their larger rivals. Second, industries experienced metals scarcity before World War I; with the onset of the Second Industrial Revolution, at the very latest, new technologies were often dependent on metals which had never before been used commercially – there were not yet any extraction systems in place. However, once these metals began to circulate, state actors became aware of the international traffic and began to classify certain metals as critical. Thirdly, technological change has affected – and been affected by – metals scarcity. If a metal was scarce, manufacturers were likely to embark on a different path to production. Inversely, sometimes new technologies were able to alleviate perceptions of scarcity.QC 20171206</p

    Rare Metals: Energy Security and Supply

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    Lithium and neodymium are two critical materials in our modern society, many technological solutions depend on them. Lithium is used in batteries, which are used in cars and portable electronics. Neodymium, which is a rare earth element, is mainly used in permanent magnets which are used in smartphones, hard disc drives and turbines. There are many reports regarding the availability of the metals, with different results. The available data on the reserves varies considerably, from the few sources there are. In this report, based on geological availability, forecasts are done to investigate how much the production can increase and when it will peak. The prognoses are based on historic production to which different functions, the logistic, gompertz and richards, are fitted with the least square method. The production will peak in the end of this century and in the beginning of the next century for both metals. The production of lithium does not seem to be sufficient for both producing electric and hybrid cars with only li-ion batteries along with fusion. The neodymium production will be sufficient for producing a lower percentage of direct driven wind turbines and electric cars with NiMH batteries. Lithium in seawater is sometimes considered a future source. Since the lithium concentration is low, large volumes have to be processed in order to extract a reasonable amount of lithium. Currently it is not economic to extract lithium from seawater.

    The Rush for Greenlandic Metals

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    QC 20171114</p

    Rare Metals: Energy Security and Supply

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    Lithium and neodymium are two critical materials in our modern society, many technological solutions depend on them. Lithium is used in batteries, which are used in cars and portable electronics. Neodymium, which is a rare earth element, is mainly used in permanent magnets which are used in smartphones, hard disc drives and turbines. There are many reports regarding the availability of the metals, with different results. The available data on the reserves varies considerably, from the few sources there are. In this report, based on geological availability, forecasts are done to investigate how much the production can increase and when it will peak. The prognoses are based on historic production to which different functions, the logistic, gompertz and richards, are fitted with the least square method. The production will peak in the end of this century and in the beginning of the next century for both metals. The production of lithium does not seem to be sufficient for both producing electric and hybrid cars with only li-ion batteries along with fusion. The neodymium production will be sufficient for producing a lower percentage of direct driven wind turbines and electric cars with NiMH batteries. Lithium in seawater is sometimes considered a future source. Since the lithium concentration is low, large volumes have to be processed in order to extract a reasonable amount of lithium. Currently it is not economic to extract lithium from seawater.

    10 yleisintä jääkiekkovammaa ja niiden ensiapu. Ensiapuopas Rovaniemen kiekon C- ja B-junioreiden ja A-nuorten toimihenkilöille

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoitus on tuottaa ensiapuopas, jossa käsitellään kymmentä erilaista jääkiekkovammaa ja niiden ensiapua. Ensiapuoppaan ohjeiden avul-la voidaan ehkäistä lisävammoja ja nopeuttaa paranemista Tavoitteenamme on lisätä tietoisuutta jääkiekossa yleisemmin aiheutuvista vammoista ja niiden oikeaoppisesta ensiavusta sekä arvioimaan mahdollinen lisäavun tarve. Oppaaseemme valikoituneet vammat on jaettu kahteen kategoriaan; pää- ja yläraajavammat sekä alaraajavammat ja viiltohaavat. ensimmäinen osio käsittää aivotärähdyksen, niskan retkahdusvamman, olkapään subluksaation sekä rannevamman. Toisessa osiossa ovat puujalka, polvi- ja nilkkavammat sekä viiltohaavat. Ensiapuoppaassa näistä vammoista kerrotaan selkeät oirekuvauk-set ja toimintaohjeet kuvineen. Ensiapuoppaamme suunniteltiin ja tehtiin alustavasti Canva-ohjelmalla, sekä tuotetaan lopulliseen vihkomuotoon opistopainossa. Ensiapuoppaita painetaan kolme kappaletta toimeksiantajamme Rovaniemen kiekko Ry:n C- ja B- ju-nioreiden ja A- nuorten toimihenkilöiden käyttöön. Vihkomuotoon päädyimme, koska se on helppo kuljettaa joukkueen ensiapulaukussa matkassa.The purpose of this thesis was to raise awareness of the most common injuries caused by hockey and their first aid guidance. Furthermore the aim was to discuss and assess the need for further medical help. The goal of this study was to produce a guide that covers ten different types of hockey injuries and recommendations on how to treat them. It is hoped that the first aid guidance will help to prevent the occurance of major injuries and help to facilitate speed up the healing process. The selected injuries in the guide are divided into two categories; head and up-per limb injuries and lower limb and incision injuries. The first section includes concussion, neck sprain injury, shoulder subluxation and wrist injury. The sec-ond section contains Cork injury knee and ankle injury and incision wounds. The first aid guide provides clear symptom descriptions and instructions with pic-tures on how to treat these injuries. The first aid guide of this thesis was made using the Canva application and pro-duced in a booklet format at the University of Lapland printing centre. Three copies of the guide were printed for the A, B and C junior staff members of the commissioner Rovaniemen Kiekko Ry. The booklet format was chosen because it is easy to carry in the team’s first aid kit

    en kartläggning av svenska friidrottares återhämtningsmetoder.

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    Bland idrottare idag är återhämtning inte ansedd att vara en av de viktigaste beståndsdelarna i deras träning. För en optimal prestationsutveckling och framgång krävs optimal träningsplanering samt att som idrottare balansera träningsbelastningen med tillräcklig och effektiv återhämtning. Inom idrotten nämns återhämtning som en psykosociofysiologisk process vilket visar på att för att uppnå optimal återhämtning behöver idrottaren återhämta sig ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga om och i sådant fall hur en grupp svenska friidrottare, 18 år och äldre, återhämtar sig under en specifik träningsperiod. Undersökning skedde genom en webbaserad enkät som bestod av både öppna och fasta frågor. Resultatet visade att 96 av 98 stycken friidrottare i urvalsgruppen använde sig av specifika återhämtningsmetoder, där den populäraste var vila, följt av aktiv återhämtning och massage. Totalt återfanns 12 stycken olika återhämtningsmetoder. De deltagande männen valde främst specifika återhämtningsmål samt isbad och kvinnorna valde främst aktiv återhämtning. Majoriteten ansåg att de valda metoderna fungerade bra och att de tillgodosåg sina återhämtningsbehov på ett okej och bra sätt. Resultaten visade även att majoriteten funderade kring hur de på bästa sätt kunde återhämta sig. Tyvärr visade resultaten att 60 stycken friidrottare ansåg att informationen kring återhämtning var otillräcklig och drygt hälften hade ingen diskussion med sin tränare hur de skulle balansera sin träning och återhämtning. Med mer information kring återhämtning och bättre diskussion mellan aktiva och tränare kanske fler kommer att kunna optimera sin återhämtning och på så sätt undvika faktorer som exempelvis överträning och överbelastningsskador