29 research outputs found


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    Arsitektur perangkat lunak adalah struktur inti dari sebuah perangkat lunak. Arsitektur perangkat lunak mencerminkan fungsi dan tujuan latar belakang dari perangkat lunak yang dibangun. Pada faktanya perangkat lunak selalu mengalami evolusi dari waktu ke waktu. Evolusi ini disebabkan berbagai hal seperti perkembangan teknologi dan perubahan kebutuhan penggunanya. Perubahan kebutuhan pengguna merupakan faktor utama terjadinya evolusi. Dalam menyikapi evolusi, beberapa peneliti mengungkapkan rancangan perangkat lunak yang baik memiliki kecenderungan stabil terhadap perubahan minor agar menghindari terjadinya erosi perangkat lunak. Erosi menyebabkan munculnya kerusakan komponen akibat salah perubahan kode sumber yang seharusnya tidak diubah, dan pelanggaran keputusan rancangan dari komponen yang telah direncanakan pada awalnya. Hal ini menyebabkan kecacatan yang akan muncul pada kemudian hari. Penelitian ini menjabarkan analisis mendalam tentang hubungan stabilitas arsitektur perangkat lunak dengan volatilitas kebutuhan perangkat lunak. Stabilitas rancangan perangkat lunak diukur berdasarkan tingkat penggunaan kembali komponen seperti Kelas Diagram, Paket Diagram dan Relasi antar kelas. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan memperhatikan perubahan jumlah kelas dalam satu paket dan jumlah relasi antar atau dalam paket. Pengukuran volatilitas kebutuhan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan perubahan fitur pada setiap versi. Dari dua pengukuran tersebut, peneliti mengamati perkembangan fenomena yang terjadi di dalamnya. Terdapat tiga kondisi yang membuat ketidakstabilan rancangan perangkat lunak. Pertama, penambahan fitur perangkat lunak yang tidak terdefinisi pada awal, sehingga pada versi sebelumnya komponen perangkat lunak tidak dapat dirancangan terlebih dahulu. Hal ini dapat melebarkan lingkup perangkat lunak itu sendiri dan memungkinkan adanya degradasi pada komponen tertentu. Hal ini terlihat pada kasus AB2-3, AB3-4, AB6-7, AB7-8, AB9-10, NS1-2, dan NS2-3. Namun apabila rancangan sudah dibentuk pola perancangan yang lebih general, maka nilai stabilitas rancangan akan lebih tinggi dibanding dengan rancangan yang tidak memiliki pola perancangan. Faktor kedua adalah pengubahan fitur yang berdampak pada pelebaran lingkup perangkat lunak. Hal ini tercermin pada kasus AB¬2-3, dan NS3-4. Faktor terakhir adalah penghapusan fitur inti yang dimiliki oleh lebih dari 50% fitur dari seluruh versi yang ada. Hal ini tercermin pada kasus AB3-4, dan NS2-3. ========================================================== Software architecture is the core structure of a software. Software architecture reflects functional background and purpose of the software is built. In fact the software is always evolving from time to time. This evolution is due to various things such as technological development and the needs for minor changes. The user need afford a change is a major factor in the evolution. In addressing the evolution, some researchers revealed that architectural and component design good software has a stable trend towards minor changes in order to avoid erosion of the software. Erosion caused the emergence of elemental damage as a result of changes to the source code that should not be changed, and violations of the architectural design decisions that had been initially planned. It causes disability that will appear at a later date. In this study, I conducted a thorough analysis on relationship between the software component stability and volatility of the software requirements. The stability of the software component is measured according to a study presented by Aversano and Constantinou. Component measurement done by considering the number of classes in one package and the number of relationships among or within the package. Volatility measurements conducted with respect to the needs of the changing needs of each version. From the two measures, the researcher observes the development of phenomena that occur in it. There are three conditions that create instability software design. First, the addition of software features that are not defined at the beginning, so that the previous version of the software component can’t be designed first. It can widen the scope of the software itself and allows the degradation of certain components. This is seen in the case of AB2-3, AB3-4, AB6-7, AB7-8, AB9-10, NS1-2, and NS2-3. However, if the software component is already established design patterns that are more general, then the value of the stability of the design will be higher than with a design that does not have a pattern design. The second factor is the conversion feature that impact on widening the scope of the software. This is reflected in the case AB2-3, and NS3-4. The last factor is the elimination of the core features that are owned by more than 50% of the features of the entire existing version. This is reflected in the case AB¬, and NS2-3

    Electronic Election for Small Medium Non-Profit Organizations in Indonesian Cities

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    The COVID-19 pandemic created new levels of threat to the conduct of daily activities, not only for routine tasks but also for more formal activities like elections. These new levels of threat were unprecedented. Elections in Indonesia often include direct voting, enabling every community member to immediately contribute to the election process and support their chosen leader. In Indonesia, holding elections online is rare over a large portion of the country. The digital divide, the security of data and systems, verification and transparency, and the legal and social-cultural acceptance of online elections are some of the challenges and issues that must be addressed for a successful implementation in Indonesia. Online elections in Indonesia confront several obstacles and problems. In this study, the implementation of Electronic Elections in small and medium Non-Profit Organizations is examined to gain a better understanding of the real issue that exists within the context of technology. In addition, this research offers recommendations regarding the approach and features that must be present to mitigate the negative consequences of electronic votin

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Sosial Media “Pet Mate” Berbasis Android

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    Abstrak- Pada zaman modern ini memelihara hewan peliharaan merupakan kegemaran tersendiri bagi setiap orang. Hewan peliharaan merupakan seekor hewan yang dirawat dan diperlakukan secara lebih layak dan istimewa daripada hewan-hewan lainnya. Hewan peliharaan pun terdiri dari beraneka ragam jenis dan ras yang mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri. Hewan peliharaan juga memerlukan kebutuhan biologis yaitu berkembang biak dengan cara kawin dengan lawan jenisnya. Namun, dalam mengawinkan hewan peliharaan terdapat berbagai macam kendala, seperti tidak adanya pasangan bagi hewan tersebut, ketidakcocokan dengan hewan yang akan dikawinkan, dan masih banyak lagi. Sedangkan, pada era modern ini dengan adanya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sebagai contohnya adalah sosial media yang berkembang sangat pesat, di mana sekarang sosial media dapat membantu para pemilik hewan peliharaan dalam mempermudah pencarian pasangan bagi hewan peliharaannya sesuai dengan kriteria yang diinginkan dan juga dalam area tertentu pula. Dengan memanfaatkan pemrograman berbasis android, pemilik hewan dapat menggunakan aplikasi dalam mencari pasangan untuk hewan peliharaannya. Selain itu, fitur chatting yang didukung oleh firebase cloud messaging dapat mempermudah komunikasi antar pemilik hewan dalam proses mengawinkan hewan peliharaan. Dengen demikian aplikasi ini dapat memudahkan para pemilik hewan peliharaan untuk mencarikan pasangan bagi hewan peliharaannya melalui fitur-fitur yang tersedia dalam aplikasi. Kata Kunci: sosial media, hewan peliharaan, perkawinan hewan, perkembangbiakan hewan, komunikasi Abstract- In modern times, caring for pets is a hobby for everyone. A pet is an animal that is cared for and treated more properly and specially than other animals. Pets also consist of various types and races that have their own characteristics. Pets also need biological needs, namely breeding by marrying the opposite sex. However, in marrying a pet there are various kinds of obstacles, such as the absence of a partner for the animal, incompatibility with the animal to be mated, and many more. Meanwhile, in this modern era with the presence of information and communication technology as an example is social media that is growing very rapidly, where now social media can help pet owners in facilitating the search for a partner for their pets according to the desired criteria and also in certain areas also. By utilizing Android-based programming, animal owners can use the application in finding partners for their pets. In addition, chat features supported by Firebase cloud messaging can facilitate communication between pet owners in the process of mating pets. Thus this application can make it easier for pet owners to find a partner for their pets through the features available in the application. Keywords: social media, pet, animal marriage, animal breeding, communicatio

    Usability of multimedia-based technology in situational judgment test: literature review and survey on millennial generation

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    In predicting and determining people's careers, various instrumentation and tools can be used. Instrumentation with descriptive stories and role plays is suitable to describe the conditions and situations of respondents. Situational Judgment Test (SJTs) is one of the tools that are used to see a person's tendency to act in certain situations. The research topic of SJTs is increased in the last few years. Most of them explore and investigate the validity of SJT such as the scoring method. However, only a few topics discuss the form of SJTs tools and questions. This study investigates the benefit of using a computer-based test and exploration of multimedia-based technology to enhance SJT. This study examines kinds of literature about SJTs topic and discusses related technology in STJs nowadays. This study also analyses what various parameters of digital media like a type of media and device, affection of sounds in the video, the user experience with media, and duration of video are the parameter. This research also collects 209 respondents to find out interaction between millennial generations and multimedia nowadays. The aim of this paper is to improve STJs’ contents using multimediabased technology

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Sosial Media “Pet Mate” Berbasis Android

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    Abstrak- Pada zaman modern ini memelihara hewan peliharaan merupakan kegemaran tersendiri bagi setiap orang. Hewan peliharaan merupakan seekor hewan yang dirawat dan diperlakukan secara lebih layak dan istimewa daripada hewan-hewan lainnya. Hewan peliharaan pun terdiri dari beraneka ragam jenis dan ras yang mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri. Hewan peliharaan juga memerlukan kebutuhan biologis yaitu berkembang biak dengan cara kawin dengan lawan jenisnya. Namun, dalam mengawinkan hewan peliharaan terdapat berbagai macam kendala, seperti tidak adanya pasangan bagi hewan tersebut, ketidakcocokan dengan hewan yang akan dikawinkan, dan masih banyak lagi. Sedangkan, pada era modern ini dengan adanya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sebagai contohnya adalah sosial media yang berkembang sangat pesat, di mana sekarang sosial media dapat membantu para pemilik hewan peliharaan dalam mempermudah pencarian pasangan bagi hewan peliharaannya sesuai dengan kriteria yang diinginkan dan juga dalam area tertentu pula. Dengan memanfaatkan pemrograman berbasis android, pemilik hewan dapat menggunakan aplikasi dalam mencari pasangan untuk hewan peliharaannya. Selain itu, fitur chatting yang didukung oleh firebase cloud messaging dapat mempermudah komunikasi antar pemilik hewan dalam proses mengawinkan hewan peliharaan. Dengen demikian aplikasi ini dapat memudahkan para pemilik hewan peliharaan untuk mencarikan pasangan bagi hewan peliharaannya melalui fitur-fitur yang tersedia dalam aplikasi. Kata Kunci: sosial media, hewan peliharaan, perkawinan hewan, perkembangbiakan hewan, komunikasi Abstract- In modern times, caring for pets is a hobby for everyone. A pet is an animal that is cared for and treated more properly and specially than other animals. Pets also consist of various types and races that have their own characteristics. Pets also need biological needs, namely breeding by marrying the opposite sex. However, in marrying a pet there are various kinds of obstacles, such as the absence of a partner for the animal, incompatibility with the animal to be mated, and many more. Meanwhile, in this modern era with the presence of information and communication technology as an example is social media that is growing very rapidly, where now social media can help pet owners in facilitating the search for a partner for their pets according to the desired criteria and also in certain areas also. By utilizing Android-based programming, animal owners can use the application in finding partners for their pets. In addition, chat features supported by Firebase cloud messaging can facilitate communication between pet owners in the process of mating pets. Thus this application can make it easier for pet owners to find a partner for their pets through the features available in the application. Keywords: social media, pet, animal marriage, animal breeding, communicatio

    Pembuatan Mobile Apps Berbasis Android dengan Memanfaatkan Geolokasi untuk Pengawasan Proses Belajar Siswa

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    Abstract-- Non-formal education often requires children to travel to have face-to-face meetings with their teachers. Meetings that take place often still use the attendance method manually by using the attendance form, thus allowing the loss of attendance form, errors in making attendance, and allowing fraud in doing attendance. Parents also cannot control the location of their children when attending meetings and do not know who the tutoring service is who is the teacher for their child. Based on these problems, a mobile application was created that can be used by students, teachers, and parents. Where the attendance process is done digitally by students by taking selfies through a smartphone camera. Teachers do not need to bother in recapitulating attendance and save time when the attendance process is carried out by students. Parents can find out the child's location, receive notifications when the child makes attendance, and download meeting attendance reports. The trial was carried out privately by providing input and seeing the output results whether it had gone well. Validation is done by conducting interviews with each user with the roles of parents, teachers, and students who have tried the system. Based on the results of trials and validation conducted with interviews, it was found that the system that has been created to supervise the student learning process is running well and helps parents in controlling face-to-face meetings between students and teachers through notifications received by parents when students make a presence, attendance reports that help teachers recap attendance data and help teachers make appointments with students easier to do. Keywords: education, attendance , mobile application, camera, notification Abstrak— Pendidikan non-formal sering kali mengharuskan anak bepergian untuk melakukan pertemuan tatap muka dengan guru mereka. Pertemuan yang berlangsung sering kali masih menggunakan metode presensi secara manual dengan menggunakan form presensi, sehingga memungkinkan terjadinya hilangnya form presensi, kesalahan dalam melakukan presensi, dan memungkinkan terjadinya kecurangan dalam melakukan presensi kehadiran. Orang tua juga tidak dapat mengontrol lokasi anak saat mengikuti pertemuan dan tidak mengetahui siapa jasa pengajar yang menjadi pengajar bagi anak mereka. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut dibuatkan sebuah aplikasi mobile yang dapat digunakan siswa, guru, dan orang tua. Dimana proses presensi dilakukan secara digital oleh siswa dengan mengambil foto selfie melalui kamera smartphone. Guru tidak perlu repot dalam melakukan rekapitulasi presensi kehadiran dan menghemat waktu saat proses presensi dilakukan siswa. Orang tua dapat mengetahui lokasi anak, menerima notifikasi ketika anak melakukan presensi, dan mengunduh laporan presensi pertemuan. Uji coba dilakukan secara pribadi dengan memberikan inputan dan melihat hasil output apakah telah berjalan dengan baik. Validasi dilakukan dengan cara melakukan interview kepada setiap pengguna dengan peran orang tua, guru, dan siswa yang telah mencoba sistem. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba dan validasi yang dilakukan dengan interview diperoleh bahwa sistem yang telah dibuat untuk melakukan pengawasan terhadap proses belajar siswa berjalan dengan baik dan membantu orang tua dalam mengontrol pertemuan tatap muka yang dilakukan siswa dengan guru melalui notifikasi yang diterima orang tua saat siswa melakukan presensi, laporan presensi yang membantu guru dalam merekap data presensi kehadiran dan membantu guru untuk membuat janji pertemuan dengan siswa menjadi lebih mudah untuk dilakukan.Kata kunci: pendidikan, presensi, aplikasi mobile, kamera, notifikas

    Pengaturan Dinamis Tata Letak Denah Upacara Wisuda Universitas Surabaya

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    Flexibility and Configurability software is important to accommodate a variety of managed data. In the graduation ceremony, the committee needs to arrange the graduation floor plan based on the provisions of each institution. The order of seating is adjusted based on the order of graduation of graduates with provisions agreed to each graduation period, such as the technical dimensions of the room and the order of priority of the predicate. During this time, the spreadsheet application used by the committee was inflexible. If the number of graduates increased or dimension of the blocks and floor plans is changed, the committee cannot flexibly change the plan. The factor of application flexibility and ease of configuration is needed. To support the flexibility of the configuration, the researcher observes the parameters of the sequence and floor plan, designs the database, displays the interface and adapts the activities carried out by humans into the system to automate the process of drawing a digital floor plan. The system requires graduate data, graduate predicate data, graduate faculty data, faculty sequence data, and floor plan data as preliminary data. The implementation of the stack can help the graduation of data storage implementation. With a flexible system, the committee's activities are reduced by 50% and the complexity of the committee's work is not influenced by the amount of graduate data. Adjustments to the layout of digital plans can be done at any time thereby increasing the flexibility of the committee in making decisions

    Implementation of Software as a Service to Increase the Scalability of the Merdeka Belajar Policy in Indonesia

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    Merdeka Learning is one of the breakthroughs in education carried out by the Government of Indonesia. One form of activity from Merdeka Learning is student exchange. However, not all universities in Indonesia have implemented e-learning properly due to the high cost of developing and implementing this system. Software as a Service (SaaS) is a fork of Cloud Computing that can create configurable systems for use by multiple users, especially for multi-scheme SaaS. This research develops a multi-scheme SaaS-based e-learning system with an iterative method for nine months to increase the scalability of this e-learning. Trials using the black box testing method were conducted on 15 officers and 36 students from 10 tertiary institutions. Respondents were asked to use various features of the system. The results of interviews after the trial stated that the system could assist in dealing with the online learning process at their universities. From this study, it can be concluded that multi-tenancy can be used in the development of e-learning to support the independent campus program on a website basis

    Aplikasi Jasa Les Berbasis Android

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    Aplikasi ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan pemilik les dengan pencari les atau tuto

    Identifikasi Peningkatan Kinerja melalui Motivasi dan Komitmen Afektif pada Karyawan Gartenhutte Trawas

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    Gartenhutte merupakan salah satu café yang viral di Desa Selotapak Kecamatan Trawas Kabupaten Mojokerto di Jawa Timur. Perkembangan café ini cukup pesat dari tahun 2018. Seiring kemasyuran café ini menuntut adanya peningkatan kinerja karyawan Gartenhutte. Keberadaaan café ini di Desa Selotapak dinilai dapat meningkatkan kesejateraan masyarakat sekitar. Masyarakat sekitar banyak yang direkrut dan bekerja sebagai karyawan Gartenhutte. Pihak Gartenhutte telah memberikan beragam pelatihan untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja karyawan Gartenhutte melalui identifikasi motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik, komitmen afektif.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kausal deskriptif. Penelitan ini menggunakan data dari 28 karyawan Gartenhutte melalui pengisian kuesioner. Pengolahan data menggunakan regresi liner berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya motivasi ekstrinsik dan komitmen afektif tidak memberikan pengaruh signifikan positif terhadap kinerja. Pada motivasi intrinsikmemberikan pengaruh yang positif signifikan terhadap kinerja. Motivasi intrisik ini merupakan dorongan dari dalam diri karyawan untuk bisa berprestasi dan bekerja dengan baik. Karyawan Gartenhutte lebih bermotivasi bekerja karena dorongan dari dalam diri sendiri bukan faktor di luar dirinya. Suasana kerja yang nyaman juga tidak membeikan dampak untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan Gartenhutte