10 research outputs found

    The Radicalism Prevention Policy in State Islamic Religious Universities in South Sulawesi: An Overview of Maqasid Syari'ah

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     This study aims to raise the perspective of Islamic law on the policy of preventing radicalism at PTKIN in South Sulawesi, which is by dharuriyyat al-khamsah in maqasid shari'ah. This research is qualitative research with a maqasid sharia approach with data collection methods obtained through documentation and interviews. The results of this study found that; First, The stipulation of the Chancellor's Decree regarding the ethics committee and appointing several lecturers from the leadership element, as well as the involvement of senior lecturers providing an understanding of peace and Islam as a religion of rahmatan lilalamin, then supervising academic activities, having strict, active, and consistent duties in carrying out ethics committee sessions, considered capable of preventing radically oriented behaviour. Second, build the image of the campus as a centre for Islamic studies and Bugis culture. Third, to provide room for discussion, both through seminars and face-to-face, especially with students exposed to radicalism. Fourth, make a study of Religious Deradicalization, which aims to prevent radicalism and strengthen religious moderation. When viewed from the perspective of maqaṣhid shari'ah, some of these efforts in preventing radicalism in several PTKIN in South Sulawesi are very important to determine as the main factor in efforts to deradicalize religion and also religious moderation. As relevant to the values of maqaṣhid shari'ah, which uses some of its features, namely universality, the interplay of hierarchies, and openness (freedom of the academic pulpit)

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Kawing Soro' Pada Masyarakat Bugis Kabupaten Bone

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    This study aims to determine the behavior of the Bugis community in Bone Regency in carrying out marriage. The development of marital culture and customs in the Bugis community in bone district, especially in terms of kawing soro’ became the main focus of this research. This research is a qualitative research with Islamic law approach. The results of this study found that habits in people's lives that were considered to be full of spiritual meaning became worthless after the existence of some Bugis communities in the district of Bone who performed kawing soro'. On the other hand, kawing soro' becomes compulsory if adultery is feared, in another sense that kawing soro' can be done if there are forced or emergency conditions. The Bugis community in Bone Regency who implements kawing soro' basically wants to carry out the commands of Allah and their Rasul, but it is not understood by the community that couples who do kawing soro', the husband is obliged to pay dowry even though only giving half and the wife may refuse to give the husband's rights like hanging out and having sex before the wife receives the specified dowry introduction.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku masyarakat Bugis di Kabupaten Bone dalam melaksanakan perkawinan atau pernikahan. perkembangan adat-budaya perkawinan dalam masyarakat bugis di kabupaten bone, terkhusus dalam hal kawing soro’ menjadi fokus utama dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kebiasaan-kebiasaan dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang dianggap sarat akan makna spiritual menjadi tidak bernilai setelah adanya sebagian masyarakat Bugis Kabupaten Bone yang melakukan kawing soro’. Di sisi lain, kawing soro’ menjadi wajib dilaksanakan apabila dikhawatirkan terjadinya zina, dalam arti lain bahwa kawing soro’ bisa saja dilakukan jika ada kondisi yang memaksakan atau darurat. Masyarakat Bugis di Kabupaten Bone yang melaksanakan kawing soro’ pada dasarnya ingin melaksanakan perintah Allah dan Rasul-Nya, namun tidak dipahami oleh masyarakat bahwa pasangan yang melakukan kawing soro’, sang suami wajib membayar mahar meskipun hanya memberikan separuhnya dan istri boleh menolak memberikan hak-hak suami seperti bergaul dan melakukan hubungan kelamin sebelum istri menerima pendahuluan mahar yang ditetapkan

    Hollier than Thou: The Contestation of Islamic Theology in the Indonesian Users of Social Media

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    Being the largest Muslim country in the world, the conversation of Islam in Indonesian social media has grown to the distinctive opposite poles of belief among the Islamic communities. This study presents the discussions of theological selections among the application users, as evident from their contesting schools of thought. This study identifies the data by content analysis. It presents the information with the digital ethnography design by analyzing and interpreting data from online sources to identify themes, patterns, and trends. The results show that social media greatly influences socio-religious development as religious organizations have responded to their participation in social media. The community then experienced social changes that prioritized relevant options in understanding religion according to their natural or developed preference, thus potentially creating an echo chamber. Some towering figures rise by the mobs with different proposals and will color the selection of Islamic ideology and views now and then


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    Intoleransi dan minimnya pemahaman tentang moderasi beragama bagi Gen-Z di Kecamatan Ulaweng Kabupaten Bone Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan merupakan masalah yang problematis dan menjadi fokus dalam pengabdian ini. Adapun tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pemahaman kepada Gen-Z tentang toleransi dan moderasi beragama dengan pendekatan keagamaan, dan pendekatan kearifan lokal masyarakat Bugis Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge. Metode pengabdian ini menggunkan pendekatan Participatory Action Research (PAR) dengan tujuan mengatasi masalah sosial keagamaan. Adapun hasil pengabdian ini adalah beberapa perubahan sosial terutama perubahan dalam berperilaku (sipakatau, sipakainge, sipakalebbi), serta generasi Z telah memiliki pemahaman sekaligus keterampilan untuk mensosialisasikan dan mempraktekkan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama dengan membumikan nilai-nilai sipakatau, sipakainge, sipakalebbi dalam berbagai kary

    Problematika Hukum Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2017 Tentang Organisasi Masyarakat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis keberadaan Perpu No. 2 Tahun 2017 tentang Organisasi Kemasyarakatan dalam perspektif hukum tata negara darurat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) dan pendekatan perundang-undangan (conctitutional approach). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penetapan Perpu Ormas tidaklah tepat sebab regulasi serupa telah diatur, dalam artian bahwa tidak terjadi kekosongan hukum, dan tidak pula hadir untuk menjawab perkembangan masyarakat. Penetapan Perpu Oleh Presiden pada akhirnya menimbulkan ketidakjelasan hukum pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia, dan DPR sebagai pelaksana fungsi legislasi seharusnya menolak Perpu tersebut, sebab muatan materi yang tertuang pada Perpu tersebut selayaknya diatur dalam peraturan pelaksana seperti Peraturan Pemerintah dan Peraturan Presiden.Kata Kunci: Perpu, Ormas


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    This research aims to find out the provisions of hate speech in the democratic system in Indonesia according to the provisions of the legislation in force in Indonesia and according to Islamic law. This research is a legal research that uses descriptive-qualitative method with several approaches, namely: conceptual approach, case approach, statutory approach, and comparative approach. The results of this research explain that: First, hate speech is a violation of human rights; Second, some cases of violations have damaged or killed both physically and psychologically a person; Third, sanctions in law enforcement for hate speech do not provide a deterrent effect on the perpetrators due to the lack of law enforcement, and easy problem solving because it can be done by mediation, as well as dependence on the interpretation of judges in assessing violations; Fourth, one of the principles of Islamic law (Maqasid Shari'ah) is to protect honor (hifdz nafs), it is not recommended to slander, demean others, insult, and spread false news, and Jarimah Ta'zir is a punishment for those who commit violations.


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    This research reveals the meaning of judicial review of government regulation as a regulation replacement (emergency regulation) conducted by the Constitutional Court. The purpose of this research is to cover the philosophy of law which becomes the Constitutional Court of judicial review about emergency regulation and/or to know the essence of judicial review of Constitutional Court emergency regulation then interrelated to the implementation of law in Indonesia. This research is a library research uses hermeneutic and heuristic methods. The assessment methodical elements are a description, interpretation, and history. The material object in this research is judicial review of Constitutional Court emergency regulation and the formal object is the philosophy of law. The domination of legal positivism view is unstoppable until the reformation era, and the regulation rules that have been established and agreed by the institutions becoming references in solving constitutional problems of Republic of Indonesia. Judicial review of emergency regulation made by the Constitutional Court gives new enlightens in solving constitution problems. The action taken by the judges of the Constitutional Court in judicial review of emergency regulation is an appropriate action to keep the harmony of constitution. The action shows that the judges do not always be positivistic. The judge actions make the condition of society, both economic and political aspects, as consideration in decision making whether to prosecute or not so-called legal realism attitudes. The judge in view of legal realism is a major role in supremacy of law which creates harmony in society. Indeed, in judicial review of emergency regulation, judges should make the law, not find the law

    The Radicalism Prevention Policy in State Islamic Religious Universities in South Sulawesi: an Overview of Maqasid Syari'ah

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    This study aims to raise the perspective of Islamic law on the policy of preventing radicalism at PTKIN in South Sulawesi, which is by dharuriyyat al-khamsah in maqasid shari'ah. This research is qualitative research with a maqasid sharia approach with data collection methods obtained through documentation and interviews. The results of this study found that; First, The stipulation of the Chancellor's Decree regarding the ethics committee and appointing several lecturers from the leadership element, as well as the involvement of senior lecturers providing an understanding of peace and Islam as a religion of rahmatan lilalamin, then supervising academic activities, having strict, active, and consistent duties in carrying out ethics committee sessions, considered capable of preventing radically oriented behaviour. Second, build the image of the campus as a centre for Islamic studies and Bugis culture. Third, to provide room for discussion, both through seminars and face-to-face, especially with students exposed to radicalism. Fourth, make a study of Religious Deradicalization, which aims to prevent radicalism and strengthen religious moderation. When viewed from the perspective of maqaá¹£hid shari'ah, some of these efforts in preventing radicalism in several PTKIN in South Sulawesi are very important to determine as the main factor in efforts to deradicalize religion and also religious moderation. As relevant to the values of maqaá¹£hid shari'ah, which uses some of its features, namely universality, the interplay of hierarchies, and openness (freedom of the academic pulpit)