19 research outputs found

    Mapping Polyclonal HIV-1 Antibody Responses via Next-Generation Neutralization Fingerprinting

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    Computational neutralization fingerprinting, NFP, is an efficient and accurate method for predicting the epitope specificities of polyclonal antibody responses to HIV-1 infection. Here, we present next-generation NFP algorithms that substantially improve prediction accuracy for individual donors and enable serologic analysis for entire cohorts. Specifically, we developed algorithms for: (a) selection of optimized virus neutralization panels for NFP analysis, (b) estimation of NFP prediction confidence for each serum sample, and (c) identification of sera with potentially novel epitope specificities. At the individual donor level, the next-generation NFP algorithms particularly improved the ability to detect multiple epitope specificities in a sample, as confirmed both for computationally simulated polyclonal sera and for samples from HIV-infected donors. Specifically, the next-generation NFP algorithms detected multiple specificities in twice as many samples of simulated sera. Further, unlike the first-generation NFP, the new algorithms were able to detect both of the previously confirmed antibody specificities, VRC01-like and PG9-like, in donor CHAVI 0219. At the cohort level, analysis of ~150 broadly neutralizing HIV-infected donor samples suggested a potential connection between clade of infection and types of elicited epitope specificities. Most notably, while 10E8-like antibodies were observed in infections from different clades, an enrichment of such antibodies was predicted for clade B samples. Ultimately, such largescale analyses of antibody responses to HIV-1 infection can help guide the design of epitope-specific vaccines that are tailored to take into account the prevalence of infecting clades within a specific geographic region. Overall, the next-generation NFP technology will be an important tool for the analysis of broadly neutralizing polyclonal antibody responses against HIV-1

    Delineating antibody recognition in polyclonal sera from patterns of HIV-1 isolate neutralization.

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    Serum characterization and antibody isolation are transforming our understanding of the humoral immune response to viral infection. Here, we show that epitope specificities of HIV-1–neutralizing antibodies in serum can be elucidated from the serum pattern of neutralization against a diverse panel of HIV-1 isolates. We determined “neutralization fingerprints” for 30 neutralizing antibodies on a panel of 34 diverse HIV-1 strains and showed that similarity in neutralization fingerprint correlated with similarity in epitope. We used these fingerprints to delineate specificities of polyclonal sera from 24 HIV-1–infected donors and a chimeric siman-human immunodeficiency virus–infected macaque. Delineated specificities matched published specificities and were further confirmed by antibody isolation for two sera. Patterns of virus-isolate neutralization can thus afford a detailed epitope-specific understanding of neutralizing-antibody responses to viral infection

    Developmental pathway for potent V1V2-directed HIV-neutralizing antibodies.

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    CAPRISA, 2014.Antibodies capable of neutralizing HIV-1 often target variable regions 1 and 2 (V1V2) of the HIV-1 envelope, but the mechanism of their elicitation has been unclear. Here we define the developmental pathway by which such antibodies are generated and acquire the requisite molecular characteristics for neutralization. Twelve somatically related neutralizing antibodies (CAP256-VRC26.01-12) were isolated from donor CAP256 (from the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA)); each antibody contained the protruding tyrosine-sulphated, anionic antigen-binding loop (complementarity-determining region (CDR) H3) characteristic of this category of antibodies. Their unmutated ancestor emerged between weeks 30-38 post-infection with a 35-residue CDR H3, and neutralized the virus that superinfected this individual 15 weeks after initial infection. Improved neutralization breadth and potency occurred by week 59 with modest affinity maturation, and was preceded by extensive diversification of the virus population. HIV-1 V1V2-directed neutralizing antibodies can thus develop relatively rapidly through initial selection of B cells with a long CDR H3, and limited subsequent somatic hypermutation. These data provide important insights relevant to HIV-1 vaccine development

    Population-scale longitudinal mapping of COVID-19 symptoms, behaviour and testing

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    Despite the widespread implementation of public health measures, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to spread in the United States. To facilitate an agile response to the pandemic, we developed How We Feel, a web and mobile application that collects longitudinal self-reported survey responses on health, behaviour and demographics. Here, we report results from over 500,000 users in the United States from 2 April 2020 to 12 May 2020. We show that self-reported surveys can be used to build predictive models to identify likely COVID-19-positive individuals. We find evidence among our users for asymptomatic or presymptomatic presentation; show a variety of exposure, occupational and demographic risk factors for COVID-19 beyond symptoms; reveal factors for which users have been SARS-CoV-2 PCR tested; and highlight the temporal dynamics of symptoms and self-isolation behaviour. These results highlight the utility of collecting a diverse set of symptomatic, demographic, exposure and behavioural self-reported data to fight the COVID-19 pandemic

    Large-scale analysis of HIV-infected donors.

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    <p>(A) NFP predictions for 143 donor plasma were divided into three groups: plasma with dominant known specificities, with potentially novel specificities, or with inconclusive delineation. (B) Delineated antibody specificities for the 50 plasma with predicted dominant known specificities. Also shown are the clade of infection (A, B, C, D; 1: CRF 01; 7: CRF 07; NA: unknown), neutralization breadth, as well as the three confidence scores, for each sample. The number of positive signals for clades B and C are shown at the bottom, with the ‘Other’ category including both non-B and non-C as well as samples with unknown clades. (C) Prevalence of 10E8-like signals in clade B vs. non-B samples. (D) Overall prevalence of antibody specificities (thick bars) in the 50 samples from (B), and adjusted predictions after the application of the cohort-level NFP algorithm (thin bars). The analysis was based on the selected 50-strain panel from <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006148#ppat.1006148.g006" target="_blank">Fig 6</a>.</p

    Identification of improved virus panels for NFP analysis.

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    <p>(A) Phylogenetic tree of full set of 132 HIV-1 strains used as a source for virus panel selection. (B) Schematic of virus panel evaluation using simulated sera. Heatmaps show the relative prevalence of actual or predicted antibody specificities in a given simulated serum, highlighting the increased accuracy of NFP predictions when using panel A (red strains) vs. panel B (orange strains). (C) Virus panel search methods using four different approaches (colored curves). For each approach, shown are the relative frequencies (y-axis) of observing virus panels of size 20 with different levels of prediction accuracy (x-axis, average serum delineation error, computed over a set of simulated sera for each virus panel). Highlighted are the serum delineation errors for the published 21-strain panel (red) and the full 132-strain panel (blue). (D) Virus panel size vs. prediction accuracy. Each dot represents the average serum delineation error of a single virus panel, with grey bars representing mean and standard deviation for each virus panel size. Shown are the top 5,000 virus panels for a search method and panel size.</p