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    Tuesday, September 07, 2004, 10:30 EDT (10:30 AM EDT)CDCHAN-00212-2004-09-07-UPD-NThe 38-year old man who died of Lassa fever in a New Jersey hospital traveled to the United States from Liberia via London. Further progress has been made in identifying passengers at risk of exposure to Lassa fever during travel on Continental Flight 29, which departed London Gatwick Airport on August 24 and arrived in Newark, N.J., at 3:20 pm on August 24.The plane was a Boeing 777-200, which has seats configured in groups of 3 with 9 seats and two aisles in each row. The case patient was seated in seat 21L, which is a window seat in economy class. Passengers seated within a six-foot radius of the case patient (i.e., passengers seated in seats F, J, K, L in rows 19-23) are considered at low risk for potential exposure, based on guidance outlined in the CDC HAN issued September 2, 2004.The airline has provided CDC the names of passengers who occupied seats 19 F-L, 20 F-L, 21 F-L, 22 F-L, and 23 F-L. CDC\u2019s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine is distributing this information to appropriate local and state health departments and national public health authorities, who in turn will advise passengers of their potential for exposure. In addition, these passengers will be advised to monitor their health for 21 days (i.e., the maximum incubation period) after their travel on Continental Flight 29. For airline passengers, this 21-day period ends September 14, 2004 and NOT September 18 as was incorrectly stated in the previous HAN. During this time, passengers should report a fever 101oF or greater to their local or state health department.Based upon currently available information and the configuration of the aircraft, only passengers seated in these 20 seat locations are considered to be at low risk of exposure. While no specific evaluation or monitoring is currently advised for persons seated in rows other than those listed above, any passenger who traveled on the implicated flight and who has concerns or develops a fever of 101oF or greater should seek medical evaluation and contact public health authorities.2004Lassa Fever, 2004VirusLassa viru

    Creation of the Archives de l\u27ethnologie, Musée de l\u27Homme

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    Han and Tang Ideals and the Future of Chinese Arts

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    Typyfications of the names of Iberian accepted species of Narcissus L. (Amaryllidaceae)

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    Tipificación de los nombres aceptados de las especies ibéricas del género Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae). En el curso de la preparación del tratamiento taxonómico del género Narcissus para Flora Ibérica, catorce nombres de taxa aceptados han sido encontrados sin designación de tipo nomenclatural. Trece lectotipos y un neotipo han sido designados para estos taxa. Adicionalmente, cinco epitipos se han seleccionado para las especies aceptadas con ilustración como tipos y uno para un nombre de Linneo que presenta un deficiente especímen como lectotipo

    \u3cem\u3eGradhiva: Revue d\u27Histoire et d\u27Archives de l\u27Anthropologie\u3c/em\u3e

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    Characterizing Habitable Exo-Moons

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    We discuss the possibility of screening the atmosphere of exomoons for habitability. We concentrate on Earth-like satellites of extrasolar giant planets (EGP) which orbit in the Habitable Zone of their host stars. The detectability of exomoons for EGP in the Habitable Zone has recently been shown to be feasible with the Kepler Mission or equivalent photometry using transit duration observations. Using the Earth itself as a proxy we show the potential and limits of spectroscopy to detect biomarkers on an Earth-like exomoon and discuss effects of tidal locking for such potential habitats. Transmission spectroscopy of exomoons is a unique potential tool to screen them for habitability in the near future.Comment: 4 tables, 1 figure, ApJL, 711, L1-L6, 201

    Associations of maternal and adolescent religiosity and spirituality with adolescent alcohol use in Chile: implications for social work practice

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    To inform social work practice with adolescents who may consume alcohol, we examined if alcohol use among Chilean adolescents varied as a function of their mothers’ and their own religiosity and spirituality. Data were from 787 Chilean adolescents and their mothers. Adolescent spirituality was a protective factor against more deleterious alcohol use. Parental monitoring and alcohol using opportunities mediated the associations. The practice of religious behaviors by themselves without meaningful faith were not associated with alcohol use among adolescents. Implications for social work practice are discussed.This research was funded by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01 02118). The project also received support from the Curtis Research and Training Center of the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan and from the University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award T32 DA007267. (R01 02118 - US National Institute on Drug Abuse; Curtis Research and Training Center of the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan; T32 DA007267 - University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service

    Improving student’s relationships in a bilingual school through Self-assessment and Peer-assessment

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado se centra en uno de los aspectos fundamentales del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje: la evaluación de dicho proceso. El objetivo principal es conocer y reflexionar acerca de lo necesaria que es esta herramienta para mejorar la calidad de la educación, y dada su importancia, conocer cómo incluir y utilizar este proceso. Este estudio está centrado en la evaluación del aprendizaje, así como la evaluación para el aprendizaje. Además, cuenta con una propuesta llevada a cabo en un colegio bilingüe, centrada más concretamente en el aula de 5º de Educación Primaria, en Inglés. Utilizando este proceso correctamente y enfocándole en sus realidades, los alumnos han llegado a ser más conscientes de su aprendizaje y han mejorado significativamente las relaciones entre ellos. Se han trabajado aspectos relacionados con el Plan de Convivencia, interviniendo en conflictos bastante usuales, y sirviéndonos de la evaluación como instrumentos principal.Grado en Educación Primari

    Faculty Recital: Tong-Il Han, piano, November 5, 2002

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    This is the concert program of the Faculty Recital: Tong-Il Han, piano performance on Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Melody from the opera "Orfeo ed Euridice" by Christoph Willibald von Gluck, Four Preludes by Sergei Rachmaninov, Sonata No. 6 in A Major, Op. 82 by Sergei Prokofiev, and Four Ballades by Frédéric Chopin. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund
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