38 research outputs found


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    PENGUJIAN AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI DAN IDENTIFIKASI SECARA MOLEKULER MENGGUNAKAN GEN 16S RRNA BAKTERI SIMBION ENDOFIT YANG DIISOLASI DARI ALGA MERAH (Galaxaura rugosa)Muhammad Zulkifli Hamzah 1), Herny E. I. Simbala1), Adithya Yudistira1) 1)Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA UNSRAT Manado, 95115ABSTRACT Endophytic bacteria are defined as bacteria that colonize healthy plant tissue without causing significant damage to the host. Several studies have shown that certain endophytic bacteria can produce chemical compounds that have health effects, especially antibacterial-producing compounds. The aim of this study was to obtain endophytic bacteria from red algae Galaxaura rugosa, to test the antibacterial activity of isolated endophytic bacterial against pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and to identify the species of endophytic bacteria that have the highest antibacterial activity based on molecular analysis using encoding gene of 16S rRNA. Bacterial isolation was performed by dilution method. Three isolates were inoculated based on morphological differences. Testing of antibacterial activity was tested by agar diffusion method. Endophytic bacterial isolate that have the highest antibacterial activity is K2 isolate which categorized as intermediate against Staphylococcus aureus and categorized as strong against Escherichia coli. The result of molecular idenfitication shows that K2 isolate has 99% similarity with Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus, and Bacillus mycoides. After multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, K2 isolate can be identified as Bacillus mycoides.Keywords: Endophytic Bacteria, Galaxaura rugosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, 16S rRNA Gene.ABSTRAK Bakteri endofit didefinisikan sebagai bakteri yang menjajah jaringan tanaman yang sehat tanpa menimbulkan luka yang nyata pada inang. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa bakteri endofit tertentu dapat memproduksi senyawa kimia yang memiliki efek bagi kesehatan, terutama senyawa penghasil antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bakteri endofit dari alga merah Galaxaura rugosa, menguji aktivitas antibakteri dari isolat bakteri endofit tersebut terhadap bakteri patogen Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus serta mengetahui spesies bakteri endofit yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terbesar berdasarkan analisis secara molekuler dengan menggunakan gen penyandi 16S rRNA. Isolasi bakteri dilakukan dengan metode pengenceran. Tiga (3) isolat diinokulasi berdasarkan perbedaan morfologi. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri diuji dengan metode difusi agar. Isolat bakteri endofit yang memiliki daya antibakteri terbesar yaitu isolat K2 yang dikategorikan sedang terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan kuat terhadap Escherichia coli. Hasil identifikasi molekuler menunjukkan bahwa isolat K2 memiliki kesamaan 99% dengan Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus, dan Bacillus mycoides. Setelah dilakukan multiple sequence alignment dan phylogenetic analysis, isolat K2 dapat diidentifikasi sebagai Bacillus mycoides.Kata kunci: Bakteri endofit, Galaxaura rugosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Aktivitas antibakteri, Gen 16S rRN

    The Sustainability of Fiscal Policy and Deficit Budget Financing : Evidence From Selected Muslim Countries

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    The sustainability of fiscal policy and how to finance the deficit budget has been receiving increasing attention from economists. The issue is paramount for the Muslim Countries and this is one of the motivations of the paper. In order to assess the sustainability of budget deficits in selected Muslim countries, a descriptive statistics for the stock of revenue, expenditure, tax over GDP and sustainability tests of government debt and deficit are performed for the Muslim countries for the 1971-2000 period. The cointegration model is also used to test the relationship between government expenditures, taxes, and seigniorage. The results show that the Muslim countries use taxes and seigniorage to finance their government expenditures. The empirical results also allow us to conclude that fiscal policy may be sustainable for most Muslim countries. JEL classification: E60; H62; H63

    Faktor Penentu Nilai Tambah Bruto pada Konsumsi Wisatawan dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Indonesia

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    The tourism industry has grown to become one of the largest industries in the world. Indonesiantourism can flourish, generating income for the state and also employment opportunities. Thepurpose of this study is to calculate the impact of the consumption of tourists jointly to the grossvalue added and employment in Indonesia in the period 2008-2012.This study used secondary,secondary data obtained from the data in Table input output (IO) issued by BPS form 2005updated IO data 2008. The impact of the consumption of tourists, the largest is the restaurantand hotel. The impact of tourist consumption can create jobs in the period 2008 - 2012approximately three million people per year

    Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth: Evidence From Selected Muslim Countries

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    Since 1970 era, the discussion about fiscal decentralization becomes an important subject. A recent World Bank study found that of the 75 developing and transition countries in the world with populations greater than 5 million, all but 12 claim to be embarked on some transfer of fiscal power from the central to sub national governments. This is a revolu-tion of how people think fiscally. The subject has also attracted many researchers to explore the decentralization system. As such many researchers mainly try to focus that fiscal decen-tralization would have a significant effect on economic growth. Empirically, these research-ers also prove that the decentralization approach of a nation's fiscal structure is an effective strategy to promote economic growth. The central structure of fiscal decentralization is the degree that creates growth-promoting decentralization systems that distinguish decentraliza-tion system capabilities in promoting economic growth to a greater or lesser degree. Hence, this paper will provide the empirical evidence for selected Muslim countries where these countries adopt the differences approaches in fiscal decentralization, i.e., transition coun-tries versus countries with a well-functioning fiscal system. JEL classification: H7; O

    Development of Porous PCL Based Microcarrier

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    Polycaprolactone (PCL) has been used for cell cultivation due to its biocompatibility. PCL microcarrier featuring microporous structure were generated in the present study. PCL-based porous microcarrier was fabricated with different parameters by using emulsion evaporation method. From the study, size distribution of the microcarrier and the size of pore generated on microcarrier were affected by most of the parameters tested such as sterring speed, PVA concentration, camphene concentration, temperature and ratio between PCL and solvent.  Optimum pore size was generated at 20% camphene concentration with the average size of 11.74 µm which is conducive for cells to attached and populated well within the pores.  The surface properties of developed porous can be improved for potential application in cell culture research and development, as well as in tissue engineering

    Coal Fuel Efficiency with Mixed Palm Shell Biomass for Steam Power Plant

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    The accumulation of coal-based fuels is depleting and to obtain coal fuel requires a great amount of money, as a corollary, measures must be taken to reduce the usage of this fuel. PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali (PJB) is currently investigating the co-firing technique by using oil palm shell biomass waste as a combination coal fuel with a proportion of 95% coal and 5% palm shell, the efficiency results will be compared to 100% of coal fuel. In this research, the Mathcad program and the Professional Simulator 8 were employed, the specific fuel consumption (SFC) technique is used to determine the efficiency of production expenses, as well as the direct and indirect methods to calculate the boiler efficiency. The results reveal that 4.09 IDR/kWh reduction in primary energy expenses could be achieved (0.65%). Co-firing fuel will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the boiler's performance, therefore when using 100% of coal as a fuel, the boiler efficiency value is 63.38% (Direct Method), while using the Indirect Method will produce up to 82.24%, respectively. However, when using co-firing fuel with 95% of coal and 5% of palm shell (Direct Method), the boiler efficiency value is 63.92%, and 83.71% when using the Indirect Method

    Performance improvement strategies of R1234yf in vapor compression refrigeration system as a R134a replacement : A review

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    R1234yf, a substitute for R134a, shares similar thermodynamic behavior and eco-friendly properties with low global warming potential. However, performance and flammability issues hampered its adoption in vapor compression refrigeration systems (VCRS). This review examines diverse strategies implemented in R1234yf-based VCRS, including internal heat exchanger (IHX) utilization, ejector implementation, refrigerant charge optimization, HVAC component optimization, nanolubricant application, and R1234yf azeotropic mixture usage. Findings indicate significant enhancements in VCRS performance using R1234yf. IHX and precise condenser subcooling improve the coefficient of performance (COP). The ejector yields substantial performance gains of 4% to 23.29%. Increased refrigerant charge levels beyond the optimum enhance cooling capacity. Optimizing the compressor, expansion valve, and system parameters leads to notable improvements of 11.3% and 8% in cooling capacity and COP, respectively, for R1234yf-based systems. Nanolubricants yield noteworthy enhancements of up to 15.7% in cooling capacity and 9.8% in COP. Employing R1234yf azeotropic mixture effectively addresses flammability and performance concerns, albeit with a higher global warming potential (GWP). Further research is necessary to utilize lower GWP refrigerants in VCRS through various strategies efficiently

    Aquilaria species as potential anti-inflammatory agents–A review on in vitro and in vivo studies

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    141-154In the current review article, the studies conducted to investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of Aquilaria species are compiled and summarized. Since inflammation is the underlying cause of many diseases, the encounter of effective and safe biomedical anti-inflammatory compounds has become the focus of recent researches. Aquilaria species were known to possess a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities, among which anti-inflammatory activity has been reported in many in vitro and in vivo studies. Chromones, sesquiterpenoids, flavonoids, benzophenones and phorbol esters were the major anti-inflammatory compounds isolated from Aquilaria species. The objective of this review paper is to extend researches on the anti-inflammatory activity of different parts of Aquilaria species and support their future use in natural pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of inflammation-associated conditions

    Effects of anthropogenic activities on the heavy metal levels in the clams and sediments in a tropical river

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    The present study aimed to assess the effects of anthropogenic activities on the heavy metal levels in the Langat River by transplantation of Corbicula javanica. In addition, potential ecological risk indexes (PERI) of heavy metals in the surface sediments of the river were also investigated. The correlation analysis revealed that eight metals (As, Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in total soft tissue (TST) while five metals (As, Cd, Cr, Fe and Mn) in shell have positively and significantly correlation with respective metal concentration in sediment, indicating the clams is a good biomonitor of the metal levels. Based on clustering patterns, the discharge of dam impoundment, agricultural activities and urban domestic waste were identified as three major contributors of the metals in Pangsun, Semenyih and Dusun Tua, and Kajang, respectively. Various geochemical indexes for a single metal pollutant (geoaccumulation index (I geo), enrichment factors (EF), contamination factor (C f) and ecological risk (Er)) all agreed that Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn are not likely to cause adverse effect to the river ecosystem, but As and Pb could pose a potential ecological risk to the river ecosystem. All indexes (degree of contamination (C d), combined pollution index (CPI) and PERI) showed that overall metal concentrations in the tropical river are still within safe limit. River metal pollution was investigated. Anthropogenic activities were contributors of the metal pollution. Geochemical indexes showed that metals are within the safe limit