331 research outputs found

    5G Campus Network Factory Floor Measurements with Varying Channel and QoS Flow Priorities

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    5G is considered a promising wireless communication technology to fulfill the high-demanding communication requirements of many Industry 4.0 applications. This work evaluates a 5G campus network for indoor factory floor scenarios using the latest commercially available 3GPP release-16 developments. The measurement campaign is conducted to obtain detailed coverage maps with reference signal received power, channel quality indicators, and downlink and uplink throughput (TP). Moreover, end-to-end delay measurements with varying channel conditions, 5G quality of service (QoS) priorities, and traffic loads were evaluated. It was concluded that even without ultra-reliable low-latency features, the TP and latency performance could be controlled by configuring QoS parameters. The evaluations suggest scenarios where QoS allocation and retention priority levels can be used in order to ensure the required performance of a specific QoS flow within the 5G system.Comment: Submitted to IEEE IECON 202

    Karakterizacija kvalitativnih parametara „Visočkog sudžuka“ u cilju zaštite na nacionalnom nivou

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    The research carried out in this paper confirmed that the sensory analysis of "Visočki sudžuk" high quality.The results of the chemical analyzes showed that the average water content in the samples immediately after drying and smoke was 35,01%, fats 31,70%, protein 26.84%, ash 6.29%, NaCl 5.27%, pH was 5.21 and aw 0,80. The results of the microbiological analysis were in accordance with the applicable regulations.Provedenaistraživanja u ovom radu potvrdila su da jesenzornom analizom „Visočkog sudžuka“ konstatovan vrhunski kvalitet. Rezultati hemijskih analiza su pokazali da je prosječan sadržaj vode u uzorcima odmah nakon sušenja i dimljenja iznosio 35,01%, masti 31,70%, proteina 26,84%, pepela 6,29%, NaCl-a 5,27%, pH je iznosila 5,21 i aw 0,80. Mikrobiološkom analizom su ustanovljeni negativni nalazi na prisustvo Pravilnikom definisanih mikrokultura

    Mikrobiološki kvalitet mesnih prerađevina i analiza radnih površina

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    The microbiological safety and quality of meat products are important to producers and consumers and involve microbial contaminants on the final products. The swabs were obtained from workers hands, plank for meat cutting, and knifes in January and February 2016. Beef and sheep prosciutto and Sudžuk sausage sampling was also performed at the same locations in the same time as swabs sampling. In these meat products, aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeast, molds, E. coli, Salmonella spp., and clostridia were determined. Higher level of contamination was obtained in January. Workers hands were highly contaminated with all examined bacteria, while in knife swabs lowest contamination level was detected. Higher level of meat products contamination was also noticed in January 2016. Aerobic mesophilic bacteria were most abundant in Sudžuk sausage samples, E. coli, yeasts and molds in sheep prosciutto, while Salmonella spp. and clostridia were not detected in any sample. Good microbiological quality of meat products was noticed.Mikrobiološka bezbjednost i kvalitet mesnih prerađevina su veoma značajni za proizvođače i potrošače, s obzirom na potencijalnu opasnost od njihove mikrobiološke kontaminacije. Brisevi su uzimani sa ruku radnika, dasaka za sječenje i noževa u januaru i februaru 2016. godine na pijaci Vogošća-Sarajevo. Uzorci pršute, stelje i sudžuka su uzeti iz istih objekata i u isto vrijeme kad i brisevi iz tih objekata. U ovim mesnim prerađevinama, određeno je prisustvo aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija, kvasaca, gljiva, E. coli, Salmonella spp. i klostridija. Veći stepen kontaminacije radnih površina zabilježen je u januarskom uzorkovanju. Ruke radnika su bile veoma kontaminirane svim ispitivanim bakterijama, dok su noževi za sječenje bili najmanje kontaminirani. I mesne prerađevine su bile više kontaminirane u januaru 2016. godine. Aerobne mezofilne bakterije su bile najzastupljenije u sudžuku, E. coli, kvasci i gljive u stelji, a Salmonella spp. i klostridije nisu detektovane ni u jednom uzorku, pa se može zaključiti da je sigurnost mesnih prerađevina dobra

    Seasonal Dynamic and Vertical Distribution of Microorganisms and Nutrients in Soils of Mostar Pit (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    The aim of this paper is to determined dynamics and vertical distribution of nutrients and microbial communities in calcocambisol and terra rossa in natural lawns in Mostar district (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The main research was focused on total number of bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, free-living nitrogen fixers, ammonifiers and Azotobacter sp., as well as on the chemical properties of soils. Microbiological and chemical properties of soils were determined during the 2011 in different depths using the standard methodology. Chemical analyses of the examinated soil showed the acid pH value, poor to moderate humus content, as well as total N and available P and K. Results of research confirm the strong influence of season of sampling, soils depth and their interaction on microbial activity. Number of microorganisms was controlled by pH value, humus and total nitrogen content, soil moisture and temperature. In both soil types, total bacterial number was the highest in spring, while number of fungi and actinomycetes was the highest in autumn. Azotobacter sp. was only detected in surface layer of soils. These results confirm that understanding of microbial, physical and chemical properties of soil and their interaction, which can be controlled by human activities, is necessary for improvement of soil fertility

    Variations in Treatment Delivery for Patients with Neovascular AMD in the UK: Results from an Ophthalmology Trainee Clinical Research Network Study

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine treatment delivery patterns for patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) across the UK through an ophthalmology trainee research network delivered observational study. METHODS: Data were collected via an online tool by potential research collaborators identified by the Ophthalmology Trainee Clinical Trial Network (OCTN). Collaborators were asked to comment on periprocedural practices of treatment of nAMD in their eye unit including treatment location and injectors, clinical assessment and routine observation in patients undergoing intravitreal treatment. RESULTS: Data were available from 26 units around the United Kingdom. Survey methodology refinement was approximately 3 months, and the average response time was 4.9 ± 2.4 days. The majority of responders confirmed that treatment was undertaken as a "one-stop" service (n = 15, 58%), delivered in a clean room (n = 23, 88%). In the majority of units, doctors administered injections (n = 24, 92%), but significant treatment was also given by nurse injectors (n = 21, 81%). All collaborators reported that patients underwent visual acuity testing and optical coherence tomography imaging at all visits, but other imaging including fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) did not take place in all cases (n = 17, 65%) and only at baseline visit. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the feasibility of conducting ophthalmology trainee led and delivered observational studies. Our results show that FFA is not routinely used in the diagnosis of nAMD in the units sampled; most injections are carried out in a clean room, and ophthalmic nurses delivering injections is a highly prevalent model of care in the UK

    Dopamine D3 Receptors Inhibit Hippocampal Gamma Oscillations by Disturbing CA3 Pyramidal Cell Firing Synchrony

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    Cortical gamma oscillations are associated with cognitive processes and are altered in several neuropsychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. Since dopamine D3 receptors are possible targets in treatment of these conditions, it is of great importance to understand their role in modulation of gamma oscillations. The effect of D3 receptors on gamma oscillations and the underlying cellular mechanisms were investigated by extracellular local field potential and simultaneous intracellular sharp micro-electrode recordings in the CA3 region of the hippocampus in vitro. D3 receptors decreased the power and broadened the bandwidth of gamma oscillations induced by acetylcholine or kainate. Blockade of the D3 receptors resulted in faster synchronization of the oscillations, suggesting that endogenous dopamine in the hippocampus slows down the dynamics of gamma oscillations by activation of D3 receptors. Investigating the underlying cellular mechanisms for these effects showed that D3 receptor activation decreased the rate of action potentials (APs) during gamma oscillations and reduced the precision of the AP phase coupling to the gamma cycle in CA3 pyramidal cells. The results may offer an explanation how selective activation of D3 receptors may impair cognition and how, in converse, D3 antagonists may exert pro-cognitive and antipsychotic effects

    Acute Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Circulating Steroid Levels in Healthy Subjects

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    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine-2A (5-HT2A ) receptor agonist that is used recreationally worldwide. Interest in LSD research in humans waned after the 1970s, although the use of LSD in psychiatric research and practice has recently gained increasing attention. LSD produces pronounced acute psychedelic effects, although its influence on plasma steroid levels over time has not yet been characterised in humans. The effects of LSD (200 μg) or placebo on plasma steroid levels were investigated in 16 healthy subjects using a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study design. Plasma concentration-time profiles were determined for 15 steroids using liquid-chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry. LSD increased plasma concentrations of the glucocorticoids cortisol, cortisone, corticosterone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone compared to placebo. The mean maximum concentration of LSD was reached at 1.7 h. Mean peak psychedelic effects were reached at 2.4 h, with significant alterations in mental state from 0.5 h to > 10 h. Mean maximal concentrations of cortisol and corticosterone were reached at 2.5 h and 1.9 h, and significant elevations were observed 1.5-6 h and 1-3 h after drug administration, respectively. LSD also significantly increased plasma concentrations of the androgen dehydroepiandrosterone but not other androgens, progestogens or mineralocorticoids compared to placebo. A close relationship was found between plasma LSD concentrations and changes in plasma cortisol and corticosterone and the psychotropic response to LSD, and no clockwise hysteresis was observed. In conclusion, LSD produces significant acute effects on circulating steroids, especially glucocorticoids. LSD-induced changes in circulating glucocorticoids were associated with plasma LSD concentrations over time and showed no acute pharmacological tolerance

    PARP inhibitors as P-glyoprotein substrates

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    The cytotoxicity of PARP inhibitors olaparib, veliparib, and CEP-8983 were investigated in two P-glycoprotein (P-gp) overexpressing drug-resistant cell models (IGROVCDDP and KB-8-5-11). IGROVCDDP and KB-8-5-11 were both resistant to olaparib and resistance was reversible with the P-gp inhibitors elacridar, zosuquidar, and valspodar. In contrast, the P-gp overexpressing models were not resistant to veliparib or CEP-8983. Olaparib and veliparib did not induce protein expression of P-gp in IGROVCDDP or KB-8-5-11 at doses that successfully inhibit PARP. Olaparib therefore appears to be a P-gp substrate. Veliparib and CEP-8983 do not appear to be substrates. Veliparib and CEP-8983 may therefore be more useful in combined chemotherapy regimens with P-gp substrates and may be active in platinum and taxane-resistant ovarian cancer