235 research outputs found

    The Perceptions Students Have About Transitioning from a Small Rural K-8 School District (Tamaroa) to a Larger Community High School (Pinckneyville) in Southern Illinois

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    The purpose of this field study was to ascertain the perceptions of former Tamaroa, Illinois, Grade School students regarding their transition to Pinckneyville High School. The research questions were: 1. How successful were former Tamaroa Grade School eighth graders at Pinckneyville High School as evidenced by perceived high school academic standing? 2. What are the perceptions of former Tamaroa Grade School students regarding issues related to the importance of completing high school? 3. What are the perceptions of former Tamaroa Grade School students attending Pinckneyville High School regarding adjustments needed to perform well academically in high school and graduating? 4. What practices can the staff of Tamaroa Grade School implement to assist their graduates in transitioning effectively regarding academics to Pinckneyville High School and graduating? 5. What are the perceptions of former Tamaroa students concerning Tamaroa Grade School\u27s effectiveness of preparing them to perform well academically at Pinckneyville High School? Thirty former Tamaroa Grade School graduates who attend or attended Pinckneyville High School were individually interviewed at Tamaroa Grade School in the spring of 1997 by the researcher. The students were chosen through a stratified random sample from Tamaroa class records for the school years 1990-1991 through 1995-1996. The researcher attempted to control for gender and achievement level of respondents. Respondents were asked thirty questions from an interview schedule designed to answer the research questions. Ideas for the research questions were based on a review of literature and research regarding common transition problems students face. Regarding research question 1, it was concluded that respondents were, in general, academically successful at Pinckneyville High School. Regarding research question 2, it was concluded that respondents generally felt it was important to receive a high school diploma. It was also concluded that respondents perceived that they were not likely to drop out of school. It was further concluded that the Tamaroa staff had encouraged them to complete high school, and the Tamaroa staff did put enough emphasis on the importance of staying in school. Regarding research question 3, it was concluded that there were some adjustments needed in high school, but most respondents were able to make these adjustments. Adjustments needed were to allow more time for homework in high school and be prepared for harder high school instruction, especially in mathematics courses. Regarding research question 4, it was concluded that the Tamaroa staff did an adequate job of preparing students to compete academically with other students at Pinckneyville High School. Regarding research question 5, it was concluded that the Tamaroa staff was generally successful in preparing respondents to perform well at Pinckneyville High School except for preparation in mathematics and science. Recommendations made to the Tamaroa staff by the researcher were: 1. Assign more homework to students in all courses of study so they will be better prepared for high school. 2. Upgrade the instruction offered in mathematics courses so it is more challenging to the students and will better meet their needs for high school. 3. Articulate the curriculum with that of Pinckneyville High School. 4. Update current curriculum to include a research-oriented computer course, life skills course, and shop course. 5. Evaluate the science curriculum. 6. Conduct a study to identify the reasons why former Tamaroa Grade School students have dropped out of high school

    The Perceptions Students Have About Transitioning from a Small Rural K-8 School District (Tamaroa) to a Larger Community High School (Pinckneyville) in Southern Illinois

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    The purpose of this field study was to ascertain the perceptions of former Tamaroa, Illinois, Grade School students regarding their transition to Pinckneyville High School. The research questions were: 1. How successful were former Tamaroa Grade School eighth graders at Pinckneyville High School as evidenced by perceived high school academic standing? 2. What are the perceptions of former Tamaroa Grade School students regarding issues related to the importance of completing high school? 3. What are the perceptions of former Tamaroa Grade School students attending Pinckneyville High School regarding adjustments needed to perform well academically in high school and graduating? 4. What practices can the staff of Tamaroa Grade School implement to assist their graduates in transitioning effectively regarding academics to Pinckneyville High School and graduating? 5. What are the perceptions of former Tamaroa students concerning Tamaroa Grade School\u27s effectiveness of preparing them to perform well academically at Pinckneyville High School? Thirty former Tamaroa Grade School graduates who attend or attended Pinckneyville High School were individually interviewed at Tamaroa Grade School in the spring of 1997 by the researcher. The students were chosen through a stratified random sample from Tamaroa class records for the school years 1990-1991 through 1995-1996. The researcher attempted to control for gender and achievement level of respondents. Respondents were asked thirty questions from an interview schedule designed to answer the research questions. Ideas for the research questions were based on a review of literature and research regarding common transition problems students face. Regarding research question 1, it was concluded that respondents were, in general, academically successful at Pinckneyville High School. Regarding research question 2, it was concluded that respondents generally felt it was important to receive a high school diploma. It was also concluded that respondents perceived that they were not likely to drop out of school. It was further concluded that the Tamaroa staff had encouraged them to complete high school, and the Tamaroa staff did put enough emphasis on the importance of staying in school. Regarding research question 3, it was concluded that there were some adjustments needed in high school, but most respondents were able to make these adjustments. Adjustments needed were to allow more time for homework in high school and be prepared for harder high school instruction, especially in mathematics courses. Regarding research question 4, it was concluded that the Tamaroa staff did an adequate job of preparing students to compete academically with other students at Pinckneyville High School. Regarding research question 5, it was concluded that the Tamaroa staff was generally successful in preparing respondents to perform well at Pinckneyville High School except for preparation in mathematics and science. Recommendations made to the Tamaroa staff by the researcher were: 1. Assign more homework to students in all courses of study so they will be better prepared for high school. 2. Upgrade the instruction offered in mathematics courses so it is more challenging to the students and will better meet their needs for high school. 3. Articulate the curriculum with that of Pinckneyville High School. 4. Update current curriculum to include a research-oriented computer course, life skills course, and shop course. 5. Evaluate the science curriculum. 6. Conduct a study to identify the reasons why former Tamaroa Grade School students have dropped out of high school

    Choroby rzadkie w neurologii — opieka nad pacjentem z chorobą Pompego

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    Introduction. Pompe disease, a severe metabolic myopathy, is caused by mutations in the gene coding for acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA), what lead to intralysosomal accumulation of glycogen in all tissues, most notably in skeletal muscles. Pompe disease was the first documented lysosomal storage disease, nowadays we know around 60 similar disorders.Aim. Presentation of the clinical picture of a man with Pompe’s disease.Case Report. A man at the age of 40, diagnosis of the Pompe’s disease was made only at the age of 31. The first symptoms, indicating the patient’s development of the disease, were already present in the early school age. At first, the clinical picture presented by the patient led to the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy.Discussion. Pompe disease presents as a continuum of clinical phenotypes that differ by age of onset, severity, and organ involvement. Pompe disease affects people of all ages with varying degrees of severity. Two main broad types are recognized based on the onset of symptoms and the presence or absence of cardiomyopathy. Infantile onset Pompe disease (IOPD) as one, and the most severe for mod the disease. Other and less destructive is late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) manifests any time after 12 months of age. The disease can be successfully treated by enzyme replacement therapy with alglucosidase alfa that was approved for human use in 2006.Conclusions. In big importance is nurses role as educators and support for the patients during their hospitalizations for medicine infusions twice a month. It time when the knowledge and significance of proper life style can be discussed and implemented to empower the patients. (JNNN 2019;8(4):170–176)Wstęp. Choroba Pompego, ciężka miopatia metaboliczna, jest spowodowana mutacjami w genie kodującym kwaśną alfa-glukozydazę (GAA), co prowadzi do wewnątrz lizosomalnej akumulacji glikogenu we wszystkich tkankach, zwłaszcza w mięśniach szkieletowych. Choroba Pompego była pierwszą udokumentowaną lizosomalną chorobą spichrzeniową, obecnie znamy około 60 podobnych zaburzeń.Cel. Prezentacja obrazu klinicznego mężczyzny z chorobą Pompego.Opis przypadku. Mężczyzna w wieku 40 lat ze zdiagnozowaną chorobą Pompego w wieku 31 lat. Pierwsze objawy wskazujące na rozwój choroby u pacjenta występowały już we wczesnym wieku szkolnym. Na początku obraz kliniczny przedstawiony przez pacjenta doprowadził do rozpoznania dystrofii mięśniowej.Dyskusja. Choroba Pompego stanowi ciągłość klinicznych fenotypów, które różnią się w zależności od wieku pojawienia się objawów, jej ciężkości oraz dotkniętych narządów. Choroba Pompego w różnym stopniu nasilenia dotyka ludzi w każdym wieku. Dwa główne typy są rozpoznawane na podstawie pojawienia się symptomów i obecności lub braku kardiomiopatii. Choroba Pompego wieku dziecięcego (IOPD) stanowi jedną z najcięższych postaci choroby. Inne, mniej destrukcyjne odmiany choroby Pompego z późnym wystąpieniem symptomów (LOPD) pojawiają się w dowolnym momencie po 12 miesiącu życia. Chorobę można skutecznie leczyć za pomocą enzymatycznej terapii zastępczej alglukozydazą alfa, która została zatwierdzona do stosowania u ludzi w 2006 r.Wnioski. Duże znaczenie odgrywa rola pielęgniarek, jako nauczycieli i wsparcie pacjentów podczas ich hospitalizacji wynikającej z infuzji leku dwa razy w miesiącu. Nadszedł czas, kiedy wiedza i znaczenie właściwego stylu życia mogą zostać omówione i wdrożone w celu wzmocnienia pozycji pacjentów. (PNN 2019;8(4):170–176

    A estrutura institucional dos principais blocos latino-americanos e seus impactos na integração regional.

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo geral identificar como está organizada a estrutura institucional dos principais blocos de integração regional latino-americana (MERCOSUL, UNASUL, ALBA e CELAC), realizando comparações entre as estruturas dos blocos, no intuito de verificar, como problema de pesquisa, em que medida a estrutura institucional dos blocos pode contribuir para o sucesso ou fracasso da integração regional na América Latina. Para tanto, partiu-se de pesquisa bibliográfica no que se refere aos tratados firmados no âmbito dos blocos, contexto histórico, bem como a descrição e aprofundamento de teorias que se mostraram pertinentes para amparar a presente análise, do ponto de vista teórico. Os achados permitem inferir que, entre os blocos, o MERCOSUL possui um viés econômico, enquanto UNASUL e CELAC possuem objetivos essencialmente políticos. Já a ALBA, pelos motivos que serão expostos ao longo deste trabalho, apresentou mais avanços ao encontro de uma integração regional. Foi observado que tais características possuem forte relação com a estrutura institucional dos blocos.Fil: Hamerski, Bruna. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)

    Esterificação de ácidos graxos com glicerol em reações catalisadas por hidróxido duplo lamelar

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Marcos Lúcio CorazzaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Alimentos. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/11/2013Inclui referênciasResumo: Ácidos graxos e glicerol são utilizados na síntese de mono (MAG) e diacilgliceróis (DAG) em reações de esterificação. Estes produtos apresentam propriedades emulsificantes e são aplicados em alimentos, fármacos e cosméticos. As tradicionais rotas de obtenção destes compostos caracterizam-se pelo uso de altas temperaturas, difícil separação de catalisadores (ácidos ou básicos), alta geração de resíduos e, em muitos casos leva a formação de produtos com coloração e odor indesejáveis. Os hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDL) do complexo Mg-Al-CO3, caracterizados por grande área superficial e caráter alcalino, podem ser um material catalítico com potencial para a esterificação de ácidos graxos e glicerol. Além disso, estes catalisadores não apresentam efeito tóxico, são utilizados, inclusive, como encapsulantes de fármacos. Estes aspectos representam uma vantagem não exigindo a retirada total do produto final. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é a síntese de MAG e DAG a partir da esterificação de ácidos graxos e glicerol utilizando o HDL do complexo Mg-Al-CO3 como catalisador. Para tanto, 11 distintas formas de elaboração do HDL, por precipitação, foram avaliadas, variando razão dos cátions Al3+/Al3++Mg2+ ( =0,20, 0,25, 0,30), pH (8,0 e 10,0), a proporção do ânion (CO32-=1 e 6), tratamento hidrotérmico (60 °C) e precipitação sob aquecimento (60 °C). O efeito das variáveis temperatura (100-180 °C), catalisador (2-8 %), razão molar (ácido:glicerol) (1-3) foram avaliadas pelo planejamento experimental 23 para as reações de esterificação dos ácidos láurico e oléico com glicerol. Foi avaliado também, o comportamento da reação em cinéticas para as condições de reação que apresentaram maiores conversões do glicerol, conduzidas com e sem catalisador. Na síntese do catalisador o pH exerceu maior influência e o tratamento hidrotérmico atuou no sentido de aprimorar as características dos materiais sintetizados. O catalisador sintetizado em pH 10,0, x = 0,25, proporção do ânion igual a 6 com tratamento hidrotérmico ao final da precipitação, levou a obtenção de um material básico, com estrutura de HDL do tipo hidrotalcita, composto por pequenos cristais, com menor granulometria média (15,19 ?m) e maior área superficial (105,50 m2.g-1) quando comparado aos demais e, este foi utilizado como catalisador nas reações de esterificação. Em relação às reações de esterificação observou-se que a conversão do glicerol é favorecida com o aumento das variáveis estatisticamente significativas temperatura e razão molar de ácido graxo/glicerol. Observou-se o efeito do catalisador em aumentar a velocidade da reação tanto para as reações com ácido láurico quanto com ácido oléico. Uma maior diferença de conversão, entre as reações com e sem catalisador, foi observada nas reações com ácido oléico. Nas reações com ácido oléico a 180 °C obteve-se um aumento em 15 % para a soma de mono, di e triacilgliceróis e 5 % quando foi usado ácido láurico em relação as reações conduzidas sem catalisador. Nesta condição, a conversão de 99 % do glicerol na reação com ácido oléico, é obtida com 180 min de reação, enquanto para o ácido láurico é necessário 60 min. Os MAG foram obtidos em maior percentual em todas as reações, no entanto, sua seletividade decresceu com o aumento da seletividade de di e triacilgliceróis no decorrer das cinéticas com e sem catalisador. As reações conduzidas a 180 °C levaram a obtenção de produtos com coloração, apesar das maiores conversões do glicerol terem sido obtidas nesta condição de reação. Desta maneira, a temperatura de 160 °C, associada à razão molar de 3:1 e 2 % de catalisador, mostrou-se mais atrativa pela ausência de produtos com coloração escura. De maneira geral, a partir dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, o HDL sintetizado apresentou atividade catalítica para as reações de esterificação entre os ácidos graxos (láurico e oléico) e glicerol e mostrou ser uma alternativa tecnológica para a síntese de MAG e DAG com potencial aplicação em alimentos.Abstract: Fatty acids and glycerol are used in the synthesis of mono (MAG) and diacylglycerols (DAG) in the esterification reactions. These products present emulsifying properties and are used in foods, drugs and cosmetics. The traditional route to obtain these compounds are characterized by the use of high temperatures, difficult catalyst separation (acids or basic), high waste generation and, in many cases leads to the formation of products with undesirable color and odor. The layered double hydroxides (LDH) of complex Mg-Al-CO3 characterized by high surface area and alkaline character may be a potential catalytic material to the esterification of fatty acids and glycerol. Furthermore, these catalysts do not exhibit a toxic effect, are used, including, as encapsulants drugs. These aspects represent an advantage not requiring the complete removal of the final products. In this context, the main subject of this study is the synthesis of MAG and DAG by esterification of fatty acids and glycerol using the LDH of complex Mg-Al-CO3 as catalyst. In this case, 11 different ways of synthesis, by precipitation, were tested to obtain the LDH. The ratio (Al3+/Al3++Mg2+) was varied ( = 0.20, 0.25, 0.30), pH (8.0 and 10.0), the ratio of anion (CO32-= 1 and 6), hydrothermal treatment (60 °C) and precipitation with heating (60 °C). The effect of varying temperatures (100-180 °C) catalyst (2-8 %) molar ratio (fatty acid:glycerol) (1-3:1) were evaluated by using 23 experimental design for the esterification of lauric and oleic acids with glycerol. The behavior of kinetics was evaluated for the reaction conditions that had higher glycerol conversions conducted with and without catalyst. In the catalyst synthesis the pH showed the greater influence and hydrothermal treatment acted to enhance the characteristics of the synthesized materials. The catalyst synthesized at pH 10.0, = 0.25, anion ratio equal 6 and application of hydrothermal treatment at the end of precipitation led to obtaining a base material with LDH structure of hydrotalcite type, consisting of small crystals, less average particle size (15.19 ?m) and higher surface area (105.50 m2.g-1) compared to the other synthesized, and this was used as catalyst in the esterification reactions. In the results of esterification reactions was observed that the glycerol conversion was favored by increasing the temperature and the fatty acid to glycerol molar ratio. The great difference in the conversion of glycerol between the reactions with and without catalyst was observed in the reactions with oleic acid. In the LDH-catalyzed reactions at 180 °C using oleic acid presented an increase of 15 % in the sum of mono, di and triglycerides was obtained when compared to the reactions conducted without catalyst. This difference was on 5 % when lauric acid was used. In this condition 99 % of glycerol conversion, in the reaction of glycerol with oleic acid, was obtained after 180 min, whereas for the lauric acid was required 60 min of reaction. In all reactions the MAG was obtained in highest percentage however, its selectivity decreased with the increase of selectivity of di and triacylglycerols during kinetics with and without catalyst. In the reactions conducted at 180 °C was obtaining colored products although the higher conversions of glycerol. Thus, the temperature of 160 °C, associated with the 3:1 molar ratio and 2 % of catalyst was more attractive to obtain products without dark coloring. In general, from the results obtained in this work, the synthesized LDH showed catalytic activity for the esterification reactions between fatty acids (oleic and lauric acid) and glycerol and could be an alternative technology for the synthesis of MAG and DAG with potential application in foods

    Estudo da eficiência de inativação de patógenos presentes em um manancial urbano através da fotólise

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    The presence of thermotolerant and total coliforms in waste water is one of the main analyzed in the distribution of treated water to a population. Due to this, the aim of the study was tested the efficiency of mercury vapor lamps in the inactivation of pathogens present in a sample of water collected in Arroio Clarimundo, in the city of Cerro Largo / RS. Radiation performance was measured with the Inverted Coliform Test for Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Total Coliforms (CT). The experiment was carried out in the Water Laboratory of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS), Cerro Largo / RS campus, in a Suntest reactor using borosilicate tube. The result showed a 96% efficiency in inactivation of E. coli and 90% in CT inactivation over ten hours of reaction. Due to the high number of coliforms in the water, the efficiency of the reactor failed to leave the parameters within the stipulated by Portaria 2914/11 of the Health Ministry. However, photolysis proved to be an effective alternative for a disinfection of wasterwaters, as well as easily and economically viable operating technical. Still, it is a clean technology, which leaves no residue in the water treatment, on the other side of chlorination, the main method used to disinfect drinking water.A presença de coliformes termotolerantes e totais em águas residuárias é um dos principais parâmetros a ser analisado na distribuição de água tratada para uma população. Devido a isso, o objetivo do estudo foi testar a eficiência de lâmpadas de vapor de mercúrio na inativação de patógenos presentes em uma amostra de água coletada no Arroio Clarimundo, no município de Cerro Largo/RS. O desempenho da radiação foi medido com o teste de coliformes de tubo invertido para Escherichia Coli (E. coli) e Coliformes Totais (CT). O experimento foi realizado no Laboratório de Águas da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), campus Cerro Largo/RS, em um reator Suntest utilizando tubo de borossilicato. O resultado revelou uma eficiência de 96% na inativação de E. coli e 90% na inativação de CT ao longo de dez horas de reação. Devido ao alto número de coliformes na água bruta, a eficiência do reator não conseguiu deixar os parâmetros dentro do estipulado pela Portaria 2914/11 do Ministério da Saúde. Apesar disso, a Fotólise mostrou-se uma alternativa eficaz para a desinfecção de águas residuárias, além de ser uma técnica de fácil operação e economicamente viável. Ainda, se trata de uma tecnologia limpa, visto que não deixa resíduos no tratamento da água, ao contrário da cloração, principal método atualmente utilizado para desinfecção de águas de consumo

    Operational conditions of an electrostatic separator for concentrate copper from electronic waste

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    Interest in recycling for the recovery of valuable substances, such as precious metals from electric and electronic waste has been increasing year after year due to the large amount present in such waste compared to primary sources. There is environmental concern, since the amount of this kind of waste is increasing due to rapid technological advances. This study aimed to test the different operating conditions of an electrostatic separator for the concentration of copper from printer circuit boards (PCB). The PCBs were milled in knife mills and separated according to the difference of granule sizes into two fractions: A (<0.5 mm); B (0.5<B<1 mm), followed by scaling. Then, the samples were subjected to a magnetic separator for removing the magnetic materials to obtain a concentrate with a higher content of copper. After the magnetic separator, an electrostatic separator was used, where different conditions were employed for each sample: roller rotation (100 and 175 rpm) and tension (20 and 35 kV). Iron concentrations were observed after the magnetic separator, between 12 and 14.1% for the A fractions and 10.3–11.4% for the B fractions. After the electrostatic separator, the results for the A samples showed that the concentration of copper varies between 17.5 and 51.1%, with the highest concentration obtained through the use of 100 rpm (roller rotation) and 35 kV (voltage). For the B samples, the variation was between 6.4 and 40.5 %. For both particle sizes, the best applied condition was a voltage of 35 kV and a roller rotation of 100 rpm

    O desenho na borda | The drawing in the edge

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    Neste ensaio visual apresento um conjunto de imagens que se originam dos resíduos do meu processo de criação. A partir da produção de desenhos em grandes dimensões, que têm como tema elementos de uma natureza que brota nas cidades, na periferia do olhar, são gerados resíduos que surgem revelando outras camadas do meu processo criativo em desenho e resultam em reflexões acerca da linguagem se apresentando como objetos, ações, instalações ou obras bidimensionais. Deste modo, identifiquei um desenho que está à margem do processo de desenhar, e que se coloca como um contorno das ações centrais, constituindo-se numa reflexão sobre a minha prática

    Trzy zwiędłe liście, trzy smutne wiersze (Garczyński, Lenartowicz, Asnyk)

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    This text provides an interpretation of three poems, written by nineteenth century poets, that share a common theme of Autumn, with a particular attention given to the motif of a withered leaf. The author is interested how the poems in question match the elegiac convention of autumn lyric poetry and, at the same time, how each in its own way tries to overcome this convention. In Odpowiedź na list written by Stefan Garczyński, the acceptance of passing is concurrently met with defiance, expressed in a language of paradoxical metaphor. Teofil Lenartowicz in his Liście zwiędłe breaches the formal elegiac tone with the application of underlying vitalistic overtones included in the poem. Adam Asnyk’s Zwiędły listek, through a superposition of metonymies, achieves the effect of multilayered mediation and erasure of the trace of experience. The reading and understanding of the three poems, composed in Romanticism and post-Romanticism periods, make it possible to observe, fragmentarily of course, the multiplicity of different poetic attitudes that accompany the process of re-enchantment of the world