1,099 research outputs found

    Visualizing the influence of geography, oil and geopolitics on civil wars in the Arab world: A novel application of self-organizing maps and duration models

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate why some internal conflicts are terminated quickly, while others linger for several decades without a looming resolution in the horizon. In an attempt to achieve this objective, the role played by geopolitical factors in the Arab world's internal conflicts was investigated. More specifically, we used Kohonen self-organizing maps, an artificial intelligence-based neural network technique, along with event duration models to investigate the role played by distance from the capital, access to international borders, terrain, valuable natural resources such as oil, and rebels fighting capability in civil wars in the Arab world. Using recently validated data spanning more than 50 years of Arab civil wars (1948–2003), our findings indicate that previously ignored geopolitical factors seem to play an important role in the duration of internal conflicts in the Arab World

    The Application of Agribusiness Fisheries System on Unit Pembenihan Rakyat (Upr) in Regency Simalungun North Sumatra Province

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    This research was conducted on December 9 -19 December 2015, in the Unit Pembenihan Rakyat (UPR), which took place in the Simalungun's District. The purpose of this study was to see the implementation of agribusiness system in the UPR and analyze the UPR business simple. The method used in this study was a survey method which analyze primary data that have been obtained in the field. Determining respondents taken by purposive sampling.Based on research that has been conducted in the UPR, the result that the number of UPR of the 2010-2014 decline. This is due to the population still focused on agriculture and do a hatchery operations as a sideline. However, UPR is still running has increased quite good. Improvements have been achieved in the form of an increased extent, the amount of production is increasing every year as well as the volume of marketing that continues to grow. However, the UPR still face difficulties in business operations. The problems experienced by the UPR are buyer didn't do payment at same time when they buy seeds, life insurance seeds get longer, forming a group that just to get government assistance and financial administration not to get structured

    Strain and Damage Measurements in Ion Implanted Al_xGa_(1−x)As/GaAs Superlattices

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    Strain measurements in Al_xGa_(1−x) As/GaAs superlattices have been carried out before and after Si ion implantation. For doses up to 5 × 10^(15) cm^(−2), no atomic intermixing of the sublayers is observed by backscattering spectrometry. However, with x-ray rocking curve measurements, significant changes in the strain profiles are detected for implantations with doses as low as 7 × 10^(12) cm^(−2). Interpretation of the rocking curves suggests that low-dose implantations release strain in the Al_xGa_(1−x) As sublayers. The strain profile recovery of the implanted samples, upon annealing at ∼ 420°C, implies that the damage caused by implantation is largely reversible

    Hernie Inguinoscrotale de l’Uretère: Fait Clinique et Revue de la Littérature

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    la hernie intrascrotale de l’uretère est une situation rare, nous rapportons un cas clinique, compliqué d’hydronéphrose gauche chez un patient de 83ans, l’anomalie avait été reconnue en peropératoire.Mots clés: Hernie, de l’uretère, le scrotum, hydronéphros

    Saturation effects in the sub-Doppler spectroscopy of Cesium vapor confined in an Extremely Thin Cell

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    Saturation effects affecting absorption and fluorescence spectra of an atomic vapor confined in an Extremely Thin Cell (cell thickness L<1μmL < 1 \mu m) are investigated experimentally and theoretically. The study is performed on the D2D_{2} line (λ = 852nm)\lambda ~= ~852 nm) of CsCs and concentrates on the two situations L=λ/2L = \lambda /2 and L=λL =\lambda, the most contrasted ones with respect to the length dependence of the coherent Dicke narrowing. For L=λ/2L = \lambda /2, the Dicke-narrowed absorption profile simply broadens and saturates in amplitude when increasing the light intensity, while for L=λL =\lambda, sub-Doppler dips of reduced absorption at line-center appear on the broad absorption profile. For a fluorescence detection at L=λL =\lambda, saturation induces narrow dips, but only for hyperfine components undergoing a population loss through optical pumping. These experimental results are interpreted with the help of the various existing models, and are compared with numerical calculations based upon a two-level modelling that considers both a closed and an open system.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Prevalence and distribuion of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes among Staphylococcus aureus isolates from chicken and turkey carcasses in Algeria

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThis study is aimed to determine the prevalence of staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) by biochemical tests in poultry carcasses. It is also intend to detect the distribution of genes for classical staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, C, D and E (sea, seb, sec, sed and see) and for gene femA, specific for S.aureus species, using multiplex PCR. A total of 385 samples of neck skins from fresh poultry carcasses were collected during the period 2012-2013 from 16 different slaughterhouses located in the region of Algiers, Algeria. The overall prevalence of S.aureus in freshly slaughtered poultry carcasses was 41.56%, with an individual prevalence of 40.63% and 45.71% for chicken and turkey respectively. From the 95 strains of S.aureus identified by biochemical tests, 82 (86.32%) isolates were femA positive using multiplex PCR. The investigation has also revealed the presence of both enterotoxins B and D, with a predominance of seb (13.33%) followed by sed (1.67%), in the chicken carcasses while in turkey only sed was detected (4.55%) It has been found that strains of S.aureus of poultry origin can be enterotoxigenic with the predominance of genes encoding for enterotoxins seb in chicken and sed in turkey. As enterotoxins can be produced in adequate amounts to induce foodborne illnesses, these potential dangers must be considered in terms of a real risk to public health

    Effect of Annealing Temperature on Tensile Properties of Inconel 600

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    Inconel 600 is a well-known material for high temperature application. Therefore, the study on the effect of annealing to the microstructure and material properties was very important. In this research, Inconel 600 was heat treated at various annealing time and temperature. The aim of the study is to investigate the behavior of Inconel 600 when subjected to annealing temperatures in the range of 600⁰C-1100⁰C for 1 and 2 hours. The samples were prepared for heat treatment and tensile testing. Appropriate metallographic techniques were introduced to study the variations in grain size and material behavior of Inconel 600. The results were compared with as-received material. The analysis correlates the grain growth with time and temperatures. The size of the grains increases dramatically in the temperatures ranging from 1000⁰C-1100⁰C. The relation between tensile strength and grain size is inversely proportional and the solvus temperature of Inconel 600 alloy was identified to be occurred in the range of 1000⁰C-1100⁰C

    High energy Coulomb-scattered electrons for relativistic particle beam diagnostics

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    A new system used for monitoring energetic Coulomb-scattered electrons as the main diagnostic for accurately aligning the electron and ion beams in the new Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) electron lenses is described in detail. The theory of electron scattering from relativistic ions is developed and applied to the design and implementation of the system used to achieve and maintain the alignment. Commissioning with gold and 3He beams is then described as well as the successful utilization of the new system during the 2015 RHIC polarized proton run. Systematic errors of the new method are then estimated. Finally, some possible future applications of Coulomb-scattered electrons for beam diagnostics are briefly discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 23 figure