31 research outputs found

    Do national resources have to be centrally managed? Vested interests and institutional reform in Norwegian fisheries governance

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    Corporatism -with its privileged access, restricted participation and centralized structures - has a long history in Norwegian fisheries governance. Co-management – understood as a decentralized, bottom-up and more inclusive form of fisheries governance - has not been considered a relevant alternative.. Why does corporatism still prevail in a context where stakeholder status in fisheries governance globally – both in principle and practice - has been awarded environmental organizations, municipal authorities and even consumer advocacy groups? Why then have alternatives to the corporatist system of centralized consultation and state governance never been seriously considered in Norway, in spite of the growing emphasis on fish as a public resource and fisheries management as human intervention in geographically confined and complex ecosystems? We suggest that thismay have to do with the fundamental assumptions behind Norwegian fisheries governance that since fish is a national resource, it must be centrally managed. We argue that this is an assumption that may be contested

    Effekt av fettsyresammensetning i fôrfett og kjønn på svinekjøttkvalitet

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    Norway is an important fish catching and producing country and has traditionally used fish and fish by-products in feed for monogastric animals, the pig is no exception. Fish and fish by products are excellent sources of essential amino acids, healthy fatty acids, vitamins and serves as a mineral supplier. Extended use has, however, caused negative effects on pork quality in terms of fat firmness, off-flavours and off-odours. During the last years feed recommendations, for most pigs in Norway, have been: no use of fish or fish by-products in feed for slaughter pigs, maximum iodine value product (IVP) 57/feed unit and minimum 200 mg/kg vitamin E. These limitations have challenged the formulation of pig feeds. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effects of different dietary fat level, fatty acid composition and of sex (entire male and female) on sensory, technological and nutritional pork quality parameters. Three feeding experiments were conducted using entire males and females of the crossbreed [(Norwegian Landrace x Yorkshire) x (Duroc)]. Pigs were individually and restricted fed. Fat sources used were soybean oil, palm kernel oil and fish oil. Experimental diets varied in IVP: 31 to 118, fish oil inclusion in percent: 0, 0.25, 0.48, 0.52, 0.72 and 3.0 and fat level in percent of dry matter 2.9 up to 9.6. The ribs, pork chops and mince for meat balls were shortterm frozen stored at -20 ˚C for 3 months, and belly and neck were short-term frozen stored for 2 and 4 months, respectively, at -80 ˚C. All products were tested by sensory profiling after short-term frozen storage. Long-term stored ribs, loins and meat balls were wrapped in plastic bags and frozen stored at -20 ˚C for additional 6 months and meat balls for additional 7 months. The ribs were long-term stored in darkness while the chops and meat balls were exposed to light simulating normal retail display. Long-term stored bellies were stored for 12 months at -80 ˚C with additional 6 months at -20 ˚C. Fatty acid composition was measured in shoulder fat (outer and inner layer), in backfat (outer and inner layer) at P2 location and in neutral lipids and phospholipids of M. longissimus dorsi (LD). Backfat firmness and colour, and meat colour were also evaluated. The results from the present study showed that the fatty acid composition of backfat, inner and outer layer and neutral lipids of LD changed towards the dietary fatty acid composition. Feeding low fat diets seemed to enhance the de novo fatty acid synthesis, producing SFA and MUFA, especially C18:1. Pigs fed low fat diets had low percentages of the very long chain (VLC) n-3 fatty acids, mostly C22:5n-3 in backfat and in neutral fat of LD. These pigs had also a high C20:4n-6 percentage indicating production from C18:2n-6. Dietary soybean oil, giving a high IVP, led to an increase in the percentage of C18:2n-6 linearly to the dietary contribution. These pigs were also low in VLC n-3 and still the C22:5n-3 was dominating. When introducing fish oil, high in VLC n-3 fatty acids, a substantial increase in the percentages of C20:5n-3, C22:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 in backfat and neutral lipids of LD was found indicating a higher nutritional quality. Increasing the fat level, by use of other added fat in combination with fish oil, seemed to improve the wanted incorporation of VLC n-3 fatty acids into both backfat and neutral fat of LD. Our results further suggest that fish oil and high PUFA diets can be used for slaughter pigs without detrimental effects on sensory attributes like odour and flavour on short-term frozen stored products. After long-term frozen storage rib, meat balls and belly were not negatively influenced by high dietary PUFA, or dietary fish oil up to 0.7%. Only pork chops from the highest dietary IVP group showed increased odour and flavour rancidity and intensity. Longterm stored belly from pigs fed the second highest fish oil inclusion (0.5%) gave no offflavour or off odour. Only tendencies to higher fish oil flavour in the long-term stored belly was found in the highest fish oil group. After reheating, bellies from the highest fish oil group had a slightly increased fish oil flavour and odour together with a significant rancid flavor and odour. Dietary IVP slightly influenced the backfat firmness. Higher firmness scores were obtained when the dietary IVP declined. Fat colour was less influenced by the dietary fatty acid composition. Phospholipids had, as expected, high percentages of PUFA but were also influenced by the dietary treatments. Both low fat and soybean oil diets gave higher C20:4n-6 percentages and lower percentage of VLCn-3 fatty acids than fish oil fed pigs. The supply of C18:3n-3 seemed to enhance the desaturation and elongation into C20:5n-5 and C22:5n-3 but a decrease in the percentage of C22:6n-3 when feeding these diets strongly supports the view that the synthesis of this fatty acid is very limited in pigs. Providing dietary VLC n-3 fatty acids by using fish oil, these fatty acids were incorporated into phospholipids, now with the C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 as the prominent Sex had an impact on fatty acid composition. Males had higher PUFA and lower MUFA percentages in outer and inner layers of backfat and shoulder fat and in neutral fat of LD. The percentage of C18:1 was in particular lower in males, indicating a lower delta-9-desaturase activity as compared to females. In conclusion, it is possible to change the fatty acid composition of pork towards healthier products for human consumption without detrimental effects on important sensory traits. Care must, however, be taken when long term storage or reheating is intended.Norge er en stor fiskerinasjon og har tradisjonelt brukt fisk og biprodukter av fisk i fôr til enmaga dyr, grisen som intet unntak. Fisk og biprodukter av fisk er gode kilder til essensielle aminosyrer, gunstige fettsyrer, vitaminer og som mineralkilde. Utvidet bruk har imidlertid forårsaket negative effekter på svinekjøttkvalitet i form av dårlig spekkfasthet og uønska smak og lukt. De siste anbefalinger knytta til fôr, for de fleste griser i Norge, har vært: ingen bruk av fisk eller biprodukter av fisk i for til slaktegris, maksimum IVP 57/FEn og 200 mg vitamin E/kg. Disse begrensningene har utfordret optimering av svinefôr. Det overordna målet med denne avhandlinga var å evaluere effekten av ulik fettsyresammensetning i fôr, fettnivå i fôr og kjønnseffekten (råner og purker) på sensorisk, teknologisk og ernæringsmessig kvalitet av svinekjøtt. Tre foringsforsøk blei gjennomført med råner og purker av rasekryssingen [(norsk landsvin x yorkshire) x (duroc)]. Grisene blei individuelt og restriktivt fôra. Fettkilder som blei brukt var soyaolje, palmekjerneolje og fiskeolje. Forsøksfôra varierte i jodtallsprodukt (31 til 118), nivå av tilsatt fiskeolje i prosent (0, 0,48, 0,25, 0,52, 0,72 og 3) og fettnivået i prosent av tørrstoff (2,92 opp til 9,6). Produktene som blei testa sensorisk var ribbe, medisterkaker, svinekoteletter, side og nakke. Ribbe, svinekoteletter og råstoff til medisterkaker var kort tids fryselagra ved -20 ˚C i 3 måneder, og side og nakke blei kort tids fryselagra i henholdsvis 2 og 4 måneder, ved -80 ˚C. Alle produktene blei testa sensorisk etter kort tids fryselagring. Lang tids fryselagra ribbe, koteletter og medisterkaker var pakka i poser og fryselagra ved -20 ˚C for ytterligere 6 måneder for ribbe og koteletter, og medisterkaker i 7 måneder. Fettsyresammensetningen blei malt i nakkefettet (ytre og indre lag), ryggspekk (ytre og indre lag) fra P2, i nøytrale lipider og fosfolipider fra M. longissimus dorsi (LD). Spekkfasthet og farge, samt kjøttfarge blei vurdert Resultatene i denne avhandlinga viser at fettsyresammensetningen i spekk, indre og ytre lag, i nøytrale lipider og fosfolipider i LD gjenspeilte fettsyresammensetningen i fôret. Fôring med lavfettfôr så ut til å forsterke de novo syntesen av fettsyrer og ga en høy andel SFA og MUFA, særlig C18:1. Griser fôra med lavfettfor hadde lavt innhold av svært lange n-3 fettsyrer, men C22:5n-3 var den som utpekte seg i spekk og i nøytralt fett i LD. Fôr med soyaolje, det vil si høyt jodtallsprodukt, økte andelen C18:2n-6. Disse grisene hadde også lavt innhold av de svært lange n-3 fettsyrene og fremdeles var C22:5n-3 den viktigste. Ved å bruke fiskeolje, med høyt innhold av de svært lange n-3 fettsyrene, blei det funnet en betydelig økning i C20:5n-3, C22:5n-3 og C22:6n-3 i spekk og nøytrale lipider i LD, noe som indikerer en høyere ernæringsmessig kvalitet. Økt fettmengde i fôret, ved mer tilsatt fett, i kombinasjon med fiskeolje ga forbedra inkorporering av de svært lange n-3 fettsyrene i både spekk og nøytralt fett i LD. Videre viste resultatene at det er mulig å bruke fiskeolje og høyt innhold av PUFA i fôr til slaktegris uten reduksjon i de sensoriske egenskapene som lukt og smak etter kort tids fryselagring. Etter lang tids fryselagring var ribbe, medisterkaker og side upåvirket av høyt PUFA eller opp til 0,7 % fiskeolje i fôret. Koteletter fra gris fôret med det høyeste innholdet av PUFA hadde etter lang tids fryselagring noe mer harsk og intensiv lukt og smak. Sider fra griser fôret med det nest høyeste nivå av fiskeolje (0,5 %) ga ingen negativ smak eller lukt. Side fra gris gitt det høyeste fiskeoljenivået viste små tendenser til økt fiskeoljesmak. Først etter gjenoppvarming ga gruppa med det høyeste fiskeoljenivået i fôret mer smak og lukt av fiskeolje i tillegg til en harsk smak og lukt. Jodtallsproduktet i fôr påvirka spekkfastheten; jo høyere jodtallsprodukt jo dårligere spekkfasthet. Fettfargen var mindre påvirket av jodtallsproduktet og fettsyresammensetningen i fôret. Fosfolipider hadde som forventa høyt innhold av PUFA, men blei også påvirka av fettsyresammensetningen i fôret. Både lavfett- og soyaolje-fôra griser viste høyere prosent av C20:4n-6 enn griser som blei gitt fiskeolje. Dette indikerer en utstrakt elongering og desaturering av C18:2n-6. Griser fôra med lite fett eller soyaolje hadde også lavt innhold av de svært lange n-3 fettsyrene i motsetning til griser fôra med fiskeolje. Ved å tilsette de svært lange n-3 fettsyrene i foret blei de også inkorporert i fosfolipidene; na med C20:5n-3 og C22:6n-3 som de mest fremtredende. Kjønn hadde innvirkning på fettsyresammensetningen. Råner hadde høyere PUFA innhold og lavere innhold av MUFA enn purker. Prosentandelen av C18:1 var lavere i råner, noe som tyder på en redusert delta-9-desaturase aktivitet sammenliknet med purker. Det kan konkluderes med at det er mulig å endre fettsyresammensetningen i svinekjøtt mot sunnere produkter uten reduksjon i de viktigste sensoriske egenskapene. Ved lang fryselagringstid eller gjenoppvarming må det imidlertid være stor oppmerksomhet på mulige harskningsproblemer.Norges Forskningsråd ; Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling

    Engineering ontology-based access to real-world data sources

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    The preparation of existing real-world datasets for publication as high-quality semantic web data is a complex task that requires the concerted execution of a variety of processing steps using a range of different tools. Faced with both changing input data and evolving requirements on the produced output, we face a significant engineering task for schema and data transformation. We argue that to achieve a robust and flexible transformation process, a high-level declarative description is needed, that can be used to drive the entire tool chain. We have implemented this idea for the deployment of ontology-based data access (OBDA) solutions, where semantically annotated views that integrate multiple data sources on different formats are created, based on an ontology and a collection of mappings. Furthermore, we exemplify our approach and show how a single declarative description helps to orchestrate a complete tool chain, beginning with the download of datasets, and through to the installation of the datasets for a variety of tool applications, including data and query transformation processes and reasoning services. Our case study is based on several publicly available tabular and relational datasets concerning the operations of the petroleum industry in Norway. We include a discussion of the relative performance of the used tools on our case study, and an overview of lessons learnt for practical deployment of OBDA on real-world datasets

    Nutritional intervention during gestation alters growth, body composition and gene expression patterns in skeletal muscle of pig offspring

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    peer-reviewedVariations in maternal nutrition during gestation can influence foetal growth, foetal development and permanently ‘programme’ offspring for postnatal life. The objective of this study was to analyse the effect of increased maternal nutrition during different gestation time windows on offspring growth, carcass quality, meat quality and gene expression in skeletal muscle. A total of 64 sows were assigned to the following feeding treatments: a standard control diet at a feed allocation of 2.3 kg/day throughout gestation, increased feed allowance of 4.6 kg/day from 25 to 50 days of gestation (dg), from 50 to 80 dg and from 25 to 80 dg. At weaning, Light, Medium and Heavy pigs of the same gender, within litter, were selected based on birth weight, individually penned and monitored until slaughter at 130 days post weaning. Carcass and meat quality traits of the semimembranosus (SM) muscle were recorded post mortem. A cross section of the semitendinosus (ST) muscle encompassing the deep and superficial regions were harvested from pigs (n518 per treatment) for RNA extraction and quantification of gene expression by real-time PCR. The results showed that doubling the feed intake from 25 to 50 dg reduced offspring growth, carcass weight, intramuscular fat content and increased drip loss of the SM muscle. Interestingly, protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit – a-isoform, which codes for the transcription factor calcineurin, was upregulated in the ST muscle of offspring whose mothers received increased feed allowance from 25 to 50 dg. This may provide an explanation for the previous observed increases in Type IIa muscle fibres of these offspring. Increasing the maternal feed intake from 50 to 80 dg negatively impacted pig growth and carcass weight, but produced leaner male pigs. Extending the increased maternal feed intake from 25 to 80 dg had no effect on offspring over the standard control gestation diet. Although intra-litter variation in pig weight is a problem for pig producers, increased maternal feeding offered no improvement throughout life to the lighter birth weight littermates in our study. Indeed, increased maternal nutrition at the three-gestation time windows selected provided no major benefits to the offspring.Teagasc, under the National Development Plan; Teagasc Walsh Fellowship; Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) fund, COST925