206 research outputs found

    Predicting Important Residues and Interaction Pathways in Proteins Using Gaussian Network Model: Binding and Stability of HLA Proteins

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    A statistical thermodynamics approach is proposed to determine structurally and functionally important residues in native proteins that are involved in energy exchange with a ligand and other residues along an interaction pathway. The structure-function relationships, ligand binding and allosteric activities of ten structures of HLA Class I proteins of the immune system are studied by the Gaussian Network Model. Five of these models are associated with inflammatory rheumatic disease and the remaining five are properly functioning. In the Gaussian Network Model, the protein structures are modeled as an elastic network where the inter-residue interactions are harmonic. Important residues and the interaction pathways in the proteins are identified by focusing on the largest eigenvalue of the residue interaction matrix. Predicted important residues match those known from previous experimental and clinical work. Graph perturbation is used to determine the response of the important residues along the interaction pathway. Differences in response patterns of the two sets of proteins are identified and their relations to disease are discussed

    A novel form of recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy with mental retardation and abnormal expression of alpha-dystroglycan

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The limb girdle muscular dystrophies are a heterogeneous group of conditions characterized by proximal muscle weakness and disease onset ranging from infancy to adulthood. We report here eight patients from seven unrelated families affected by a novel and relatively mild form of autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD2) with onset in the first decade of life and characterized by severe mental retardation but normal brain imaging. Immunocytochemical studies revealed a significant selective reduction of α-dystroglycan expression in the muscle biopsies. Linkage analysis excluded known loci for both limb girdle muscular dystrophy and congenital muscular dystrophies in the consanguineous families. We consider that this represents a novel form of muscular dystrophy with associated brain involvement. The biochemical studies suggest that it may belong to the growing number of muscular dystrophies with abnormal expression of α-dystroglycan. © 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V

    Nonlinearity of Mechanochemical Motions in Motor Proteins

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    The assumption of linear response of protein molecules to thermal noise or structural perturbations, such as ligand binding or detachment, is broadly used in the studies of protein dynamics. Conformational motions in proteins are traditionally analyzed in terms of normal modes and experimental data on thermal fluctuations in such macromolecules is also usually interpreted in terms of the excitation of normal modes. We have chosen two important protein motors - myosin V and kinesin KIF1A - and performed numerical investigations of their conformational relaxation properties within the coarse-grained elastic network approximation. We have found that the linearity assumption is deficient for ligand-induced conformational motions and can even be violated for characteristic thermal fluctuations. The deficiency is particularly pronounced in KIF1A where the normal mode description fails completely in describing functional mechanochemical motions. These results indicate that important assumptions of the theory of protein dynamics may need to be reconsidered. Neither a single normal mode, nor a superposition of such modes yield an approximation of strongly nonlinear dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    GCK gene mutations are a common cause of childhood-onset MODY (maturity-onset diabetes of the young) in Turkey.

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    Inactivating heterozygous mutations in the GCK gene are a common cause of MODY and result in mild fasting hyperglycaemia, which does not require treatment. We aimed to identify the frequency, clinical and molecular features of GCK mutations in a Turkish paediatric cohort.This article is freely available via PubMed Central, click on the Additional Link above to access the full-text

    Specialized dynamical properties of promiscuous residues revealed by simulated conformational ensembles

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    The ability to interact with different partners is one of the most important features in proteins. Proteins that bind a large number of partners (hubs) have been often associated with intrinsic disorder. However, many examples exist of hubs with an ordered structure, and evidence of a general mechanism promoting promiscuity in ordered proteins is still elusive. An intriguing hypothesis is that promiscuous binding sites have specific dynamical properties, distinct from the rest of the interface and pre-existing in the protein isolated state. Here, we present the first comprehensive study of the intrinsic dynamics of promiscuous residues in a large protein data set. Different computational methods, from coarse-grained elastic models to geometry-based sampling methods and to full-atom Molecular Dynamics simulations, were used to generate conformational ensembles for the isolated proteins. The flexibility and dynamic correlations of interface residues with a different degree of binding promiscuity were calculated and compared considering side chain and backbone motions, the latter both on a local and on a global scale. The study revealed that (a) promiscuous residues tend to be more flexible than nonpromiscuous ones, (b) this additional flexibility has a higher degree of organization, and (c) evolutionary conservation and binding promiscuity have opposite effects on intrinsic dynamics. Findings on simulated ensembles were also validated on ensembles of experimental structures extracted from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Additionally, the low occurrence of single nucleotide polymorphisms observed for promiscuous residues indicated a tendency to preserve binding diversity at these positions. A case study on two ubiquitin-like proteins exemplifies how binding promiscuity in evolutionary related proteins can be modulated by the fine-tuning of the interface dynamics. The interplay between promiscuity and flexibility highlighted here can inspire new directions in protein-protein interaction prediction and design methods. © 2013 American Chemical Society

    Bi-allelic mutations in MYL1 cause a severe congenital myopathy.

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    OBJECTIVE: Congenital myopathies are typically characterised by early onset hypotonia, weakness and hallmark features on biopsy. Despite the rapid pace of gene discovery, approximately 50% of patients with a congenital myopathy remain without a genetic diagnosis following screening of known disease genes. METHODS: We performed exome sequencing on two consanguineous probands diagnosed with a congenital myopathy and muscle biopsy showing selective atrophy/hypotrophy or absence of type II myofibres. RESULTS: We identified variants in the gene (MYL1) encoding the skeletal muscle fast-twitch specific myosin essential light chain in both probands. A homozygous essential splice acceptor variant (c.479-2A>G, predicted to result in skipping of exon 5 was identified in Proband 1, and a homozygous missense substitution (c.488T>G, p.(Met163Arg)) was identified in Proband 2. Protein modeling of the p.(Met163Arg) substitution predicted it might impede intermolecular interactions that facilitate binding to the IQ domain of myosin heavy chain, thus likely impacting on the structure and functioning of the myosin motor. MYL1 was markedly reduced in skeletal muscle from both probands, suggesting that the missense substitution likely results in an unstable protein. Knock down of myl1 in zebrafish resulted in abnormal morphology, disrupted muscle structure and impaired touch-evoked escape responses, thus confirming that skeletal muscle fast-twitch specific myosin essential light chain is critical for myofibre development and function. INTERPRETATION: Our data implicate MYL1 as a crucial protein for adequate skeletal muscle function and that MYL1 deficiency is associated with a severe congenital myopathy

    Morphogenetic responses of embryo culture of wheat related to environment culture conditions of the explant donor plant

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    Availability of immature embryos as explants to establish wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by tissue culture can be limited by climatic factors and the lack of high quality embryos frequently hampers experimentation. This study evaluates the effects of rainfall, various temperature-based variables and sunshine duration on tissue culture response (TCR) traits including callus formation (CF), regenerating calli (RC), and number of plants per embryo (PPE) for 96 wheat genotypes of worldwide origin. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the significance of a particular climatic factor on TCR traits and to determine the period of wheat growth during which these factors were the most effective. The genotypes were grown in an experimental field during three seasons differing in meteorological conditions. The relationships between TCR traits and climatic factors within three time periods of wheat growth: 2, 6 and 10 weeks prior to embryo sampling were analysed by biplot analysis. The tissue culture traits were influenced at very different degrees by climatic factors: from 16.8% (RC) to 69.8% (CF). Donor plant environment with high temperatures and low rainfalls reduced (p lt 0.05) the tissue culture performance of wheat genotypes. Callus formation was most sensitive to the temperature based factors. The environmental conditions between flowering and the medium milk stage were the most important for CF, while RC and PPE were not particularly related to any period

    Identification of Ligand Binding Sites of Proteins Using the Gaussian Network Model

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    The nonlocal nature of the protein-ligand binding problem is investigated via the Gaussian Network Model with which the residues lying along interaction pathways in a protein and the residues at the binding site are predicted. The predictions of the binding site residues are verified by using several benchmark systems where the topology of the unbound protein and the bound protein-ligand complex are known. Predictions are made on the unbound protein. Agreement of results with the bound complexes indicates that the information for binding resides in the unbound protein. Cliques that consist of three or more residues that are far apart along the primary structure but are in contact in the folded structure are shown to be important determinants of the binding problem. Comparison with known structures shows that the predictive capability of the method is significant

    MuD: an interactive web server for the prediction of non-neutral substitutions using protein structural data

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    The discrimination between functionally neutral amino acid substitutions and non-neutral mutations, affecting protein function, is very important for our understanding of diseases. The rapidly growing amounts of experimental data enable the development of computational tools to facilitate the annotation of these substitutions. Here, we describe a Random Forests-based classifier, named Mutation Detector (MuD) that utilizes structural and sequence-derived features to assess the impact of a given substitution on the protein function. In its automatic mode, MuD is comparable to alternative tools in performance. However, the uniqueness of MuD is that user-reported protein-specific structural and functional information can be added at run-time, thereby enhancing the prediction accuracy further. The MuD server, available at http://mud.tau.ac.il, assigns a reliability score to every prediction, thus offering a useful tool for the prioritization of substitutions in proteins with an available 3D structure

    PROTDES: CHARMM toolbox for computational protein design

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    We present an open-source software able to automatically mutate any residue positions and find the best aminoacids in an arbitrary protein structure without requiring pairwise approximations. Our software, PROTDES, is based on CHARMM and it searches automatically for mutations optimizing a protein folding free energy. PROTDES allows the integration of molecular dynamics within the protein design. We have implemented an heuristic optimization algorithm that iteratively searches the best aminoacids and their conformations for an arbitrary set of positions within a structure. Our software allows CHARMM users to perform protein design calculations and to create their own procedures for protein design using their own energy functions. We show this by implementing three different energy functions based on different solvent treatments: surface area accessibility, generalized Born using molecular volume and an effective energy function. PROTDES, a tutorial, parameter sets, configuration tools and examples are freely available at http://soft.synth-bio.org/protdes.html