1,235 research outputs found

    Failure of a Popular Legislative Candidate: a Case Study in Rias Village

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    This study aims to describe the failure of the legislative candidate in the 2019 election in Rias village, Toboali District, Southern Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This study is based on the fact that Rias village is one of the villages that has a very large number of fixed voters, even the largest in the Southern Bangka district. However, despite a large number of voters, there is still not a single member of the community of Rias Village who has succeeded in becoming a legislative councilor. This study focuses on two key points: how communities perceive candidates' failures and what factors contribute to their failure. The method used in this study is a qualitative one with a descriptive approach, with data obtained from in-depth interviews. The study shows that there are five factors that cause the failure of popular legislative candidates in Rias Village, i.e., political constellation, public political behavior, political actors, successful teams, and political costs. The community also had a notion that the same thing happened as a factor in the failure of a legislative candidate in Rias Village

    Palembang Techno Park

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    Knowledge and technology which is developed continuously is used as a facility to fulfill every needs in its life. They need a social media to introduce them to people. These social processes are very important because beside to increase and fulfill the people’s interest in the development of technology, they are also can be functioned to increase the quality of human resources in Indonesia. Knowledge and technology also need a practice to prove the theories that are learned at school or read from the mass media like book, magazine, and newspaper so people can be more understand, well know about technology and they can prove the theory that they have gotten. Palembang Techno Park is one of the facilities that can supporting, containing, and introducing the progress and the improvement of science and technology in this world. With the various mode of science and technology performance like World of Physics, I-Space, Bio’s World, Chemistry, Fun Math, etc., the visitors from all of ages can enjoy and learn about the natural phenomenon that happen in our daily life. With the theme of recreational and educative with high tech façade will increase the interest of Palembang Techno Park

    The effect of word wall toward students’ vocabulary score at the eight grade students of MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya

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    This study is aimed to measure the effect of word wall toward students’vocabulary score at the eight grade students of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya. The study included in quantitative Approach with Quasi Experimental design, especially non-randomized control group, pre-test and post-test. The problem the study was “Is there any effect of word wall towards students’ vocabulary mastery at the eight grade students of MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya?”. The writer designed the Lesson Plan, conducted the treatment and observed the students’ score by pre-test and post-test. The population of study was the eight grade students of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya which consisted of 3 classes that each class of 39 students. The writer choose VIII-A as control class and VIII-C experiment class which both as sample. The sample was determined using cluster random sampling technique. The writer applied T-test calculation to test the hypothesis to analyze the data. The result of testing normality found asymptotic significance (0.239) that was higher than significance level (α=0.05). It could be concluded the data distribution was normal. The result of homogeneity showed that the significance observed (0.44) was higher than (α=0.05). It could be concluded that the data was homogeneous. The result of T-test using manual calculation found tobserved (9.197485874) and ttable at signifance level of 5% (1.99). It meant tobserved>ttable. The result of T-test using SPSS 18.0 calculation found tobserved (9.197485874) was higher than ttable at significance level of 5% (1.99). It was interpreted that the alternative hypotheses (Ha) stating there is significant effect of word wall toward students’ vocabulary score at the eight grade students of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya was accepted and null hypotheses (Ho) stating there is no significant effect of word wall toward students’ teaching vocabulary score at the eight grade students of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya was rejected, It is proved the value tobserved was higher than ttable, either at significance level 5% or 1% (1.992.64). It meant that teaching vocabulary using word wall toward students’ vocabulary score at the eight grade students of MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya. based on the result above, it is recommended that the teachers are able to apply this media in teaching vocabulary for the students. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengukur efek dari word wall terhadap nilai kosakata murid di kelas VIII di MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen-semu, tanpa pengacakan,kelompok kontrol, pra-uji-pasca-uji. Peneliti menyiapkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, melakukan pengajaran dan menghitung nilai siswa dari pra-test hingga pasca-test. Masalah penelitian adalah “Apakah ada efek word wall dalam pemebelajaran kosakata pada murid kelas VIII di MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya dibandingkan dengan murid yang diajarkan tanpa word wall?”. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas delapan dari MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya pada tiga kelas, masing-masing terdapat 39 siswa. Kemudian peneliti memlih kelas VIII-A sebagai kelas kontrol dan VIII-C sebagai kelas eksperimen yang keduanya sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan teknik sample acak (Clustering sample). Peneliti menggunakan T-test untuk menganalisa data. Hasil dari pengujian normalitas diperoleh nilai asymptotic significance (0.239) yang mana lebih tinggi dari tingkat signifikan 0.05. Oleh sebab itu dapat di simpulkan bahwa data distribusi dari peneltian ini adalah normal. Selanjutnya berdasarkan hasil pengujian homogenitas diperoleh hasil signifikan hitung (0.80) yang mana lebih tinggi dari (α=0.05). Dari hasil itu dapat di simpulkan bahwa data penelitian ini memiliki varian yang homogeny. Berdasarkan perhitungan menggunakan T-test pada penghitungan manual, diperoleh tobserved (9.197485874) Memiliki dan ttable pada level signifikan 5% (1.99). Itu berarti tobserved>ttable.. Hasil T-test menggunakan perhitungan SPSS 18.0 di peroleh tobserved (9.197485874) lebih tinggi dari alternatif (Ha) yang menyatakan bahwa ada efek yang signifikan pada nilai kosakata murid di kelas VIII di MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya menggunakan word wall dapat di terima dan hipotesis nol (Ho) yang menyatakan bahwa tidak ada efek yang signifikan pada word wall terhadap nilai kosakata murid di kelas VIII di MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya di tolak. Ini terbukti dari nilai tobserved lebih tingg dari ttable pada tingkat signifikan 5% atau 1% (1.992.64). Ini berarti pembelajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan word wall terhadap nilai kosakata pada murid kelas delapan MTs Muslimat Nu Palangka Raya memberikan efek yang signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka disarankan kepada para guru agar dapat menerapkan media ini dalam peebelajaran kosakata kepada murid


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      Abstrac Globalization, which has been constructed by peasntren, is interesting to observe. It serves economic capitalization, creates transformative-culture and reproduces culture and knowledge. Nowadays, pesantren (kiai) no longer becomes a single institution (agent) of social reality. The starting point of this article is to analyze the education of Madurese pesantren within the politic and globalization streams. The problems that have been purposed are that---how pesantren education set themselves in political and globalization streams? How the peasantren elites give the meaning of politic and globalization? How globalization is "exclusively" interpreted pesantren education? Hoe pesantren education give the meaning of globalization within the stream of elites political-euphoria? How is the model of empowerment done within the problems of society (pesantren), nation (politic domain) and market (globalization domain)? Kata-kata kunci Pesantren, globalisasi dan pemberdayaa


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    Islamic education encourages generations to change and maximize their potential in performing their duties as abid and caliph with a sense of responsibility. The tough person who love science born out of Islamic education, the social community will change for the better based on the demands and needs of the times.Islamic education is the process of introducing authentic and   kaffah Islam to learners without necessarily negating local culture and traditions, thus accommodating and justifying local wisdom that is considered in line with Islamic teachings. Cultures and traditions are the work of humans emerging  from the 'womb' of history and considered as sacred and respected things by the human. Islamic education is as a holistic education concept that accommodates all the worldviews that are 'tied' in Islamic monotheistic reason and emphasizes the human’s activities be consistently transcendent dimension and fosters creativity in realizing the mission of the caliph as the main task of making Islam as the religion of rahmatan lil alamin. &nbsp

    Enhancing Persistence on Mastery Tasks Among Young Preschool Children by Implementing the “I Can” Mastery Motivation Classroom Program

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    Task persistence plays important role in school readiness and helps to enhance young children’s cognitive development and academic skills; thus, designing and implementing programs to enhance it is vital. The objective of the present research was to assess the effectiveness of the “I Can” mastery motivation classroom program in enhancing young children’s persistence on mastery tasks. Altogether, forty-four (n = 44) children between the ages of two to three years selected from three kindergartens in Malaysia participated in the research, which was conducted by using a randomized pretest and posttest experimental-control group design. Persistence on three mastery tasks and mastery pleasure were assessed by using the Individualized Assessment of Mastery Motivation manual. The experimental group (n = 25) was exposed to the “I Can” mastery motivation classroom program, while the control group (n = 19) attended regular classroom lessons. There was a significant gain score difference between the experimental and control groups on task persistence for puzzles but not for shape sorters, cause and effect toys, and mastery pleasure. Thus, the program was effective in enhancing persistence on some mastery tasks. The content and findings of the intervention should help policy makers understand this important aspect of early childhood education

    A counseling service for developing the qona'ah attitude of millennial generation in attaining happiness

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    Purpose -  The research objective is a trial to create group counseling services with self-acceptance techniques to develop Qona’ah attitudes in realizing the happiness of the millennial generation.Method - The method used in data collection was a literature study.Result - The result of this paper is to offer group guidance and counseling using self-acceptance techniques to develop a Qona’ah attitude. Positive self-acceptance will be able to create happiness.Implications - Qona’ah attitude requires a training with strong patience, the applied counseling services  are group guidance and counseling services with four stages.Originality - A method of developing the Qona’ah attitude of the millennial generation is a process of providing professional assistance which is characterized by a continuous process with systematic steps to an individu or groups of people. Tujuan -  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah uji coba untuk menciptakan layanan konseling kelompok dengan teknik penerimaan diri untuk mengembangkan sikap Qona’ah dalam mewujudkan kebahagiaan generasi milenial.Metode - Metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka.Hasil - Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menawarkan bimbingan dan konseling kelompok menggunakan teknik penerimaan diri untuk mengembangkan sikap Qona’ah. Penerimaan diri yang positif akan mampu menciptakan kebahagiaan.Implikasi - Sikap Qona’ah membutuhkan pelatihan dengan kesabaran yang kuat, layanan konseling yang diterapkan adalah layanan bimbingan dan konseling kelompok dengan empat tahap.Orisinalitas - Metode pengembangan sikap Qona’ah generasi milenial melalui proses pemberian bantuan profesional yang bercirikan proses berkelanjutan dengan langkah-langkah sistematis kepada individu atau kelompok masyarakat

    MENCARI FORMAT PENDIDIKAN ANAK YANG IDEAL (Kritik Terhadap Konsep Full-Day School)

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    Pendidikan diharapkan dapat mengembangkan perilaku kreatif, produktif, efisien, dinamis, dan dapat menghasilkan output yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan harus mampu membuat terobosan-terobosan yang berkualitas pula. Di antara terobosan yang sedang marak disosialisakan saat ini oleh pemerintah adalah program full day education. Konsep full day education atau full day school ternyata dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif pada peserta didik terutama pada perkembangan sosial mereka. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan yang baik bagi anak agar ia menjadi manusia yang seutuhnya adalah harus memperhatikan hal-hal berikut: 1), kesempatan yang penuh untuk bersosialisasi; 2) kemampuan komunikasi anak; 3) motivasi anak untuk melakukan; dan 4) metode belajar yang efektif dengan bimbingan yang tepat bagi anak.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, sekolah full day
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