242 research outputs found

    Extension of the Measurement Capabilities of the Quadrupole Resonator

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    The Quadrupole Resonator, designed to measure the surface resistance of superconducting samples at 400 MHz has been refurbished. The accuracy of its RF-DC compensation measurement technique is tested by an independent method. It is shown that the device enables also measurements at 800 and 1200 MHz and is capable to probe the critical RF magnetic field. The electric and magnetic field configuration of the Quadrupole Resonator are dependent on the excited mode. It is shown how this can be used to distinguish between electric and magnetic losses.Comment: 6 pages, g figure

    EarthN: A new Earth System Nitrogen Model

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    The amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere, oceans, crust, and mantle have important ramifications for Earth's biologic and geologic history. Despite this importance, the history and cycling of nitrogen in the Earth system is poorly constrained over time. For example, various models and proxies contrastingly support atmospheric mass stasis, net outgassing, or net ingassing over time. In addition, the amount available to and processing of nitrogen by organisms is intricately linked with and provides feedbacks on oxygen and nutrient cycles. To investigate the Earth system nitrogen cycle over geologic history, we have constructed a new nitrogen cycle model: EarthN. This model is driven by mantle cooling, links biologic nitrogen cycling to phosphate and oxygen, and incorporates geologic and biologic fluxes. Model output is consistent with large (2-4x) changes in atmospheric mass over time, typically indicating atmospheric drawdown and nitrogen sequestration into the mantle and continental crust. Critical controls on nitrogen distribution include mantle cooling history, weathering, and the total Bulk Silicate Earth+atmosphere nitrogen budget. Linking the nitrogen cycle to phosphorous and oxygen levels, instead of carbon as has been previously done, provides new and more dynamic insight into the history of nitrogen on the planet.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figure

    Barium isotopic composition of the mantle: Constraints from carbonatites

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    To investigate the behaviour of Ba isotopes during carbonatite petrogenesis and to explore the possibility of using carbonatites to constrain the Ba isotopic composition of the mantle, we report high-precision Ba isotopic analyses of: (1) carbonatites and associated silicate rocks from the only active carbonatite volcano, Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, and (2) Archean to Cenozoic carbonatites from Canada, East Africa, Germany and Greenland. Carbonatites and associated phonolites and nephelinites from Oldoinyo Lengai have similar ÎŽ137/134 Ba values that range from +0.01 to +0.03‰, indicating that Ba isotope fractionation during carbonatite petrogenesis is negligible. The limited variation in ÎŽ137/134 Ba values from −0.03 to +0.09‰ for most carbonatite samples suggests that their mantle sources have a relatively homogeneous Ba isotopic composition. Based on the carbonatites investigated in this work, the average ÎŽ137/134 Ba value of their mantle sources is estimated to be +0.04 ± 0.06‰ (2SD, n = 16), which is similar to the average value of +0.05 ± 0.06‰ for mid-ocean ridge basalts. The lower ÎŽ137/134 Ba value of −0.08‰ in a Canadian sample and higher ÎŽ137/134 Ba values of +0.14‰ and +0.23‰ in two Greenland samples suggest local mantle isotopic heterogeneity that may reflect the incorporation of recycled crustal materials in their sources

    On the ambiguity of 1,3,2-benzodiazaboroles as donor/acceptor functionalities in luminescent molecules

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    A series of 1,3-bis(perfluoroaryl)-2-(hetero)aryl-1,3,2-benzodiazaboroles, 1,3-FAr2-2-Ar-1,3,2-N2BC6H4 (Ar = Ph, FAr = C6F5 5; Ar = Ph, FAr = 4-C5F4N 6; Ar = Ph, FAr = 4-NCC6F4 7; Ar = 2-C4H3S, FAr = C6F5 8; Ar = 2-C4H3S, FAr = 4-C5F4N 9; Ar = 2-C4H3S, FAr = 4-NCC6F4 10), were synthesised by cyclocondensation of the adducts PhBBr2·PPh3 or 2-thienylBBr2·PPh3 with N,Nâ€Č-bis(perfluoroaryl)-o-phenylenediamines in the presence of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine. Similar treatments of the PPh3 adducts of 4-(1â€Č,3â€Č-diethyl-1â€Č,3â€Č,2â€Č-benzodiazaborolyl)-phenyldibromoborane with the corresponding diamines gave rise to the push–pull compounds, C6H4(NEt)2B-1,4-C6H4-B(NFAr)2C6H4 (FAr = C6F5 11; 4-C5F4N 12) and C6H4(NEt)2B-2,5-C4H2S-B(NFAr)2C6H4 (FAr = C6F5 13; 4-C5F4N 14). The X-ray structures of 8, 11, 12 and 13 were determined. Electronic structure calculations reveal that the LUMOs are located at the perfluoroaryl groups in 5–14; thus the fluorinated benzodiazaborolyl groups are considered as electron-withdrawing moieties. These moieties differ from alkylated benzodiazaborolyl groups which are regarded as donors. The emission spectra for 5–14 show charge transfer bands with significant solvatochromism and large Stokes shifts (6100–12500 cm−1 in cyclohexane and 8900–15900 cm−1 in CH2Cl2). The emissions of the benzodiazaboroles, 5–10, arise from a different charge transfer (CT) process to the local charge transfer (LCT) process typically found in many fluorescent benzodiazaboroles. This novel remote charge transfer (RCT) process involving the perfluoroaryl groups is supported by CAM-B3LYP computations. The push–pull systems 11–14 here give fluorescent emissions with moderate to high fluorescence quantum yields (65–97%) that arise from the usual LCT process only

    Tourmaline Reference Materials for the In Situ Analysis of Oxygen and Lithium Isotope Ratio Compositions

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    Three tourmaline reference materials sourced from the Harvard Mineralogical and Geological Museum (schorl 112566, dravite 108796 and elbaite 98144), which are already widely used for the calibration of in situ boron isotope measurements, are characterised here for their oxygen and lithium isotope compositions. Homogeneity tests by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) showed that at sub‐nanogram test portion masses their 18O/16O and 7Li/6Li isotope ratios are constant within ± 0.27‰ and ± 2.2‰ (1s), respectively. The lithium mass fractions of the three materials vary over three orders of magnitude. SIMS homogeneity tests showed variations in 7Li/28Si between 8% and 14% (1s), which provides a measure of the heterogeneity of the Li contents in these three materials. Here we provide recommended values for ÎŽ18O, Δ’17O and ÎŽ7Li for the three Harvard tourmaline reference materials based on results from bulk mineral analyses from multiple, independent laboratories using laser‐ and stepwise fluorination gas mass spectrometry (for O), and solution multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectroscopy (for Li). These bulk data also allow us to assess the degree of inter‐laboratory data that might be present in such datasets. This work also re‐evaluates the major element chemical composition of the materials by electron probe microanalysis and investigates the presence of a chemical matrix effect on SIMS instrumental mass fractionation with regards to ÎŽ18O determinations, which was found to be < 1.6‰ between these three materials. The final table presented here provides a summary of the isotope ratio values that we have determined for these three materials. Depending on their starting mass either 128 or 256 splits have been produced of each material, assuring their availability for many years into the future

    Improving Project Logistics by using IoT

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    This BachelorŽs thesis is made on behalf of WÀrtsilÀ Energy Solutions, Project Logistics & Transport Management department whose main task is to coordinate and ensure that materials and products are transported to the right place and on time in Project Logistics. This thesis examines how you could improve WÀrtsilÀŽs Project Logistics by using Internet of Things. By developing IoT, there has been an increased chance to get more information about transports than before and WÀrtsilÀ is currently looking for new solutions to use that could improve their current logistics system. The purpose of this thesis is to review new, and used, solutions on the market, and then see what could work in practice at WÀrtsilÀ. Material to this thesis are gathered from books, web pages and articles that reviewed interesting IoT solutions and which also gave examples on different solutions that are used by other companies in the same business. The Result is two different methods that could improve WÀrtsilÀŽs Project Logistics in different occasions. These results are intended to give tips on how IoT could improve the departmentŽs ways of coordinating and check transports and logistics within a project.Detta examensarbete Àr gjort i uppdrag av WÀrtsilÀ Energy Solutions, Project logistics & Transport Management avdelningen vars huvuduppgift Àr att koordinera och se till att material och produkter transporteras till rÀtt plats i rÀtt tid inom projekt logistiken. Examensarbetet behandlar hur man kunde förbÀttra WÀrtsilÀs projekt logistik genom att anvÀnda Internet of Things. Genom att IoT har utvecklats har det uppstÄtt möjligheter att fÄ fram mer information om transporter Àn tidigare och WÀrtsilÀ söker för tillfÀllet nya lösningar som kunde anvÀndas för att förbÀttra deras nuvarande logistiksystem. Syftet med arbetet Àr att gÄ igenom nya, men Àven redan befintliga, lösningar som anvÀnds pÄ dagens marknad - för att sedan se vad som kunde fungera i praktiken hos WÀrtsilÀ. Material till arbetet Àr samlat frÄn böcker, webbsidor och artiklar som gick igenom intressanta IoT lösningar och som ocksÄ gav exempel pÄ hur olika system fungerar och anvÀnds av andra företag inom samma bransch. Slutresultatet blev tvÄ olika metoder som kunde förbÀttra WÀrtsilÀs projekt logistik vid olika tillfÀllen. Dessa resultat Àr tÀnkta för att ge tips pÄ hur IoT kunde förbÀttra avdelningens sÀtt hur man koordinerar och granskar transporter och logistiken inom ett projekt

    Corrosion challenges towards a sustainable society

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    A global transition towards more sustainable, affordable and reliable energy systems is being stimulated by the Paris Agreement and the United Nation's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This poses a challenge for the corrosion industry, as building climate-resilient energy systems and infrastructures brings with it a long-term direction, so as a result the long-term behaviour of structural materials (mainly metals and alloys) becomes a major prospect. With this in mind "Corrosion Challenges Towards a Sustainable Society" presents a series of cases showing the importance of corrosion protection of metals and alloys in the development of energy production to further understand the science of corrosion, and bring the need for research and the consequences of corrosion into public and political focus. This includes emphasis on the limitation of greenhouse gas emissions, on the lifetime of infrastructures, implants, cultural heritage artefacts, and a variety of other topics
