34 research outputs found

    Quantum Interference Effects in Spacetime of Slowly Rotating Compact Objects in Braneworld

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    The phase shift a neutron interferometer caused by the gravitational field and the rotation of the earth is derived in a unified way from the standpoint of general relativity. General relativistic quantum interference effects in the slowly rotating braneworld as the Sagnac effect and phase shift effect of interfering particle in neutron interferometer are considered. It was found that in the case of the Sagnac effect the influence of brane parameter is becoming important due to the fact that the angular velocity of the locally non rotating observer must be larger than one in the Kerr space-time. In the case of neutron interferometry it is found that due to the presence of the parameter QQ^{*} an additional term in the phase shift of interfering particle emerges from the results of the recent experiments we have obtained upper limit for the tidal charge as Q107cm2Q^{*}\lesssim 10^{7} \rm{cm}^{2}. Finally, as an example, we apply the obtained results to the calculation of the (ultra-cold neutrons) energy level modification in the braneworld.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    College admissions with entrance exams: Centralized versus decentralized

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    © 2018 Elsevier Inc. We study a college admissions problem in which colleges accept students by ranking students’ efforts in entrance exams. Students’ ability levels affect the cost of their efforts. We solve and compare equilibria of “centralized college admissions” (CCA) where students apply to all colleges and “decentralized college admissions” (DCA) where students only apply to one college. We show that lower ability students prefer DCA whereas higher ability students prefer CCA. Many predictions of the theory are supported by a lab experiment designed to test the theory, yet we find a number of differences that render DCA less attractive than CCA compared to the equilibrium benchmark

    High-resolution molecular fingerprinting in the 11.6-15 μm range by a quasi-CW difference-frequency-generation laser source

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    We report an approach for high-resolution spectroscopy using a widely tunable laser emitting in the molecular fingerprint region. The laser is based on difference-frequency generation (DFG) in a nonlinear orientation-patterned GaAs crystal. The signal laser, a CO2 gas laser, is operated in a kHz-pulsed mode while the pump laser, an external-cavity quantum cascade laser, is finely mode-hop-free tuned. The idler radiation covers a spectral range of ∼11.6-15 μm with a laser linewidth of ∼ 2.3 MHz. We showcase the versatility and the potential for molecular fingerprinting of the developed DFG laser source by resolving the absorption features of a mixture of several species in the long-wavelength mid-infrared. Furthermore, exploiting the wide tunability and resolution of the spectrometer, we resolve the broadband absorption spectrum of ethylene (C2H4) over ∼13-14.2 μm and quantify the self-broadening coefficients of some selected spectral lines

    Assessment of the efficiency of the local application of hemostatic drug Geprocel in the treatment of patients with deep burns

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    The work is based on the analysis of the treatment results of 35 patients with burn trauma (10 women and 25 men) aged 15 to 55 years who were treated in the burn department of Republican Scientific Centre of Urgent Medical Aid (RSCUMA) between 2017 and 2018. In this study, we report on the use of the hemostatic preparation Geprocel with an autodermoplasty on a wound after necroectomy with subsequent autodermoplasty in all cases contributed to the complete healing of donor sites for 7 days, and the complete engraftment of the skin autotransplant with full recovery of the defect by 12 days after surgery. This preliminary data suggests the potential role of Geprocel in the clinical management of burn treatment.The work is based on the analysis of the treatment results of 35 patients with burn trauma (10 women and 25 men) aged 15 to 55 years who were treated in the burn department of Republican Scientific Centre of Urgent Medical Aid (RSCUMA) between 2017 and 2018. In this study, we report on the use of the hemostatic preparation Geprocel with an autodermoplasty on a wound after necroectomy with subsequent autodermoplasty in all cases contributed to the complete healing of donor sites for 7 days, and the complete engraftment of the skin autotransplant with full recovery of the defect by 12 days after surgery. This preliminary data suggests the potential role of Geprocel in the clinical management of burn treatment

    Влияние добавок таллия на кинетику окисления сплава Zn22Al

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    The article presents the results of a thermogravimetrical study of the effect of thallium alloying additives on the oxidation kinetics of the Zn22Al alloy. Established in the temperature range of 473–623 K the kinetic and energy parameters of the oxidation of alloys. The oxidation of alloys proceeds according to the hyperbolic mechanism and has the order of 10–4 kg∙m‑2∙sec‑1. Higher activation energies indicate that the oxidation of these alloy samples results in the formation of oxide films with good protective properties. Additives of thallium in amounts of 0.01–1.0 wt.% contribute to a decrease in the oxidizability of the Zn22Al alloy. The resulting products during the oxidation of the studied alloys consist of a mixture of oxides ZnO, ZnAl2O4, Al2O3, Tl2O3В статье приведены результаты термогравиметрического исследования влияния легирующих добавок таллия на кинетику окисления сплава Zn22Al. В интервале температур 473–623 K установлены кинетические и энергетические параметры процесса окисления сплавов. Окисление сплавов протекает по гиперболическому механизму и имеет порядок 10–4 кг∙м‑2∙сек‑1. Более высокие значения энергий активации свидетельствуют о том, что при окислении данных образцов сплавов образуются оксидные пленки с хорошими защитными свойствами. Добавки таллия в количествах 0.01–1.0 мас.% способствуют уменьшению окисляемости сплава Zn22Al. Образующиеся продукты при окислении изученных сплавов состоят из смеси оксидов ZnO, ZnAl2O4, Al2O3, Tl2O

    RuBQ: A Russian Dataset for Question Answering over Wikidata

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    The paper presents RuBQ, the first Russian knowledge base question answering (KBQA) dataset. The high-quality dataset consists of 1,500 Russian questions of varying complexity, their English machine translations, SPARQL queries to Wikidata, reference answers, as well as a Wikidata sample of triples containing entities with Russian labels. The dataset creation started with a large collection of question-answer pairs from online quizzes. The data underwent automatic filtering, crowd-assisted entity linking, automatic generation of SPARQL queries, and their subsequent in-house verification. The freely available dataset will be of interest for a wide community of researchers and practitioners in the areas of Semantic Web, NLP, and IR, especially for those working on multilingual question answering. The proposed dataset generation pipeline proved to be efficient and can be employed in other data annotation projects. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.We thank Mikhail Galkin, Svitlana Vakulenko, Daniil Sorokin, Vladimir Kovalenko, Yaroslav Golubev, and Rishiraj Saha Roy for their valuable comments and fruitful discussion on the paper draft. We also thank Pavel Bakhvalov, who helped collect RuWikidata8M sample and contributed to the first version of the entity linking tool. We are grateful to Yandex.Toloka for their data annotation grant. PB acknowledges support by Ural Mathematical Center under agreement No. 075-02-2020-1537/1 with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation


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    About titles and presentation of debtors (receivables) in balance sheet have been discussed in this article and shown mistakes in the matter. Considerable suggestions regarding to presentation of debtors (receivables) in the financial statement form have been expounded

    Basic Principles of Risk Theory and Classification of Their Management

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    Given the accepted axiom about the potential danger of any human activity, we can conclude that it is impossible that there is no danger. The task of “risk analysis” in any production is to determine the minimum (permissible) values for various hazardous and harmful production factors and the appropriate maximum costs to achieve them