42 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Indonesia had 600 bachelor of nursing higher education institution. Around 52 of it were in East Java. The institutionā€™s which reached B level accreditation were 4, 90% were still C level. The purpose of research was analized the correlation between quality of nursing higher education with the UKNIā€™s pass level in East Java based on theory of Management: ā€œinput, process, and outputā€. Method: Descriptive correlational design was used. Independent variable was quality of nursing higher education which consisted of five aspectā€™s, quality assurance unit, lecturerā€™s quality & quantity, curriculum, and facilities & infrastructure. Dependent variable was UKNIā€™s pass level. Population used was East Javaā€™s bachelor of nursing higher education institution. Sample research size were 48 institution. Sampling conducted by purposive sampling type. Data analized using Spearman Rhoā€™s test with significanceā€™s level Ī±ā‰¤0.05. Result: Result showā€™s correlation with UKNIā€™s pass level as follows: strong correlation in quality assurance unit with p=0.000 and r=0.661, moderate correlation in lecturerā€™s quality & quantity with p=0.019 and r=0.467, no correlation in item development training with p=0.801 and r=(-)0.053, moderate correlation in curriculum with p=0.016 and r=0.478, moderate correlation in facilities & infrastructure with p=0.018 and r=0.468. It proven there was strong correlation between quality of nursing higher education with UKNIā€™s pass level with p=0.000 and r=0.651. Discussion: Research conclusion, H1 accepted which shown by the strong correlation between quality of nursing higher education with the UKNIā€™s pass level. East Javaā€™s bachelor of nursing higher education institution had good quality. Keyword:Higher Education, Nursing, Quality, UKN

    Is It True that CPR Fraction mostly Caused by Physical Fatigue?

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    Introduction: Based on AHA 2015 guidelines the best fraction for CPR intervention is 60%. It means that in one CPR intervention the interruption must be not more than 40% of total intervention. the standard supposed to be different at each helper, because many factors will affect the effectivity of CPR intervention. There were many study to know the fraction of each helper when do CPR. A CPR actor must reduce the interruption at the smallest thing such as forget the count of compression done. Method: This study is a systematic review with a purpose to understand the factors of CPR that affect the CPR fraction. The study used four search engine such as PubMed, Proquest, Scopus, and Sage Journal. From the four search-engines was found 15 article that matched the study purpose. Result: There are several factors that affect CPR fraction which are sex, weight, height, university degree, and the work place. These factors affect the CPR actor mostly at the case of physical fatigue and the number of distraction. Discussion: The most disturbing factor that affect the CPR fraction was the trouble in remembering the CPR count and the physical fatigue in the helper. The CPR count problem had been solved by the help of a tool. But the physical fatigue still need more discoveries to find the problem solver. It still unclear which solution that affect most of CPR fraction


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    Upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat terutama di pedesaan adalah tercapainya proses peningkatan kemampuan sumberdaya manusia sesuai dengan laju pertumbuhan pembangunan, pertumbuhan usaha pembinaan instansi dan profesi masyarakat yang sesuai dengan peningkatan proses modernisasi dan teknologi dalam kehidupan masyarakat, baik secara makro dan mikro. Pemberdayaan kelompok Wanita tani di Desa Cucum, Kecamatan Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar dilaksanakan dengan tujuan agar kelompok wanita tani ā€œKembang Taniā€ memiliki pengetahuan dan inovasi dalam bidang pertanian tentang penerapan Good Handling Practice pada usahatani seledri yang diusahakan, sehingga dapat diperoleh nilai tambah untuk komoditi tanaman seledri. Kegiatan pengabdian memberikan dampak yang positif bagi kelompok Wanita tani ā€œKembang Taniā€ di Desa Cucum, Kecamatan Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Informasi terkait penerapan Good Handling Practice yang disosialisasikan Tim PKM memberikan pengetahuan baru tentang metode alternatif untuk meningkatan nilai tambah usahatani seledri bagi kelompok wanita tani ā€œKembang Taniā€. Dengan harapan nantinya mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan bagi para wanita di pedesaan dalam upaya mencukupi kebutuhan hidupnya

    Promoting Spiritual Nursing Care in an Intensive Care Unit: A Systematic Review

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    Most of the patients in intensive care units (ICU) are intubated. These conditions can affect the psychological, social and spirituality condition of the patients. The nurseā€™s role in terms of providing spiritual care is still not optimal. Many feel the urge to reach out to their patients and offer spiritual support, but they do not know how to do it. However, the procedure or intervention needed for providing spiritual care is still little known about. This study aimed to explain the nursing interventions that could be applied for promoting spiritual care based on the existing literature. The systematic review was guided by the PRISMA protocol. A comprehensive search was carried out on a selection of databases; PubMed (Medline), CINAHL, Scopus, Springerlink, ProQuest, EBSCOHost, Web of Science Clarivate Analytic and Science Direct. The searching of published studies was done comprehensively using several keywords: ā€œspiritual nursing careā€ OR ā€œspiritual care in ICUā€ OR ā€œspiritual interventionā€ OR ā€œspiritual AND nurseā€ OR ā€œspiritual AND critically ill patientsā€ OR ā€œimplement spiritual interventionā€. The searches were limited to publications in English with the year of publication being from 2009 up to February 2019. Ten studies were included in the review. This review confirmed some of the ways to promote spiritual nursing care in the ICU. Nurses, in promoting spiritual nursing, need the ability to communicate effectively and also to collaborate with the patientā€™s family and/or chaplain. It is hoped that this review could be a reference for nurses to allow them to provide spiritual nursing care in the ICU. Keywords: nursing, spiritual care, intensive care uni

    Analisis Faktor Spasial Pernikahan Usia Muda Di Kecamatan Matesih Kabupaten Karanganyar Tahun 2014 Dan Tahun 2018

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    Marriage at a young age is marriage that is below the predetermined age or the age that is still taking high school education. However, there are still many early age children who marry at a young age in the data from the KUA Matesih District in 2014 and 2018. This study aims to analyze the causes of young marriage in Matesih sub-district as a contribution to the thought of the District government to urge its residents to emphasize the impact. This research is a descriptive social research type and uses in-depth interview survey research methods. The location of this research is in Matesih Subdistrict, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java Province, the target of this research is to people who are married at a young age, ranging in age from 14-17 years. The technique of collecting data is by in-depth interviews with respondents using random sampling techniques, so that respondents have the same opportunity. Data processing using frequency tables. The results showed that residents of Matesih sub-district who married at a young age had a junior high school education background of 30 data (66.6%) in 2014 and in 2018 had 14 data (48.2%). In 2014 it was influenced by economic factors with 15 data (33.3%) environmental factors for 13 data or (28.8%), and cultural factors by 12 data or (26.6%). In 2018 it was influenced by educational factors, the number of which was 10 data (34.4%) and economic factors10 data (34.4%). Dawung and Plosorejo villages occupy the most positions in the factors affecting young marriage in MAtesih sub-district, Karanganyar Regency. The conclusion from this research is that the causal factors for the occurrence of young marriages are due to the low economy of the community which argues that in order to break the chain of poverty out, it will actually increase the poverty rate in the area. Keywords: Young Marriage in Matesih District, 2014 and 201

    Jkn Syariah sebagai Asuransi Kesehatan dalam Penurunan Aki dan Akb Mencapai Mdgs

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    In Indonesia almost 20.000 woman died because of complication in giving birth (Stalker, 2008). Indonesia\u27s number of dead mother increase to 359/100.000 women in 2012 (SDKI, 2012). And also Indonesia\u27 s number of dead baby is reach 6th in ASEAN (SDKI, 2007). Indonesia\u27s number of dead baby is 32/1000 birth (SDKI, 2012). This condition far from MDG\u27s, which is the number of dead mother 102/100.000 and number of dead baby 23/1.000. One reason in highly increase number is because lack in finance. The government created solution like, Jampersal, Antenatal Care (ANC), and National Health Insurance (JKN). National Health Insurance (JKN) is a must health insurance from government for every Indonesian people. But National Health Insurance JKN aplied the system of conventional insurance which is have a problem, like over USAge of country money (APBN) for poor people every month. There is another insurance system, it\u27 s Syariah Insurance. It\u27s growing widely in Indonesia. It shows good development when Indonesia\u27s economy grow slower betwen 2000 until 2012 it grows 50% every year. That is the reason why Indonesia need Syariah Health Insurance to give the financial needs in mothers\u27 health and baby. That is why we found JKN Syariah with Community of Nurse program as the pioneer team in decreasing number of dead mother and number of dead baby. And here we are give solution to solve the problem by our idea JKN Syariah (National Health Insurance with syariah insurance system) as the health Insurance to decrease the number of dead mother and number of dead baby to accomplish MDGs (Milleneum Development Goals) target

    Implementasi Media Interaktif Pembelajaran Sistem Tata Surya Berbasis VR Di Sd Islam Teladan Al Hidayah 1

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    Pada dunia pendidikan, semakin berkurangnya minat belajar siswa dikarenakan perkembangan teknologi hiburan yang semakin menyuguhkan hal-hal menarik dan interaktif seperti film kartun maupun animasi tiga dimensi (3D), sedangkan media pembelajaran yang saat ini digunakan masih didominasi oleh buku yang berisikan tulisan dan gambar. Kurangnya penggunaan media dalam pembelajaran berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa yang kurang maksimal. Hal ini menandakan rendahnya pemahaman siswa dapat disebabkan oleh kurangnya semangat dan minat siswa dalam proses pembelajaran.Pada pelajaran IPA kelas VI tentang materi sistem tata surya yang penyampaiannya masih menggunakan papan tulis serta gambar yang ada dibuku yang terkesan kurang menarik. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi sebagai media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan minat siswa dalam mempelajari sistem tata surya. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah merancang dan membangun aplikasi sebagai media pembelajaran interaktif sistem tata surya dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Virtual Reality berbasis Android yang nantinya menarik minat belajar siswa. VR adalah teknologi yang dapat berinteraksi dengan suatu lingkungan yang disimulasikan oleh komputer. Dengan aplikasi ini siswa akan merasakan pengalaman berada di luar angkasa dan menjelajah ke setiap objek yang ada di dalamnya.Metode penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dimana strategis yang digunakan adalah Design and Creation. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data observasi dan studi literatur. Metode perancangan yang digunakan adalah waterfall dan teknik pengujian yang digunakan adalah Black Box. Berdasarkan hasil ujicoba menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini mudah digunakan, memberikan informasi visual yang lebih baik, menyenangkan sehingga siswa tidak merasa bosan serta membantu meningkatkan pemahaman sisw

    Promoting spiritual nursing care in an intensive care unit: A systematic review.

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    Most of the patients in intensive care units (ICU) are intubated. These conditions can affect the psychological, social and spirituality condition of the patients. The nurseā€™s role in terms of providing spiritual care is still not optimal. Many feel the urge to reach out to their patients and offer spiritual support, but they do not know how to do it. However, the procedure or intervention needed for providing spiritual care is still little known about. This study aimed to explain the nursing interventions that could be applied for promoting spiritual care based on the existing literature. The systematic review was guided by the PRISMA protocol. A comprehensive search was carried out on a selection of databases; PubMed (Medline), CINAHL, Scopus, Springerlink, ProQuest, EBSCOHost, Web of Science Clarivate Analytic and Science Direct. The searching of published studies was done comprehensively using several keywords: ā€œspiritual nursing careā€ OR ā€œspiritual care in ICUā€ OR ā€œspiritual interventionā€ OR ā€œspiritual AND nurseā€ OR ā€œspiritual AND critically ill patientsā€ OR ā€œimplement spiritual interventionā€. The searches were limited to publications in English with the year of publication being from 2009 up to February 2019. Ten studies were included in the review. This review confirmed some of the ways to promote spiritual nursing care in the ICU. Nurses, in promoting spiritual nursing, need the ability to communicate effectively and also to collaborate with the patientā€™s family and/or chaplain. It is hoped that this review could be a reference for nurses to allow them to provide spiritual nursing care in the ICU

    Hippurate-Zinc layered Hydroxide Nanohybrid and its synergistic effect with Tamoxifen on the HepG2 cell lines.

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    A new simple preparation method for a hippurate intercalated zinc-layered hydroxide (ZLH) nanohybrid has been established, which does not need an anion-exchange procedure to intercalate the hippurate anion into ZLH interlayers. Methods: The hippuric acid nanohybrid (HAN) was prepared by direct reaction of an aqueous suspension of zinc oxide with a solution of hippuric acid via a one-step method. Results: The basal spacing of the nanohybrid was 21.3 ƅ, indicating that the hippurate anion was successfully intercalated into the interlayer space of ZLH, and arranged in a monolayer fashion with the carboxylate group pointing toward the ZLH inorganic interlayers. A Fourier transform infrared study confirmed the formation of the nanohybrid, while thermogravimetry and differential thermogravimetry analyses showed that the thermal stability of the nanohybrid was markedly enhanced. The loading of hippurate in the nanohybrid was estimated to be about 38.7% (w/w), and the release of hippurate from the nanohybrid was of a controlled manner, and therefore the resulting material was suitable for use as a controlled-release formulation. HAN has synergistic properties with tamoxifen toward a HepG2 cell line, with an IC 50 value of 0.35 compared with hippurate. In the antiproliferative assay, the ratio of viable cells account for cells treated by the combination tamoxifen with HAN to untreated cells was sharply reduced from 66% to 13% after 24 and 72 hours, respectively. The release of hippuric acid anions from HAN occurred in a controlled manner, and the resulting material is suitable for a controlled-release formulation