Is It True that CPR Fraction mostly Caused by Physical Fatigue?


Introduction: Based on AHA 2015 guidelines the best fraction for CPR intervention is 60%. It means that in one CPR intervention the interruption must be not more than 40% of total intervention. the standard supposed to be different at each helper, because many factors will affect the effectivity of CPR intervention. There were many study to know the fraction of each helper when do CPR. A CPR actor must reduce the interruption at the smallest thing such as forget the count of compression done. Method: This study is a systematic review with a purpose to understand the factors of CPR that affect the CPR fraction. The study used four search engine such as PubMed, Proquest, Scopus, and Sage Journal. From the four search-engines was found 15 article that matched the study purpose. Result: There are several factors that affect CPR fraction which are sex, weight, height, university degree, and the work place. These factors affect the CPR actor mostly at the case of physical fatigue and the number of distraction. Discussion: The most disturbing factor that affect the CPR fraction was the trouble in remembering the CPR count and the physical fatigue in the helper. The CPR count problem had been solved by the help of a tool. But the physical fatigue still need more discoveries to find the problem solver. It still unclear which solution that affect most of CPR fraction

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