19 research outputs found

    Anaerobic Wastewater Treatments: Prediction of Retention Time on RT/RW Plant

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    Wastewater treatment gave major problem in higher of chemical oxygen demand that backgrounded by amount and type of PT RT/RW products. The waste was polymer, mixture of nitrogen, mixture of phosphate, and oil. This factory used active sludge and microorganism (anaerobic condition). Research result showed that pH ranged 4,94 until 8,02. This data gave a decreasing sharply in acidic condition. The thing could be caused acetogenic phase in area pond anaerobic. The phenomenon might be recited because possibility of biologist living this waste did not take place as well and or could give deathly affect to the anaerobic bacteria. Customary pH for the bacteria was 6,8 – 7,4. Temperature data reached 28-33oC so their activities were good. Then, efficiency of anaerobic wastewater treatment was 62,95 to 66,06%. The data indicated that the research was not accordance with SOP companies. Inlet concentration of chemical oxygen demand had variation and gave unbalancing affect to digestive bacteria load. Estimation to get valid COD was 11-14 days. The duration was required by the microorganism to digest the matter organic perfectly to be methane and carbon dioxide gas


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    The aim of this research is to get the optimum starch and alginate seed starch composition and the most suitable operating temperature during the manufacture and printing of edible film. The experimental design was variation in starch seed starch concentration (1.5%, 2.5%, 3.5%), alginate consentation (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%), and operating temperature (750C, 900C). The result of the research on the parameter of modulus young value or the highest average film elasticity level is 314,08 Mpa obtained at 2.5% alginate composition, 1.5% jackfruit seed starch and operating temperature 90oC, extention at maximum or highest film elongation value average of 31.59 mm in 3.5% alginate composition, 1.5% jackfruit starch and 90oC operating temperature, tensile strength value or tensile strength value of an average film average of 7.45 Mpa obtained in composition 3 , 5% alginate, 1.5% jackfruit starch and 90oC operating temperature. By using SPSS series 23 there is a correlation of linear regression response extention at maximum and tensile strength is increasing. Key words : starch, alginat, edibel film


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    Teknik pewarnaan kain batik dapat dilakukan dengan zat warna sintetik atau zat warna alam (ZWA). Keberadaan banyaknya permintaan konsumen, mampu menggerser keberadaan zat warna alam. Keunggulan zat warna sintetik antara lain memberikan keuntungan ekonomi, efisiensi waktu dan warna yang dihasilkan beragam. Kelemahan penggunaan zat warna sintetik adalah dampak lingkungan yang dihasilkan. Kandungan bahan sintetik sukar diuraikan sehingga perlu diupayakan kembali penggunaan ZWA . Salah satunya berasal dari tanaman perdu yaitu indigofera tinctoria. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sejauh mana pengaruh konsentrasi daun indigofera pada beda perlakuan proses fermentasi (aerob dan anaerob) dan perlakuan penggunaan fiksasi terhadap daya tahan pencucian, daya tawahan luntur dan daya tahan sinar matahari.Bahan baku sampel yaitu kain katun dan sutera yang dicelup dengan ZWA fermentasi indigofera pada konsentrasi daun indigo 1kg/5L dan 1kg/10L, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pencelupan fiksasi/non fiksasi sebagai variable bebas dan variable terikat adalah uji daya tahan. Hasil uji ketahanan daya tahan pencucian, daya tahan luntur dan daya tahan sinar mtahari menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan konsentrasi memiliki kategori nilai yang tidak jauh berbeda. Sedangkan pada variable perlakuan fiksasi/non fiksasi diperoleh kategori nilai terbaik rata-rata pada perlakuan fermetasi aero

    Konsep Dasar Berfikir Ilmiah dengan Penalaran Deduktif, Induktif, dan Abduktif

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    Every living thing in this world including humans and animals have a brain for them to think. Both humans and animals are able to produce knowledge, where knowledge is used to improve their quality of life. Basically animals have knowledge, but knowledge is produced through the process of thinking without reasoning, so the benefit is only very limited knowledge for survival. Human reasoning capabilities have led to human knowledge that developed far more advanced than in animals. Even human beings are the only creatures that develop knowledge in earnest on this earth. The man knows what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, and what a beautiful and what is not. Reasoning is a process to draw a conclusion in the form of knowledge. Reasoning generates knowledge that is associated with the activity of thinking rather than feeling. Nevertheless we should realize that not all of the activity of thinking relies on reasoning. So the reasoning is the thinking that has certain characteristics in finding the truth. There are various ways to do the reasoning, such as deductive, inductive, and abductive. Deductive reasoning logically draws conclusions from given premises. Note that deductive reasoning is a logical conclusion from the premises available. The result is not always the truth that we know. Inductive is generelizing a thing of the cases which we have ever seen or experienced to draw conclusions about other things that we have never seen or experienced. Abductive is reasoning from a fact to actions or conditions that result in fact occurred. This method is used to describe events that we observe


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan di desa Karyabakti kecamatan Batujaya kabupaten Karawang bersama mitra UPPKS Jahe Merah. Fokus aktivitas yang diselenggarakan dari Oktober 2020 hingga Maret 2021 adalah peralihan peralatan produksi bubuk jahe merah sebagai hasil peninjauan lokasi usaha mitra bersama aparatur desa. Hasil diskusinya adalah memprioritasikan terlebih dahulu perubahan perlengkapan penghalusan (pelumatan) bahan baku jahe merah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penggunaan blender yang memiliki tantangan atas beban yang diberikan (jahe merah dan air). Dampaknya adalah alat hanya mampu mengolah 3 kg jahe merah selama 1 jam dan juga ditambahkan permasalahan kinerja lainnya (yang memberikan waktu proses lebih panjang. Tujuan transformasi peralatan produksi ini adalah menghemat waktu penghalusan bahan baku dan selanjutnya mengarahkan ke peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan manajemen produksi. Solusi ini memberikan ruang bagi mitra untuk menerapkan purwarupa dan tim pelaksana menjelaskan tata cara pembersihan pasca digunakan (sisi umur alat) dan juga K3 bagi konsumen (dibantu oleh PT TEiN Karawang). Hasil kegiatan pengabdian di desa Karyabakti mampu menurunkan waktu proses penghalusan menjadi 30 menit untuk 3 kg jahe merah segar dibandingkan peralatan semula. Keberhasilan ini menjadi peluang dan kesempatan bagi UPPKS setempat atas transformasi tersebut ke depannya yaitu semula 40-50 kg per bulan menjadi per hari. Abstract:  Karyabakti village, Batujaya sub-district, Karawang district was the location for community service activities and UPPKS Jahe Merah (MSME red ginger) acted as a partner. The focus of activities held from October 2020 to March 2021 was the transfer of red ginger powder production equipment. This was the result of a survey of partner business locations with village officials. The result of the discussion was to prioritize changes in the refining equipment (mashing, pulverize, or milling) of the red ginger raw material. Previously, the use of a blender had challenges over the weight given (red ginger and water). The impact was that the equipment was only able to process 3 kg of red ginger for 1 hour and also added other performance problems (which give longer processing time. The purpose of this production equipment transformation was to save time for refining raw materials and then lead to increased production capacity and production management. This provided space for partners to implement prototypes and the implementation team explained the procedures for post-use cleaning (tool life side) as well as K3 for consumers (assisted by PT TEiN Karawang). The results of community service activities in Karyabakti village were able to reduce the refining process time to 30 minutes for 3 kg of fresh red ginger compared to the original equipment. This success was an opportunity and opportunity for the local UPPKS for this transformation in the future, from 40-50 kg per month to per day

    Kajian Ulang Pemahaman Konsep Integral-Turunan Pasca Ujian Akhir Semester

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    Matematika I dan II merupakan mata kuliah dasar di semester satu dan dua yang menjadi tumpuan Matematika Lanjutan (Probabilitas dan Statistik, Matematika Teknik I, dan Matematika Teknik II). Salah satu kompetensi akhir mahasiswa tingkat satu adalah pemahaman konsep Turunan dan Integral. Kesulitan pemahaman pada ilmu dasar menjadi titik kebingungan mahasiswa di semester selanjutnya. Selain itu, variasi lulusan peserta didik menjadi beban bagi dosen dalam menyampaikan materi karena beberapa hal dasar harus disampaikan kembali di kelas seperti aturan cosinus, integral-turunannya, dan bentuk lainnya. Kajian ulang integral-turunan bagi mahasiswa program studi Teknik Elektro Angkatan 2016 bertujuan menanamkan ulang prinsip dasar dari konsep integral-turunan terhadap soal-soal Ujian Akhir Semester melalui pemaparan secara bertahap. Metode yang digunakan tim pengabdian adalah workshop (pendidikan berkelanjutan) yang melibatkan 3 orang dosen (pengajaran dan diskusi). Persoalan yang belum sempat diselesaikan menjadi tugas selama liburan. Pengajar memberikan jawaban akhir dari setiap persoalan sehingga mahasiswa menjadi termotivasi untuk mengerjakan kembali. Trik yang diberikan para pengajar adalah apabila soal sebelumnya telah selesai, silakan dikerjakan kembali dengan menutup jawaban yang kami berikan. Kegiatan mandiri dapat dilakukan di rumah dengan bantuan internet, buku bacaan sebelum perkuliahan baru dimula

    Enhancing Quality of Drying Mixed Shrimp Paste from Karawang with Red Pigment by Angkak

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    existence of shrimp paste farmer is supported by activities of auction fish place one of which located Ciparage beach, Karawang – West Java. Perpetrators produced 2 products such as shrimp paste and mixed shrimp paste. Utilization of Rebon shrimp by totality does not need other additives because drying process brings out the color that had itself so final product becomes redness. Involvement of Petek fish almost partially could reduce the color quality so the society used Rhodamine-B dye. This is widely spreading in the area because this matter is distributed by seller directly – door to door and the price is affordable – cheaper. Novelty this research is application of tray dryer with operating temperature variables – 40, 50, 60oC for 7 hours and the presence of Angkak as natural the red pigment that it is safe for human health. The results showed that the optimum condition of drying mixed shrimp paste was achieved by temperature 40oC. This is not about how much and quickly the moisture that evaporating into the air. Paradigm to chemical composition – organoleptic and antioxidant activity – DPPH method also was be consideration for that matter. Physically, this dried product had normal smell, salty taste, brown color, soft texture, solid shape, and normal appearance

    Bananas Muli as a product fruit leather through using microwave and oven dryers

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    Post-harvest processing of bananas Muli local Karawang – Loji area became a research study on a breakthrough the kind of food products. Previously, this fruit only sold to consumers in the roadside, and the rest was thrown away or not utilized. Users prefer to consume directly and fresh. After that, its medium size with a diameter 3 to 4 cm caused this raw material did not display to be a selling outcome such as “sale” or chips. Bananas Muli has never received further food processing compared to other types of bananas (such as bananas Kepok, bananas Raja, bananas Tanduk, bananas Ambon, and others). The term of fruit leather gave the development and novelty for product fruit categories in the form of sheets. Furthermore, the process that occurred was decreasing water content used microwave and oven dryers, then temperature range between 60-80oC with constant sample thickness in three suitable stabilizers. Utilization of oven dryers to produce banana leather products without stabilizers was more likely to choose a temperature of 70oC as the best condition for decreasing water content in the ingredients. Meanwhile, the use of microwaves was able to produce electromagnetic waves and caused collisions between molecules owned by the sample. The results indicated a positive effect. Carrageenan and starch were more capable of binding the water molecules. This way helped the process of reducing water content much faster from the surface (free water) to the area in the sample (water bound to the equilibrium water content). This research resulted in a decrease in water content in the example by 10,5701-12,8639% within 3 hours of the drying process at the optimum condition

    Penataan Ulang Area Produksi Industri Rumah Tangga Kabupaten Bekasi

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    Betawi’s taffy made of sticky rice was one of the best economic commodities for sub-district Cibitung’s citizens. Furthermore, this product usually gave success in a yearly exhibition for district Bekasi. For a long time, demand a trust the costumers were longer completed through the serving of nutrient food and the hygiene concept.  That became a challenge for the owner and the Sukajaya village’s leader to decrease the resellers. Afterward, the breakthrough way guided selling the product into the food and the gift store in the scale of the home industry, which attached the label below monitoring the Service of Healthy (P-IRT). Achieve that, the initial step has been done that supported the guiding in the Sukajaya village and LPPM Unsika. The next activity for the site work evaluation also has been executed. It is such as providing a base for raw material until product and cover for the roof in around production line, giving the name for each section place, and pin the license certificate. Neat and clean aspects gave an esthetic point. Furthermore, it positively affected the occupation program of Sukaya village in the district Bekasi level.Dodol khas Betawi merupakan salah satu andalan ekonomi bagi warga kecamatan Cibitung. Lebih dari itu produk tersebut kerap menyukseskan acara pameran tahunan kabupaten Bekasi. Seiring waktu, tuntutan kepercayaan konsumen tidak lagi terpenuhi oleh penyajian makanan bergizi, tetapi juga higienis. Hal ini menjadi tantangan pemiliki usaha dan pemangku desa Sukajaya untuk mengurangi keberadaan “penjual kembali”. Selain itu, langkah pendobrakan mengarahkan penjualan ke pusat makanan maupun oleh-oleh skala rumah tangga yang melampirkan label kemasan di bawah pengawasan Dinas Kesehatan (P-IRT). Untuk meraihnya, langkah awal pembentukan posdaya telah ditempuh oleh pelaksana pengabdian yang didukung kepala desa Sukajaya dan LPPM Unsika. Tindak lanjut evaluasi lokasi kerja telah dieksekusi berupa penyediaan alas bagi bahan baku hingga produk maupun penutup lokasi sekitar produksi, pemasangan label sebagai keterangan bagian area maupun sertifikat penyuluhan keamanan pangan. Kerapihan dan kebersihan yang dilakukan pemilik usaha memberikan nilai estetika. Ini juga memberikan dampak peningkatan program kerja desa Sukajaya di tingkat kabupaten Bekasi