93 research outputs found


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    This study attempts to understand the implementation of the principles of Islamic education management to make changes towards the advancement of an organization in the industrial era 4.0, that work culture and work productivity in an organization specifically in the field of educational services can be approached by growing the character of leader of change based on values spirituality. That aspects of changes in performance and work productivity can be influenced by the spiritual culture of an organization, especially in the pattern of leadership that is carried out. Also exploring leadership in this article can be seen, namely: a), how leaders create change; b) Characteristics of Leader of Changes based on spirituality; c), the Role of the Leader of Change in the formation of work culture and work productivity based on spirituality. The research method used uses a qualitative design in a descriptive way to understand deeply about leadership at KPI Surabaya, whose data is extracted through observing work dynamics and institutional performance, interviews with key informants (Executive Directors) in carrying out agency activities and efforts to document performance products KPI. Furthermore, the data obtained is processed in accordance with the theme and sub-themes obtained in the field. The research results obtained are; The way leaders create change, i.e. a) keep their employees in an uncomfortable zone, with work targets in programs that are made realistically every year so that it is measured in productivity of institutional performance, b) that the leadership character is based on the performance of the leader of the leader that partnerships. The character of leadership is more to the partnership as if there are no limits. Then personal excellence (personal excellence). Likes to explore and develop knowledge so that he at KPI is called a multy talent. as well as the most visible spiritual character of the power of honesty (integrity) and c) The Indonesian Educational Quality (KPI) Surabaya, which is forming the culture of "IMPROVE", Integrity, Mathurity, Professional, Rare, On Fire, Vastly and Ethics at Kualita Pendidikan Indonesia (KPI) Surabaya, and as a designer of the formation of productivity programs

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Android Materi Prinsip Mekanika dalam Renang Bagi Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi

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    The purpose of this study was to produce a product development in the form of an android application that can be used to support learning the principles of mechanics in swimming for students of the Physical Health and Recreation Education Study Program IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, in order to increase students' cognitive knowledge in the field of biomechanics in swimming. The sample used was 60 students from class of 2022 taking swimming courses in the 2022/2023 academic year. the instrument used was a questionnaire for media experts, swimming learning experts, and developed media users, the development steps carried out were (1) compiling a text on biomechanics in swimming (2) developing an android application according to the material developed in the android application format. Based on the assessment of media experts and material experts as well as the results of field trials, the product developed is feasible to be used as a medium for students of the physical health and recreation education study program in swimming learning on the principle of mechanics in swimming


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran dan menguji efektifitas model belajar gerak dasar bola basket anak Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Sekolah dasar luar biasa. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan research and development (R&D) model Borg and Gall. Subyek penelitian siswa autis sekolah dasar luar biasa usia 10-12 tahun dengan jumlah subyek 20 orang untuk uji coba kecil, 60 orang untuk uji coba besar dan uji efektifitas sebesar 74 orang yang terdiri dari 37 orang kelompok eksperimen dan 37 orang kelompok kontrol. Instrumen test menggunakan instrumen gerak dasar bola basket disesuaikan dengan subjek penelitian dan telah melewati uji validitas oleh beberapa ahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) model belajar gerak dasar bola basket untuk Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) dapat dinyatakan sangat layak diterapkan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan di sekolah dasar luar Biasa (2) uji efektifitas model gerak dasar bola basket dinyatakan secara empiris efektif dan signifikan dalam meningkatkan Gerak dasar Bola Basket dengan sangat baik pada anak autis sekolah dasar luar biasa. Hasil uji N-gain Skor kelompok eksperimen diperoleh nilai Mean= 60,26 atau sama dengan 60% termasuk dalam kategori cukup efektif. Sedangkan, Hasil uji N-gain Skor kelompok kontrol diperoleh nilai Mean= 18,29 atau sama dengan 18% termasuk dalam kategori Tidak efektif. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model gerak dasar bola basket dinyatakan efektif meningkatkan Gerak dasar Bola Basket dengan sangat baik pada anak autis sekolah dasar luar biasa. Kata Kunci: Model pembelajaran, Gerak dasar, Bola Basket, Auti

    Evaluasi Pengelolaan Sampah Kecamatan Gresik Kabupaten Gresik Ditinjau Dari Aspek Teknis

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    Solid waste management is a serious challenge for the government in making policies, so integrated and sustainable waste management is needed. Gresik Regency is one of the areas that support the development of the city of Surabaya so it is experiencing rapid growth in all sectors. The condition of the capacity of the Ngipik landfill waste cell serving the Gresik sub-district has experienced an overload. The problem in this research is how solid waste management in Gresik district is viewed from the technical aspect with an evaluation that refers to the applicable laws and regulations on waste so that the research objectives are obtained by analyzing the technical aspects. This study uses quantitative data and qualitative data methods and then analyzed them by conducting a review of aspects related to the validity of existing conditions according to normative standards and waste management theory. The evaluation results obtained as follows: The level of waste reduction has not yet reached 30% and waste services in Gresik sub-district by: 100%, there is still at least a willingness to store segregated containers, there are still TPS without roofs, transportation has been fulfilled but the fleet and containers are still available, not feasible, the location of the Ngipik landfill is feasible based on SNI 03-3141-1994.Pengelolaan sampah merupakan tantangan serius bagi pemerintah dalam mengambil kebijakan, sehingga dibutuhkan pengelolaan sampah yang terintregasi dan berkelanjutan. Kabupaten Gresik merupakan salah satu daerah yang mendukung perkembangan kota Surabaya sehingga mengalami pertumbuhan disegala sektor secara pesat. kondisi kapasitas sel sampah TPA Ngipik yang melayani kecamatan Gresik telah mengalami overload. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pengelolaan sampah dikecamatan Gresik ditinjau dari aspek teknis dengan evaluasi yang mengacu pada paraturan perundang – undangan tentang persampahan yang berlaku, sehingga diperoleh tujuan penelitian dengan cara menganalisis aspek teknis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif kemudian dianalisis dengan melakukan tinjauan terhadap aspek yang berkaitan dengan keabsahan kondisi eksisting menurut standar normatif dan teori pengelolaan sampah. Dari hasil evaluasi diperoleh sebagai berikut Tingkat pengurangan sampah belum mencapai 30% dan layanan persampahan di Kecamatan Gresik sebesar: 100 %, masih sedikitnya kesediaan pewadahan terpilah, masih ada TPS tanpa atap, pengangkutan sudah memenuhi namun armada dan kontainer masih ada yg kurang layak, lokasi TPA Ngipik layak berdasarkan SNI 03-3141-1994

    Illocutionary Speech Act (Analysis in Arabic Animated Series “SFH Youtube Channel”)

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    This study is illocutionary speech acts performed in Arabic animated series in Youtube channel. This study aims to describe the types as well as the functions of illocutionary speech acts performed by characters in the animated series SFH Youtube Channel. Moreover, this study also describes the most and the least used illocutionary speech acts performed in the movie. This study uses qualitative method employing descriptive analysis design. The data sources of this research were collected by watching animated series videos from YouTube and then observing them transcribing speech acts in the video in written form. Furthermore, the data are categorized into some types of illocutionary speech acts. The result showed that there are five kinds of illocutionary speech acts which are performed in Arabic animated series "SFH Youtube Channel" which are representative, declarative, expressive, directive, and commissive

    Enhancing the mechanical properties and formability of low carbon steel with dual-phase microstructures

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    In the present study, a special heat treatment cycle (step quenching) was used to produce a dual-phase (DP) microstructure in low carbon steel. By producing this DP microstructure, the mechanical properties of the investigated steel such as yield stress, tensile strength, and Vickers hardness were increased 14, 55, and 38%, respectively. In order to investigate the effect of heat treatment on formability of the steel, Nakazima forming test was applied and subsequently finite element base modeling was used to predict the outcome on forming limit diagrams. The results show that the DP microstructure also has a positive effect on formability. The results of finite element simulations are in a good agreement with those obtained by the experimental test

    Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Bulutangkis Teknik Dasar Langkah Kaki

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan produk video pembelajaran bulutangkis teknik dasar langkah kaki yang terdiri dari (1) menyusun naskah video pembelajaran bulutangkis teknik dasar langkah kaki, (2) mengembangkan video belajar bulutangkis teknik dasar langkah kaki, yang berisi materi teknik teknik dasar, yaitu: (a) langkah kaki ke kiri depan, (b) langkah kaki ke kanan depan, (c) langkah kaki ke samping kanan, (d) langkah kaki ke samping kiri, (e) langkah kaki ke kanan belakang, dan (f) langkah kaki ke kiri belakang. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan ini mengacu pada model pengembangan Borg dan Gall yang terdiri atas sepuluh langkah, namun dengan pertimbangan waktu dan biaya, peneliti hanya memodifikasi menjadi tujuh langkah. Hasil pengembangan penelitian ini adalah: (1) naskah video belajar bulutangkis teknik dasar langkah kaki, (2) video belajar bulutangkis teknik dasar langkah kaki dalam format digital versatile disc (DVD). Berdasarkan penilaian ahli media pembelajaran dan ahli pembelajaran bulutangkis, serta hasil uji coba lapangan, hasil produk yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan sebagai media dalam pembelajaran pada materi bulutangkis teknik dasar langkah kaki, di SMAK Kolese Santo Yusup Malang

    Analysis of Community Interest in Sports at Rawamangun Velodrome Area

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    Sport is physical activity carried out systematically, regularly, planned and sustainably to maintain and develop physical, spiritual and social health. Jakarta International Velodrome Rawamangun has facilities for the public to carry out sports activities. Sports facilities are one of the reasons for increasing people's interest in doing sports activities. The aim of this research is to find out how interested the public is in sports at the Jakarta International Velodrome, East Jakarta City. This research method uses a quantitative approach using a survey method. The population is people who carry out sports activities at the Jakarta International Velodrome Rawamangun. The sample was determined using the Slovin formula with a population of 180/day sourced from data from the Rawamangun Velodrome management. So the total sample is 125 people. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. This research variable is interest. This research interest describes feelings of interest, comfort, emotions, experiences, facilities, activities, geographical conditions and friends. The research instrument used a questionnaire of 20 questions. Data analysis uses descriptive methods. The research results explained that 98.4% of respondents had a high interest in carrying out sports activities at the Jakarta International Velodrome Rawamangun