2,431 research outputs found

    Design of a Multiband Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna for Satellite Communications Application

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    In this thesis, a multiband stacked patch antenna for satellite communications is proposed. Since handheld devices used for satellite communications are mainly monopole antennas, this thesis explores the possibilities of developing a microstrip patch antenna that can be integrated in the satellite communications’ handheld devices. Therefore, a designed antenna for satellite communications that operates around the two bands 1.487 GHz and 1.578 GHz is proposed. The antenna composes of two stacked patches with total dimensions of 45 x 45 mm and 40 x 40 mm for the lower and upper patches, respectively, separated by FR_4 as a dielectric material. The proposed antenna is designed using the method of moments simulator of ADS and the simulations results show good performance in satellite communications bands with gain of 3.42 dBi and circular polarization from 1.453 GHz to 1.478 GHz. Additionally, the antenna shows multiple matching frequencies that can be used for other purposes along with the satellite communications. Moreover, this antenna is simple, easy to fabricate and manufacture, and implement on different devices comparing to other monopole antennas that serve the same purpose

    Séroprévalence de l’hépatite virale C à l’Hôpital Militaire d’Instruction Mohammed V de Rabat

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    Introduction: l’hépatite virale C représente un problème majeur de santé publique. L’OMS estime qu’il y’aurait 180 millions de porteurs chroniques de part le monde. L’objectif de cette étude est de connaître la séroprévalence de l’hépatite C virale à l’hôpital militaire d’instruction Mohammed V de Rabat.Méthodes: à travers cette étude rétrospective, menée entre janvier 2010 et décembre 2012 et qui Concerne les  patients hémodialysés chroniques du centre d’hémodialyse (groupe 1, n =152), les donneurs de sang du centre de transfusion (groupe 2, n= 29530) et les jeunes recrues des forces armées royales marocaine en visite  d’aptitude (groupe 3, n=15320). Au total 45002 sérums ont été testés par technique immunoenzymatique au laboratoire de l’HMIMV.Résultats: la séroprévalence du virus de l’hépatite C est respectivement de 17,8 % pour le groupe1, de 0,18% pour le groupe 2 et de 0,25% pour le groupe 3.Conclusion: la faible prévalence de l’hépatite C enregistrée dans notre étude semble en rapport avec leur faible endémicité au Maroc. Les taux de prévalence retrouvés sont inférieurs à ceux enregistrés dans la population générale traduisant l’efficacité des programmes de surveillance, de prévention et de prise en charge des infections hépatiques adoptés au sein du Service de santé des forces armées royales marocaines.Key words: Hépatite C virale, hémodialysés chronique, donneurs sang,séroprévalenc

    Correlation between surface tension, work of adhesion in liquid metals/ceramic systems, and acoustic parameters

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    In the paper, a correlation between acoustic velocities V, elastic moduli M, and densities ρ, with surface tension σm, and work of adhesion Wad of different liquid metals on a given ceramic is studied and demonstrated. Simulation program is developed and used for scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) under operating conditions, which favour the generation of acoustic waves. As found, for the given systems, all investigated acoustic parameters exhibit good dependences with both σm and Wad. Analysis and quantification of the results lead to the determination of semi-empirical formulas.В статті вперше демонструється кореляція між акустичними швидкостями V, пружніми модулями M, густинами ρ та поверхневим натягом σm, а також роботою адгезії Wad різних рідких металів на фіксованій кераміці. Використовується обчислювальна програма для сканувального акустичного мікроскопу (САМ) за умов, що є сприятливими задля ґенерування акустичних хвиль. Виявлено, що для конкретних систем усі досліджені акустичні параметри демонструють хорошу залежність від поверхневого натягу та роботи адгезії. Аналіза та кількісне визначення результатів привели до встановлення напівемпіричних формул.В статье исследуется и впервые демонстрируется корреляция между акустическими скоростями V, упругими модулями M, плотностями ρ и поверхностным натяжением σm, а также работой адгезии Wad различных жидких металлов на фиксированной керамике. Используется вычислительная программа для сканирующего акустического микроскопа (САМ) в условиях, благоприятных для генерирования акустических волн. Обнаружено, что для конкретных систем все исследованные акустические параметры демонстрируют хорошую зависимость от поверхностного натяжения и работы адгезии. Анализ и количественное определение результатов привели к установлению полуэмпирических формул

    Effect of slaughter season on postmortem metabolic characteristics of muscle in the dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of slaughter season on the postmortem metabolic characteristics of dromedary camel longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle. A total number of thirty male camels (5-7 years old) were included in this work. Ten camels were slaughtered according to season of the year (winter, spring and summer). The samples were analyzed for muscle pH, muscle temperature, electrical conductivity, drip loss (DL), cooking loss(CL) and thawing loss (TL). No significant (p> 0.05) effect of slaughter season on muscle pH and cooking loss was observed. However, slaughter season significantly (p< 0.05) influenced the electrical conductivity, muscle temperature, drip loss and thawing loss. All of these parameters were higher (p< 0.05) during summer as compared to winter and / or spring seasons. Moreover, several correlations between different studied parameters were reported. In conclusion, these findings indicated that slaughter season had a significant (p< 0.05) effect on several postmortem metabolic parameters of camels. Therefore, this study demonstrated that the electrical conductivity late postmortem measurement can be used as a suitable method for the evaluation of camel's meat quality

    Additional records on the occurrence of two alien Leguminosae in Algeria

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    During field surveys, carried out between 2021 and 2022 in northeastern Algeria, two populations of Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Kuntze were discovered. One population was located in the middle of a quite natural habitat in the Filfilla region (wilaya of Skikda). In this locality, the species seems more or less established and can be considered to be at the beginning of the naturalization process, a degree of naturalization not previously reported in Algeria and mainland North Africa. Our surveys also revealed several populations of Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C. Nielsen, a species that was recently reported as naturalized in Algeria but for which details on its naturalization were lacking. We here describe the localities in which the two species were observed, present a map of their distribution, field photographs and a key for the identification of both genera.Med terenskimi raziskavami, izvedenimi med letoma 2021 in 2022 v severovzhodni Alžiriji, so odkrili dve populaciji vrste Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Kuntze. Ena populacija je bila locirana sredi povsem naravnega habitata v regiji Filfilla (wilaya Skikda). Na tem območju se zdi, da je vrsta bolj ali manj uveljavljena in se lahko šteje, da je na začetku procesa naturalizacije, stopnje naturalizacije, o kateri prej ni bilo poročil v Alžiriji in celinski Severni Afriki. Naše raziskave so odkrile tudi več populacij Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C. Nielsen, vrsta, za katero so nedavno poročali, da je naturalizirana v Alžiriji, vendar zanjo manjkajo podrobnosti o njeni naturalizaciji. Tukaj opisujemo nahajališča, kjer sta bili vrsti opaženi, prikazujemo zemljevid njune razširjenosti, terenske fotografije in ključ za identifikacijo obeh rodov

    Islamic banks financing of building and construction contracts through lease financing

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    يهدف هدا المقال إلى الوقوف على أحد أهم صيغ العقود المستخدمة حالياً على مستوى العالم لإقامة وتحويل وتمويل مشروعات البنية الأساسية بواسطة القطاع الخاص وهو نظام عمليات البناء والتشغيل ثم التحويل الـ BOT، وقد نجحت العديد من البنوك الإسلامية في تنمية وتطوير البنية التحتية من خلال استخدام تلك العقود. فما هو أثر إستراتيجية التمويل عن طريق الإيجار لعقود البناء والتشييد؟ وهل استطاعت البنوك الإسلامية فرض قدرتها التنافسية من خلال هذه الإستراتيجية؟This article aims to identify one of the most important formulas of contracts currently used in the world to set up, transfer and finance infrastructure projects by the private sector, which is the system of building and operating operations and then the transfer of BOT. Many Islamic banks have succeeded in developing infrastructure through the use of those contracts . What is the impact of the lease-financing strategy for building and construction contracts? Have Islamic banks been able to impose their competitiveness through this strategy

    William Marçais y su obra sobre el dialecto árabe hablado en Tremecén. Trascendencia para la historia de la dialectología de Argelia

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    Breve presentación de la figura del arabista francés William Marçais y sus estudios sobre el dialecto árabe de Tremecén, estudiando el contenido de la obra Le dialecte arabe parlé à Tlemcen. Grammaire, textes et glossaire (1902) y su labor pionera en la constitución de una dialectología moderna argelina.Short introduction to the life of the French Orientalist William Marçais and his works about the Arabic dialect of the region of Tlemcen, focusing attention on the contents of Le dialecte arabe parlé à Tlemcen. Grammaire, textes et glossaire (1902). We remark his pioneering career in the consolidation of the modern Algerian Dialectology

    Mubārak al-Mīlī and the reformist ulema in Algeria (1931-1945)

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    Este trabajo estudia la figura de Mubārak al-Mīlī desde el punto de vista de su participación intelectual en el reformismo educativo y cultural de Argelia durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, y sus actividades dentro de la Asociación de Ulemas Musulmanes Argelinos. Conocido sobre todo por su excepcional contribución a la historiografía de la nación argelina, gracias a su obra Tārīj al-Ŷazā’ir fī-l-qadīm wa-l-ḥadīṯ, en este trabajo nos centraremos en otras de sus obras, en la repercusión de su pensamiento islámico y el papel de la mujer en la construcción de una sociedad dirigida hacia la revolución.This paper studies the role of Mubārak al-Mīlī from the point of view of his intellectual participation in Algeria’s educational and cultural reformism during the first half of the 20th century, and his activities within the Association of Algerian Muslim Ulema. Best known for his exceptional contribution to the historiography of the Algerian nation, thanks to his work Tārīj al-Ŷazā’ir fī-l-qadīm wa-l-ḥadīṯ, in this paper we will focus on other of his works, on the impact of his Islamic thought and the role of women in the construction of a society directed towards revolution

    En torno a la celebración del I Congreso de Patrimonio Hidráulico del Mediterráneo

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