2,843 research outputs found

    Generating TV summaries for CE-devices

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    Automatically generated summaries of TV content are indispensable for content selection and navigation in CE-devices. We show two types of summaries: Short video trailers and visual overviews consisting of representative frames. The demo does not only show the feasibility of the proposed algorithms, but also shows how different types of generated summaries can be used in future CE-devices

    Mechanical dynamic load of the LHC arc cryo-magnets during the installation

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    About 1700 LHC main superconducting dipoles and quadrupoles will have to be transported and handled between the assembly, the magnet measurements and the storage that precedes the final installation in the LHC tunnel. To ensure the required mechanic and geometric integrity of the cryo-magnets, transport specifications and allowed acceleration loads were defined after detailed dynamic analysis. A large number of cryo-magnets are now arriving at CERN on a regular basis. The logistics for the handling and transport are monitored with tri-axial acceleration monitoring devices that are installed on each cryo-magnet. Measurements are made to commission new equipment like overhead cranes, tunnel transport and handling devices to guarantee that the defined acceleration limits are respected. The results from the acceleration monitoring that are stored in the same quality assurance system as the cryo-magnets allowed to give a first idea of the level of the mechanical dynamic load on each magnet throughout the logistics chain and were used to detect details such as out-of-specification accelerations that needed improvement

    French consumer preferences reveal a potential for segmentation in carrot

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    Gustatory differentiation is one possible means of segmentation. Consumer preferences of carrot were studied within the framework of the CosiVeg project. The characteristics of batches offered for consumer assessment enables their preferences to be evaluated. In preparation for a hedonic test of raw grated carrots that was carried out in autumn 2011, the carrot sensory space was studied in 2010 using 48 batches that were evaluated using quantative descriptive sensory analysis. The cultivars were representative of different types, Nantais, Imperator, Flakkee, coloured carrots and genetic resources. . Significant differences were observed for all criteria, allowing varieties to be grouped based on their sensory characteristics. Texture, flavor and aroma contribute to the “identity” of carrots. Overall aroma is correlated with perceptions of bitterness, sharpness and chemical aroma. Fourteen orange carrot varieties were selected for sowing in 2011. In 2010, although maximum scores were obtained for pungent and bitter attributes, this was not the case in 2011. In spite of this, the selected batches allowed the different profiles of the sensory characteristics of the carrots to be determined. Ten batches of carrot that represented a wide range of variability were tasted by a trained panel as well as a consumer panel; the product was presented as raw grated carrot. The sensory measurements obtained were used to map preferences, underlining preferences for a carrot that is juicy, aromatic and sweet. However bitter and chemical flavour carrots were not appreciated. Three types of consumer exist each having different expectations in terms of quality. Almost 20 % of people questioned are looking for a high quality product, for 33 % of consumers carrots are a staple food and they have no specific expectations and 48 % are satisfied with the current product but are potentially interested by a product that would distinguish itself as regards to quality. It means that segmentation with a high gustatory quality will be of interest for one consumer for 5

    The baryogenesis window in the MSSM

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    Thermal two-loop QCD corrections associated with light stops have a dramatic effect on the strength of the MSSM electroweak phase transition, making it more strongly first order as required for the viability of electroweak baryogenesis. We perform a perturbative analysis of the transition strength in this model, including these important contributions, extending previous work to arbitrary values of the pseudoscalar Higgs boson mass, m_A. We find a strong enough transition in a region with 2 120 GeV, a light Higgs boson with nearly standard couplings, and mass below 85 GeV within the reach of LEP II, and one stop not much heavier than the top quark. In addition, we give a qualitative discussion of the parameter space dependence of the transition strength and comment on the possibility that the transition turns to a crossover for sufficiently large Higgs masses.Comment: 33 pages, latex2e, 5 figures, epsfig.sty. Final version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Los procesos de relocalización de la santería en México: algunos ejemplos etnográficos

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    Los procesos de relocalización de la santería en México: algunos ejemplos etnográfico

    La santería à Mexico : ébauche ethnographique

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    La diffusion de la santería (religion d’origine afro-cubaine) est un phénomène relativement récent et très peu étudié au Mexique. Le présent article prétend offrir une esquisse ethnographique de la présence et de la pratique de la santería dans ce pays, en prenant le cas de la ville de Mexico.The spreading of the Santería (an originally Afro-Cuban religion) is a rather recent phenomenon that has been basely studied in Mexico. This paper presents an ethnographical draft of the current practices of the Santería in this country, through the specific case of Mexico City

    Qualité organoleptique de la carotte : variabilité des critères sensoriels selon le type variétal

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    La différenciation gustative est une voie possible de segmentation. L\u27étude a porté sur la variabilité des critères sensoriels dans le matériel végétal. Trente-trois varié - tés des types Nantais, Imperator, Flakkee, de carottes de couleur et de ressources génétiques ont été caractérisées en analyse sensorielle descriptive quantitative et par des mesures physico-chimiques. Des différences significatives pour tous les critères existent et permettent de regrouper les variétés sur la base de leurs caractéristiques sensorielles. Texture, saveur et arôme contribuent à la typicité de la carotte ; l\u27arôme global est corrélé aux perceptions d\u27amer, de piquant et d\u27arôme chimique. La mesure des sucres ne permet pas d\u27évaluer la perception en bouche du sucre du fait de l\u27influence du potentiel d\u27amertume
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