114 research outputs found

    Formation of artificial pores in nano-TiO2 photo-electrode films using acetylene-black for high-efficiency, dye-sensitized solar cells

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    Acetylene-black paste without a light scattering layer was applied to meso-porous TiO2 photo-electrode films with a crystalline framework, a low residual carbon, and a tunable morphological pore size. The thermal-treated TiO2 photo-electrode films had an increased acetylene-black concentration with an increase in artificial pores and a decrease in residual carbon. The performance of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) was enhanced by the use of the TiO2 photo-anode pastes at various acetylene-black concentrations. The photo-conversion efficiency of the DSSCs using TiO2 photo-electrode films with 1.5 wt% acetylene-black was enhanced from 7.98 (no acetylene-black) to 9.75% without the integration of a light-scattering layer.open5

    The theory of brain-sign: a physical alternative to consciousness

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    Consciousness and the mind are prescientific concepts that begin with Greek theorizing. They suppose human rationality and reasoning placed in the human head by (in Christian terms) God, who structured the universe he created with the same kind of underlying characteristics. Descartes' development of the model included scientific objectivity by placing the mind outside the physical universe. In its failure under evidential scrutiny and without physical explanation, this model is destined for terminal decline. Instead, a genuine biological and physical function for the brain phenomenon can be developed. This is the theory of brain-sign. It accepts the causality of the brain as its physical characteristics, already under scientific scrutiny. What is needed is a new neurophysiological mapping language that specifies the relation of the structure and operation of the brain to organismic action in the world. Still what is lacking is an account of how neurophysiologies in different organisms communicate on dynamic, i.e. unpredictable, tasks. It is this evolved capacity that has emerged as brain-sign. Thus rather than mentality being an inner epistemological parallel world suddenly appearing in the head, brain-sign, as the neural sign of the causal status of the brain, facilitates the communicative medium of otherwise isolated organisms. The biogenesis of the phenomenon emerges directly from the account of the physical brain, and functions as a monistic feature of organisms in the physical world. This new paradigm offers disciplinary compatibility, and genuine development in behavioral and brain sciences

    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope enrichment in primate tissues

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    Isotopic studies of wild primates have used a wide range of tissues to infer diet and model the foraging ecologies of extinct species. The use of mismatched tissues for such comparisons can be problematic because differences in amino acid compositions can lead to small isotopic differences between tissues. Additionally, physiological and dietary differences among primate species could lead to variable offsets between apatite carbonate and collagen. To improve our understanding of the isotopic chemistry of primates, we explored the apparent enrichment (ε*) between bone collagen and muscle, collagen and fur or hair keratin, muscle and keratin, and collagen and bone carbonate across the primate order. We found that the mean ε* values of proteinaceous tissues were small (≤1‰), and uncorrelated with body size or phylogenetic relatedness. Additionally, ε* values did not vary by habitat, sex, age, or manner of death. The mean ε* value between bone carbonate and collagen (5.6 ± 1.2‰) was consistent with values reported for omnivorous mammals consuming monoisotopic diets. These primate-specific apparent enrichment values will be a valuable tool for cross-species comparisons. Additionally, they will facilitate dietary comparisons between living and fossil primates

    Self domestication and the evolution of language

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    Neanderthal behaviour, diet, and disease inferred from ancient DNA in dental calculus

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    Recent genomic data have revealed multiple interactions between Neanderthals and modern humans, but there is currently little genetic evidence regarding Neanderthal behaviour, diet, or disease. Here we describe the shotgun-sequencing of ancient DNA from five specimens of Neanderthal calcified dental plaque (calculus) and the characterization of regional differences in Neanderthal ecology. At Spy cave, Belgium, Neanderthal diet was heavily meat based and included woolly rhinoceros and wild sheep (mouflon), characteristic of a steppe environment. In contrast, no meat was detected in the diet of Neanderthals from El Sidrón cave, Spain, and dietary components of mushrooms, pine nuts, and moss reflected forest gathering. Differences in diet were also linked to an overall shift in the oral bacterial community (microbiota) and suggested that meat consumption contributed to substantial variation within Neanderthal microbiota. Evidence for self-medication was detected in an El Sidrón Neanderthal with a dental abscess and a chronic gastrointestinal pathogen (Enterocytozoon bieneusi). Metagenomic data from this individual also contained a nearly complete genome of the archaeal commensal Methanobrevibacter oralis (10.2× depth of coverage)-the oldest draft microbial genome generated to date, at around 48,000 years old. DNA preserved within dental calculus represents a notable source of information about the behaviour and health of ancient hominin specimens, as well as a unique system that is useful for the study of long-term microbial evolution

    Learning new sensorimotor contingencies:Effects of long-term use of sensory augmentation on the brain and conscious perception

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    Theories of embodied cognition propose that perception is shaped by sensory stimuli and by the actions of the organism. Following sensorimotor contingency theory, the mastery of lawful relations between own behavior and resulting changes in sensory signals, called sensorimotor contingencies, is constitutive of conscious perception. Sensorimotor contingency theory predicts that, after training, knowledge relating to new sensorimotor contingencies develops, leading to changes in the activation of sensorimotor systems, and concomitant changes in perception. In the present study, we spell out this hypothesis in detail and investigate whether it is possible to learn new sensorimotor contingencies by sensory augmentation. Specifically, we designed an fMRI compatible sensory augmentation device, the feelSpace belt, which gives orientation information about the direction of magnetic north via vibrotactile stimulation on the waist of participants. In a longitudinal study, participants trained with this belt for seven weeks in natural environment. Our EEG results indicate that training with the belt leads to changes in sleep architecture early in the training phase, compatible with the consolidation of procedural learning as well as increased sensorimotor processing and motor programming. The fMRI results suggest that training entails activity in sensory as well as higher motor centers and brain areas known to be involved in navigation. These neural changes are accompanied with changes in how space and the belt signal are perceived, as well as with increased trust in navigational ability. Thus, our data on physiological processes and subjective experiences are compatible with the hypothesis that new sensorimotor contingencies can be acquired using sensory augmentation

    Acompanhamento de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica : aspectos laboratoriais nos períodos pré e pós-operatório

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmácia, Florianópolis, 2017A obesidade é uma doença crônica e endócrino-metabólica caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de triacilgliceróis no tecido adiposo, capaz de ser revertida ou amenizada através de intervenção cirúrgica. Epidemiologicamente têm sido descritas associações entre o excesso de peso, resistência à insulina e processo inflamatório crônico. Além disso, nas últimas décadas o sistema complemento foi associado a doenças metabólicas e cardiovasculares e intimamente relacionado com a obesidade e resistência à insulina. Sendo assim, a melhora do estado metabólico e a remissão da inflamação em pacientes obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica foram avaliadas, bem como a associação dos fatores 3 e 4 (C3 e C4) do sistema complemento com a sensibilidade à insulina e a perda de peso após a cirurgia bariátrica. Para isso, a presença de comorbidades e as concentrações séricas de leptina, adiponectina, resistina e grelina foram avaliados em pacientes obesos mórbidos antes, 1, 3 e 6 meses após a cirurgia bariátrica. Também foram medidas as concentrações de IL-1ß, IL-6, TNF-a, proteína amiloide sérica A (SAA), proteína quimiotática de monócitos 1 (MCP-1), C3, C4, glicose, insulina, colesterol total, triacilglicerol, LDL- colesterol, HDL-colesterol e foi realizado o cálculo do modelo de avaliação da homeostase da resistência à insulina (HOMA-IR) durante o seguimento da cirurgia, bem como em comparação com um grupo de indivíduos não-obesos. Como resultado, observou-se uma redução significativa de peso acompanhada de melhora do perfil lipídico, da sensibilidade à insulina e das comorbidades. Ainda, houve diminuição de leptina e aumento de adiponectina no período pós-cirúrgico. IL-1ß, IL-6, TNF-a, MCP-1 e SAA não mostraram diferença no acompanhamento da cirurgia, porém SAA correlacionou-se com o IMC e apresentou-se muito mais alto no grupo de pacientes obesos. Além disso, C3 e C4 foram significativamente maiores em indivíduos obesos quando comparados aos indivíduos não-obesos e C3 e C4 foram positivamente correlacionados com HOMA-IR e as concentrações de C3 foram significativamente diminuídas após a cirurgia. Com base nesses resultados, a cirurgia bariátrica mostrou melhorar o estado metabólico melhorando as comorbidades associadas à obesidade e os biomarcadores de adiposidade leptina e adiponectina, mas não os demais hormônios e citocinas inflamatórias e C3 e C4 foram fortemente associados à sensibilidade à insulina.Abstract: Obesity is a chronic and endocrine-metabolic disease characterized by triacylglycerol accumulation in the adipose tissue, which can be reversed or improved through surgical intervention. Epidemiologically, associations between overweight, insulin resistance and chronic inflammatory process have been described. Furthermore, in the last decades the complement system was associated with metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and related to obesity and insulin resistance. Thus, metabolic status improvement and inflammation remission in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery were evaluated, as well as the association of complement system factors 3 and 4 (C3 and C4) with insulin sensitivity and weight loss after bariatric surgery. For this, comorbidities and leptin, adiponectin, resistin and ghrelin serum concentrations were evaluated in morbidly obese patients before, 1, 3 and 6 months after bariatric surgery. IL-1ß, IL-6, TNF-a, serum amyloid A protein (SAA), monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1), C3, C4, glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol concentrations and the calculation of the homeostasis model of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were performed during the surgery follow-up, as well in a group of non-obese individuals. As a result, significant weight loss followed by improvement in lipid profile, insulin sensitivity and comorbidities were observed. Still, there was a decrease in leptin and an increase in adiponectin in the postoperative period. IL-1ß, IL-6, TNF-a, MCP-1 and SAA showed no difference after surgery, but SAA correlated with BMI and was much higher in obese patients. In addition, both C3 and C4 were significantly higher in obese individuals when compared to lean individuals and positively correlated with HOMA-IR. C3 concentrations were significantly decreased after surgery. Based on these results, bariatric surgery has been shown to improve metabolic status by improving obesity-associated comorbidities and adiposity biomarkers leptin and adiponectin but not the other hormones and inflammatory cytokines and C3 and C4 were strongly associated with insulin sensitivity