319 research outputs found

    Using Ciliate Operations to Construct Chromosome Phylogenies

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    Whole genome sequencing has revealed several examples where genomes of different species are related by permutation. The number of certain types of rearrangements needed to transform one permuted list into another can measure the distance between such lists. Using an algorithm based on three basic DNA editing operations suggested by a model for ciliate micronuclear decryption, this study defines the distance between two permutations to be the number of ciliate operations the algorithm performs during such a transformation. Combining well-known clustering methods with this distance function enables one to construct corresponding phylogenies. These ideas are illustrated by exploring the phylogenetic relationships among the chromosomes of eight fruit fly (Drosophila) species, using the well-known UPGMA algorithm on the distance function provided by the ciliate operations

    Low Temperature Physics

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    Contains research objectives and reports on one research project

    Face identification by deformation measure

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    This paper studies the problem of face identification for the particular application of an automatic cash machine withdrawal: the problem is to decide if a person identifying himself by a secret code is the same person registered in the data base. The identification process consists of three main stages. The localization of salient features is obtained by using morphological operators and spatio-temporal information. The location of these features are used to achieve a normalization of the face image with regard to the corresponding face in the data base. Facial features, such as eyes, mouth and nose, are extracted by an active contour model which is able to incorporate information about the global shape of each object. Finally the identification is achieved by face warping including a deformation measure. 1

    Pemanfaatan Sig Untuk Monitoring Kebocoran Jaringan Pipa Pdam Di Kabupaten Demak

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    Kebocoran memang merupakan masalah yang umum dihadapi oleh PDAM. Di Indonesia tingkat kebocoran air pada saluran distribusi PDAM saat ini masih cukup tinggi yaitu diantara 20-30% di tiap daerah. Penanganan kebocoran sangat berkaitan erat dengan informasi jaringan yang kemudian disajikan ke dalam SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) sebagai representasi informasi pemetaan jaringan pipa distribusi di PDAM secara geometris.Untuk mendapatkan SIG jaringan pipa distribusi PDAM, dilakukan pemetaan jaringan distribusi pipa menggunakan GPS navigasi dan didukung atribut-atribut informasi perpipaan seperti diameter dan panjang pipa. Selanjutnya untuk menganalisis jaringan distribusi pipa menggunakan software EPANET 2.0, dari kedua metode tersebut dapat dianalisis kondisi jaringan eksisting yang ada untuk mengetahui daerah yang mengalami rawan kebocoran.Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis EPANET jaringan pipa eksisting (kondisi jam puncak), mengalami pressure tertinggi sebesar 59,91 m, head tertinggi sebesar 89,92 m 2, flow (debit aliran) tertinggi sebesar 8,54 LPS, velocity (kecepatan aliran) tertinggi sebesar 0,92 m/s, Unit headloss (kehilangan tekanan) tertinggi sebesar 35,70 m/km. Hasil simulasi EPANET disajikan pada SIG berupa peta jaringan distribusi dan perhitungan kebocoran dengan membandingkan jumlah air distribusi dan air terjual, yang menunjukkan tingkat kehilangan air/kebocoran tertinggi pada tahun 2012 terdapat pada bulan Desember yaitu sebesar 10785 m3 dan pada tahun 2013 terdapat pada bulan Januari yaitu sebesar 6298 m3

    Low Temperature Physics

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    Contains reports on five research projects


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    This study aims to identify and construct molecular phylogeny of an isolate bacteria from culture media of rotifer Brachionus rotudiforis supplied with processed fishery waste feed as nutritional source. The use of fish waste-based food for rotifer showed positive effects on growth and nutrient content of the rotifers. Genomic DNA of the isolate bacteria BRLI- 01 was extracted and the 16S rRNA gene was amplified using primers (8F and 1492F) and further sequenced using Sanger sequence technique. The 16S rRNA gene was analysed using SeqScanner® and MEGA® followed with BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) analyses in the NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information). Amplification result of 16S rRNA gene bacteria s NCBI site as a reference for identification and phylogeny of bacterial species. BRLI-01 was successfully cultured on rotifer rearing media. The results of the 16S rRNA gene amplification of the isolate bacteria showed a DNA band with a length of 1400 bp. The BLAST result on the NCBI showed that the isolate bacteria BRLI-01 had a percent identity (98.46%) and is in the same phylogony branching position with Vibrio rotiferianus Keywords: Rotifers, Bacteria, Fish waste, 16S rRNA Genes, Phylogeny identificatio

    Dust Emission Features in NGC 7023 between 0.35 and 2.5 micron: Extended Red Emission (0.7 micron) and Two New Emission Features (1.15 and 1.5 micron)

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    We present 0.35 to 2.5 micron spectra of the south and northwest filaments in the reflection nebula NGC 7023. These spectra were used to test the theory of Seahra & Duley that carbon nanoparticles are responsible for Extended Red Emission (ERE). Our spectra fail to show their predicted second emission band at 1.0 micron even though both filaments exhibit strong emission in the familiar 0.7 micron ERE band. The northwest filament spectrum does show one, and possibly two, new dust emission features in the near-infrared. We clearly detect a strong emission band at 1.5 micron which we tentatively attribute to beta-FeSi_2 grains. We tentatively detect a weaker emission band at 1.15 micron which coincides with the location expected for transitions from the conduction band to mid-gap defect states of silicon nanoparticles. This is added evidence that silicon nanoparticles are responsible for ERE as they already can explain the observed behavior of the main visible ERE band.Comment: 9 pages, color figures, accepted to the ApJ, color and b/w versions available at http://dirty.as.arizona.edu/~kgordon/papers/ere_1um.htm

    Preliminary definitions for the sonographic features of synovitis in children

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    Objectives Musculoskeletal ultrasonography (US) has the potential to be an important tool in the assessment of disease activity in childhood arthritides. To assess pathology, clear definitions for synovitis need to be developed first. The aim of this study was to develop and validate these definitions through an international consensus process. Methods The decision on which US techniques to use, the components to be included in the definitions as well as the final wording were developed by 31 ultrasound experts in a consensus process. A Likert scale of 1-5 with 1 indicating complete disagreement and 5 complete agreement was used. A minimum of 80% of the experts scoring 4 or 5 was required for final approval. The definitions were then validated on 120 standardized US images of the wrist, MCP and tibiotalar joints displaying various degrees of synovitis at various ages. Results B-Mode and Doppler should be used for assessing synovitis in children. A US definition of the various components (i.e. synovial hypertrophy, effusion and Doppler signal within the synovium) was developed. The definition was validated on still images with a median of 89% (range 80-100) of participants scoring it as 4 or 5 on a Likert scale. Conclusions US definitions of synovitis and its elementary components covering the entire pediatric age range were successfully developed through a Delphi process and validated in a web-based still images exercise. These results provide the basis for the standardized US assessment of synovitis in clinical practice and research
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