1,008 research outputs found

    Explicit factorization of external coordinates in constrained Statistical Mechanics models

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    If a macromolecule is described by curvilinear coordinates or rigid constraints are imposed, the equilibrium probability density that must be sampled in Monte Carlo simulations includes the determinants of different mass-metric tensors. In this work, we explicitly write the determinant of the mass-metric tensor G and of the reduced mass-metric tensor g, for any molecule, general internal coordinates and arbitrary constraints, as a product of two functions; one depending only on the external coordinates that describe the overall translation and rotation of the system, and the other only on the internal coordinates. This work extends previous results in the literature, proving with full generality that one may integrate out the external coordinates and perform Monte Carlo simulations in the internal conformational space of macromolecules. In addition, we give a general mathematical argument showing that the factorization is a consequence of the symmetries of the metric tensors involved. Finally, the determinant of the mass-metric tensor G is computed explicitly in a set of curvilinear coordinates specially well-suited for general branched molecules.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, AMSTeX. v2: Introduccion slightly extended. Version in arXiv is slightly larger than the published on

    Computing Fresnel integrals via modified trapezium rules

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    In this paper we propose methods for computing Fresnel integrals based on truncated trapezium rule approximations to integrals on the real line, these trapezium rules modified to take into account poles of the integrand near the real axis. Our starting point is a method for computation of the error function of complex argument due to Matta and Reichel (J Math Phys 34:298–307, 1956) and Hunter and Regan (Math Comp 26:539–541, 1972). We construct approximations which we prove are exponentially convergent as a function of N , the number of quadrature points, obtaining explicit error bounds which show that accuracies of 10−15 uniformly on the real line are achieved with N=12 , this confirmed by computations. The approximations we obtain are attractive, additionally, in that they maintain small relative errors for small and large argument, are analytic on the real axis (echoing the analyticity of the Fresnel integrals), and are straightforward to implement

    Quantum mechanical calculation of the effects of stiff and rigid constraints in the conformational equilibrium of the Alanine dipeptide

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    If constraints are imposed on a macromolecule, two inequivalent classical models may be used: the stiff and the rigid one. This work studies the effects of such constraints on the Conformational Equilibrium Distribution (CED) of the model dipeptide HCO-L-Ala-NH2 without any simplifying assumption. We use ab initio Quantum Mechanics calculations including electron correlation at the MP2 level to describe the system, and we measure the conformational dependence of all the correcting terms to the naive CED based in the Potential Energy Surface (PES) that appear when the constraints are considered. These terms are related to mass-metric tensors determinants and also occur in the Fixman's compensating potential. We show that some of the corrections are non-negligible if one is interested in the whole Ramachandran space. On the other hand, if only the energetically lower region, containing the principal secondary structure elements, is assumed to be relevant, then, all correcting terms may be neglected up to peptides of considerable length. This is the first time, as far as we know, that the analysis of the conformational dependence of these correcting terms is performed in a relevant biomolecule with a realistic potential energy function.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, BibTeX, AMSTe

    Pattern Formation in Interface Depinning and Other Models: Erratically Moving Spatial Structures

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    We study erratically moving spatial structures that are found in a driven interface in a random medium at the depinning threshold. We introduce a bond-disordered variant of the Sneppen model and study the effect of extremal dynamics on the morphology of the interface. We find evidence for the formation of a structure which moves along with the growth site. The time average of the structure, which is defined with respect to the active spot of growth, defines an activity-centered pattern. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations show that the pattern has a tail which decays slowly, as a power law. To understand this sort of pattern formation, we write down an approximate integral equation involving the local interface dynamics and long-ranged jumps of the growth spot. We clarify the nature of the approximation by considering a model for which the integral equation is exactly derivable from an extended master equation. Improvements to the equation are considered by adding a second coupled equation which provides a self-consistent description. The pattern, which defines a one-point correlation function, is shown to have a strong effect on ordinary space-fixed two-point correlation functions. Finally we present evidence that this sort of pattern formation is not confined to the interface problem, but is generic to situations in which the activity at succesive time steps is correlated, as for instance in several other extremal models. We present numerical results for activity-centered patterns in the Bak-Sneppen model of evolution and the Zaitsev model of low-temperature creep.Comment: RevTeX, 18 pages, 19 eps-figures, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Reconstitution of a functional IS608 single-strand transpososome: role of non-canonical base pairing

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    Single-stranded (ss) transposition, a recently identified mechanism adopted by members of the widespread IS200/IS605 family of insertion sequences (IS), is catalysed by the transposase, TnpA. The transposase of IS608, recognizes subterminal imperfect palindromes (IP) at both IS ends and cleaves at sites located at some distance. The cleavage sites, C, are not recognized directly by the protein but by short sequences 5â€Č to the foot of each IP, guide (G) sequences, using a network of canonical (‘Watson–Crick’) base interactions. In addition a set of non-canonical base interactions similar to those found in RNA structures are also involved. We have reconstituted a biologically relevant complex, the transpososome, including both left and right ends and TnpA, which catalyses excision of a ss DNA circle intermediate. We provide a detailed picture of the way in which the IS608 transpososome is assembled and demonstrate that both C and G sequences are essential for forming a robust transpososome detectable by EMSA. We also address several questions central to the organization and function of the ss transpososome and demonstrate the essential role of non-canonical base interactions in the IS608 ends for its stability by using point mutations which destroy individual non-canonical base interactions

    Environmental Impact on Vascular Development Predicted by High-Throughput Screening

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    Background: Understanding health risks to embryonic development from exposure to environmental chemicals is a significant challenge given the diverse chemical landscape and paucity of data for most of these compounds. High-throughput screening (HTS) in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ToxCastℱ project provides vast data on an expanding chemical library currently consisting of > 1,000 unique compounds across > 500 in vitro assays in phase I (complete) and Phase II (under way). This public data set can be used to evaluate concentration-dependent effects on many diverse biological targets and build predictive models of prototypical toxicity pathways that can aid decision making for assessments of human developmental health and disease

    Genotoxic stress causes the accumulation of the splicing regulator Sam68 in nuclear foci of transcriptionally active chromatin

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    DNA-damaging agents cause a multifaceted cellular stress response. Cells set in motion either repair mechanisms or programmed cell death pathways, depending on the extent of the damage and on their ability to withstand it. The RNA-binding protein (RBP) Sam68, which is up-regulated in prostate carcinoma, promotes prostate cancer cell survival to genotoxic stress. Herein, we have investigated the function of Sam68 in this cellular response. Mitoxantrone (MTX), a topoisomerase II inhibitor, induced relocalization of Sam68 from the nucleoplasm to nuclear granules, together with several other RBPs involved in alternative splicing, such as TIA-1, hnRNP A1 and the SR proteins SC35 and ASF/SF2. Sam68 accumulation in nuclear stress granules was independent of signal transduction pathways activated by DNA damage. Using BrU labelling and immunofluorescence, we demonstrate that MTX-induced nuclear stress granules are transcriptionally active foci where Sam68 and the phosphorylated form of RNA polymerase II accumulate. Finally, we show that MTX-induced relocalization of Sam68 correlates with changes in alternative splicing of its mRNA target CD44, and that MTX-induced CD44 splicing depends on Sam68 expression. These results strongly suggest that Sam68 is part of a RNA-mediated stress response of the cell that modulates alternative splicing in response to DNA damage

    Evolutionary games on graphs

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    Game theory is one of the key paradigms behind many scientific disciplines from biology to behavioral sciences to economics. In its evolutionary form and especially when the interacting agents are linked in a specific social network the underlying solution concepts and methods are very similar to those applied in non-equilibrium statistical physics. This review gives a tutorial-type overview of the field for physicists. The first three sections introduce the necessary background in classical and evolutionary game theory from the basic definitions to the most important results. The fourth section surveys the topological complications implied by non-mean-field-type social network structures in general. The last three sections discuss in detail the dynamic behavior of three prominent classes of models: the Prisoner's Dilemma, the Rock-Scissors-Paper game, and Competing Associations. The major theme of the review is in what sense and how the graph structure of interactions can modify and enrich the picture of long term behavioral patterns emerging in evolutionary games.Comment: Review, final version, 133 pages, 65 figure
