909 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton and Deep Optical Observations of the OTELO fields: the Groth-Westphal Strip

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    OTELO (OSIRIS Tunable Emission Line Object Survey) will be carried out with the OSIRIS instrument at the 10 m GTC telescope at La Palma, and is aimed to be the deepest and richest survey of emission line objects to date. The deep narrow-band optical data from OSIRIS will be complemented by means of additional observations that include: (i) an exploratory broad-band survey that is already being carried out in the optical domain, (ii) FIR and sub-mm observations to be carried with the Herschel space telescope and the GTM, and (iii) deep X-Ray observations from XMM-Newton and Chandra.Here we present a preliminary analysis of public EPIC data of one of the OTELO targets,the Groth-Westphal strip, gathered from the XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA). EPIC images are combined with optical BVRI data from our broadband survey carried out with the 4.2m WHT at La Palma. Distance-independent diagnostics (involving X/O ratio, hardness ratios, B/T ratio) are tested.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, uses graphicx package. To appear in proceedings of "The X-Ray Universe 2005", San Lorenzo del Escorial, Spain, September 26-30, 200

    X-ray Spectra of the RIXOS source sample

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    We present results of an extensive study of the X-ray spectral properties of sources detected in the RIXOS survey, that is nearly complete down to a flux limit of 3e-14 cgs (0.5-2 keV). We show that for X-ray surveys containing sources with low count rate spectral slopes estimated using simple hardness ratios in the ROSAT band can be biased. Instead we analyse three-colour X-ray data using statistical techniques appropriate to the Poisson regime which removes the effects of this bias. We have then applied this technique to the RIXOS survey to study the spectral properties of the sample. For the AGN we find an average energy index of 1.05+-0.05 with no evidence for spectral evolution with redshift. Individual AGN are shown to have a range of properties including soft X-ray excesses and intrinsic absorption. Narrow Emission Line Galaxies also seem to fit to a power-law spectrum, which may indicate a non-thermal origin for their X-ray emission. We infer that most of the clusters in the sample have a bremsstrahlung temperature >3 keV, although some show evidence for a cooling flow. The stars deviate strongly from a power-law model but fit to a thermal model. Finally, we have analysed the whole RIXOS sample containing 1762 sources. We find that the mean spectral slope of the sources hardens at lower fluxes in agreement with results from other samples. However, a study of the individual sources demonstrates that the hardening of the mean is caused by the appearance of a population of very hard sources at the lowest fluxes. This has implications for the nature of the soft X-ray background.Comment: 31,LaTeX file, 2 PS files with Table 2 and 22 PS figures. MNRAS in pres

    OSIRIS Software: The Mask Designer Tool

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    OSIRIS is a Day One instrument that will be available at the 10m GTC telescope which is being built at La Palma observatory in the Canary Islands. This optical instrument is designed to obtain wide-field narrow-band images using tunable filters and to do low-resolution spectroscopy in both long-slit and multislit modes. For the multislit spectroscopy mode, we have developed a software to assist the observers to design focal plane masks. In this paper we describe the characteristics of this Mask Designer tool. We discuss the main design concepts, the functionality and particular features of the software.Comment: 6 figures; accepted for publication in Experimental Astronom

    A FIRST-APM-SDSS survey for high-redshift radio QSOs

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    We selected from VLA-FIRST a sample of 94 objects starlike in SDSSS, and with APM colour O-E>2, i.e. consistent with their being high-z QSOs. 78 candidates were classified spectroscopically from published data (mainly SDSS) or observations reported here. The fractions of QSOs (51/78) and z > 3 QSOs (23/78) are comparable to those found in other photometric searches for high-z QSOs. We confirm that O-E>2 ensures inclusion of all QSOs with 3.7 < z < 4.4. The fraction of broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs for 2 < z < 4.4 is 27+-10 per cent (7/26), and the estimated BAL fraction for radio loud (RL) QSOs is at least as high as for optically selected QSOs (about 13 per cent). The high BAL fraction and the high fraction of LoBALs in our sample are likely due to the red colour selection. The space density of RL QSOs for 3.7 < z < 4.4, MAB (1450 A) 10^25.7 W Hz^(-1) is 1.7+-0.6 Gpc^(-3). Adopting a RL fraction 13.4+-3 per cent, this corresponds to rho = 12.5+-5.6 Gpc^(-3), in good agreement with the SDSS QSO luminosity function in Fan et al. (2001). We note the unusual QSO FIRST 1413+4505 (z=3.11), which shows strong associated Lyalpha absorption and an extreme observed luminosity, L about 2 x 10^(15) solar luminosities.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 9 figures and 6 tables; Table 2 is in landscape forma

    Are radio galaxies and quiescent galaxies different? Results from the analysis of HST brightness profiles

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    We present a study of the optical brightness profiles of early type galaxies, using a number of samples of radio galaxies and optically selected elliptical galaxies. For the radio galaxy samples--B2 of Fanaroff-Riley type I and 3C of Fanaroff-Riley type II-- we determined a number of parameters that describe a "Nuker-law" profile, which were compared with those already known for the optically selected objects. We find that radio active galaxies are always of the "core" type (i.e. an inner Nuker law slope gamma < 0.3). However, there are core-type galaxies which harbor no significant radio source and which are indistinguishable from the radio active galaxies. We do not find any radio detected galaxy with a power law profile (gamma > 0.5). This difference is not due to any effect with absolute magnitude, since in a region of overlap in magnitude the dichotomy between radio active and radio quiescent galaxies remains. We speculate that core-type objects represent the galaxies that have been, are, or may become, radio active at some stage in their lives; active and non-active core-type galaxies are therefore identical in all respects except their eventual radio-activity: on HST scales we do not find any relationship between boxiness and radio-activity. There is a fundamental plane, defined by the parameters of the core (break radius r_b and break brightness mu_b), which is seen in the strong correlation between r_b and mu_b. The break radius is also linearly proportional to the optical Luminosity in the II band. Moreover, for the few galaxies with an independently measured black hole mass, the break radius turns out to be tightly correlated with M_{BH}. The black hole mass correlates even better with the combination of fundamental plane parameters r_b and mu_b, which represents the central velocity dispersion.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 20 Pages, 9 figure

    Quasi two-dimensional antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice RbFe(MoO4)2

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    RbFe(MoO4)2 is a rare example of a nearly two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice. Magnetic resonance spectra and magnetization curves reveal that the system has a layered spin structure with six magnetic sublattices. The sublattices within a layer are arranged in a triangular manner with the magnetization vectors 120 degree apart. The H-T phase diagram, containing at least five different magnetic phases is constructed. In zero field, RbFe(MoO4)2 undergoes a phase transition at T_N=3.8 K into a non-collinear triangular spin structure with all the spins confined in the basal plane. The application of an in-plane magnetic field induces a collinear spin state between the fields H_c1=47 kOe and H_c2=71 kOe and produces a magnetization plateau at one-third of the saturation moment. Both the ESR and the magnetization measurements also clearly indicate an additional first-order phase transition in a field of 35 kOe. The exact nature of this phase transition is uncertain.Comment: 9 pages incl 11 figure

    HST images of B2 radio galaxies: a link between circum-nuclear dust and radio properties?

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    Almost 60% of the B2 low luminosity radio galaxies have been observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. We present an analysis of the dust features, which are often present in the form of circum-nuclear disks or lanes, and show that there are correlations between radio source and dust properties. It is found that nearby radio sources in which a jet has been detected tend to have dust more often than sources without jets; the dust is often in the form of disks or lanes. Moreover the radio jets are close to perpendicular to the disk or lane in the weaker radio sources (with P < 10^{24} W/Hz). In stronger sources the orientation effect appears to be weak or even absent. Also the dust masses found in the weaker radio sources are smaller than in the stronger ones (log M/M_sun ~ 3 against 5 respectively). More generally it appears that there is a correlation between dust mass and total radio power (for those sources in which dust has been detected); we show that this correlation is not induced by redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 10 pages, 12 figure

    Spin-dynamics simulations of the triangular antiferromagnetic XY model

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    Using Monte Carlo and spin-dynamics methods, we have investigated the dynamic behavior of the classical, antiferromagnetic XY model on a triangular lattice with linear sizes L≤300L \leq 300. The temporal evolutions of spin configurations were obtained by solving numerically the coupled equations of motion for each spin using fourth-order Suzuki-Trotter decompositions of exponential operators. From space- and time-displaced spin-spin correlation functions and their space-time Fourier transforms we obtained the dynamic structure factor S(q,w)S({\bf q},w) for momentum q{\bf q} and frequency ω\omega. Below TKTT_{KT}(Kosterlitz-Thouless transition), both the in-plane (SxxS^{xx}) and the out-of-plane (SzzS^{zz}) components of S(q,ω)S({\bf q},\omega) exhibit very strong and sharp spin-wave peaks. Well above TKTT_{KT}, SxxS^{xx} and SzzS^{zz} apparently display a central peak, and spin-wave signatures are still seen in SzzS^{zz}. In addition, we also observed an almost dispersionless domain-wall peak at high ω\omega below TcT_{c}(Ising transition), where long-range order appears in the staggered chirality. Above TcT_{c}, the domain-wall peak disappears for all qq. The lineshape of these peaks is captured reasonably well by a Lorentzian form. Using a dynamic finite-size scaling theory, we determined the dynamic critical exponent zz = 1.002(3). We found that our results demonstrate the consistency of the dynamic finite-size scaling theory for the characteristic frequeny ωm\omega_{m} and the dynamic structure factor S(q,ω)S({\bf q},\omega) itself.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Whole Exome Sequencing to Estimate Alloreactivity Potential Between Donors and Recipients in Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Whole exome sequencing was performed on HLA-matched stem cell donors and transplant recipients to measure sequence variation contributing to minor histocompatibility antigen differences between the two. A large number of nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in each of the nine unique donor-recipient pairs tested. This variation was greater in magnitude in unrelated donors as compared with matched related donors. Knowledge of the magnitude of exome variation between stem cell transplant recipients and donors may allow more accurate titration of immunosuppressive therapy following stem cell transplantation.Comment: 12 pages- main article, 29 pages total, 5 figures, 1 supplementary figur
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