1,993 research outputs found

    Patterns of DNA Methlyation across the Leptin Core Promoter in Four Diverse Asian and North American Populations

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    DNA methylation is the most widely studied of epigenetic mechanisms, with environmental effects recorded through patterned attachments of methyl groups along the DNA that are capable of modifying gene expression without altering the DNA sequencing. The degree to which these patterns of DNA methylation are heritable, the expected range of normality across populations, and the phenotypic relevance of pattern variation remain unclear. Genes regulating metabolic pathways appear to be vulnerable to ongoing nutritional programming over the life course, as dietary nutrients are significant environmental determinants of DNA methylation, supplying both the methyl groups and energy to generate the methylation process. Here we examine methylation patterns along a region of the metabolic gene leptin (LEP). LEP's putative functions include regulation of energy homeostasis, with its signals affecting energy intake and expenditure, adipogenesis and energy storage, lipid and glucose metabolism, bone metabolism, and reproductive endocrine function. A pattern of differential methylation across CpG sites of the LEP core promoter has been previously identified; however, any consistency of pattern or its phenotypic significance is not fully elucidated among populations. Using DNA extracted from unfractionated white blood cells of peripheral blood samples, our pilot study, divided into two parts, examined the significance of variation in DNA methylation patterns along the leptin core promoter in four populations (phase 1) and used biomarkers reflecting leptin's functional process in two of those populations, western Buryat of Siberia and the Mennonite of central Kansas, to investigate the relevance of the ethnic variation identified in the DNA methylation (phase 2). LEP's core promoter region contains both the binding site for C/EBPα (CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha), which tempers the final step in adipocyte maturity and capacity to synthesize leptin, and the TATA motif controlling leptin synthesis. Previous studies report that increased methylation in this region is correlated to decreased gene expression, suggesting tissue-specific methylation variation at this region (Melzner et al. 2002). We hypothesized that evidence of nutritional epigenetic programming would be identified through variation in patterns of DNA methylation and that functional relevance of that variation among populations would be identified through biomarkers that reflect leptin's metabolic signals: serum leptin levels, lipoproteins of the lipid transport system, and anthropometric measures. In phase 1, our combined analyses of 313 individuals documented a distinct and consistent overall pattern of differential DNA methylation across seven CpG sites of LEP core promoter in all ethnicities and both sexes. This pattern replicates those identified in previous studies, suggesting a conserved core promoter region across populations. Phase 2 analyses of two of the four populations (n = 239), correlating methylation at the C/EBPα transcription binding site (TBS) with metabolic and anthropometric biomarkers reflecting LEP roles, showed that stature, which reflects bone growth and remodeling, was significantly and inversely correlated with the percentage of DNA methylation at this site in both sexes. We suggest that variation in DNA methylation along the LEP core promoter plays a substantial role in energy signals affecting both adipogenesis and bone metabolism

    On finite Thurston type orderings of braid groups

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    We prove that for any finite Thurston-type ordering <T<_{T} on the braid group\ BnB_{n}, the restriction to the positive braid monoid (Bn+,<T)(B_{n}^{+},<_{T}) is a\ well-ordered set of order type ωωn2\omega^{\omega^{n-2}}. The proof uses a combi\ natorial description of the ordering <T<_{T}. Our combinatorial description is \ based on a new normal form for positive braids which we call the \C-normal fo\ rm. It can be seen as a generalization of Burckel's normal form and Dehornoy's \ Φ\Phi-normal form (alternating normal form).Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures; proof of Theorem 1 is correcte

    Inverse Modeling for MEG/EEG data

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    We provide an overview of the state-of-the-art for mathematical methods that are used to reconstruct brain activity from neurophysiological data. After a brief introduction on the mathematics of the forward problem, we discuss standard and recently proposed regularization methods, as well as Monte Carlo techniques for Bayesian inference. We classify the inverse methods based on the underlying source model, and discuss advantages and disadvantages. Finally we describe an application to the pre-surgical evaluation of epileptic patients.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Design and Development of a Deep Acoustic Lining for the 40-by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel Test Section

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    The work described in this report has made effective use of design teams to build a state-of-the-art anechoic wind-tunnel facility. Many potential design solutions were evaluated using engineering analysis, and computational tools. Design alternatives were then evaluated using specially developed testing techniques, Large-scale coupon testing was then performed to develop confidence that the preferred design would meet the acoustic, aerodynamic, and structural objectives of the project. Finally, designs were frozen and the final product was installed in the wind tunnel. The result of this technically ambitious project has been the creation of a unique acoustic wind tunnel. Its large test section (39 ft x 79 ft x SO ft), potentially near-anechoic environment, and medium subsonic speed capability (M = 0.45) will support a full range of aeroacoustic testing-from rotorcraft and other vertical takeoff and landing aircraft to the take-off/landing configurations of both subsonic and supersonic transports

    Immunohistochemical localization of fibronectin as a tool for the age determination of human skin wounds

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    We analyzed the distribution of fibronectin in routinely embedded tissue specimens from 53 skin wounds and 6 postmortem wounds. In postmortem wounds a faint but focal positive staining was exclusively found at the margin of the specimens which dit not extend into the adjacent stroma. Vital wounds were classified into 3 groups. The first comprising lesions with wound ages ranging from a few seconds to 30 min, the second comprising those with wound ages upt to 3 weeks, and the third group with lesions more than 3 weeks old. Ten out of 17 lesions with a wound age up to 30 min showed a clear positive reaction within the wound area. Three specimens in this group were completely negative, while in 4 additional cases the result was not significantly different from postmortem lesions. These 7 cases were characterized by acute death with extremely short survival times (only seconds). In wounds up to 3 weeks old fibronectin formed a distinct network containing an increasing number of inflammatory cells corresponding to the wound age. In 2 cases with a survival time of 17 days and in all wounds older than 3 weeks fibronectin was restricted to the surface of fibroblasts and to parallel arranged fibers in the granulation tissue without any network structures. We present evidence that fibronectin is a useful marker for vital wounds with a survival time of more than a few minutes. Fibronectin appears before neutrophilic granulocytes migrate into the wound area. Since a faint positive fibronectin staining is seen in postmortem lesions and bleedings, we propose that only those wounds which show strong positive fibronectin staining also extending into the adjacent stroma should be regarded as vital

    Why growth equals power - and why it shouldn't : constructing visions of China

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    When discussing the success of China's transition from socialism, there is a tendency to focus on growth figures as an indication of performance. Whilst these figures are indeed impressive, we should not confuse growth with development and assume that the former necessarily automatically generates the latter. Much has been done to reduce poverty in China, but the task is not as complete as some observers would suggest; particularly in terms of access to health, education and welfare, and also in dealing with relative (rather than absolute) depravation and poverty. Visions of China have been constructed that exaggerate Chinese development and power in the global system partly to serve political interests, but partly due to the failure to consider the relationship between growth and development, partly due to the failure to disaggregate who gets what in China, and partly due to the persistence of inter-national conceptions of globalised production, trade, and financial flows

    Multi-Channel SQUID System for MEG and Ultra-Low-Field MRI

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    A seven-channel system capable of performing both magnetoencephalography (MEG) and ultra-low-field magnetic resonance imaging (ULF MRI) is described. The system consists of seven second-order SQUID gradiometers with 37 mm diameter and 60 mm baseline, having magnetic field resolution of 1.2-2.8 fT/rtHz. It also includes four sets of coils for 2-D Fourier imaging with pre-polarization. The system's MEG performance was demonstrated by measurements of auditory evoked response. The system was also used to obtain a multi-channel 2-D image of a whole human hand at the measurement field of 46 microtesla with 3 by 3 mm resolution.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of 2006 Applied Superconductivity Conferenc

    Microtesla MRI of the human brain combined with MEG

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    One of the challenges in functional brain imaging is integration of complementary imaging modalities, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). MEG, which uses highly sensitive superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) to directly measure magnetic fields of neuronal currents, cannot be combined with conventional high-field MRI in a single instrument. Indirect matching of MEG and MRI data leads to significant co-registration errors. A recently proposed imaging method - SQUID-based microtesla MRI - can be naturally combined with MEG in the same system to directly provide structural maps for MEG-localized sources. It enables easy and accurate integration of MEG and MRI/fMRI, because microtesla MR images can be precisely matched to structural images provided by high-field MRI and other techniques. Here we report the first images of the human brain by microtesla MRI, together with auditory MEG (functional) data, recorded using the same seven-channel SQUID system during the same imaging session. The images were acquired at 46 microtesla measurement field with pre-polarization at 30 mT. We also estimated transverse relaxation times for different tissues at microtesla fields. Our results demonstrate feasibility and potential of human brain imaging by microtesla MRI. They also show that two new types of imaging equipment - low-cost systems for anatomical MRI of the human brain at microtesla fields, and more advanced instruments for combined functional (MEG) and structural (microtesla MRI) brain imaging - are practical.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures - accepted by JM

    Effects of dipole position, orientation and noise on the accuracy of EEG source localization

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    BACKGROUND: The electroencephalogram (EEG) reflects the electrical activity in the brain on the surface of scalp. A major challenge in this field is the localization of sources in the brain responsible for eliciting the EEG signal measured at the scalp. In order to estimate the location of these sources, one must correctly model the sources, i.e., dipoles, as well as the volume conductor in which the resulting currents flow. In this study, we investigate the effects of dipole depth and orientation on source localization with varying sets of simulated random noise in 4 realistic head models. METHODS: Dipole simulations were performed using realistic head models and using the boundary element method (BEM). In all, 92 dipole locations placed in temporal and parietal regions of the head with varying depth and orientation were investigated along with 6 different levels of simulated random noise. Localization errors due to dipole depth, orientation and noise were investigated. RESULTS: The results indicate that there are no significant differences in localization error due tangential and radial dipoles. With high levels of simulated Gaussian noise, localization errors are depth-dependant. For low levels of added noise, errors are similar for both deep and superficial sources. CONCLUSION: It was found that if the signal-to-noise ratio is above a certain threshold, localization errors in realistic head models are, on average the same for deep and superficial sources. As the noise increases, localization errors increase, particularly for deep sources