448 research outputs found

    Evidence for Complex Subleading Exponents from the High-Temperature Expansion of the Hierarchical Ising Model

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    Using a renormalization group method, we calculate 800 high-temperature coefficients of the magnetic susceptibility of the hierarchical Ising model. The conventional quantities obtained from differences of ratios of coefficients show unexpected smooth oscillations with a period growing logarithmically and can be fitted assuming corrections to the scaling laws with complex exponents.Comment: 10 pages, Latex , uses revtex. 2 figures not included (hard copies available on request

    Roughening Induced Deconstruction in (100) Facets of CsCl Type Crystals

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    The staggered 6-vertex model describes the competition between surface roughening and reconstruction in (100) facets of CsCl type crystals. Its phase diagram does not have the expected generic structure, due to the presence of a fully-packed loop-gas line. We prove that the reconstruction and roughening transitions cannot cross nor merge with this loop-gas line if these degrees of freedom interact weakly. However, our numerical finite size scaling analysis shows that the two critical lines merge along the loop-gas line, with strong coupling scaling properties. The central charge is much larger than 1.5 and roughening takes place at a surface roughness much larger than the conventional universal value. It seems that additional fluctuations become critical simultaneously.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Two phase transitions in the fully frustrated XYXY model

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    The fully frustrated XYXY model on a square lattice is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. A Kosterlitz-Thouless transition is found at TKT0.446T_{\rm KT} \approx 0.446, followed by an ordinary Ising transition at a slightly higher temperature, Tc0.452T_c \approx 0.452. The non-Ising exponents reported by others, are explained as a failure of finite size scaling due to the screening length associated with the nearby Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.Comment: REVTEX file, 8 pages, 5 figures in uuencoded postscrip

    Berry phase and adiabaticity of a spin diffusing in a non-uniform magnetic field

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    An electron spin moving adiabatically in a strong, spatially non-uniform magnetic field accumulates a geometric phase or Berry phase, which might be observable as a conductance oscillation in a mesoscopic ring. Two contradicting theories exist for how strong the magnetic field should be to ensure adiabaticity if the motion is diffusive. To resolve this controversy, we study the effect of a non-uniform magnetic field on the spin polarization and on the weak-localization effect. The diffusion equation for the Cooperon is solved exactly. Adiabaticity requires that the spin-precession time is short compared to the elastic scattering time - it is not sufficient that it is short compared to the diffusion time around the ring. This strong condition severely complicates the experimental observation.Comment: 16 pages REVTEX, including 3 figure

    Monte Carlo simulation of ice models

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    We propose a number of Monte Carlo algorithms for the simulation of ice models and compare their efficiency. One of them, a cluster algorithm for the equivalent three colour model, appears to have a dynamic exponent close to zero, making it particularly useful for simulations of critical ice models. We have performed extensive simulations using our algorithms to determine a number of critical exponents for the square ice and F models.Comment: 32 pages including 15 postscript figures, typeset in LaTeX2e using the Elsevier macro package elsart.cl

    Correlated percolation and the correlated resistor network

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    We present some exact results on percolation properties of the Ising model, when the range of the percolating bonds is larger than nearest-neighbors. We show that for a percolation range to next-nearest neighbors the percolation threshold Tp is still equal to the Ising critical temperature Tc, and present the phase diagram for this type of percolation. In addition, we present Monte Carlo calculations of the finite size behavior of the correlated resistor network defined on the Ising model. The thermal exponent t of the conductivity that follows from it is found to be t = 0.2000 +- 0.0007. We observe no corrections to scaling in its finite size behavior.Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX, 6 figures include

    Finite-size scaling and conformal anomaly of the Ising model in curved space

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    We study the finite-size scaling of the free energy of the Ising model on lattices with the topology of the tetrahedron and the octahedron. Our construction allows to perform changes in the length scale of the model without altering the distribution of the curvature in the space. We show that the subleading contribution to the free energy follows a logarithmic dependence, in agreement with the conformal field theory prediction. The conformal anomaly is given by the sum of the contributions computed at each of the conical singularities of the space, except when perfect order of the spins is precluded by frustration in the model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Dynamic Critical Behavior of a Swendsen-Wang-Type Algorithm for the Ashkin-Teller Model

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    We study the dynamic critical behavior of a Swendsen-Wang-type algorithm for the Ashkin--Teller model. We find that the Li--Sokal bound on the autocorrelation time (τint,Econst×CH\tau_{{\rm int},{\cal E}} \ge {\rm const} \times C_H) holds along the self-dual curve of the symmetric Ashkin--Teller model, and is almost but not quite sharp. The ratio τint,E/CH\tau_{{\rm int},{\cal E}} / C_H appears to tend to infinity either as a logarithm or as a small power (0.05p0.120.05 \leq p \leq 0.12). In an appendix we discuss the problem of extracting estimates of the exponential autocorrelation time.Comment: 59 pages including 3 figures, uuencoded g-compressed ps file. Postscript size = 799740 byte

    Sine-Gordon mean field theory of a Coulomb Gas

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    Sine-Gordon field theory is used to investigate the phase diagram of a neutral Coulomb gas. A variational mean field free energy is constructed and the corresponding phase diagrams in two (2d) and three dimensions (3d) are obtained. When analyzed in terms of chemical potential, the Sine-Gordon theory predicts the phase diagram topologically identical with the Monte Carlo simulations and a recently developed Debye-H\"uckel-Bjerrum (DHBj) theory. In 2d we find that the infinite order Kosterlitz-Thouless line terminates in a tricritical point, after which the metal-insulator transition becomes first order. However, when the transformation from chemical potential to the density is made the whole of the insulating phase is mapped onto zero density.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex with twocolumn style, 2 Postscript figures. Submitted to PR

    Dynamic renormalization group study of a generalized continuum model of crystalline surfaces

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    We apply the Nozieres-Gallet dynamic renormalization group (RG) scheme to a continuum equilibrium model of a d-dimensional surface relaxing by linear surface tension and linear surface diffusion, and which is subject to a lattice potential favoring discrete values of the height variable. The model thus interpolates between the overdamped sine-Gordon model and a related continuum model of crystalline tensionless surfaces. The RG flow predicts the existence of an equilibrium roughening transition only for d = 2 dimensional surfaces, between a flat low-temperature phase and a rough high-temperature phase in the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) universality class. The surface is always in the flat phase for any other substrate dimensions d > 2. For any value of d, the linear surface diffusion mechanism is an irrelevant perturbation of the linear surface tension mechanism, but may induce long crossovers within which the scaling properties of the linear molecular-beam epitaxy equation are observed, thus increasing the value of the sine-Gordon roughening temperature. This phenomenon originates in the non-linear lattice potential, and is seen to occur even in the absence of a bare surface tension term. An important consequence of this is that a crystalline tensionless surface is asymptotically described at high temperatures by the EW universality class.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review