1,743 research outputs found
On the Stability and the Approximation of Branching Distribution Flows, with Applications to Nonlinear Multiple Target Filtering
We analyse the exponential stability properties of a class of measure-valued
equations arising in nonlinear multi-target filtering problems. We also prove
the uniform convergence properties w.r.t. the time parameter of a rather
general class of stochastic filtering algorithms, including sequential Monte
Carlo type models and mean eld particle interpretation models. We illustrate
these results in the context of the Bernoulli and the Probability Hypothesis
Density filter, yielding what seems to be the first results of this kind in
this subject
Revisión de los grupos de especies del género Blechnum (Blechnaceae-Pteridophyta): el grupo B. Penna-marina
Revisión de los grupos de especies del género Blechnum (Blechnaceae-Pteridophyta): el grupo B. penna-marina. Blechnum asperum, B. penna-marina, B. spicant y B. stoloniferum (grupo B. penna-marina) se estudian aquí conjuntamente con'B. blechnoides, B. corralense, B. fernandezianum, B. lehmannii, B. microphyllum, B. mochaenum subsp. mochaenum, B. mochaenum subsp. achalense y B. mochaenum subsp. squamipes. Los esporófitos de estos taxones son pequeños a medianos, con rizomas postrados a erectos y frondas dimórficas. Los caracteres analizados fueron: tipo de rizoma, indumento de ejes y lámina, arquitectura de las frondas, todas con segmentos adnatos y estípites con tres haces vasculares, venación, morfología interna de los segmentos, tales como estructura marginal, modelos epidérmicos de la lámina, estomas, hidatodos, secciones transversales de los estípites, modelos epidérmicos de los indusios y esporas. Esos caracteres resultan'diagnósticos para distinguir los taxones. Se encontraron protuberancias intercelulares pécticas (PIP) en forma de verrugas y filamentos cortos en el mesofilo y tejidos parenquimáticos del estípite y raquis de algunas especies. En el parénquima de los estípites se acumula a menudo almidón de granos simples, elipsoidales. Las esporas son monoletes, aclorofílicas, con esporodermo formado por un exosporio psilado y un perisporio cuya ornamentación varía en los niveles específico e infraspecífico. Tres especímenes de B. penna-marina y tres de B. mochaenum subsps. mochaenum presentaron esporas, células epidérmicas y estomas más grandes que el resto, lo que sugiere diferencias de ploidía, aunque esos ejemplares no muestran variaciones morfológicas externas o internas. Se ha cambiado el estatus de las variedades de B. mochaenum como sigue: B. mochaenum var. fernandezianum es reconocido con el rango de especie, mientras que B. mochaenum var. squamipes y B. mochaenum var. achalense son elevadas al rango de subespecie. Blechnum microphyllum se trata aquí como una especie bien caracterizada y no una subespecie de B. penna-marina. Las plantas de B. penna-marina de Argentina, Brasil y Chile varían algo en el tamaño, pero los rasgos de la morfología interna son muy constantes y no se han reconocido subespecies en el área. Se presenta una descripción completa de los taxones, se actualizan aspectos nomenclaturales, sinonimia, tipos, distribución geográfica, ecología, se da una clave para su determinación y se discute la importancia de los caracteres analizados para redefinir el grupo
Incumbency advantage is not restricted to established majoritarian systems
To date, most scholarly works have focused on incumbency advantage in the US and consider how it operates in majoritarian contexts. In a recent paper, Mert Moral, H. Ege Ozen and Efe Tokdemir drew on the case of Turkey to explore whether the incumbency operates in multi member district systems. They found that although it is not as marked as in the US context, considerable incumbency advantage persisted in the more proportional system
On Chern-Simons Quivers and Toric Geometry
We discuss a class of 3-dimensional N=4 Chern-Simons (CS) quiver gauge models
obtained from M-theory compactifications on singular complex 4-dimensional
hyper-Kahler (HK) manifolds, which are realized explicitly as a cotangent
bundle over two-Fano toric varieties V^2. The corresponding CS gauge models are
encoded in quivers similar to toric diagrams of V^2. Using toric geometry, it
is shown that the constraints on CS levels can be related to toric equations
determining V^2.Comment: 14pg, 1 Figure, late
On the Geometry of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanical Systems
We consider some simple examples of supersymmetric quantum mechanical systems
and explore their possible geometric interpretation with the help of geometric
aspects of real Clifford algebras. This leads to natural extensions of the
considered systems to higher dimensions and more complicated potentials.Comment: 18 page
Morfología, caracterización y distribución geográfica de Blechnum cordatum (Blechnaceae-Pteridophyta).
Morfología, caracterización y distribución geográfica de Blechnum cordatum (Blechnaceae-Pteridophyta). Blechnum cordatum fue estudiado en especímenes de numerosas localidades de su extensa área de distribución. Crece en Mesoamérica, Antillas, Sudamérica, desde Venezuela y Colombia a Bolivia, SE y centro de Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina, centro y S de Chile e islas de Juan Fernández. Es una especie poco vulnerable, tolerante, con esporófitos grandes, rizomas erectos escamosos, frondas dimorfas con estípites y otros ejes escamosos; láminas estériles lanceoladas a oblongas con pinnas coriáceas, lanceolado-oblongas, finamente denticuladas a aserradas, superficialmente escamosas y pilosas, unidas al raquis por la costa (pecioluladas), con bases cuneadotruncadas a subcordadas o auriculadas y láminas fértiles estrechamente lanceoladas con el tejido vegetativo de las pinnas reducido a la porción de la lámina que lleva el cenosoro continuo e indusio ondulado a eroso. Las venas son simples, geminadas y bifurcadas al azar a distancias variables de la costa y terminan en grandes hidatodos activos, sobresalientes o más o menos planos. Los aeróforos, presentes sólo en la base de las pinnas, pueden faltar. Las esporas son monoletas, con perisporio crestado-reticulado que lleva procesos filiformes y exosporio subliso a granulado. La especie se describe e ilustra en detalle, se actualiza su taxonomía y se comentan sus afinidades con otras especies neotropicales y paleotropicales del género.Morphology, characterization, and geographical distribution of Blechnum cordatum (Blechnaceae-Pteridophyta). Specimens of Blechnum cordatum from localities of its large geographical area were analized. The species grows in Mesoamerica, Antillas and South America, from Venezuela and Colombia to Bolivia, SE and centre of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, centre and S of Chile, and Juan Fernández Islands. Blechnum cordatum is a tolerant, not vulnerable species, with large sporophytes; erect, scaly rhizomes; dimorphic fronds with scaly stipes and axes; lanceolate sterile laminae with lanceolate to oblong, coriaceae, finely denticulate to serrate, superficially scaly and hairy, attached by costa (peciolulate) pinnae, with cuneate- truncate to subcordate or auriculate bases, and narrowly lanceolate fertile laminae with vegetative tissue of pinnae reduced to the portion which support the undulate to erose indusia and continuous coenosorus. Veins are free, simple, geminate and furcate, the latter ramdomly dividing at different distances from the costa, all ending in large, active hydathodes. Aerophores, located only at the base of pinnae, may be absent. Spores have a cristate-reticulate perispore with filiform, ramified processes, and a smooth to granulate exospore.Based on this study, a new description of Blechnum cordatum, and its taxonomy is presented, along with comments on affinities with other neotropical and paleotropical species of the genus
Analog Realization of Arbitrary One-Dimensional Maps
An increasing number of applications of a one-dimensional (1-D) map as an information processing element are found in the literature on artificial neural networks, image processing systems, and secure communication systems. In search of an efficient hardware implementation of a 1-D map, we discovered that the bifurcating neuron (BN), which was introduced elsewhere as a mathematical model of a biological neuron under the influence of an external sinusoidal signal, could provide a compact solution. The original work on the BN indicated that its firing time sequence, when it was subject to a sinusoidal driving signal, was related to the sine-circle map, suggesting that the BN can compute the sine-circle map. Despite its rich array of dynamical properties, the mathematical description of the BN is simple enough to lend itself to a compact circuit implementation. In this paper, we generalize the original work and show that the computational power of the BN can be extended to compute an arbitrary 1-D map. Also, we describe two possible circuit models of the BN: the programmable unijunction transistor oscillator neuron, which was introduced in the original work as a circuit model of the BN, and the integrated-circuit relaxation oscillator neuron (IRON), which was developed for more precise modeling of the BN. To demonstrate the computational power of the BN, we use the IRON to generate the bifurcation diagrams of the sine-circle map, the logistic map, as well as the tent map, and then compare them with exact numerical versions. The programming of the BN to compute an arbitrary map can be done simply by changing the waveform of the driving signal, which is given to the BN externally; this feature makes the circuit models of the BN especially useful in the circuit implementation of a network of 1-D maps
Learning Mixtures of Polynomials of Conditional Densities from Data
Mixtures of polynomials (MoPs) are a non-parametric density estimation technique for hybrid Bayesian networks with continuous and discrete variables. We propose two methods for learning MoP approximations of conditional densities from data. Both approaches are based on learning MoP approximations of the joint density and the marginal density of the conditioning variables, but they differ as to how the MoP approximation of the quotient of the two densities is found. We illustrate the methods using data sampled from a simple Gaussian Bayesian network. We study and compare the performance of these methods with the approach for learning mixtures of truncated basis functions from data
InGaAs Capacitor-Less DRAM Cells TCAD Demonstration
2D numerical TCAD simulations are used to infer the behavior of III-V capacitor-less dynamic
RAM (DRAM) cells. In particular, indium gallium arsenide on insulator technology is selected to verify
the viability of III-V meta-stable-dip RAM cells. The cell performance dependence on several parameters
(such as the back-gate voltage, semiconductor thickness, indium/gallium mole fraction or interface traps)
and simulation models (like ballisticity or spatial quantum confinement) is analyzed and commented.
Functional cells are presented and compared with analogous silicon 1T-DRAM memories to highlight the
advantages and drawbacks.This work was supported by H2020 REMINDER European under Grant 687931, and in part by the
Spanish National Projects under Grant TEC2014-59730 and Grant PCIN-2015-146
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