470 research outputs found

    Definition of mutually optimum NDI and proof test criteria for 2219 aluminum pressure vessels. Volume 3: Applications to rail defect evaluation

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    The technique for inspection of railroad rails containing transverse fissure defects was discussed. Both pulse-echo and pitch-catch inspection techniques were used. The pulse-echo technique results suggest that a multiple-scan approach using varying angles of inclination, three-surface scanning, and dual-direction traversing may offer promise of characterization of transverse defects. Because each scan is likely to produce a reflection indicating only a portion of the defect, summing of the individual reflections must be used to obtain a reasonably complete characterization of the defect. The ability of the collimated pitch-catch technique to detect relatively small amounts of flaw growth was shown. The method has a problem in characterizing the portions of the defect near the top surface or web intersection. The work performed was a preliminary evaluation of the prospects for automated mapping of rail flaws

    Do Aphid Colonies Amplify their Emission of Alarm Pheromone?

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    When aphids are attacked by natural enemies, they emit alarm pheromone to alert conspecifics. For most aphids tested, (E)-β-farnesene (EBF) is the main, or only, constituent of the alarm pheromone. In response to alarm pheromone, alerted aphids drop off the plant, walk away, or attempt to elude predators. However, under natural conditions, EBF concentration might be low due to the low amounts emitted, to rapid air movement, or to oxidative degradation. To ensure that conspecifics are warned, aphids might conceivably amplify the alarm signal by emitting EBF in response to EBF emitted by other aphids. To examine whether such amplification occurs, we synthesized deuterated EBF (DEBF), which allowed us to differentiate between applied and aphid-derived chemical. Colonies of Acyrthosiphon pisum were treated with DEBF, and headspace volatiles were collected and analyzed for evidence of aphid-derived EBF. No aphid-derived EBF was detected, suggesting that amplification of the alarm signal does not occur. We discuss the disadvantages of alarm signal reinforcement

    A dose-finding and safety study of novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein (NESP) for the treatment of anaemia in patients receiving multicycle chemotherapy

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    Darbepoetin alfa is a novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein (NESP), which stimulates erythropoiesis by the same mechanism as recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO). NESP has been shown to be safe and efficacious in patients with chronic renal failure. NESP is biochemically distinct from rHuEPO, due to its increased sialic acid content. NESP has an approximately 3-fold greater half-life. rHuEPO has been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced anaemia. This study assessed the safety and efficacy of NESP administered once per week, under the supervision of a physician, to patients with solid tumours who were receiving multicycle chemotherapy for up to 12 weeks. Three dose cohorts are presented in this sequential, unblinded and dose-escalating study. Thirteen to 59 patients received NESP (0.5, 1.5 or 2.25 mcg kg−1wk−1) in each cohort. Patients were monitored for adverse events, including antibody formation to NESP and for effects on haemoglobin. NESP appeared to be well tolerated. Adverse events were similar across all cohorts and were consistent with the population being studied. No antibody formation was detected over the 16-week study period and follow-up. A dose–response relationship was evident for NESP and multiple measures of efficacy, including proportion of patients responding to NESP and the mean change in haemoglobin by week 4 and end of treatment for NESP 0.5, 1.5 and 2.25 mcg kg−1wk−1cohorts (mean change in haemoglobin at end of treatment was 1.24, 1.73 and 2.15 g dl−1respectively). Controlled studies of this agent at higher doses and less frequent schedules of administration are ongoing. © 2001 Cance Cancer Research Campaig

    Balancing Selection Maintains a Form of ERAP2 that Undergoes Nonsense-Mediated Decay and Affects Antigen Presentation

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    A remarkable characteristic of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is its extreme genetic diversity, which is maintained by balancing selection. In fact, the MHC complex remains one of the best-known examples of natural selection in humans, with well-established genetic signatures and biological mechanisms for the action of selection. Here, we present genetic and functional evidence that another gene with a fundamental role in MHC class I presentation, endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2), has also evolved under balancing selection and contains a variant that affects antigen presentation. Specifically, genetic analyses of six human populations revealed strong and consistent signatures of balancing selection affecting ERAP2. This selection maintains two highly differentiated haplotypes (Haplotype A and Haplotype B), with frequencies 0.44 and 0.56, respectively. We found that ERAP2 expressed from Haplotype B undergoes differential splicing and encodes a truncated protein, leading to nonsense-mediated decay of the mRNA. To investigate the consequences of ERAP2 deficiency on MHC presentation, we correlated surface MHC class I expression with ERAP2 genotypes in primary lymphocytes. Haplotype B homozygotes had lower levels of MHC class I expressed on the surface of B cells, suggesting that naturally occurring ERAP2 deficiency affects MHC presentation and immune response. Interestingly, an ERAP2 paralog, endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1), also shows genetic signatures of balancing selection. Together, our findings link the genetic signatures of selection with an effect on splicing and a cellular phenotype. Although the precise selective pressure that maintains polymorphism is unknown, the demonstrated differences between the ERAP2 splice forms provide important insights into the potential mechanism for the action of selection

    Thermal Diffusion and Quench Propagation in YBCO Pancake Coils Wound with ZnO-and Mylar Insulations

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    The thermal diffusion properties of several different kinds of YBCO insulations and the quench properties of pancake coils made using these insulations were studied. Insulations investigated include Nomex, Kapton, and Mylar, as well as insulations based on ZnO, Zn2GeO4, and ZnO-Cu. Initially, short stacks of YBCO conductors with interlayer insulation, epoxy, and a central heater strip were made and later measured for thermal conductivity in liquid nitrogen. Subsequently, three different pancake coils were made. The first two were smaller, each using one meter total of YBCO tape present as four turns around a G-10 former. One of these smaller coils used Mylar insulation co-wound with the YBCO tape, the other used YBCO tape onto which ZnO based insulation had been deposited. One larger coil was made which used 12 total meters of ZnO-insulated tape and had 45 turns. The results for all short sample and coil thermal conductivities were ~1-3 Wm-1K-1. Finally, quench propagation velocity measurements were performed on the coils (77 K, self field) by applying a DC current and then using a heater pulse to initiate a quench. Normal zone propagation velocity (NZP) values were obtained for the coils both in the radial direction and in the azimuthal direction. Radial NZP values (0.05-0.7 mm/s) were two orders of magnitude lower than axial values (~14-17 mm/s). Nevertheless, the quenches were generally seen to propagate radially within the coils, in the sense that any given layer in the coil is driven normal by the layer underneath it.Comment: 58 pages, 5 tables, 16 fig

    Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in daily clinical practice: a community hospital-based study

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    Background Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) are major adverse effects of cancer chemotherapy. This study investigated: (1) the impact of CINV on patients' health-related quality of life (HRQL) in daily clinical practice; (2) the association between patient characteristics and type of antiemetics and CINV; and (3) the role of CINV in physicians' decisions to modify antiemetic treatment. Patients and methods This prospective, multicenter study was conducted in nine general hospitals in the Netherlands. During three consecutive chemotherapy cycles, patients used a diary to record episodes of nausea, vomiting and antiemetic use. For each cycle, these ratings were made 1 day prior to and 7 days after having received chemotherapy. The influence of CINV on patients' HRQL was evaluated with the Functional Living Index-Emesis (FLIE) questionnaire at day 6 of each treatment cycle. (Changes in) antiemetic use were recorded by the treating nurse. Patient inclusion took place between May 2005 and May 2007. Results Two hundred seventy-seven patients were enrolled in the study. Acute and delayed nausea during the first treatment cycle was reported by 39% and 68% of the patients, respectively. The comparable figures for acute and delayed vomiting were 12% and 23%. During the first and subsequent treatment cycle, approximately one-third of the patients indicated that CINV had a substantial impact on their daily lives. Female patients and younger patients reported significantly more CINV than male and older patients. At all treatment cycles, patients receiving treatment with moderately emetogenic chemotherapy, containing anthracycline, reported more acute nausea than patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy. Acute vomiting was associated significantly with change in (i.e., additional) antiemetic treatment. Delayed CINV did not influence antiemetic treatment. Conclusion CINV continues to be a problem that adversely affects the daily lives of patients. CINV is worse in women and in younger patients. In daily clinical practice, acute CINV, but not delayed CINV, results in changes in antiemetic treatment. In view of the effects of not only acute, but also delayed CINV on daily life, more attention should be paid to adjustment of antiemetic treatment to cover CINV complaints, later during the chemotherapy cycle

    Circulating endothelial cells and angiogenic serum factors during neoadjuvant chemotherapy of primary breast cancer

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    Circulating endothelial cells (CECs) as well as bone-marrow-derived endothelial precursor cells (EPC) play an important role in neovascularisation and tumour growth. To study the impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on the amounts of CEC and their precursor cells, mature CEC and their progenitors were quantified by flow cytometry in peripheral blood of breast cancer patients during anthracycline and/or taxane based neoadjuvant chemotherapy and subsequent surgery in comparison to age-matched healthy controls. Cell numbers were tested for correlation with serum levels of angiopoietin-2, erythropoietin, endostatin, endoglin, VEGF and sVCAM-1 as well as clinical and pathological features of breast cancer disease. Circulating endothelial cells were significantly elevated in breast cancer patients and decreased during chemotherapy, whereas EPC (CD34+/VEGFR-2+) as well as their progenitor cell population CD133+/CD34+ and the population of CD34+ stem cells increased. Concomitantly with the increase of progenitor cells an increase of VEGF, erythropoietin and angiopoietin-2 was observed. These data suggest that chemotherapy can only reduce the amounts of mature CEC, probably reflecting detached cells from tumour vessels, whereas the EPC and their progenitors are mobilised by chemotherapy. Since this mobilisation of EPC may contribute to tumour neovascularisation an early antiangiogenic therapy in combination with chemotherapy could be beneficial for the success of cancer therapy

    Deliberative and epistemic approaches to democracy

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    Deliberative and epistemic approaches to democracy are two important dimensions of contemporary democratic theory. This chapter studies these dimensions in the emerging ecosystem of civic and political participation tools, and appraises their collective value in a new distinct concept: linked democracy. Linked democracy is the distributed, technology-supported collective decision-making process, where data, information and knowledge are connected and shared by citizens online. Innovation and learning are two key elements of Athenian democracies which can be facilitated by the new digital technologies, and a cross-disciplinary research involving computational scientists and democratic theorists can lead to new theoretical insights of democracy

    Combination of letrozole, metronomic cyclophosphamide and sorafenib is well-tolerated and shows activity in patients with primary breast cancer

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    PURPOSE: To assess whether the combination of letrozole, metronomic cyclophosphamide and sorafenib (LCS) is well tolerated and shows activity in primary breast cancer (BC). METHODS:Thirteen oestrogen receptor-positive, postmenopausal, T2-4, N0-1 BC patients received the LCS combination for 6 months. In these patients we examined the pharmacokinetics of sorafenib and cyclophosphamide, toxicity of the regimen, the clinical response to therapy and changes in the levels of biologically relevant biomarkers. RESULTS:Adequate plasma concentrations of sorafenib were achieved in patients when it was dosed in combination with L+C. The mean plasma concentrations of C were consistently lower following administration of LCS, compared with administration of L+C only. The most common drug-related grade 3/4 adverse events were skin rash (69.3%), hand-foot skin reaction (69.3%) and diarrhoea (46.1%). According to RECIST Criteria, a clinical complete response was observed in 6 of 13 patients. A significant reduction in tumour size, evaluated with MRI, was also observed between baseline and 14 days of treatment in all 13 patients (P=0.005). A significant reduction in SUV uptake, measured by (18)FDG-PET/CT, was observed in all patients between baseline and 30 days of treatment (P=0.015) and between baseline and definitive surgery (P=0.0002). Using modified CT Criteria, a response was demonstrated in 8 out of 10 evaluable patients at 30 days and in 11 out of 13 evaluable patients at the definitive surgery. A significant reduction in Ki67 expression was observed in all patients at day 14 compared with baseline (P<0.00001) and in 9 out of 13 patients at the definitive surgery compared with baseline (P<0.03). There was also a significant suppression of CD31 and VEGF-A expression in response to treatment (P=0.01 and P=0.007, respectively).CONCLUSIONS:The LCS combination is feasible and tolerable. The tumour response and target biomarker modulation indicate that the combination is clinically and biologically active
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